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(1)ABSTRACK This research investigated the use of Canva in teaching writing report text to promote students‟ creativity


Academic year: 2023

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This research investigated the use of Canva in teaching writing report text to promote students‟

creativity. This case study was aimed at figuring out the teacher‟s steps in using Canva in teaching writing of report text and the students‟ perceptions on the use of Canva in teaching their creativity in writing report text. It was conducted to the English teacher and 20 students at the eleventh grade of a Senior High School in Tasikmalaya. Three instruments in form of the observation, the interview, and the questionnaires were administered. The data were analyzed by using triangulation analysis. The findings indicated that the teacher used Canva in teaching writing of report text through nine steps. The findings also indicated that the teacher and the students perceived positively on the use of Canva in teaching writing report text was beneficial to promote the students‟ creativity because it was creative, easier, motivated, interested, and enjoyed in writing report text. It also increased their writing ability, skill, performance, and achievement. Nevertheless, the use of Canva in teaching writing report text also brought some lacks because it should pay for some good features such as image, font, or template, and should be connected to the internet for some premium features. Therefore, the teacher tried to facilitate the students who had no internet access and limited tools to work together in-group. Based on the findings, the English teachers are expected to use Canva as a creative technology media in teaching writing of report text to encourage their students‟ interest and motivation. Meanwhile, the use of Canva is expected to assist them in generating ideas and in sharing information for their writing with their teacher and the other students. In addition, the result of this research can be used as a reference for further writers and those who are interested in conducting the research with a similar topic.


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