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Academic year: 2023



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for getting Strata one (S1) Degree















Ikhsanul Abdi Dibimbing Oleh:

Syayid Sandi Sukandi, S.S. M.A English Department

College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) PGRI West Sumatra



Makalah ini mendiskusikan tentang pengajaran writing untuk siswa SMP dengan menggunakan strategi Fast Write dengan Exit Slips Strategy. Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi guru yaitu bagaimana mempermudah siswa dalam menulis sebuah paragraph khususnya pada teks Narasi, Mereka sering menghadapi kendala seperti penulisan konsep yang akan mereka tulis menjadi sebuah paragraph, Masih kesulitan untuk menggunakan kosa kata dalam proses kegiatan menulis dan Kesulitan dalam penyusunan kalimat menjadi sebuah paragraph yang baik.

Salah satu solusi yang sesuai digunakan untuk permasalahan tersebut yaitu dengan menggunakan gabungan Strategi Fast Write dan Exit Slips Strategy.

Dalam penerapannya, guru memberikan sebuah teks untuk bahan konsep yang akan ditulis oleh siswa nantinya, Kemudian dari teks tersebut mereka bisa memperoleh kosa kata yang mereka ketahui dari teks, menulis paragraph dan memuji siswa dengan menambahkan kekurangan yang mereka temui di dalam paragraph tersebut. Melalui prosedur tersebut akan semakin mudah bagi siswa dan dapat membuat mereka lebih tertarik atau termotivasi dalam proses pembelajaran.

Maka dari itu dengan adanya kombinasi strategi ini diharapkan guru dan siswa memiliki sebuah pegangan yang dapat membuat proses belajar mengajar writing bukan lagi kegiatan yang membosankan.

Kata kunci : Fast Write Strategy, Exit Slips Strategy



Writing is a very important skill for everyone as one of the communication activities. Through writing people can express and explain their ideas, and also to tell wonderful event of their experiences, then, to apply for a job, they should write an application letter. Thus, they do not know the benefit of writing, they not able to implementation all of that activities but it is not easy to make a good writing. There are

four criteria’s of writing, such as; grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and spelling. It means that the students should understand about the criteria of writing before they make sentences in the paper.

In writing, the students will write what they want to share their idea. It indicates that writing ability is really needed by the students because in real life, the students should be able to write good sentences of text, for example, to apply for a job, they should write an application letter.



Moreover, the Indonesian government states in school based curriculum that the standard of writing competency is writing forms involving all kinds of writing term (genre) such as; narrative, descriptive, procedures and report text. It means that the students should understand the forms of writing and be able to write well. In addition, through writing, the students are expected to be able to write and convey their ideas to other people, like telling experience and expressing feeling. Moreover, by writing, someone will be able to reach the successful in getting a job in the field easily.

In contrast, based on the writer’s experience in teaching practice in junior high school, the fact shows that the students have some difficulties in writing activity.

Those difficulties give impact towards student’s ability in writing. Then, on the writers experience during the writers teaching practice, the writer can conclude some reasons why the students get difficulties in writing. First, the students have low motivation to learn writing.

Second, in the writing, student have difficulties to know the words and they also have limited vocabulary so that they did not know what they should write and how to write it to the sentences; and the third is that students have difficulties to expose their ideas because at the junior high school the students have limited abilities.

Based on the fact above, it is important for the teacher to find the appropriate strategy to improve student’s ability in writing. The appropriate strategy can make the students more understand to write well and it can increase student’s motivation in writing.

In conclusion, teachers’ strategy has important thing in teaching learning process. It can make the students interesting or not in studying. If the students are interested in studying, they will be motivated. When the students have motivation in writing, they will try to lose their anxiety and have self-confidence in writing. Finally, this condition can improve student’s writing achievement.


A. Definition of Writing

Generally, writing is described as a process of sharing ideas and communication in the writing. According to Sokolik (2003:98) writing is combination of process and product. The process refers to the act of gathering ideas and working with them until they are presented in manner that is polished and comprehensible to readers. Writing needs process and clear idea to be written. It should give valuable thing such as information or entertainment.

Moreover, in writing skill also get action to write the word and thinking about ideas and how to express that word in to sentences. Nunan (2003:88) states that writing is the physical act of committing words or ideas, thinking about how express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader.

Meanwhile, in writing skill also can take again from form letter in cursive. Malley (2005:99) writing is the act of picking up a pencil and forming letter either by printing or writing them in cursive. Therefore, writers can to express what they know in written form. Thus, in writing skill the students can express their ideas, can to write their knowledge and thinking in the written form to sentences or paragraphs.

In addition, writing must has the structures and form for communicating the ideas. Hidi and Bocolo (2007:121) state that writing is a process that has the structures and forms for communicating the ideas more effectively were expected. It means that writing is a process and an activity for communication ideas more effectively were expected to be interest in describing writing.

In conclusion, writing can be defined that the writing activities are not just a process of putting some words to be a good sentences, but the students should transfer their good idea or our experiences.

The purpose is to make the reader understand what the writer has written.



B. Fast Write Strategy

1. The Definition of Fast Write Strategy Fast Write is a strategy that used by the teacher in teaching writing. According to Robb (1996:47) this strategy works best for students who can write fluently, the students can write a paragraph that is a free outpouring of what they already know about a subject and students keep writing, even if they have to repeat word until a new idea surface. He adds that using Fast Write before reading students can discover what they already know and feel about the topic and after reading students can demonstrate what they learned though informal discussions and journal entries. It can explain that using Fast Write can help the students to make the students to increase their ability to make new ideas.

Moreover, Fast Write can become springboards to expand clarify about information. Robb (2000:130) that Fast Write it seems safer than verbally generating ideas in front of peers. Fast Write, which work well as “cognitive warm ups” for reading fiction, nonfiction and literary genres, become springboards for discussions, offering and opportunity to expand prior knowledge and clarify information.

In addition, fast write also an act of putting word on the page as quickly. Bollow (2004: 34) that Fast Write or writing fast are the physical act of putting words on to the page as quickly as possible, the speed of read. A well-written piece will always read fast. Therefore, if the students are writing fast, the students are actually being very kind to your reader and using the fast system to write the students project.

In summary, based on the experts who state about teaching writing above, that Fast Write can make the students in the middle school putting words on the piece of paper or on page about to expand their prior knowledge and clarify information.

2. Procedure of Fast Write Strategy After knowing the definition of Fast Write Strategy, teachers have to know how to use it in the classroom. It has a purpose to arrange learning activities process. So it can run well.

There are some procedures in using this strategy. Fireder (1993: 27), the procedure of Fast Write is a never fail technique to get anyone to write. It works particularly well after a visualizing experience.

However, the teacher will need to give the students the following guidelines in advance:

1. The teacher sets the time. The teacher set the time when can be started and when be finished before do the activities

2. When the teachers say “go” begin writing immediately whatever comes to students mine. Do not worry about spelling, handwriting, sentences or even sticking to students’ topic. In this step students only instruct to write students mine and about writing or what the topic can be writing not be problem.

3. The teacher asks to students to keep their pencil on their page. If the teacher say go, students not again get problem about writing tools.

4. If the students get stuck, write the last word students have written over and over until a new thought comes. At this point, if the students cannot know what the word is, the students can leave the word and continue to write next word.

5. The teacher gets instructs to stop to stop when the time is up. Shake out their writing hand and read what their have written. Students are instructed to observe their writing has their write and also to be instructed to read their writing with the purpose students understand what they write.



Moreover, the procedure at this point explains to the students about write with fast and how to complete a Fast Write on chart paper. Robb (2000:130), the procedures of Fast Write are:

1. The teacher explains how the students fast write. The teacher tells students that teacher write about a topic for a few minutes. The teachers don’t stop writing, even if teachers stuck and no ideas come. The teacher write “I’m stuck”, or “nothing to write”, the teachers rewrite the last word over and over until a few thought surface.

2. The teacher asks students to complete a fast write on chart paper so students can observe the process.

3. The teacher encourages students to ask students. The teacher asks students to revise about what the students have written.

In addition, the procedure at this point explains to the students about time will be given to the students and the students need to be aware that the students write.

Caswell and Mahler (2004:137), the first, student are given a topic to write and told to write nonstop for a given time (5-10 minutes). The idea is for students to explore their thoughts and record them on paper. The second, if students stall and cannot think of write to write next, the students should rewrite the last line. The finally, students need to be aware that anything the students write can be change later.

This is an opportunity to connect thought about the subject as the writer looks at the writing for the first time.

In summary, procedure of Fast Write is a student’s processes from the teacher get instruct to write sentences or paragraph until the time was over to write that. Therefore, in write the sentences have time and never check about grammar or spelling to experiences their ideas.

3. Advantages of Fast Write Strategy This strategy gives benefit in writing process. Fireder (1993: 27) says that Fast Write strategy works particularly when after visualizing experience. It means that this strategy can help the students to express their ideas from their experience. According to Robb (1996: 47) this strategy works best for students who can write fluently. In addition he mentions the advantages of using fast write. First, before reading using fast write students can discover why they already and fell about a topic that teacher give.

Second, after reading using fast write students can demonstrate what they learned though informal discussion and journal entries.

Moreover, this advantages explains about the teacher can enjoy to activating students prior knowledge. As Robb (2000:

130) explain that using fast write can help the teacher teach enjoy to activating students prior knowledge, this strategy work well as cognitive warm ups for reading and also offering opportunity to expand prior knowledge and clarify information. It conclude that fast write strategies can become springboards to students in expand their prior knowledge.

In summary, Fast Write Strategy can make students get easy in writing process.

They only write what they think and the students can to express their idea in to the paper. The teacher’s easier to teach writing because in here students more active in writing process and in writing activity.

C. Exit Slips Strategy

1. The Definition of Exit Slips Strategy The Exit Slips is a strategy requires students to write response to questions teacher pose at the end of class. Exit Slips helps students reflect on what they have learned and express what or how they are thinking about the new information.

According to Buehl (2009: 143) exit slips strategy is an additional quick write strategy that encourages summarizing and personal reflection. Students write down thoughts, questions, confusions, or key or ideas on



index card or small slips of paper, which are collected as they enter the room at the beginning of class, or as they leave at the end of a period.

Moreover, Exit Slips strategy can be use in the closure of activity or conclusion a class period. As Robert J.

Marzano (2009:79) stated that Exit Slips is the closure activity. At the conclusion of a lesson or a class period, students are asked to respond to a specific reflective question that the teacher feels is particularly relevant to that lesson. Exit slips are required for the students to leave the class. Typically, students respond on a half sheet of a paper or a note card.

In addition, Exit Slips Strategy is a form of quick writing at the end of class period. Daniel M. Perna (2009:24), exit slips are forms of quick writing at the end of a period that can be use to asses understanding while also helping students synthesize their thoughts. Exit slips can include a specific question or student can develop their own questions around important ideas or questions they still have about the material.

Exit slips can also be open ended response to days learning

Based on the explanations above, the writer concludes that exit slips is a strategy give students opportunities to think about what have learned and how it can be used in the real word in writing activities, and also to check understanding of the lesson in the classroom.

2. Procedure of Exit Slips Strategy Exit Slips Strategy focused to teacher do at the end class. After the students write their ideas in to the piece of paper, the teacher asks the students about the material that has taught before end the class. There are some procedures of Exit Slips, Robert J.

Marzano (2009:80) the first, using general inferential questions. In here the teacher make conclusion with general about material. The Second, using a variety of ways for students to write out their conclusions. The teacher instructs the students to write summary with variety such as with recommendation, argument and suggestion. The third, having students reflect on their learning. The teacher must make the

students enjoy about their learning because to write something needs fresh thinking so that their idea can be open.

Moreover, procedure of Exit Slips strategy use card as medium to write one thing have you learned today. Buehl (2009:

143) stated that there are five steps in using Exit Slips Strategy. There are: Firstly, write one significance thing you learned today on the front of the card and one question you have about the material on the back.

Secondly, if you shared one thing you learned in your class today, what would it be and why does it strike you as that important.

Thirdly, write one: “I did not know that…”

on the card and briefly describe what it is.

Fourthly, write one thing in particular about today. Reading or lesson that you think might be confusing to a lot of people (even yourself) and comment on what might make it confusing. Finally, select a quote from reading that you feel is worthy of some discussion and on the back of the card, briefly mentioning why.

In addition, procedure of Exit Slips Strategy focused on write vocabulary word.

Brunner (2012: 2) stated that there are five steps in using Exit Slips Strategy. There are:

Firstly, direct student to write vocabulary word and definition in their own words using individual index cart for each words.

Secondly, Ask students to draw a non linguistic to resepresentation to for all term and word on the backside of the not card.

Thirdly, repeat this activity by during the instructional unit until all vocabulary words all include words.

In summary, Exit Slips Strategy does at the end class. At the end class the teacher conclude the material that has taught. After that, the teacher instructs the students to conclude their material with different variety. Mainly the students get understand about the material that has taught today.

3. Advantages of Exit Slips Strategy Exit Slips can give many advantages to the students and the teacher in teaching writing and improve students’

writing skill. Related to Perna (2009: 24)



exit slips strategy can be used to assess understanding while also helping students synthesize their thoughts, can include a specific question or students can develop their own important ideas or questions they still have about the material and exit slips can also be open-ended responses to the days learning.

Moreover, advantages of Exit Slips strategy also make teacher understand about students question from the topic. As Darryn Cruse (2012:1) stated the teacher can get a very quick understanding of the material covered or of student’s questions or feeling about the topics. They can use this information to plan the focus of the next lesson. In addition, Brunner (2012:3) said there are benefits of Exit Slips strategy. The first provides a novel idea replacing the idea of homework. The second provide a readymade study guide. The third, incremental learning. The four, encourages acquisition of a mental image of word. The five, applicable for a variety of subjects.

Finally, easily implemented in a classroom for students which a wide range of academic ability. Based on the experts who state about advantages of Exit Slips strategy above, writer can conclude that exit slips strategy can help students to write with quickly about the topic have learned today and can also be open-ended responses to the days learning.

D. Teaching Writing by Combining Fast Write with Exit Slips Strategy at Junior High School

Based on explanation before, the writer can using two strategies to teaching writing in the classroom, by using both strategies in one lesson. Then, students will be more motivated and more enthusiastic in learning writing, and the goal of writing itself would be achieved if teachers use teacher this strategy. The writer combines these two strategies to this by combining the two procedures of these two strategies, the steps number 1 until 3. The writer use Fast Write from Robb (2000: 130) and the steps number 4 until 6. The writer use Exit Slips Strategy from Robert J. Marzano (2009:80).

The combined procedures are as follows:

1. The teacher explains how the students fast write. The teacher tells students that teacher write about a topic for a few minutes. The teachers don’t stop writing, even if teachers stuck and no ideas come. The teacher write “I’m stuck”, or “nothing to write”, the teachers rewrite the last word over and over until a few thought surface (Fast Write).

2. The teacher asks students to complete a fast write on chart paper so students can observe the process (Fast Write).

3. The teacher encourages students to ask students. The teacher asks students to revise about what the students have written. (Fast Write).

4. Using general inferential questions. In here the teacher make conclusion with general about material (Exit Slips).

5. Using a variety of ways for students to write out their conclusions. The teacher instructs the students to write summary with variety such as with recommendation, argument and suggestion (Exit Slips).


Bollow, Jeff. 2004. Writing Fast: how to write anything with lighting speed.

Australia: National Library.

Brown and Marzano. 2009. The Art and Science of Teaching. USA: ASCD.

Buehl, Doug. 2009. Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning. Newark.

DE: International Reading Association.

Cruse, Darryn. 2012. Assessment strategies. Australia: Curriculum press.

Fiderer, Adele. 1993. Writing for Publication. New York: Scholastic Inc.

Hidi, Sucanne and Pietro Bocolo.2007.

Studies in writing and motivation.

New York: Elsevier Ltd.

Judy T, Brunner. 2012. No I get it. Printed by USA.

Mahler and Caswell. 2004. Strategies for Teaching Writing. USA: ASCD.



Perna, Daniel. 2009. Reading to learn. USA:

A SAGE Company.

Robb, Laura. 1996. Reading Strategies That Work. New York: Scholastic Inc.

Robb, Laura. 2000. Teaching Reading in Middle School. New York:

Scholastic Inc.


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