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the correlation between parental attention and


Academic year: 2023

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Judul Disertasi “Korelasi Antara Perhatian Orang Tua dan Prestasi Bahasa Inggris Siswa (Penelitian Korelasi Kuantitatif pada Kelas VII SMPN 30 Bengkulu Selatan pada Tahun Ajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perhatian orang tua terhadap hasil belajar siswa di SMPN 30 Bengkulu Selatan,.


  • Identification Of Problems
  • Limitation of the Research
  • Research Questions
  • Objectives of the Research
  • Significances of the Research

In this case, parents are very important in helping their children's growth and development. However, some parents are still excessively aware of the improvement in their children's English learning and the meaning of English.


Understanding the Attention of Family and Parents

Attention is a popular reaction of the organism and knowledge that causes increased activity of attention and problems with consciousness of an object. From the above definition, it can be concluded that what is meant by attention is the hobby of the soul which is directed towards an item both inside and outside of it. Intentional attention is the attention that is driven by volition due to the existence of certain goals.

Narrow attention is the attention of people who have narrow attention can easily focus their attention on a limited object even if it is in a crowded environment. He said that fluctuating attention is attention (bumpy) people who have this type of tendency can pay attention to many things at once, but mostly not the same.

Factors Causing Parents of Attention to Children's Achievement

In this study, the instrument used to collect data on parents' attention in SMPN 30 South Bengkulu is a questionnaire given to some of the students in this study, which was filled by parents of grade students in SMPN 30 South Bengkulu. With the analysis of the data, the results of the research will be known. The following table explained in detail the calculation of the validity of the questionnaire regarding the relationship between parental attention and student performance at SMPN 30 South Bengkulu.

To know the validity it was followed by interpreted r xy (correlation coefficient) with the value of. This can be seen from the fact that 56.6% of the 30 respondents are in the middle category. Based on the research results, the following interpretations are presented to strengthen the value of the research.

The results of the analysis of the relationship between parental attention and academic performance in English subjects of students of SMPN 30 South Bengkulu students using product moment correlation analysis used the rxy correlation index of 0.5868.

Theoritical Framework

Previous Studies

The results show that there is a direct effect of learning motivation on learning outcomes with multiple regression of 0.248 with a significance level of 0.001 and there is an indirect effect with a coefficient of 0.038 with a significance level of 0.00168. There is a positive influence and significance of emotional intelligence on accounting learning performance, which is shown in the results of the analysis at the significance level of 5% and n = 81, which indicates that the correlation coefficient (r) is 0.532, which is greater than r table at 5% the significance level of 0.148 and t count 5,587> t table 1,990. There is a positive influence and significance of accounting learning motivation on learning outcomes as shown by the results of the analysis at the 5% significance level and n = 81 shows that the correlation coefficient (r) is 0.503 which means it is greater than r table at The 5% significance level of 0.148 and the value of t-count is 5.168> t-table is 1.990.

Islamic religious education in class VIII at Al-Qolam South Bengkulu Junior High School is included in the medium category, it can be seen from the assessment criteria table which is 7.52, then it is located at intervals of while the less category is located at intervals of 5.00 -6.33 and good criteria are located at intervals of. The influence of classroom teacher guidance on student enthusiasm for learning has a positive effect even though it is low with a value of 0.203.

Research Hypotheses

Based on research conducted by the author at SDN 52 South Bengkulu, researched by Wita Sefti Gustina, entitled The Effect of Class Teacher Guidance on Students' Enthusiasm, conclusions can be drawn. The form of guidance by classroom teachers is carried out by providing tutoring both individually and in groups, providing routine tutoring once a week, even more tutoring based on a disciplined attitude and practicing both independently and in groups, the guidance is carried out in joint activities. Students when the learning process takes place, although student learning is still relatively low, the calculation of the results of questionnaires on students' learning motivation shows only 0.434.

This type of research in writing this paper is a field research using quantitative correlation which aims to analyze the relationship between parental attention and student achievement in Grade VII SMPN 30 South Bengkulu. In this way, the authors collect and analyze statistical records from distributed questionnaires and first semester student reports to determine the relationship between parental involvement and student achievement in English.

Population and Sample

Definition of Variable Operations

By taking a sample in accordance with the objectives of the research, the V class for the sample is as many as 30 people. Dependent Variables - Values ​​derived from independent variables. In this case, the dependent variable can be seen from the average value of student cards for the odd semester of the year.

Data Types

Collecting primary data requires a method called a survey and the use of certain instruments. Secondary data is data that has been collected for this purpose in addition to solving the problem we are facing. In this study, secondary sources of data are literature, articles, magazines and websites related to the research done.30.

The data of this study were instruments used to collect data to find out the learning performance of Grade VII students at SMPN 30 South Bengkulu, namely by looking at the results of the student reports sampled in this study.

Data Collection Techniques

In this case, the documentation referred to in this study was in the form of documents regarding the learning outcomes of Grade VII students at SMPN 30 South Bengkulu. Questionnaire or questionnaire is a data collection technique that is carried out by providing a set of questions or written statements to the respondents to be answered. In this case, the questionnaire was conducted by the author for data on the attention of parents of students in Grade VII SMPN 30 South Bengkulu.

And this questionnaire will be given and completed by students of SMPN 30 South Bengkulu. To get information about how much attention the parents of students of SMPN 30 South Bengkulu have.

Test Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire

Internally, the reliability of the instrument can be tested by analyzing the consistency of the items in the instrument with certain techniques. 34. With an even-number technique, the researchers grouped even-numbered grain points as the second part. The next step is to connect the result of the first half with the result of the second half and the representative price will be obtained.

Data Analysis Techniques

The above data management shows that parents' attention to students' performance in SMPN 30 South Bengkulu was in the middle category. So, parents' attention to students' performance in SMPN 30 South Bengkulu was good enough. This means that the hypothesis can be proven that there is a significant correlation between parental attention and student performance in SMPN 30 South Bengkulu.

Firstly, parents' attention to students' performance at SMPN 30 South Bengkulu falls in the middle category. This means that the hypothesis can be proven that there was a significant correlation between parents' attention and students' performance in SMPN 30 South Bengkulu.

Statistical Hypotheses

  • How to Enter and Process Data with SPSS


Preparation for research implementation

Data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to respondents, namely students as a sample in the research. The tools that would be used to collect data on the impact of parental attention on academic achievement are questionnaires and report scores. In the survey conducted, all the questionnaires can be collected, all the data from the questionnaires can be collected to be used as further guidelines.

Analysis of Instrument Validity and Reliability Test Results

To test the validity of the questionnaire items number 2 to 20, it was carried out in the same way as item number 1 above. Reliability referred to an understanding that one can trust an instrument enough to be used as a data collection tool because the instrument was good. To know the reliability of the questionnaire, a calculation using the halving method was used, where the number of items was divided into two, namely the odd item number (x) and the even item number (y) then correlated with the product moment formula.

As for known, the overall reliability of the questionnaire items used the Sperman Brown formula. From the above calculations it can be seen that the rxy value (correlation coefficient) between the odd item group (X) and the even item group (Y) was 0.791.

out that rxy ("r" count) was greater than the "r" table, then item number 1  was declared valid
out that rxy ("r" count) was greater than the "r" table, then item number 1 was declared valid

Presentation of Data

From the data handling above, it can be seen that the students' learning performance at SMPN 30 South Bengkulu was in. The relationship between parents' attention and students' performance To know if there was a relationship between parents' attention and students' performance in SMPN 30 South. Bengkulu will be tested using the product torque. Based on the above calculations, it was known that the rxy (correlation coefficient) between parental attention and student achievement is 0.5868.

0.00-0.19 The number of variables X and Y do have a correlation, but the correlation was very low and very weak so the correlation is neglected (it is assumed that there was no correlation between variable After consulting the interpretation table, the r-value was found to be between 0.40-0.59 for moderate or moderate correlation interpretation.

Discussion of Research Results

Moreover, the relationship between parental attention and student achievement in SMPN 30 South Bengkulu with a product moment formula of 0.5868 means that there is a positive relationship between parental attention to student achievement in SMPN 30 South Bengkulu. Second, in addition, the relationship between parental attention and student achievement in SMPN 30 South Bengkulu with a product moment formula of 0.5868 means that there is a positive relationship between parental attention to student achievement in SMPN 30 South Bengkulu. The interpretation was therefore that there was a positive relationship between parents' attention and learning performance at SMPN 30 South Bengkulu.

It was hoped that students of SMPN 30 South Bengkulu can improve their learning performance from what has been achieved so far, to good results for the future. For teachers teaching at SMPN 30 South Bengkulu, it should be used as input so that the teacher also pays attention to other factors that influence student performance in the learning process.



Attention to children's learning by parents fostered a sense of security in children and also to improve student motivation and awareness through awareness that then arises for students to succeed. Bengkulu: Program Study Pendidikan Guru Medresah Ibtidaiyah Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Tadris Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu. Correlation between parental involvement and student achievement in English for eighth grade students in SMP Negeri 1 Lahat.

Peran Orang Tua Dalam Upaya Perlindungan Kesehatan Reproduksi di Desa Margoyoso Kecamatan Sumberejo Kabupaten Tanggamus Lampung. Jakarta: Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Pendidikan Guru, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.


Table 2.1 Types and Indicators of Learning Achievement  No   Kind of achievement  Indicator of learning achievement  1
out that rxy ("r" count) was greater than the "r" table, then item number 1  was declared valid


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