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teaching creative writing to improve - Admin Digital Library


Academic year: 2023

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Tugas akhir ini tentang pengajaran menulis kreatif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa SMA (penelitian pra-eksperimental pada siswa kelas 8 SMPN 1 Siompu Barat). Hasil data menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara tes pengetahuan awal siswa dan post-test. Tugas akhir ini tentang pengajaran menulis kreatif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa di sekolah menengah (studi pra-eksperimental pada siswa kelas VIII di SMPN 1 Siompu Barat.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pencapaian siswa dalam konten dan tata bahasa melalui menulis kreatif di kelas delapan SMPN 1 Siompu Barat. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., PH.D, Dekan FKIP UNISMUH Makassar atas segala nasehat dan motivasinya. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd, Ketua Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNISMUH Makassar yang telah memberikan masukan dan masukan berharga dalam penyusunan proposal ini.

Supervisors who help a lot from the beginning to the end of this proposal (Erwin Akib, M.Pd.,PH.D& Muh. Astrianto Setiadi, S.Pd, M.Pd).


  • Problem Statements
  • Objective of the Study
  • Significance of the Study
  • The Scope of the Study

Creative Writing tends not to be informational, but imaginative interpretations of the world that invite the complex participation of the audience or reader. Some of the students apparently point out in the survey that support from the teacher in relation to additional writing activities in life outside school is very welcome. The Middle School Creative Writing course offers students an examination of the different genres of writing, the five elements that go into story development, and the importance of journaling.

Based on the above statements, the author formulates the research topic as follows: “Teaching creative writing to improve students' writing skills. Does teaching creative writing substantively improve students' writing skill in grade VIII students of SMPN 1 Siompu Barat. Does teaching creative writing improve students' writing skill in terms of grammar in class VIII students of SMPN 1 Siompu Barat.

The scope of the study of this research is the researcher conducted a research on the eighth grade students of SMPN1 SIOMPU BARAT.


Theoretical Framework

  • Concepts of Writing
  • Concepts of Creative Writing
  • Narrative Text

Creative writing is a form of writing that expresses feelings, thoughts, or ideas in an imaginative way. Creative writing not only enhances students' writing skills, but also helps students improve all language skills, especially writing skills. Creative writing is a technique used to help students develop their creative ideas.

Writing technique using creative writing can make the students and the reader think or even easily get an inspiration. In an interview, Vishnu S. Rai claimed that creative writing is an art that can be learned. According to him, the primary goal of the people doing creative writing in the classroom is to help the students develop their language skills without stress and with fun.

One of the most important things to remember when learning creative writing is to let go of the idea that stories have to follow certain arcs or formulas.


According to Anderson and Anderson cited in Shofiyah (2015), there are some language features in narrative texts. For example, first, then, next, while, next, finally, after, during, before, etc., 4) Verb to show the action that takes place in the story. Furthermore, Siahaan and Shinoda, cited in Shofiyah (2015), stated that the linguistic features of stories are focused on specific and usually individualized participants, the use of material processes (behavioral and verbal processes), the use of mental processes, the use of temporal conjunction and temporal circumstance and use of the past tense.

Conceptual Framework

Alternative hypothesis (H1): ''After using the creative writing technique as a treatment in the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Siompu Barat, there is something significant between the written text of the students in the writing skill. Students write in English to collect ideas in the writing process using a creative writing strategy. This requires students to write a narrative paragraph by planning, visualizing, developing ideas and thinking about their assignment.

By planning the students' assignment, then choosing it and reflecting on their assignment, helps them to improve their writing skill because they can find and know their mistakes in writing. This study will use pre-experimental research, which one class for experimental use consisting of 32 samples. The first and the last will be assigned to carry out the pre- and post-test, while the rest will be assigned four meetings to implement the treatment using creative writing strategy.

In the final version of the post-test, the researcher will get information about the effectiveness of creative writing strategy to the students writing performance. Writing is process through the use of creative writing technique and a research experiment with the design of pre-test, treatment and post-test design. The expected result is writing skill that includes grammar and content to improve students' writing skill by using creative writing technique.

Thus, the main goal of this teaching and learning process is to improve students' writing skills in terms of grammar and content.


  • Research Variable and Indicator
  • Population and Sample
  • Research Instrument
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis

Students write essays based on the given topic and guidance from the teacher. f) The teacher gives comments to the students on the essay text. After obtaining the students' significance scores (t-value) it was compared to the t-table value. While the average score of the content of the students in the post-test was 72.17 and the average of the students.

In other words, we can say that the improvement was significantly different and the students' abilities developed because the average score of the post-test was higher than the pre-test. In short, it shows that the average score for students' writing skills can be achieved using creative writing techniques. It is indicated that there is a significant difference between the result of the students' content and grammar in writing when using Creative Writing Technique after treatment.

It was supported by the mean score and the total score, as well as the percentage improvement of the pre-test and post-test score of the students. Based on the student score findings, the mean content pretest score was (42.17). The use of the creative writing technique increased the students' writing ability in terms of content.

Most of the student's essays were very deficient in mastery of topic and subject knowledge. As a result, the average score of students' written content in the pre-test was still low. The above explanation shows that the use of creative writing technique can achieve good content of students.

Using the creative writing technique increased students' writing in grammar. The above explanation shows that the use of creative writing technique can improve students' writing skill in terms of content.

Table 3.2: data analysis
Table 3.2: data analysis



The description of the data collected from the students' writing skill in term (content and grammar) as explained in the previous section showed that the students' writing skill in terms of content and grammar was achieved. Based on the results above, the use of creative writing technique made the students have an average score that was higher in writing skills than before they used creative writing. It shows the achievement of the students' writing before the treatment, and the average score of the post-test was 72.17 after the treatment, and the improvement was.

It shows the results of the students' pre-treatment and post-test average score was 69.33 after treatment and the improvement was. This means that teaching creative writing to improve students' writing skills in junior high school was effective in teaching writing in the classroom. The effectiveness of creative writing in language learning: A comparative study between Bangla Medium and English Medium Elementary Level”, he concludes that the use of a creative writing technique is effective in language learning tools.

Some students' writing contained irrelevant words, and the meaning of their grammar was still confused and unclear. Moreover, creative writing is a very good technique to use in the classroom because by applying the creative writing technique, the students get more opportunity to put their ideas into writing form. Moreover, the teachers can easily control the class and measure the students' writing skills easily.

That's why; it is suggested that the teacher applies creative writing in the teaching of English.



Keberhasilan pengajaran tidak hanya bergantung pada program pembelajaran saja, namun yang lebih penting adalah bagaimana guru menyajikan pembelajaran dan menggunakan berbagai metode untuk mengelola kelas dengan lebih hidup dan dalam kaitannya dengan pengajaran menulis melalui penggunaan Teknik Menulis Kreatif, peneliti telah memberikan beberapa saran kepada guru. . Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk menjalankan fungsi sosial teks naratif dengan menetapkan dan menanyakan deskripsi singkat dan sederhana tentang orang, hewan, benda, dan tempat, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaan. Menyusun teks naratif tertulis pendek dan sederhana tentang orang, binatang, benda dan tempat dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

Narrative text is a story with complicated or problematic events and tries to find solutions to solve the problems. An important part of the narrative text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative through a narrative process. Personal experience Ex: when I was on Vacation 2. Ex: Malin kundang, the legend of Tangkuban Perahu and the story of Lake Toba.

Personal experience Eg: when I was Holiday 6. Eg: Malin kundang, the legend of Tangkuban Perahu and the story of Toba Lake. You can live in one of the most beautiful and largest flowers.” When Thumbelina walked in, she found a handsome fairy, as small as herself, in his heart. He was the son of the king of flowers and he fell in love with Thumbelina.

Menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk menjalankan fungsi sosial teks naratif dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan deskripsi singkat dan sederhana tentang orang, hewan, benda, dan tempat, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.


Table 3.1: Research Design
Table 3.2: data analysis
Table 3.3 Criteria for the hypothesis testing
Table 4.1 The students’ mean score of content and grammar in  pre-test and post-test


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