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THESIS - - Electronic theses of IAIN Ponorogo

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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It plays an important role in the interaction between teacher and the students in the classroom. Listening instruction must be connected through a communicative approach, so that the students do not become bored and passive in their listening activities in class.

Research Focus

The writer chose SMP N 2 Ponorogo because the eighth grade of bilingual teachers used CLT in teaching listening. Listening to the eighth grade students of the bilingual program on SMP N 2 Ponorogo in academic year.

Statement of the Problems

Teaching Listening to the Eight Grade Students of Bilingual Program at SMP N 2 Ponorogo in Academic Year 2013/2014”. How is the implementation of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in teaching listening to the eight grade students of bilingual program at SMP N 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2013/2014.

Objectives of the study

What are the problems and the teacher's efforts to overcome the problems in the use of communicative language teaching (CLT) to the eight grade students of bilingual program at SMP N 2 Ponorogo in the academic year 2013/2014.

Significances of the study

This research is expected from students, especially they understand spoken text in listening activities easily using communicative language teaching (CLT). This research is expected to provide knowledge to others to explore other researcher related to communicative language teaching (CLT).

Research Methodology 1. Research Design

  • Researcher Role
  • Research Setting
  • Data Sources
  • Techniques of Data Collection
  • Techniques of Data Analysis
  • Checking the Data Validity
  • Research Procedure

In this research, the author took the English Teacher of Bilingual Class as the respondents. The primary data used by the author concerns the teaching of listening using communicative language teaching (CLT).

Organization of the Thesis Chapter 1 : Introduction

This procedure includes arranging the research plan, selecting the research location, arranging permission, selecting informants and preparing research equipment. This chapter contains the joint description of the data involving the implementation of Community Language Teaching (CLT) in teaching listening, the problems and the teacher's efforts to overcome the problems in using CLT for the eighth grade students of the bilingual program SMP N 2 Ponorogo. in the academic year 2013/2014.

Theoretical Background

The Nature of Teaching

Teacher also sets the situation and condition well, so that the students can learn comfortably. In another hand, teaching can be defined as showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, leading in the study of something, providing knowledge, causing to know or understand .56Teacher gives knowledge by giving the material that is appropriate to the lesson of study. Teacher also guides and teaches the students when they are having difficulty in the learning process in the classroom.

From the above several definitions, the writer concluded that teaching is a process of helping students acquire knowledge and learn to do something. It cannot be separated from educational activities and should be seen as a process of systematization, conditions, task materials and opportunities to help students acquire and build new knowledge.


Listening is also the main component in English, which should be understood by students when they first study English. This goal determines to a large extent what meanings he should listen to and which parts of the spoken text are most important to him.59 Listening should also be taught by communicative teaching, so listening activities not only the teacher plays on the disk and the students hear what the speaker's intention is, but the students also need to be motivated by the teacher in order to get excited and know more about the content of the text. Listening is a major channel through which individuals receive information.60 In this case, listening is the process of making sense of speech based on what people have heard on the record.

All these must be understood by the student when students perform listening activities. From the above explanations, the writer came to the conclusion that listening is activities performed by students consists of receiving, responding and interpreting information from sound waves in the record and related to students' knowledge.

The Nature of Listening Comprehension

The most important factors that make up listening are the knowledge of linguistic structures, the number of vowel and consonant phonemes (linking, elision), rhythm (syllable-time or stress-time), intonation, prior knowledge, attention and short- and long-term memory. 61 In listening, many parts that should be known and learned by the learners, such as components of linguistics, such as phonemes, rhythms, intonation, etc. Listening is not a one-way street and it is not simply the process of an undirected reception of audible symbols. One has encountered - the first step - of listening comprehension in the psychomotor process of receiving sound waves through the ear and transmitting nerve impulses to the brain.63 Listening is not just hearing about sound on the radio or tape recorder , but also the listeners hear and respond to what the speaker intends.

This view of listening is based on the assumption that the main function of listening in second language learning is to facilitate the understanding of spoken text.64 Listening comprehension is considered to be a natural process of listening to get information. In the classroom, the teacher conducts listening activities to help students understand spoken texts.

The Essential of Teaching Listening

They usually contain pieces of spoken language that take between three and seven minutes to play.67 The teacher must choose the appropriate material according to the level of the students.

The Classification of Listening

The use of inside-the-head knowledge, that is, knowledge that is not correctly encoded in words, is known as the top-down view of listening.70 People use their knowledge related to the text when they first read or listen . Top-down models emphasize the use of previous knowledge in processing a text rather than relying on the individual sounds and words.71 When the listeners hear the sound, they use general knowledge to process a text and interpret it. easy to interpret. Top-down means using our prior knowledge and experience; we know certain things about certain subjects and situations and use that information to understand it.72 Students use their background from.

The Method to Improve Communicative Listening Ability

The students then read or listen to a text to carry out the task set by the teacher. Teacher will then probably organize some kind of follow-up task related to the text. The first time they hear the text, they can be asked to identify how many speakers they hear.

The second time they hear the text, they may be given a list of keywords and asked to indicate how many times they hear the words. Finally, they may be asked to identify the number of questions they hear.75 These activities are explained below.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) a. Definition of CLT

82 Klaus Brandl, Communicative Language Teaching in Action: Putting Principles to Work, (Washington: Pearson Prentice Hall approach to language teaching. Jack Richard states, "One of the most distinctive features of communicative language teaching is that it pays systematic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language".83. CLT also has some principles that can be used by a teacher in teaching and learning in the classroom.

97 Zekariya Ozsevik, “The Use of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT): Difficulties Perceived by Turkish EFL Teachers in Implementing CLT in Turkey, 43. 104 Zekariya Ozsevik, “The Use of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT): by Turkish EFL Teachers perceived difficulties in implementing CLT In Turkey, 44. 106 Mansour Khoosa and Mashoume Yakhabi, Problems associated with the use of communicative language teaching in EFL contexts and possible solutions.

112Mansour Khoosa and Mashoume Yakhabi, Problems associated with the use of communicative language teaching in EFL contexts and possible solutions.

Previous Study

The second previous one that can be used as a theory of consideration is taken from Widya Dwi Astuti S.A titled "Teaching Listening Comprehension Using Song Dictation Qualitative Research In MA Al-Mawaddah Ponorogo. The Benefits Of Song Dictation In Teaching Listening Comprehension At MA AL- Mawaddah Coper Jetis Ponorogo for teachers are that the students feel more fun and interest, they have a good interaction, and the melody and rhythm of songs help to keep the natural rhythm and stress of speed that can be easily lost by sentences in a dictating at a slow pace.115 From all the previous research findings explained above, the researcher is convinced that the study of "Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Teaching Listening" has never been explored by other researchers until now.

The writer will state the use of Community Language Teaching (CLT) in teaching listening, the problems and the teacher's efforts to overcome the problems in using Community Language Teaching (CLT). 115Widya Dwi Astuti S.A, Teaching Listening Comprehension Using Qualitative Research of Song Dictation in MA AL-Mawaddah Ponorogo (Ponorogo: STAIN PO.


The Implementation of CLT in Teaching Listening to the Eight Grade Students of Bilingual Program at SMP N 2 Ponorogo in Academic Year

Basically, we do not give the materials directly to the students in teaching and learning listening. The teacher must provide an exploration to know how far the students understand the material or topic that will be given. So that students are guided so that students' minds can focus with the material to be learned”.

Then the teacher shared the listening material and offered the students to find the difficult words from the text. Then the teacher motivates the students by discussing the student's life experience related to the topic of the text that will be taught in class.

Here the students and the teacher prepare for the task and familiarize themselves with the topic of the listening tasks and exercises.

Students listen for task

The teacher will help students see if they have completed the task successfully and will find out how well they have done.

  • The Problems and Teacher’s Efforts to Overcome the Problems in the Using of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Teaching
  • The Implementation of CLT in Teaching Listening to the Eight Grade Students of Bilingual Program at SMP N 2 Ponorogo in Academic Year
  • T he Problems and Teacher’s Efforts to Overcome the Problems in the Using of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Teaching
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendation 1. For Institution
    • For Teachers

The teacher tried to make the listening situation pleasant and meaningful so that the students would participate well in the lesson. On the other hand, the teacher also gives leading questions that relate to the students' experiences. The teacher gives the students brainstorming ideas so they don't get confused about the material.

This makes the students interested in the topic that will be listened to from the record. Teacher should give the input more to the students in every meeting in the classroom. Input should be meaningful and understandable so that the students knew about the English lesson.

Students can use their background knowledge to assist the learning process in listening activities.


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