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Academic year: 2023



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The effect of using numbered heads together technique on students' vocabulary performance at MTs Ma'arif Balong in the academic year 2014/2015. The thesis title is: The Effect of Using Numbered Heads Together Technique on Students' Vocabulary Achievement at MTs Ma'arif.


  • Background of the Study
  • Identification of the Problem
  • Limitation of the Problem
  • Statement of the Problem
  • Objective of the Study
  • Significance of the Study
  • Organization of the Thesis

Numbered Heads Together (NHT) is one of the collaborative learning techniques developed by Kagan. The subject of the study is students of the seventh grade of MTs Ma‟arif Balong in the academic year 2014/2015.


Theoretical Background

  • Vocabulary
  • Numbered Heads Together Technique

Each student in the group must prepare to answer, as the students do not know which number the teacher will call. In short, by using the Numbered Heads Together technique, the teacher must be able to regulate the learning process as much as possible.

Previous Research Finding

Another study similar to this study was Isnani Agustina's dissertation entitled "The implementation of numbered heads together (NHT) to improve student reading comprehension in narrative text for tenth grade F on MAN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013". The subject were the students of X F from MAN 2 Ponorogo. There were thirty-three students in class X F. These steps occurred in each cycle and were helpful in making this study systematic.

To collect the data, she used some instruments such as: observation, test, questionnaire, interview, field notes and documentation. The data from the student questionnaire obtained from the six questions showed that the students gave positive responses in reading activity. Based on the results of the research, the implementation of numbered head together technique could improve students. From the previous research above, the researcher tries to conduct the research with different research designs.

The subject of this research is the seventh grade students of MTs Ma‟arif. Statement of the problem whether there is any significant difference in using the numbered heads technique together in the vocabulary achievement of seventh grade students at MTs Ma‟arif Balong in the academic year 2014/2015.

Theoretical Framework

The research used the numbered heads together in order to better master the vocabulary of the students. Subsequently, the researcher observed this process to know if there is any significant difference between the performance between students who taught the Numbered Heads Technique and those who did not learn the Numbered Heads Technique in the seventh grade of MTs Ma ‟arif Balong in academic year 2014/2015. The step to know the effect of using the numbered heads together technique on the vocabulary performance of seventh grade students at MTs Ma'arif Balong in academic year 2014/2015 are; First, there is a group of students learning vocabulary using the Numbered Heads Together technique and another group without the Numbered Heads Together technique.

After a group has used the Numbered Heads Together technique, we try to test them to get the score. After collecting the data, we can then try to find the significant difference between the results.


Ha : There is a significant difference between the use of numbered heads together technique on the seventh grade student's vocabulary performance at MTs Ma'arif Balong in Academic Year 2014/2015. Hi: There is no significant difference between the use of numbered heads together technique on the seventh grade student's vocabulary performance at MTs Ma'arif Balong in Academic Year 2014/2015.


  • Research Design
  • Population and Sample
    • Population
    • Sample
  • Instrument of Data Collection
    • Test of Validity
    • Test of Reliability
  • Technique of Data Collection
    • Test
    • Interview
    • Documentation
  • Technique of Data Analysis
    • Normality Test
    • Homogenity Test
    • T-Test

Vocabulary test was used for pretest and posttest, not only to measure students. Σf1‟ = total number of results of variable x Σf2‟ = total number of results of variable x Σf12 = total number of results of squares of variable x Σf22 = total number of results of squares of variable y. The table below shows the result of the pre-test of the students who were taught using the numbered heads technique together.

The table below showed the results of the pretest for the students who were not taught using the numbered heads together technique. The results of the students' post-test in experimental group (variable X) The table below showed the post-test scores of the students who were taught using the numbered heads together technique. So it could be concluded, the posttest of the students who were taught using the numbered heads together technique was good.

Post-Test Score of Students in the Control Group (Variable Y) The table below shows the post-test score of students who were not taught using the head-count technique. From the table above, it could be seen that the post-test of the students in the control group who were not taught using the head count technique was variety.

Table 3.1 The Research Design
Table 3.1 The Research Design


Research Location

  • General Location
  • Time of the Research

MTs Ma‟arif Balong as an Islamic Junior High School which was the third to be built in the Balong area also has many students and last but not least with other Islamic Junior High Schools in the Ponorogo region. When it was established (1995), MTs Ma‟arif Balong had only a few classes, but now it has developed into 10 classes with more complete equipment. MT Ma‟arif Balong continues to develop and is now affiliated with another school in Ponorogo town.

While it continues outstanding achievements both in academic and non-academic.77 For more information on MT's Ma'arif Balong.78. The teachers must act as advisors for the students in developing creativity and self-potential and as a motivator who helps the students to raise their goals and ambitions. Whole teachers from MTs Ma'arif Balong from many universities such as graduated from UNMUH, STKIP, INSURI, IKIP and so on.

Students often forget some material that the teacher has explained and the most important problem is that. This is as an interview on February 16, 2015 with a grade seven English teacher at MTs Ma‟arif Balong, Mrs.

Table 4.1: Experiment Class Schedule
Table 4.1: Experiment Class Schedule

Data Description

Finally, the teacher cross-checks the student's answers by calling the students' numbers one by one. This research takes VII B as a control class using conventional technique such as: instruction shows picture to students; teacher-led questions; ask students to remember the words they have found. It tries to make teaching and learning a natural process, so that the results of the students really describe the students' abilities.

It is one of the principles of experimental research, different treatment with the same material. Not only the same in the material, but also the pre- and post-test of the control class the same with the experimental class. It is good technique to make the students pay attention to the teachers and it will also be appropriate technique used by the teachers to transfer their.

But some weaknesses of this technique are that the students are bored, not interesting and the class is very crowded because the teachers cannot control the situation in the class. From the result above, it can be concluded that the conventional technique is a good technique to transfer knowledge from the teacher to the students, because it is an easy and well-known technique, but the students will be passive, bored and also rarely think critically.

Table 4.3 The  Score of Students’ Pre Test In Experimental Group
Table 4.3 The Score of Students’ Pre Test In Experimental Group

Data Analysis


From the calculation above, it was shown that the coefficient of difference for students who are taught using numbered head together technique and the students who are not taught using numbered head together is 3.85. It was used to find out whether the coefficient of difference was a significant coefficient or not, and furthermore it could be used as a basis for generating the population. Based on this statement, the researcher interprets that there was a significant difference between the students who were taught using the numbered heads together technique and the students who were not taught using the numbered heads together technique, this implies that the students, who are taught using the numbered heads together technique scores better in vocabulary performance. So Alternative Hypothesis (�) which states that students who are taught using talking heads together technique will achieve a better score in vocabulary performance was accepted.

From the above data, the researcher could conclude that there was a significant difference in vocabulary performance between the students who were taught using the numbered heads together technique and the students who were not taught using the numbered heads together technique. The students who are taught to use the numbered heads together technique have a better score than those who are not taught to use the numbered heads together technique. The teacher sees the vocabulary of the material and asks the students to recall it.



Based on the previously described data, the researcher concludes that there is a significant difference in the use of the technique of numbered heads together in teaching vocabulary to students of the seventh grade of MTs Ma‟arif Balong in the academic year 2014/2015. The result of this research in this study is a higher average post-test score of the experimental group (75.11) than the post-test of the control group (62.96). In other words, the technique of numbered heads together has an effect in teaching vocabulary to improve the vocabulary of students in the seventh grade of MTs Ma‟arif Balong in the academic year 2014/2015.


They should provide students with guidance and direction in mastering a text; The teachers must teach using the correct technique to teach the students and to vary the technique in each meeting. The students should be required to bring a dictionary in every English lesson; It is hoped that the students are active in the learning process and that they are not shy about fulfilling their role; It is better for students to keep sharing each other, so when the students learn together, they will bring understanding and provide for a broad overview. MTs Ma'arif Balong is one of the Islamic junior high schools in Balong district.

As the third Islamic Junior High School built in the Balong Area, MTs Ma‟arif Balong has many students and not the least with other Islamic Junior High School in the region of Ponorogo. The student remembers the vocabulary, but they feel bored during the process, and finally the students only have some vocabulary.


Table 3.1 The Research Design
Table 3.2: The result of Validity Test
Table 3.3: Test Item Reliability
Table 4.1: Experiment Class Schedule


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