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the use of jigsaw technique in improving students' speaking


Academic year: 2023

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Principal of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bontoala Makassar, teachers and all students for helping to produce this assignment. Thanks to my beloved classmate Diamond Class for all the motivation to complete this thesis. The use of jigsaw puzzle technique in improving students' speaking ability at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bontoala Makassar.

The sample of the research was class X.AP1 of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bontoala Makassar which consisted of 36 students. The findings of the research were the average score of students' speaking ability obtained by the students through pre-test was 57.337 and post-test was 70.515. This means that there was an improvement in the students' speaking skills after the students' treatment was taught through the use of jigsaw technique and it could also be seen that the t-test value is greater than t-table (18.17>2.03011).

Figure 4.1.The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Ability………………...27  Figure 4.2.The Improvement of the Students’ Fluency…………...………………28  Figure 4.3.The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Ability…………...........29
Figure 4.1.The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Ability………………...27 Figure 4.2.The Improvement of the Students’ Fluency…………...………………28 Figure 4.3.The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Ability…………...........29


  • Problem Statement
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significant of the Research
  • Scope of the Research

This is caused by a lack of practice and a lack of self-confidence in the students. The students feel shy and reluctant to express opinions and ideas because they are afraid of making mistakes in front of the class. During the teaching-learning process, the teacher should make the students conductive and interested in the materials in the learning process. Based on the above explanation, the author formulated the study under the title “The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving Students’ Speaking Ability at SMK Mhammadiyah 2 Bontoala Makassar”.

Based on the background of the study and identification of the problem, the researcher formulates the problem statement: "Does the use of puzzle technique improve the students' speaking ability at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bontoala Makassar?". In relation to the problem statement above, the objective of the research is "To find out whether the use of puzzle technique can improve the students' speaking ability at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bontoala Makassar or not". The use of jigsaw technique in the teaching of speaking ability to make the students' speaking tasks more enjoyable.


Some Pertinent Ideas

  • The Definition of Jigsaw
  • The Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of the skills to develop conversation in language, because it is an interactive process of construction of meaning that it involves. Speaking means the ability to fluently express the idea, thought and everything around us through our system and a good understanding of the speaker and the listener. There are several components of speaking that are normally considered essential and should be mastered by students learning English.

Grammar is one of the important language components in language learning. The grammar need for students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation or speech in other aspect. It deals with the phonological process which refers to the component of a grammar that consists of the elements and principles that determine how sounds vary and pattern in a language. The teacher must also base the activity on easy language so that the students can use the language fluently without hesitation.

Conceptual Framework

Pretest was given before experimental treatment to know the students' speaking ability. The table indicates that there is a marked improvement in the students' speaking accuracy in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary from pre-test and post-test. The table above shows that students' mean pre-test fluency score was 56.19 and post-test was 69.66.

Mean students' speaking ability score for both accuracy and fluency at pre-test and post-test. It means that there was an improvement in students' fluency scores from pre-test to post-test. The improvement of the students' speaking skills is caused by the application of the jigsaw technique to the students in the post-test.



  • Research Variables
  • Population and Sample
  • Research Instrument
  • Procedure of Data Collection
  • Technique of Data Analysis

O1= the result of the students' pre-test X = treatment using the Jigsaw technique O2 = the result of the students' post-test. Calculation of the improvement of the students' percentage of pre-test and post-. test using the formula: the percentage of improvement X1 = Average score of pre-test. Based on the findings above, we can say that the improvement of students' speaking accuracy was.

Based on the above findings, we can say that the improvement of students' speaking ability was significantly different because the average score of the post-test was higher than that of the pre-test. The students' speaking test data were obtained by speaking in terms of accuracy. Based on the above result, it showed that the students' speaking accuracy in the pre-test was the dominant classification in "Fair" and "Less".

Based on the accuracy score above, there was an improvement in students' accuracy score from pre-test to post-test. The students' speaking test data were obtained speaking in terms of fluency. Based on the above result, it showed that the students' speaking fluency in the pre-test was the dominant classification in "Less" and "Poor".

Based on the speaking result, the students' pre-test and post-test score determined the value of t-test knew that the students' improvement after doing the treatment using jigsaw technique is successful. In applying the jigsaw technique to teaching speaking, the researcher finds that the mean score of students' speaking ability in the post-test was greater than. In applying the jigsaw technique to teaching speaking, the researcher finds that the average score of students' speaking ability in the post-test was greater than the pre-test score.

Classification of students' results in fluency in pre-exam and post-exam Pre-test (X1) Post-test (X2) Code Fluency Classifying Fluency Classifying.

Table 3.2Classification Score of Pronunciation
Table 3.2Classification Score of Pronunciation


The Students’ Improvement

  • The Improvement of the Students’ Accuracy
  • The Improvement of the Students’ Fluency
  • The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Ability

In other words, we can say that, the improvement of speaking fluency was significantly different because the mean score of the post-test was higher than that of the pre-test.

The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Speaking

  • The Frequency and Percentage of Accuracy
  • The Frequency and Percentage of Fluency

The classification of the above table shows that the students' classification accuracy score is divided into five classifications, namely excellent, good, fair, less and poor. The table shows the frequency of speaking accuracy in pre-test and post-test from 36 students. The table above shows that the classification result that the students had was divided into five classifications in fluency, namely excellent, good, fair, less and poor.

The table shows that score of fluency in pre-test and post-test of 36 students. While in the post-test the dominant classification was in "Good" and "Really", none got students' poor score.

Hypothesis Testing

It is said that there was a significant difference between the students' speech before and after using the Jigsaw Technique.


The mean post-test accuracy score was 71.37 higher than the pre-test mean score (54.48). The mean post-test fluency score was 69.66 higher than the pre-test mean score (56.19). The mean score for speaking skills, both accuracy and fluency in the post-test was 70,515 higher than the mean score in the pre-test was 57,337.

Thus, the improvement in students' speaking ability was 22.98%. On the other hand, the researcher found that the result between the t-test and the t-table showed that the t-test was greater than the t-table. This was proven by the result of the post-test for accuracy and fluency. Category accuracy score where the pre-test score was fair 33.3 and the post-test score was good 52.72.

The fluency category, in which the posttest score was poor 38.9 and the posttest good 36.08. After using the jigsaw technique in speaking, students' speaking improved as they used some of the new vocabulary that students find during the learning process. The students were introduced to the vocabulary they knew, so the students spoke actively and were happy to appear in teaching learning activities, so they were fluent in speech.

Based on the result of the data analysis, the researchers conclude that the use of jigsaw technique is effective in improving students' speaking ability in the teaching process.


The t-test was 18.17 while the t-table was 2.03011. This means that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. Based on the above explanation, we can see that the jigsaw puzzle technique is effective for improving students' speaking ability, which focuses on accuracy and fluency in teaching speaking. The jigsaw technique is one way to improve students to speak and be active in front of the class with a positive attitude.


Analisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks narasi sederhana tentang pengalaman/peristiwa/kejadian dalam kaitannya dengan konteks penggunaannya. Siswa mampu dengan percaya diri, jujur, dan bertanggung jawab menganalisis serta menangkap makna narasi sederhana lisan dan tulisan tentang kegiatan/peristiwa/peristiwa. Siswa mampu menangkap makna dan menyunting teks narasi sederhana lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang kegiatan/peristiwa/peristiwa dengan percaya diri, jujur, dan bertanggung jawab.

Siswa mampu menangkap makna dan menyusun teks retelling sederhana lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang kegiatan/peristiwa/kejadian dengan percaya diri, jujur, dan bertanggung jawab. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan berbagai teks menceritakan kembali sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris, terutama dari segi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan. Siswa mempertanyakan gagasan pokok, informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu dari teks menceritakan kembali sederhana tentang kegiatan/peristiwa/kejadian.

Secara berkelompok, siswa membaca teks narasi sederhana berupa brosur kegiatan/kejadian/peristiwa yang disajikan dengan pengucapan, tekanan kata, dan intonasi yang benar. Secara berpasangan, siswa menemukan gagasan pokok, informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu serta fungsi sosial dari teks menceritakan kembali sederhana yang dibaca/didengar. Siswa mendengarkan teks narasi sederhana tentang kegiatan/peristiwa/kejadian sambil melengkapi format yang disediakan guru.

Siswa secara bergiliran membacakan teks narasi tentang kegiatan/peristiwa/kejadian kepada pasangannya. Siswa belajar menemukan gagasan pokok, informasi rinci, dan informasi spesifik dari narasi sederhana yang dibacakan teman dengan mengisi bagian yang kosong. Secara berpasangan, siswa membaca teks narasi sederhana lainnya untuk menemukan gagasan pokok, informasi detail, informasi spesifik, dan fungsi sosial dari teks narasi sederhana yang dibacanya.

Melaksanakan kegiatan lanjutan berupa pemberian tugas individu membaca beberapa teks narasi sederhana tentang kegiatan/kejadian/kejadian. Siswa membaca beberapa laporan sederhana tentang kegiatan/peristiwa/kejadian yang telah diedit oleh rekan sejawat dalam kelompok beranggotakan 4 orang, kemudian setiap anggota kelompok membacanya. Secara berkelompok, siswa menyusun teks narasi sederhana tentang kegiatan/peristiwa/peristiwa sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, tujuan, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan.

Distribution of T-Table


Figure 4.1.The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Ability………………...27  Figure 4.2.The Improvement of the Students’ Fluency…………...………………28  Figure 4.3.The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Ability…………...........29
Table 3.1 Research design  Pre-test  Treatment  Post-test
Table 3.2Classification Score of Pronunciation
Table 3.4 Classification Score of Fluency


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