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(1)1 Teaching Writing Argumentation Text by Combining Post It Collection with Graffiti Strategies at Senior High School Oleh:

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Teaching Writing Argumentation Text by Combining Post It Collection with Graffiti Strategies at Senior High School


*) Margitias Puji Rahayu

**) Yelliza Staf Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI West Sumatera


Makalah ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang pengajaran menulis argumentation text dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menerapkan dua strategi, yaitu Post It Collection strategy dengan Grafiti strategy pada Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Melalui kedua strategi ini, siswa diharapkan tertarik dan termotivasi untuk aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar.

Rendahnya motivasi siswa sangat berpengaruh pada kemampuan siswa dalam menulis sebuah argumentation text. Dalam aplikasinya, Post It Collection strategy dengan Grafiti strategy diawali dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan oleh guru tentang ide-ide siswa mengenai sebuah topik yang diberikan berupa gambar. Selanjutnya, siswa dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok. Setiap siswa dalam kelompok tersebut wajib memberikan ide/ pendapat, sehingga hal ini dapat memotivasi siswa dan menjadikan siswa lebih percaya diri dalam belajar menulis. Kemudian, ide-ide tersebut dikembangkan oleh siswa menjadi sebuah kalimat yang baik. Lalu, kalimat-kalimat tersebut dirubah menjadi sebuah argumentation text yang baik.

Selama kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung, guru dan murid dapat menggunakan media yang ada, seperti kertas koran, spidol, papan tulis, dan potongan kertas. Dengan demikian, kedua strategi ini dapat lebih mudah untuk dipelajari dan diterapkan oleh guru, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis sebuah argumentation text.

Key words: Argumentation text, Post It Collection strategy, and Graffiti strategy

*) Penulis

**) Pembimbing


Writing is one of indirectly the means of communication. Writing is one way to cut the surface of things to explore or understand many things. In writing, the students can pull out creativity into a written. Through write, the students can express their

ideas and opinions to make a text beside that the students can convey their feelings, ideas, expressions, and sharing something to another.

Therefore the students can see the result of the real thought.


2 Besides that, the students can create some information about a topic that they want to write. In teaching writing, the students are learns how the ways of making a paragraph into a paper. The students motivated to increase the ideas that students had into a written. It means that, teaching English is purpose to grow students’

skill in all aspects of English especially writing.

Furthermore, based on Curriculum of school, the aim of teaching writing for students at Senior High School is many kinds of functional and monolog text are able to write by the students. Functional text is a text that has purpose to persuade the readers to give response about what the writer statement, for example announcement, brochure, invitation card, and letter. Actually, there are five kinds of monolog text for Senior High School students. They are argumentation, descriptive, report, narrative, and recount text. In teaching writing process, the teacher should know about the aim of teaching writing, because it can influence to the result of teaching and learning process.

Nevertheless, based on the writer’ experience in teaching practice at Senior High School in Padang, the writer found that the teacher are less able to make students develop their ideas into a sentence or paragraph. The difficulties above caused by some factors. First, the teacher seldom guides the students to write in English in the class, teacher usually asked the students to answer the questions on the worksheet. Second, the teacher never tough the students how to write well,

the teacher just asked the students to write based on teacher explanation.

Then, the teacher always asked the students to do exercise on the English book. Last, the teacher seldom taught the students how to write by using some stages in writing like generating idea, drafting, reviewing, writing, and editing.

Based on the facts above, it is important for the teacher to find the appropriate strategy to improve students’ ability in writing. There are some strategies that be applied by the teacher, such as Post It Collection strategy and Graffiti strategy. Post It Collection strategy is a strategy that leads the students to put their ideas or feelings about topic. Graffiti strategy is a strategy to encourage students to record students thought, feelings, ideas, and suggestions around a particular topic.


Writing is one of the language skills to communicate with each other.

In writing, all of the elements of language skills should concentrate fully truthful in order to get really good results. Sokolik (2003:98) states that writing is a combination of a product and process were discusses as well as the physical act of forming letters. Specific suggestions for teaching and modeling writing were also provides for learners at different stages of language and literacy, and wide range of written products that students produce were also included.

In writing, there are steps that must be passes. The writer ideas


3 developed into writing. Nunan (2003:7) states that writing is combination of process and product. It said, before produce product, the writer did some process. They are generating ideas, organizing information, and communicating meaning.

In addition, Meyers (2005:2) states that writing is a way to produce language we do naturally when we speak. Writing is speaking to other on paper or on a computer screen. Writing is also an action a process of discovering and organizing our ideas, putting them on a paper, and reshaping and revising them.

In other word, writing is a way to produce language naturally with process to create and express our ideas, opinions, feeling, emotion, and estimation as well into written report.

In doing writing process, there are some steps have to be follow, such as generating ideas, organizing information, and communicating meaning. In addition, five components should considered in writing for produce a good writing product such as content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic.

In process of writing, the students as writers must consider about component of writing because the reader can understand easily if the writers write uses component of writing. According to Harris (2001:

68) writing is a complex skill for students consequently they find difficulties to express their opinion, feeling, emotion, ideas, and estimation as well. The writing process should

analyze in many different ways, most teachers would probably agree in recognizing at least the following five general components in writing, namely: content, form, grammar, style, and mechanics.

The components in writing also describe by other expert. According to Nunan (2003:94) component of writing consist of three components.

First, content, in content the writer will describe what would be excellent content of a text. Second, organization, the writer describes the superior organization and mechanic in combining sentences to be a paragraph. Last, grammar, in writing the writer must describe about the level of grammar accuracy expected, because grammar has importing impact toward a text that will make the reader understand about what have been wrote by the writer. Besides that, in writing the students should put down the graphic symbols that represent a language one understands, so that others can read the graphic representation.

In writing, the writer should pay attention to some components.

According to Hewings (2003:90) there are five components of writing, such as content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. First, content, it has criteria such as knowledgeable, substantive, through development of thesis, and relevant of assigned topic. Second, organization, it has six descriptors of writing, such as:

fluent expression, ideas clearly stated or supported, succinct, well-organized, logical sequencing, cohesive. Third, vocabulary, it divides into four


4 descriptors, such as effective word, idiom choice and usage, word form mastery, and appropriate register.

Next, language use, it consists of eight descriptors, such as effective complex constructions, few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order and function, articles, pronouns, prepositions. Last, mechanics, it has description about: demonstrates mastery of conventions, errors of spelling, punctuations, and paragraphing.

Based on the explanation writing components above, it can be conclude that the components of writing consist of many components there are; content, organization, grammar, form, style, mechanic, vocabulary, and language use.

Components of writing are very important when the students write a paragraph or an essay. When the teachers use the components in writing, the students can understand and get the meaning of what they are writing easily.

The teacher has variety of ways to teach writing well to students.

Meanwhile, Hylan (2005:2) states that in teaching writing there are seven ways to support the teacher to teach writing. First, the teacher must teach the students grammar and vocabulary before the process of writing is start.

Then, the teacher must control and guide the students in being of writing process. Second, the teacher should explain about the text functions to help the students write a good text. Third, the teacher must state the themes and topic that related with the material, so the students do not confuse about what

they want to write. Four, the students should learn how to express their feelings and opinions before they are writing, so they can be easy to write a text. Next, the teacher must do composing process to help the students perform a writing task. Then, the teacher guides the students to get some personal knowledge and they will be able to write meaningfully. Last, the teacher can help the students to distinguish between different genres to write them effectively by a careful study of their structure on writing.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that teaching writing is an integrative process that the teacher do in teaching writing process.

In writing class, the students must know how to create their ideas and find information that related with a topic to write in the piece of paper.

According to Quigle (2003;58 ) Post it collection strategy is a strategy to encourage students to generate and gather a list of ideas or opinion about a particular issue. It means that Post It Collection strategy is a strategy that encourage students to actively participate in learning activities. To help the students able to write, the teacher can combine the stategy with Graffiti Strategy. According to Falk &

Dierking Graffiti strategy is a strategy to encourage students to record their thought, feeling, ideas, and suggestion around a particular topic.

In teaching writing, the teacher can combine Post It Collection strategy and Graffiti Strategy. Therefore, the students can write a text easily and know how to find the important information about a topic. The


5 strategies there are both advantages and disadvantages of each other.

Deficiencies that exist on Post it Collection strategy can be cover with a Graffiti strategy. In other word, Post It Collection strategy only helps the students to create their ideas. Graffiti strategy focus to develop though, felling, suggestion, or opinion. It will be easier for the students to develop their though after the students create ideas for first steps. In combining those strategies, teacher should creative, so the students are not confusing when they write a text in writing.


Based on the discussion the writer in the previous chapter, the writer can conclude that writing is an activity that can generate ideas, opinion, and identification in making paragraphs later collated into a text/essay. Often teacher have problems in teach writing for students.

The teacher difficulty to make students in conveys their ideas. This resulted in make the students is difficult and not confident in making a text/writing.

Thus, students often feel that writing is an activity that is very difficult and boring.

Therefore, teachers have an important role and great responsibility in helping students to be able and confident to make the writing/text in class. So that students can be more interested in writing activities, teachers can apply some strategies in teaching.

The teachers can apply some strategies in teaching. The teachers can

incorporate a strategy with other strategies, such as Post It collection strategy and Graffiti strategy. The strategies can help students be more active and creative in writing. Students can increase their confidence in submitting ideas/ opinions they become a text in groups.


Falk, John & Lynn Dierking. 2002.

Lessons without Limit. America:

Altamira Press.

Harris, David. 2001. Testing English as a Second Language. New York: McGraw Hill Publishing Company.

Hewings, Jacob. 2003. Academic Writing in Context. London: The University of Birmingham Press.

Hylan. 2005. Teaching For Student Learning. New York: Guilford Press.

Meyers. 2005. A Guide to Thingking Writing. New York: Routledge.

Nunan, David. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching.

New York: McGraw-Hill.

Quigle, Alex. 2003. Active Learning and Teaching Method for Key Stage 3. Nothern Ireland: Crown.

Sokolik. 2003. How to Teach Writing.

Longman: Pearson Education limited.


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