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Academic year: 2023



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As mentioned in the previous paragraph, speaking skills were important for students, especially in English. Based on the above condition, it could be concluded that the students' speaking skills were low. By improving the students' speaking skills, the learning results of the students would increase significantly.

Problem Statement

In relation to the above explanation, the researcher concludes that speaking was a process between the speaker and the listener giving information to each other and both the listener and the speaker were active during oral communication. The act of speaking involves not only the production of sound, but also the use of gestures, the movement of facial muscles and indeed the whole body. A sound of their tongue may be meaningless. line indicates that this was phonetic writing) several times, e.g. To find out students' speaking confidence, the researcher used the following formula.

Thus, the improvement in the accuracy and fluency of the students' speaking skills can be clearly seen in the following explanation. Thus, the improvement in self-confidence of the students from cycle I to cycle II became 22.2 and the score was classified as good. Thus, the improvement in the situational confidence of the students from Cycle I to Cycle II became 23.9 and the score was classified as good.

So the improvement of the students. the communication confidence from cycle I to cycle II became 20.8, the score was classified as good. So the improvement in the potential confidence of the students from Cycle I to Cycle II became 22.3 and the score was classified as good. The study concluded that project-based learning strategies were used as a technique to improve students' accuracy and fluency.

It can be concluded that the project-based learning strategy affects the improvement of students' speaking skills. Finally the researcher gave a questionnaire test to find out the students' self-confidence in speaking. The result after implementing the project-based learning strategy can improve students' accuracy and fluency.

The result of cycle II in implementing project-based learning strategy showed that students' self-confidence improved. Dissertation "The impact of using role play method to improve students' speaking performance of the five grade students of MI Sukorejo 02 suruh in the academic year 2011/2012".

Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

The results of this research can contribute to the literature on the use of project-based learning models. The results of this study can be used as a reference for the development of studies that can be used by teachers for secondary school students. The results of this research can add knowledge, insight and experience about the use of a project-based learning model in secondary school education.

Scope of the Research

The researcher applied, monitored and evaluated project-based learning to improve students' speaking skills in class XI of MA An'nur Nusa. The procedural text aimed to find out the students' speaking skills by using project-based learning. The students' . ability confidence before implementing project-based learning in D-test means that the score for ability confidence is 7.68.

The students' situational confidence before implementation of project-based learning in D-test was average score for situational confidence 8.12 The score was classified as poor. The students' communication confidence before implementation of project-based learning method in D-test means that the score of the communication confidence was 8. The score was classified as poor. The students' . potential trust before implementation of project-based method in D-test means the score of the potential trust was 6.48.

This means that improvement of the students' accuracy and fluency showed progress from cycle I to cycle II. The students' accuracy with variable (X) and students' fluency with variable (X) regarding the application of project-based learning strategy. This was supported by the score of the students always improved in D-test, cycle I and cycle II.

The improvement of students' accuracy and fluency in speaking in class before a classroom action study was conducted in 10th grade class XI. The researcher's findings indicated that the self-confidence of the eleventh grade students of class XI MA Annur Nusa Bone showed improvement by using project-based learning. The researcher finished and administered the questionnaire test to find out the students' self-confidence in speaking.

Then the researcher used the score of cycle I and cycle II to find out the improvement percentage of the students through project based learning method.


Previous of Related Research Findings

Concept of Speaking

It was the most essential way for the speaker to express himself through the language. Therefore, we can conclude that speaking performance was the way someone spoke. Fluency was the state of being able to speak a language smoothly and easily (Oxford Learner Pocket Dictionary, 1995:10) and learners had to be able to communicate easily with other friends.

Problem Based Learning

Project-based learning was an innovative learning model and emphasizes contextual learning through complex activities. Project-based learning has great potential to provide a more engaging and meaningful learning experience for students. The principle of autonomy in project-based learning can be defined as the independence of students in the implementation of the learning process, who were free to make their own choices, work with minimal supervision and responsibility.

Conceptual Framework


  • Research Design
  • Research Indicators
  • Research Prosedure
  • Research Subject
  • Research Instrument
  • The Procedure of Data Collection
  • Technique of Data Analysis

The classroom action research addresses the answer to the problem statement and aimed to improve the students' accuracy and fluency. Based on the table above, the researcher can use the above percentage to explain that the students' speaking skills include pronunciation and vocabulary. The conclusion for this table is that the students' speaking shows progress from cycle I to cycle II.

The researcher compared the date with the completed diagnostic test to measure the students' prior knowledge of English learning. It was still indicated as rather poor students' self-confidence, which was the reason why the researcher continued the research to cycle II.


The findings

Each indicator had a total score, and it was divided by some of the students', resulting in a mean score in D-test, cycle I and cycle II. During the action, the researcher also evaluated the students' speaking performance using the list of speaking results that included third speaking aspects such as pronunciation and vocabulary. The result of observation of the students in teaching learning process towards the application project-based learning in speaking skill in improving students' accuracy and fluency in the eleventh grade of MA Annur Nusa Bone, which was completed in two cycles during 8 meetings, is taken by observer through performance in talk.

The figure above shows the increase in students' speaking accuracy through project-based learning methods. The finding of classroom action research dealing with answering problem statement with the aim of improving the students' ability self-confidence, situational confidence, communication confidence, potential self-confidence in the eleventh students of MA Annur Nusa Bone. Then the result of the implementation of project-based learning in cycle I for communication trust was still law with the average score 8.84.

Then the result of the implementation of project-based learning in Cycle I for the potential trust was still legal with an average score of 8.76. Some students are still passive in the learning process and still feel shy to practice. Thus, the students were easy to understand about the material and enjoyed practicing during the lesson.

The figure above shows the increase in students' speaking fluency through the project-based learning method.


At the first meeting in cycle I, the researcher opens the material with a greeting to the students and introduces herself. The researcher asked the students to find out vocabulary related material especially word sequence using word in procedure. The researcher works hard to guide and motivate the students to be more active.

At the third meeting in Cycle II, the researcher opened by greeting and checking the names of the students. The researcher gave the students corrections and suggestions about their speaking performance so that they could act better at the next meeting. Before the study began, the researcher asked a question about the topic before the student rate.

After that, the researcher gave a suggestion to the students that the performance in this meeting was clear and good. Based on the above date, the researcher can claim that the project-based learning method is an effective method to improve students' speaking skills in class. Therefore, the researcher conducted a special treatment of the students using classroom action research (CAR) and developed the students' speaking output using the project-based learning method in the eleventh grade of MA Annur Nusa Bone.

This means that the implementation project-based learning method used by the researcher was effective and efficient.



It aimed to know the pronunciation, vocabulary and fluency scores obtained by the students in expressing happiness. After the material given about the procedure test, the researcher used the test at the end point of each cycle to measure the students' speaking based on accuracy and fluency.


The students need the teacher's encouragement to ensure that they become more confident in speaking English. The author proposes to the following researcher to implement project-based learning, not only to increase students' self-confidence, but also to improve students' speaking skills. Gurumengecek kesiapan peserta didik belajar baik secara fisik maupun psylogis (berdoa,mengecek kehadiran dll).

Mengikuti guru yang membacakan beberapa resep dengan lancar dan bermakna dengan pengucapan dan penekanan yang benar (BS: 81-82). Kegiatan • Guru memeriksa kesiapan siswa dalam belajar baik fisik maupun psikis (berdoa, mengecek kehadiran, dan lain-lain). Guru menyampaikan garis besar ruang lingkup materi dan penjelasan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan siswa untuk menyelesaikan latihan dan tugas dalam pembelajaran.

Guru meminta siswa menganalisis teks prosedur yang dibawakan berdasarkan kolom-kolom seperti pada latihan sebelumnya (BS: 84). Secara berkelompok, siswa menyalin teks lisan pada video dengan ejaan dan tanda baca yang benar. Peniruan guru membacakan langkah-langkah penggunaan alat secara manual pada halaman 102 dengan lancar dan bermakna serta pengucapan dan penekanan yang benar.

Guru memeriksa kesiapan siswa belajar jasmani dan rohani (berdoa, mengecek kehadiran, dll) 5'. Secara mandiri, siswa belajar menemukan dan menentukan struktur teks prosedur, resep, dan manual. Untuk membuat pewarna, tuangkan setengah botol pewarna makanan ke dalam toples kaca dan tambahkan 300ml air hangat.


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