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To God be the Glory

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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1 Cor. 3:6 - 9


" To God be the Glory

G REETINGS! On behalf of Southern BaPtiS~S eVerYWhe~e and the membership of the Tokyo Baptist Church In


I wish to welcome you to share with us the dedi·

cation of our new place of worship. t'

The new structure of the Tokyo Baptist Church represents the love, self·sacrifice and pledge to service of her member·

ship and friends. Her doors stand open to invite you to ex- amine and embrace her head, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Rev. Milton DuPriest Pastor

Tokyo Baptist Church


DORIS AND I wish to welcome Rev. [and Mrs. Milton DuPriest to Tokyo and into the fellowship and challenge of the Tokyo Baptist Church. We are grateful un- to God for having been given one of America's leading young preachers as the pastor of this church. Although we are unworthy of these blessings, we realize that this church is one of the most strategic Christian opportunities to be found anywhere in the world. Thus we accept His gifts wi th a pledge that we shall "Give God the glory" until the total victory for Him is won throughout all Japan and around the world.

W. H. Jackson, Jr.


Milton DuPriest, pastor

Rev. W. H. Jackson, Jr.

Southern Baptist Missionary Interim Pastor

" Wherejore ue latcur, that ... w rna beeC(fpted of Him"


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, , To God be the Glory

through our leaders"

Governor of Tokyo Ryotaro Azuma



IS A matter for our gratification that, by the dedication of the Tokyo Baptist Church, another place of worship has been given to the citizens of Tokyo who justly enjoy the freedom of religion.

" As the world is engaged in a chronic struggle for peace and prosperity, so are the people of Tokyo facing a grim struggle for spiritual and material security.

"I sincerely look forward with much expectation to the future activities of this church in the promotion of the welfare of the citizens of Tokyo."

Governor Ryotaro Azuma

United States Ambassador to Japan Douglas MacArthur II

"NOTHING IS CLOSER to . the heart of our Christian heritage than the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God. While the ages·long efforts of man, in his search for God, have produced many denominations of Christian fellowship, nonetheless, the fellowship of man under God remains common to them all.

This is also the major promise of our most characteristic American traditions.

"The dedication of the Tokyo Baptist Church on November I, 1959, should serve to remind us all once again that, in this troubled world in which we live, human understanding and divine guidance are essential to the salvation of mankind.

"May I offer my hearty con- gratulations to all who have contributed in making this church, where all may come to worship and gain divine inspiration, a beautiful and living reality."

Ambassador Douglas MacArthur II

" Honor all men.. , ,

Commander of United States Forces Japan

Lieutenant-General Robert Burns

"THE CHURCH IS a symbol of the high spiritual;ideals which undergird our demo<~

cratic way of life. The more deeply these ideals are im- bedded in the structure of de- mocracy, the more certain we can be that our way of life shall become the heritage of our children and our child- ren's children.

"I extend since rethanks to all who have contributed time, effort and money to make possible the occasion of the dedication of the Tokyo Baptist Church. To those who behold it and worship in it, may this beautiful church structure symbolize all that is sacred in man's life and essential in our national life. "

Gen. Robert W. Burns


" To God be the Glory

in our world wide influence"

Dr. Rumsey Po lard

Tokyo Baptist Church Dedication Service Sunday, November 1, 1959 3: 00 p.m.

I) R.

RAMSEY POLLARD, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, one of America's largest Protestant denominations, is a graduate of Southwersten Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth. He has just completed his twentieth year as pastor of the Broadway Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. He is past- president of the Tennessee Baptist Convention, having served as chairman of the executive committee for Tennessee Baptists. Dr. Pollard has served as president of the Southern Baptists Pastors Conference, one of the largest gatherings of ministers any- where in the world. He has also served as chairman of the executive committee of the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. Pollard is a man whom .God has cho~en, the people hav!! recognized, and one we have been given the honor of hearing.

"Personally, and on behalf of Southern Baptists, I wish to send greetings and congratulations on this eventful occasion in the life of your great church. It is my sincere judgment that the future of the 'church is as bright as the promises of God.

Southern Baptists are proud of the work that has been done by your church. In this day of tension, the fellowship of Christians is a most encouraging omen."


• Japan Philharmonic Orchestr'a

• United States Embassy Representative-Dr. E. J. Findlay

• Tokyo Metropolitan Government Representative

• Commander U. S. Forces Japan Representative_Chaplain A. C. Schiff

• Pastor Tokyo Union Church-Rev. Howard Haines

Rev W. H. Souther

• Pastor St. Albans Church-Rev. R. M. Smith

• Pastor Tokyo Chinese Church-Rev. Moses Chow

D R.

W. H. "BILL" SOUTHER, professor of Church Administration at New Orleans Theological Seminary, and leader of the well-known First Baptist Church choir, Dallas, Texas, is with us for the entire week of the dedication service. Dr. Souther will be leading the choir as 'we sing arrangements which he has prepared and arrangements which have been provided by Paul Mickelson, David Appelby, Paul Goercke, and Ralph Carmichael of Los Angeles. Dr. Bill Souther is one of Southern Baptist's leading choir directors and is known for his leadership throughout the Southern Baptist Convention having contributed frequently to educational and music publications. He has participated in evangelistic crusades in Alsaka, Rome, Italy

and' in Adult Sunday School clinics throughout Europe. Dr. Souther has served as

president of the Louisiana Baptist Training Union Convention and has been president of the Texas Baptist Sunday School Convention.

" ... . and unto the utermost PaI't 0/ the earth"




e Glory of od"

MORNING WORSHIP Sunday, November 1, 1959

" W HEN THE Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Phillipi he called

them a "colony of Heaven." They were a little colony of Heaven set down amid the earth's deep need. When he wrote to the church in Thes- salonica he called them a "sounding board" of the gospel. These two phrases describe the pasition of the Tokyo Baptist Church perfectly. As a colony of heaven located in an area of the earth which desperately-needs the salvation provided by our Lord, may you ever be a sounding board of the gospel, that it might go out throughout all of Japan and the Orient.

May God's richest blessings abide with you ever! "

Dr. Herschel Hobbs

Dr. Herschel Hobbs, Baptist I-Iaur radio speaker for the Sauthern Baptist Convention, has an audience of fifty million ,people each week and still finds time to pastor one of the largest churches in the convention. Dr. Hobbs has been president of the Baptist Ge:1eral C~)11vention of Oklahoma and has served as preside:lt of the S.)u~hern Baptist Convention's Pastors Conference.

Dr. Hobbs is a felture:l speaker on many of our state and Southern Baptist Convention programs. Thus we rej0ice over the privilege of having Dr.

Hobbs participate in this dedication program.

o God be the Glory

. I tional i fe "


" C HRISTIANS FROM the States in overseas service can make a distinct contri- bution to the cause of Christ by identifying themselves with a church, and by being faithful to its services and loyal to its program. By living consistent positive Christian lives in their daily contacts, Americans abroad can make the ministry and witness of the missionary easier rather than more difficult as is so frequently the case. They have opportunities to reach for Christ, many people whom the mission- aries wi!! never be able to contact. Christian servicemen and Christian businessmen, with their fami;ies, can make an impact for Christ on a nation."

Dr. T. B. Maston has been professor of Christian ethics at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary since 1922. Dr. Maston is one of the best loved professors in this, the world's largest seminary, and has ministered to thousands of pastors and preachers around the world. Dr. Maston has received degrees from Carson·Newman College, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Texas Chri:;tian University, and a PhD. from Yale University in 1939. His publications are many and Dr. Maston's cooks are used by pastors and leaders of men throughout the Southern Baptist Con- vention, as well as in areas of Chnstian service around the world. His most recent books have been published by MacM illan and Broadman, "The Bible and Race" and

"Segregation and Desegregation." We thank God for this leader. We hear him prayerfully.

" Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."

Dr. T. B. Maston


" o God has been the lory"


N March, 1957, a movement to organize an English- speaking church for Southern Baptists in Tokyo and the surrounding area took on new life. For a number of years, Southern Baptist Military Fellowships had been meeting in the Tokyo area.

By June, 1957, the military fellowships appointed a com- mittee to investigate the practicality of organizing the church. In October, after receiving much encouragement from various individuals, the committee through the Japan Baptist Mission requested that an interim pastor be ap- pointed.

Time Magazine

Ground breaking day!

Rev. W. H. 'Jackson Jr., a Southern Baptist Missionary in Japan from Abilene, Texas, accepted the invitation and tegan serving a!S interim pastor of this group.

Memters began to meet in tl-.e Tokyo Chapel Center for Sunday School and worship services. A short time later, the newly organized church purchased property on 40th Street cetween F and D Avenues in Tokyo, not far from the American School, and Washington Heights. Ground breaking ceremonies for a temporary building were held Decemter 14, 1957. On January 5, 1958, the Tokyo Baptist Church was organized and held its first service as a church in the Keisen Baptist auditorium in Tokyo with 75 charter memcers.

Construction of the permanent building began in Decemter 1958, and was completed on August 12, 1959. The building, completely air conditioned, seats approximately 500 persons. Educational classrooms in the three story structure are available for all age groups.

Rev. Milton DuPriest, a native of Waco, Texas officially accepted the call as pastor of the church in March, 1959, arriving on the field in October.


Last service in Chapel Center Temporary building

" I will fill this house with Glory"

F~ntrance to new Church


, , To God be the Glory

our Japanese Ministry"


Message- Rev. Calvin Parker Chairman, Japan Baptist Mission

of the

Foreign Mission Board Southern Baptist Convention


epresentatives of the Southern Baptist Convention have been Rev. Calvin Parker at work in Japan for the past seventy years. Highly trained in theological seminaries and other graduate schools, these men and women are the kind of people we usually" describe by the term .. missionary." The present members of the Japan Baptist Mission, 123 in number, are scattered through- out the four main islands serving as specialis~s in the fields of medicine, education, literature, evangelism, and church promotion.

"The large influx of American servicemen after World War II saw the appearance here of a new kind of missionary. Southern Baptists, anxious for the warm, informal fellowship that they had known in the

"church back home," began meeting together for worship, Bible study, and wholesome recreation. Imbued with the Christian spirit of sharing, they adopted various projects for their missionary work.

"With the women taking the initiative, the fellowship groups raised money to purchase an assembly site for the Japan Baptist Convention, an organization comprising nearly 200 churches and other organizations.

Amagi Assembly on Izu Peninsula now plays host to Christian groups the year round.

Tackling one project after another, these active lay missionaries sent Japanese students and delegates abroad, aided medical and social institutions, and supported churches directly and indirectly. A number of individuals taught English and Bible to Japanese young people.

"It was perhaps inevitable that a group of people with this

kind of spirit would ask a capable missionary like W. H. "Dub"

Jackson to serve as their pastor and would develop their own fully- organized church. Even while shouldering the financial burden of a large building program, they continued to give generously to the support of the Japan Baptist Convention.

"The Mission heartily salutes a noble church. We are grateful that Dub Jackson and a few other missionaries have been able to share their ministry with this church, and that Milton DuPriest has come to be the full·time pastor. We are confident that Tokyo Baptist Church, while continuing to assist the Mission and the Convention, will minister effectively to the large English-speaking population of Tokyo ::md serve as a model church for all Japan.

We offer sincerest congratulations to the officers and members of the congregation upon the dedication of their splendid new build-


"Righteousness exalteth a nation."

Japan Times


To God be the Glory

the coming of

. In our pastor"


ILTON DUPRIEST was born on August 20, 1927, in Waco, Texas. Rev. DuPriest is a graduate of Baylor University and he has been active in the ministry since 1945. He has conducted preaching tours through Scotland, the British Isles and much of Continental Europe and is well known in revival and evangelistic work thrcughout the Southern Baptist Convention.

After graduating from Southwestern Seminary in 1953, he was married to the forrr.er julia McDonald of Commanche, Texas. Mrs. DuPrest is a graduate of Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene, Texas. Rev.

DuPriest has served as pastor of the Harris Memorial Baptist Church, Austin, Texas, where under his ministry, the church membership tripled within the first year. In ithe second ye?-r of this pastorate an addition was made to the educational building, and the entire plant remodeled and air conditioned. In his pastorate at Port Lavaca, Texas, the church was able to construct a new parsonage, sponsor a new Baptist church, purchase land, and construct a permanent auditorium and educational wing. In connection with the church sponsored ty tl:e Pert Lavaca church, they also purchased a parsonage and called.a pastor for that new work. During this same period when the financial obligations were the heaviest, the church increased its budget almcst 50.?.(, reducing its debt as they went along. They called a full time educational director as well as a church librarian, to aid in the f2st growing work of that city. Rev. DuPriest was elected to serve a three year term as a member of the Executive Board of the Baptist General Convention of Texas and served two years as trustee of the Texas Baptist Encampment.

Rev. and Mrs. DuPriest have two daughters, Jan Lanette born in Port Lavaca in 1957 and Rhonda Lynn born in Temple, Texas in 1958.

Rev. DuPriest comes to us fresh from one of the most effective evangelistic foundations anywhere in cur convention. In the first thirty-seven weeks of his ministry in the Temple Evangelistic Foundation, he conducted 56 revival meetings. He has seen a total of 102 young men surrender to preach during his ministry. Having teen appointed by the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, and having been called as pastor of the Tokyo Baptist Church, Rev. DuPriest joined the staff and congre-' gation of this church on October 20, 1959. Every fact and facet of Brother DuPriest's ministry seems to be pointing to the strategic work which God has set before him here in Tokyo.

" How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel. "


Dr. Baker James Cauthen Executive Secretary Foreign Mission Board Southern Baptist Convention


DEVELOPMENT of Eng- lish-speaking churches in vari- ous countries, has long been a part of the work of the Foreign Mission Board .

.. In areas where English is used extensively, particularly in the Orient and in Latin America, a number of churches have extended their minis- tries with blessed results .

.. Because of a greatly increased need for English·speaking churches since the close of World War II, added emphasis will be given to this phase of the work in the days ahead.

"It is in order to give guidance to this important work that the state- ment of policy was adopted by the Foreign Mission Board.

" I congratulate you, the members of Tokyo Baptist Church, upon the crganization and good work of your church. This development in your great city will mean much in the furtherance of our Lord's work.

" We are watching your progress with interest and joy. May God's richest blessings be upon you."

, , To




through Sout world English Chur


" The Foreign Mission Board should coutinue 10 expand its efforts to establish churches for English-speaking people in major cities in countries entered by the Foreign Mission Board.

" The Board is to be commended for its efforts 10 aid in the establish- ment of Baptist churches for Americans and ather English-speaking people in major cities .i 1 countries where the Foreign Mission Board is conducting

" Go ye into al


the Glory

ern B a p ti s t s '


h Ministry"

mission programs.

" The Board should extend this work to other cities as rapidly as pos- sible. These church.es ·should be placed on a self-supporting basis as soon as possible."

(A recommendation to the Foreign Mission Board approved by the Soulmn Baptist Convention i1l session at Houstun, Texas, May, 1958.)

a all the world."



I I. J

Dr. Winston Crawley Secretary for the Orient

Foreign Mission Board Southern Baptist Convention

Richmond, Virginia

~~ T hrough the develo;>ment of English language churches every aspect of the spiritual life of Americans overseas is strengthened. The energies of Baptist people desiring to serve the Lord are focused in a worthwhile program which contributes directly to the strengthening of our mission undertakings, in the lands where English language Baptist churches exist. Through such churches many are brought into a position where they can hear the caB of the Lord to life-time mission- ary service themselves.

"The Tokyo Baptist Church is one of the strongest of the English language Baptist churches which has grown up in the worlds' major cities in recent years. As the church comes to the dedication of its new building, I am happy to express for the Foreign Mission Board greetings and congratulations with. the assurance of our desire to continue in happy feBowship and cooperation. We are praying that the Lord wiB enlarge and bless the ministry of the Tokyo Baptist Church in a remarkable way."



o God be the Glory

Dr. T. A. Patterson

I n o u r c hurch life"


" I T IS A high privilege to be with you, the members of the Tokyo- Baptist Church in this Dedication Week ceremony. It is~our earnest prayer that the Lord will be able to use us in some way and assist in the marvelous work which the members of this church have begun."

Dr. T. A. Patterson, pastor of a church of 6,269 members in Beaumont, Texas, received his doctorate from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and has received an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Hardin-Simmons University, in Abilene, Texas. Dr. Patter~on is a member of the Board of Trustees of Hardin-Simmons University and of our Southeast Texas Baptist Hospital in Beaumont. Dr. Patterson serves as a member of the Foreign.

Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, and is presently on a world-wide mission tour for the Board.

Dr. Patterson's son, Paige, age 17, has recently entered the ministry and will be speaking to youth organizations in the- Tokyo area while in this city. Mrs. Roberta Patterson, a leader in W.M.U. work, is traveling with Dr. Patterson and taking part in leadership conferences arrangedby various W.M.U.'s in the countries to be visited. Baptists of Tokyo and of Japan are grateful for the ministry of these and rejoice in the privilege of receiving God's word through each one of them.


Our gratitude to the Fred Langes of Dallas, whose love for God enabled them to see with their hearts what they have not seen with their own eyes

" I must work the works of him that sent me."



, , To God be the Glory

t h r 0 ugh his s e r van t s ~~

Dr. K. O. White Pastor First Baptist Church

Houston, Texas


ORGANIZATION of the English·speaking Tokyo Baptist Church is assuredly one of the greatest things which has happened in recent years. This church can serve as the rallying point for missionaries, military personnel, educators, English-speaking civilian workers and Japanese people. I believe that this church is destined to hold a great place in the reli- gious and social life of Tokyo. I hope t~at other such churches will be developed in various communities, for I believe that they could bring about a deeper understanding and a closer friendship, which would be most helpful. My personal contact with the Tokyo Baptist Church in 1958 has filled me with en- thusiasm for its future. I I

Dr. K. Owen White

Dr. and Mrs. K. Owen White of the First Baptist Church, Hous~on, Texas have made many lasting and significant contributions to the work of the Tokyo Baptist Church. Through the love and concern of Dr. and Mrs. White and by the leading of the Holy Spirit, this church was made aware of the kind of ministry and service which Brother DuPriest has been rendering for the Lord throughout the Southern Baptist Convention. After much prayer and through the constant leadership of our Lord, Rev. DuPriest has now been led into the life and work

of this congregation. Again we say thank you to Dr. and Mrs. White.


• Every faithful member both present and past

• Every leader

• The Tokyo Baptist Church Building Committee

Rev. Ernest lee Hollaway - Chairman

• The Publicity Committee

Rev. Carl Halvorson - Chairman

• The Dedication Week Committee

" 0 give thanks unto the Lord. I I





Dr. E. H. Westmoreland

Dr. Akeo Watanabe Director, Japan Philharmonic



our c

be the lory

m un"ty "


Dr. E. Hermond Westmoreland Pastor-South Main Baptist Church

Houston, Texas Rev. Bill Souther leading


Tokyo Baptist Church Choir in

three of J. T. Adams' arrangements for

Choir and Instruments

Five members of Japan Philharmonic Orchestra accompanying


R. WATANABE was born me son vf a Japanese pastor and displayed exceptional talent in music at a very early age. At six, he was already shewing remarkable pro·

ficiency at the piano, playing Eeethoven's Piano Ccncerto Numter Two. He has taken his place now as Japan's leading philharmonic orchestra conductor. This fall the English-language newspapers throughout Japan, termed Dr. Watanate as the leading musician in Japan, and it is predicted that he and the Philharmonic Orchestra will te setting the pace for musical erganizations around the world, in the very near future. Dr. Watanate has been permanent conductcr of the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra since 1956_ In 1958, the Finnish government awarded him the Order of Lion of Finland, Knight of First Class, for his con- tribution of Finnish works here in Japan.

"Let us go into the house of the Lord."


Our best in sen ice

Our best ill preparing

-- •• . I

I --


Our best in building

" Seek ye first the Kingdom of Cod"


G 0f

vur best in teaching

Our best in care



God be the Glory

church life"

. In our




Message by Dr. E. H. Westmoreland Christian Concert 7:00-7:30 p.m.

with the

Fifth U.S. Air Force Band Under the Direction


CWO Fra·nklin



Music Arranged by

Paul Mickelson, Los Angeles, California


T. Adams, S~lphur Springs, Texas


E. HERMOND WESTMORELAND has been pastor of tl:e South Main Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, since 1938. A native of Boone- ville Arkansas, Dr. Westmoreland graduated from Ouachita Baptist College and received his Doctor's degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. He also holds honorary doctor of divinity degrees from Ouachita and Baylor University .. Dr. Westmoreland is a for- mer vice-president of the Southern Baptist Convention and now serves on the executive board of the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

He has also served as pre~ident of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, and is a trustee of Baylor University, Southern Baptist Seminary, and chairman of the Board of Trustees of Golden Gate Theological Seminary in Berkely, California. Dr. Westmoreland is one of America's leading pastors, and we are privileged beyond our fondest dreams, to have such a man of God with us as we dedicate this new church bUilding.


DR. MASA NAKAYAMA, Merr,ber of the Japanese National Diet and a leading Christian woman of Japan, speaks on "My Christ and My Churcl}."

" The heavens declare the Glory





, , To God be the . Goy

In our home life"


lJr . .lSill :::louther Leader of First Baptist Church Choir, Dallas, Texas

Directing Music

Dr. E. Hermond Westmoreland Speaking

TO GOD BE THE GLORY To God be the glory, great things He hath done:

So loved He the world that He gave us His Son, Who yielded His life an atonement for sin, .

And opened the life-gate that all may go In.

a perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, To every believer the promise of God;

The vilest offender who truly believes,

That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.

Great things he hath taught us, great things He hath done, And great our rejoicing thro' Jesus the Son;

But purer, and higher, and greater will be

Our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see.


Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice!

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice!

a come to the Father, tlzro' Jesus the Son,

And give Him the Glory, great things He hath done.

" The Lord is my strength and song"



God be the Glory "


Dr. Kearnie Keegan

~ur p'ersona life"


Message - Dr. E. Hermond Westmoreland

To]{yo Baptist Church Auditorium

o be the Glory

SUNDA Y EVENING WORSHIP Message-Dr. Kearnie Keegan

Director of Student Work Sunday Schaad Department Southern Baptist convention Special Music by Dr. Keegan

D R. KEARNIE KEEGAN, vice·president of the Baptist World Alliance- Committee, an organization which has 25 million members in sixty nations, is also the Southern Baptist Convention's secretary of Student work throughout America. Dr. Keegan, a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, is listed in Who's Who in America. He has served on the Executive- Committee of the Louisiana and Texas Baptist Conventions, :the Board of Directors of East Texas Baptist College, and president of the Alumni Associa- tion of the Southern Baptist Convention.

" My house shall be called the house.,oj prayer"



" To God be the Glory




KIYOKI YUYA,.a gl aduate of our ~outpern

Paptist ~eminary, in Louisville, Kentucky, and long time presicent of the Japan Baptist Convention, is one of the best loved of God's serv;:nts here in Japan. Rev. Yuya is presently pastoring the Meguro Baptist Ch:Jrch and leading the Japan Baptist Con- vention in a program that will ultimately reach into e\'ery home of this great lanel.

"There are three things that I covet in a church,"

!lays Rev. Yuya, "whether in America, Japan or whatever the land. First, I believe that it should he a church that is not restricted by time or place.

T believe that it should 1:e a place of s:!rvice for I1i~

he~O\'ed people, and last, T be:ieve that it should be a church to bear witne!'s of the body of oar li\'ing Christ.

Thi, is my prayer for the Tokyo Baptist Church."


To Rev. Yuya and to the Japan J3aptist Com'ention, the Tokyo Baptist Church wishes to express its joy and appreciation for the pI ivilege of having a part in the evangeHzation of Japan. Primarily, o:Jr work wi11 be with those whose mother tongue is English, but we are confident that in a 11 we do o'lr goal shall be to gi\'e the kind of Christian witness that wO:Jld be an asset in carrying the Geod News to al1 Japan.



EV. STERTZ is the dynamic and capable as- sociate secretary in the Personnel Department of the Southern Baptist Convention's Fore;gn Mission Board. Through Rev. Stertz's untiring and enthusi- astic approach to those who have felt concerned for the work beyond the borders of our own beloved United States, many pastors and Christian laymen are finding their place of service throughout the world. Rev. Stertz is a graduate of William Jewel ColJege and Southern taptist ThEo!ogical Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.


The Tokyo Baptist Church wishes to express to Rev. James Stertz, the representative of the Foreign Miss'on BO:lrd of our Southern Baptist Convention, our sincere apprcc:ation for al1 they have done in spear- heading th:s program of building a Baptist church for the English-speaking people in th's the world's largest city. The Foreign Mission Board extenced the s:lIne financial help that might be given for the building of a Japanese church he~e in Japan. This gift of $42,000.00 has been a challenge to us as we r.ave labored in the building of t his church. The building and the property which we now dedicate, has a material value of approximately $140,000.00, with spiritual values tint can never be measured. Had it not been for the contribution made by o:Jr Board, we certainly could not have realized the completion of our church at this early date. Rev. Stertz, again, we express to you o:Jr appreciation and ask that you convey to Dr. Cauthen, Dr. Crawley. the Foreign Miss:on Board and the peo.Jle of our Southern Baptist Convention, our sincere thanks and eternal pledge before God, that we shall endeavor to serve Him faithfully in the work which He has placed before us.

" Except the Lord build the house, they labour i11 vain that build it."

::J 19 C



Dokumen terkait

in Worship from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is Director of the Chapel Orchestra and Assistant to the Associate Dean of Music and Worship Leadership in the School of