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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

Erwin Akib M.Pd., P.Hd as Dean of FKIP, Vices of Dean, and the entire staff for facilitating during the study. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd as head of English department of FKIP, her secretary Ismail Sangkala, S.Pd., M.Pd band academic advisor also for their motivation, support, signature.


Background Of Study

The use of ICT in education has an impact on the creation of active, enjoyable learning activities that motivate students to participate actively. It shows that it has become a must to provide facilities and infrastructure to facilitate the use of ICT.

Problem Statement

Objective Of The Research

The topic of the interview is the type of ICT that the teacher uses in the classroom and how the teacher's level in improving ICT in learning. At the same time, the researcher collected data through observation and interviews to find out what type of IT the teacher used in the classroom. Applications of ICT use used by the teachers in the classroom Researchers conducted observations for an English teacher.

Based on the results of the observations, the researcher found that the English teacher used Microsoft Powerpoint to teach in the class of SMK Negeri 2 Makassar. Based on the results of this analytical research, the researcher found that the English teacher in the second grade used power point in teaching as an implementation of ICT in education. In the last process of data analysis, the researchers discovered the types of ICT applications that teachers use in teaching and how to use them in the teaching process.

Based on the results of this analytical study, the researcher found that a second grade English teacher also used WhatsApp in teaching as an implementation of ICT in teaching. Researchers observed the use of ICT applied to students in the classroom by using interviews. Internal discussions were made about the use of ICT used by teachers in the classroom and teacher level in the use of ICT in the lessons.

The type of ICT for teaching in the classroom used by the teacher helps him to make the class more innovative, fun and get good student motivation.

Table 2.1 : The UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) According  to  UNESCO,  the  ICT  competence  of  teachers  can  be  grouped  into six aspects, namely: 1
Table 2.1 : The UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) According to UNESCO, the ICT competence of teachers can be grouped into six aspects, namely: 1

Significance Research

Scope Of The Research

In this study, the researcher focuses on the establishment of functional relationships between ICT infrastructure and teaching and learning processes in senior high schools and finds out what types of ICT are applied by teachers in the classroom and teacher level in the application of ICT in learning.

Previous Research Finding

Organizational and administrative aspects include the integration of ICT in learning, the management of ICT-assisted learning and understanding the ethics of ICT use. The ability of teachers to use ICT in learning to encourage students to be able to apply the knowledge of the subjects they receive to solve the complex problems they face in the work environment and society. It can now also be incorporated into the human physiology information curriculum.

The researcher has criteria for the subject in this study are teachers who more or less apply ICT in teaching English in the classroom. The researcher observed the student in the classroom, when they the subjects of the subject before the class. Researchers have observed how teachers implement classroom learning using ICT-based learning media.

Results of research in which functional relationships have been established between the ICT infrastructure and teaching and learning processes in secondary schools and which types of ICT are applied by teachers in the classroom and at teacher level in the application of ICT in learning. Based on the results of the analysis, the researchers found that the types of ICT applications used by English teachers were power point and WhatsApp, which used power point learning media that were more interactive and innovative in the classroom. The second is the data display. In this section, the grouping of data is more specific. The researcher focuses on the data on the types of ICT applications used by teachers in learning and how they are used in the educational process.

The teacher's answer from the interview is evidence of the answer to the finding about the teacher's level of use and use of ICT in lessons.

Some Result Idea

  • Definition ICT
  • Elements Of ICT
  • Characteristic Of ICT
  • Teacher Level Of ICT
  • Teacher ICT Competincies

Type Of The Research Design

A method for linking the many components of a research endeavor in a consistent and logical manner is known as research planning. Kerlinger (2015) defines research design as a framework, structure, and strategy for answering research questions and controlling variation. Qualitative research is a research approach used to assess the state of natural things, says Sugiyono (2017:15).

Management qualitative research provides complete and complex pictures, looks at specific perspectives of sources, and in the social context, the process of scientific inquiry is intended to understand human issues, according to Yadi, Susi and Khuma (2019).

Subjects Of The Research

Instruments Of The Research

In this chapter, the researcher presents data on the establishment of functional relationships between ICT infrastructure and teaching and learning processes in upper secondary schools, and examines the types of ICT used by teachers in lessons and the level of teachers in using ICT in the classroom. Researchers observe students' use of ICT in the classroom using observation checklists consisting of yes or no answers. In accordance with the goals of era 4.0, especially for the education system, not only to know the importance of ICT, but also to know how to use it in the teaching process.

After observation, the researcher found that the English teacher uses 2 ICT applications that the teacher uses in the lesson, namely Powerpoint and Whatsapp, he knows how to use them in the lesson. The teacher explains the material and prepares a power point question that will guide students' questions about the narrative text. Teachers realized that using a word processor on an interactive whiteboard would offer a new approach to one of the core skills in the curriculum – how to improve the words of a sentence.

Based on the English teacher's statement “The main difference I feel when teaching in the classroom using ICT compared to without using ICT is that ICT is more interesting, it can also save my time in class , it makes my class fun for me. These types not only help the English teacher but also help the students not to be boring in the learning process.

Data Collection Technique

Data Analysis Technique

Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting and transforming data that is close to the whole part of written field notes, transcribed interviews, documents and empirical material. The presentation of the data here also helps to understand the research context because the analysis is done in more depth. The conclusions drawn here are made by researchers from the beginning that the researcher collects data such as looking for understanding that has no pattern, making notes of the regularity of explanation, and the flow of cause and effect, which ultimately concludes that all the data obtained researcher.



The teacher uses this type of ICT application in some meetings to teach the material that is in line with the material that will be displayed using Powerpoint and Whatshapp and the level of the teachers is LEVEL 3, namely pedagogy. Types of ICT for classroom learning based on the English teacher's statement "I think that the use of ICT is effective in the teaching and learning process because it can save more time for teaching, in this case I do not need to write. the text on the whiteboard, I just show it with power point and the video doesn't take long I think" is supported by Doris Holzberger (2013) says that digital learning is considered as delivery through digital forms of media (e.g. . text or images) via the Internet; and, the learning content and teaching methods provided are to improve student learning and aim to increase teaching effectiveness or increase personal knowledge and skills. ICT has several types to was applied to teaching to show ICT can help teachers and especially students to pay more attention to the material because of interesting media such as the 4.0 era and the application of ICT in education.

Based on the findings and discussion of this study, the researcher concludes that the English teacher uses two types of ICT applications for teaching as the current implementation of ICT in education, the first is Powerpoint and Whatshapp. The next finding is that the researcher finds that the level of ICT usage for English teachers at SMK Negeri 2 Makassar is at LEVEL 3, namely pedagogy. The purpose of this study is limited to knowing the types of ICT applications used by teachers for teaching and the level of ICT use in teaching.

Information technology is used by most of the people, so it is providing information about the reason of technology that is used in this era. I don't think the school provides students with the kind of infrastructure that information technology majors do.



Berdasarkan jawaban guru Bahasa Inggris, guru mengatakan bahwa proses pembelajaran lebih inovatif dan menghemat waktu. Oleh karena itu, keterbatasan penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendorong peneliti lain yang ingin melakukan penelitian serupa untuk melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer (TIK) dalam Pendidikan: Pelatihan Calon Kepala Sekolah Menengah/Kejuruan Meneliti dan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi informasi dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran dan manajemen sekolah.

In myself, it is very good to teach English with the help of technology because when we need or use technology, it will make use better in teaching, such as using the internet, the student will take it easy to find some materials in that learn English, and also like a youtube, and we can make information from that. To teach English, I don't have fine media to teach English for myself, no profit for the school I have from myself. Ada lab computer, but in the teaching or for English subject, hanya untuk lejani kejuruan salah atunya komputer.

If I have material, but it is not supplied as a textbook, I ask the student to find the material from the mobile phone. Source: has been modified from thesis by Septiana (2021) Developed by researcher (Maret, 2022) 11 What are the benefits of using. It was more effective and efficient in teaching and students too, because it is more, not complicated as a will teaching using whiteboard, and we will use LCD more camplate, but not too long.

We don't have to talk about the material for too long and it takes a lot of time, but it is more concise.


Table 2.1 : The UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) According  to  UNESCO,  the  ICT  competence  of  teachers  can  be  grouped  into six aspects, namely: 1
Table 4.1: Finding application of ict Used by Teachers
Table 4.2: Teachers’ all checklist in interviews  Teacher’s


Dokumen terkait

2 For the English teacher This research can be used as an information, It will help the English teacher to choose the appropriate method in teaching learning process especially in