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Academic year: 2023



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Submitted to the faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Makassar Muhammadiyah University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for degree of Education in English Department


Rahmawati Ahmad 105351136116







Bukan tentang hasil dari usaha,

Tapi tentang perjuangan panjang yang telah berhasil dilalui dengan penuh sabar dan ketekunan.

I Dedicated this thesis to

My beloved parents, My families and all of my friends.



RAHMAWATI AHMAD, 2021. Improving Students Speaking Skill through Vocabulary Mastery Using the Make a Match Method Study at the Eight Grade of MTSN 1 Kolaka Utara (Pre-experimental Research).Guided by Muh. Arif Paturusi and Ilmiah.

This research aimed to find out the improvement of students' speaking skills by using the make a match method which focuses on pronunciation.

The researcher used a pre-experimental research. The researcher had conducted a treatment, which consisted of fourth meetings. The population of this research was the second grade of MTSN 1 Kolaka utara in the academic year 2020/2021 . The researcher used purposive sampling Technique. The researcher instrument was Speaking test.

The results showed that class VIII F MTs Negeri 1 Kolaka Utara had a bad pre-test score of 5.88, after treatment using the make a match method, the student's score increased significantly to 7.4 post-test.

The use of this method is very effective in improving students 'speaking skills, especially in pronunciation, this is evidenced by the average score before and after being given treatment, the student's pronunciation score increases (25.88%) and the researcher found that t-test was higher than t-table table = 2.145, T-test value=12,46. So HI (Alternative Hypotheses) was accepted and HO (Null Hypotheses) was rejected. It can be concluded that the use of the make a match method can improve students' speaking ability from in terms of pronunciation Keywords: Speaking, make a match method, vocabulary.



RAHMAWATI AHMAD, 2020. Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Siswa melalui Penguasaan Kosakata Menggunakan Metode Make a Match Pembelajaran di Kelas VIII MTSN 1 Kolakautara (Penelitian Pra Eksperimental). Dibimbing oleh Muh. Arifpaturusi dan Ilmiah.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan berbicara siswa dengan menggunakan metode make a match yang menitikberatkan pada pelafalan.

Peneliti menggunakan penelitian pra-eksperimental. Peneliti telah melakukan treatment yang terdiri dari empat kali pertemuan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas dua MTSN 1 Kolaka utara tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Peneliti menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen peneliti adalah tes Berbicara.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa kelas VIII F Mts Negeri 1 kolakautara memiliki nilai pre test buruk sebesar 5.88, setelah perlakuan menggunakan metode make a match nilai siswa meningkat signifikan menjadi 7.4 post test.

Penggunaan metode ini sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa khususnya dalam pengucapan, hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai rata- rata sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan, nilai pengucapan siswa meningkat (25,88%) dan peneliti menemukan bahwa uji-t lebih tinggi dari t-tabel = 2,145, nilai uji-t = 12,46. Jadi HI (Hipotesis Alternatif) diterima dan HO (Hipotesis Nol) ditolak. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode make a match dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dari segi pengucapan.

Kata kunci: Berbicara, metode make a match, kosakata.




In the name of Allah, the beneficent, and mercifull. Praise and gratitude be to Allah for giving the stregh and guidance for the writer, so thet this skripsi can be finished accordingly. Peace and blessing be upon prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his relatives, and all followers.

Further, the researcher also expresses sincerely deepest gratitude to her beloved parents; my father Ahmad.s, and my lovely mother Hj. Siti rajab for their prayer, financial, motivation and sacrificed for her success, and their love sincerely and purely without time.The researcher realized that in carrying out the research and writing this thesis, many people have contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, and advice for the completion of this thesis. Therefore the she would like to acknowledgment them:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo asse, M. Ag as the Rector of the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.pd., Ph.D, The Dean of Teacher Training and Education 3. Ummi KhaeratiSyam, S.Pd, M.Pd, And Ismail SangkalaS.Pd as the head and

device of English Education Department of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar, who gave their valuable authorities and suggestion in doing this thesis.

4. Her greatest thanks are due to the first consultant Dr. Muh. Arif paturusi, S.Pd., M.Pd as the first consultant and Ilmiah S.Pd., M.Pd as the second consultant



who have given their valuable time and patient, to support assistance and guidance to finish this thesis.

5. Her profound thanks to all lecturers of the FKIP UNISMUH especially to the lectures of English Education Departement for their guidance during my study.

6. Her greatest thanks to Headmaster of MTS Negeri 1 Kolaka Utara Dr.

SarajuddinS.Pd, and English Teacher, VikaS.PdandthanStudents the Eight Grade of MTS Negeri 1 Kolaka Utara.

7. Her greatest thanks to Jomblo Class as a class who have given experiences in developing her character.

8. Special thanks to her friends, Ukhtul iffa, Nurul ilmi, Andi agustiana, Nazirah, Rezky amelia, Khairunnisa muradi and all of friend that cannot be mentioned in this paper who always give her spirit and support. My Allah SWT gives them good health and guidance in their life. My bless us. Aamiin

Desember 2020, Makassar The Researcher

Rahmawati Ahmad








MOTTO ... viii








A. Background ... 1

B. Problem statement ... 2

C. Research objective ... 2

D. Significance of research ... 2

E. Scope of the study ... 3



B. Some partinent ideas ... 5

C. Conceptual Framework ... 13

D. Hypothesis ... 14

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD A. Research design ... 15

B. Research variable ... 15

C. Population and sample ... 16

D. Instrument of the research ... 16

E. Procedure of collection data ... 16

F. Technique of Analyzing Data ... 17


B. Discussion ... 29


B. Suggestion ... 27






Table. 3.1 Pattern Of One Group Pre-Test Post-Test ... 15

Table 3.2 Classification of pronunciation ... 18

Table 4.1 Students score classification in pre-test ... 21

Table 4.2 Students score classification in post-test ... 22

Table 4.3 The Improvement of students’ speaking test in terms of pronunciation ... 22

Table 4.4: The T-Test Analysis of students ... 24




Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ... 13 Figur 4.1 Graphic of the Accuracy ... 23




APPENDIX I Lesson Plan APPENDIX II Teaching Material

APPENDIXIII Instrument pre-test and post-test APPENDIXIV The Students’ Row of Pre-Test APPENDIXV The Students’ Row ofPost-Test

APPENDIXVI The Students’ Score of Pre-Test (X1) and Post-Test (X2), APPENDIX VIIT Table

APPENDIXVIII Documentation


1 A. Background

In English there are four skills that are recognized and commonly used in the process of teaching and learning English, namely reading, writing, listening and speaking. in English it is very important to master the four skills because it is very important. One of those skills is speaking, speaking is not the same as singing but talking can be in the form of communication and can exchange information, exchange ideas or exchange ideas. (Robert Lado, 1983: 143).

Speaking not only by communicating but can exchange information with other individuals or groups of people.

In addition, Trigan (1990: 15) states, speaking is one of the abilities to express opinions, thoughts or exchange information to people. but speak in English there are many rules of grammar, pronunciation must be correct, fluency. in speaking there are various kinds, namely discussion, speech, story telling is the same as social control.

Pronunciation refers to the way we make the sound of a word. In other words, pronunciation is the way a word or language is pronounced. Apart from that, the pronunciation includes articulation, emphasis, and intonation.

hasis, and intonation. In learning English pronunciation, there are two very important elements to learn. The two elements are word emphasis and intonation. For more details, you can refer to the explanation of the following elements.


From the results of the experience and observations that took part in the apprenticeship 2 program conducted at MTSN 1, North Kolaka, it was evident that some students there were very lacking in vocabulary and the vocabulary pronunciation was also very difficult and sometimes unclear. as proven in the results of the exam provided. in one class only one or two students get the best grades and answer them correctly and mention the vocabulary clearly. at that time there were five question numbers and in the last question number I gave

questions about family vocabulary but there was still something wrong in terms of pronunciation.

B. Problem Statement

Base on the background above, the research formulate the problem statement as follow "Does the use of make a match method effective to improve students speaking skill" .

C. Research Objectives

The objective of this study formulate to find out whether or not the use of make a match method is effective to improve students speaking skill through vocabulary mastery use make a match method.

D. Significant of the research

The results of this study are expected to be useful information for many people such as:


1. Teacher

This research is expected to be useful to assist teachers in solving students' problems in teaching English, especially in difficulty speaking English due to the lack of student vocabulary.

2. Students

This research is expected to help students solve their problems in learning English and improve their speaking skills.

3. Other research

Research results can be a reference and useful for many people.

E. Scope of the Research

The scope of this research is to determine the improvement of students' speaking skills, especially about pronunciation in using the make a match method in class VIII MTS Negeri 1 Kolaka Utara.


4 A. Some Previous Research Findings

Several studies already conducted about previous finding by some researcher, many studies have been performed by the research related in use strategies, method, technique or media in improving students ability in learn English. there are some researcher related to this research.

"The Effectiveness of the Make a Match Technique in Teaching Vocabulary" was the first study. The results of this study show that a successful learning of vocabulary is the make a match process. For students, this promotes greater self-direction. It is also highly recommended that teachers apply this approach to help develop the vocabulary of students.

The second study was "improving the vocabulary mastery of eleventh grade students at SMKN 2 Depok using the make a match technique" by Emarsani Navita Laka, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta 13 November 2018. The results of the pre-test and post-test showed that the application of Make-A- Match-Technique helps students to improve their vocabulary mastery and can motivate them to learn English.

The third third research is "increasing students 'vocabulary mastery through the use of make a match teaching" by Layli nurindah sari, IAIN University Salatiga 2016. The results of his research show that there is an increase in students' vocabulary mastery using the make a match technique.

This can be seen from the results of the pre-test and post-test showing that by


applying the make a match technique, students' vocabulary mastery can be significantly improved.

The fourth study was "Using the make a match technique to teach vocabulary" by Ratna Zawil in July 2016. From the data the results of this study were collected from the pre-test and post-test concluded that students who were taught using the Make a Match technique got more vocabulary scores. Good As a follow up to this study, it is recommended that English teachers should try to use the Make a Match technique to teach as an alternative to be applied in teaching English.

Base on the result of researcher above, the researcher conclude that the fourt researcher have similarity and the dissimilarity. The similarity of the research is the researcher using make a match as a method and card as a media that was appliying by the researcher and the dissimilarity of the research is the researcher try to applying make a match method by different significant. So that researcher is focus on students’ pronunciation at the second grade of MTS Negeri 1 Kolaka Utara. By experimental research use make a match method effective to improve students speaking skill.

B. Some Partinent Ideas 1. Concept of speaking

a. Definition of speaking

According to experts, there are many views about speaking According to Harmer (2007: 284), among them, speaking is the ability to speak fluently and not just language knowledge Features, but the ability to


process "on the spot" information and language while speaking is described as a process according to Quianthy (1990: 7) that verbally transfers ideas and information in different situations. Whereas, according to Nunan (in Kayi, 2006: 1), with some unnatural pauses, which is known as fluency, speaking as the use of language is very easily and confidently established.

In different ways, speaking is the process of creating and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and nonverbal symbols. Therefore researchers believe that speaking is the capacity to generate language and exchange ideas (Chaney, 1998: 13).

2. Elements of Speaking

Based on Iwashita (2010:33) in speaking proficiency,there are many components but the researcher only discuss accuracy and fluency.

a. Accuracy

Accuracy in speaking is remote of people speaks to using suitable vocabulary and pronunciation. Accuracy is the circumstance of being correct or exact and without error, especially as result of careful affort. In this case accuracy is divided into three elements, namely vocabulary and pronunciation.

1) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the main aspects of communicating in teaching and learning. In some cases, it is necessary for language learners to choose suitable words in order to make their speech meaningful. According to Gardner in Dewi (2014:13), vocabulary


has some meaning, namely, vocabulary is supplaying the reader of a book in a foreign language with the English equivalent of the words used in it, believing that all are obscure, and also having the meaning of some group of individuals or an individual's entire stock of words.

2) Pronunciation

According to Nordquist (2016) pronunciation is a manner to produce the souds of word. There are many English words that different in pronunciation and in the way they are spelled, because some of the sounds can be represented by more than one combination of letters. There are some component s of speech which are combined together to form the pronunciation of language, such as sound, syllable, words and intonation. Those are :

a) Sound

According to ba’dulu (2011:8) base on the phonetic properties, the basic classification among English sounds are consonants and vowels. It can be distinguished on the basis of differences in articulator. Consonant produce with a narrow or compete closure of the vocal tract, while vowels are produce with little obstruction in the vocal tract.

b) Syllable

According to Nordquist (2017) A syllable is letter that representing a unit of spoken language consist of a single


uninterrupted sound. It made by a single vowel sound or a combination of vowel and consonant. A syllable that stands alone is called a monosyllable, and a word that has two or more syllables is called a polysyllable.

c) Stress

According to ampa (2014:95) stress may devide in several function thode are to give the emphasis to a word that make a word contrast to another, and to identify the syntactic relationship between the words.

d) Intonation

According to ampa (2014: 99) intonation is the term that refers to the patterns of sound which are evident in every utterance. Every language has its standard set of intonation patterns, in English, linguisticchart intonation patterns by using a system of marks to suggest the rising and falling of the voice tone.

3) Fluency

Fluency is the ability to speak naturally and fluently and also applies to speaking smoothly and fluency can not be distinguished from precision. In order to speak fluently, in our speech, we must have both rhythm and absence of non-fluency in our speech and absence of non-fluency in our words.


b. The Function of Speaking Skill

The mastery of English speaking skills is a priority for many learners of second and foreign languages. Several language specialists have tried to categorize the human interaction roles of speaking. Three roles of speaking occur, according to Brown and Yule.

Brown and Yule's three-part version of the system talks as interaction, talks as transaction, talks as results. In terms of form and function, each of these speech operations is very different and involves different approaches to teaching.

1) Talk as interaction

Speaking as interaction refers to an interaction that serves a social purpose in particular. They exchange greetings, participate in small talk and chit chat when people meet, recount recent encounters because they want to be polite and create a safe zone of contact with others.

2) Talk as performance

Speaking as performance refers to public speaking, it is expression that conveys before and audience knowledge such as public announcements and speeches. Speaking as success appears to be in the form of monologue rather than dialogue, frequently follows a familiar structure and is closer to written language than to the language of conversation.


3) Speaking as transaction

Speaking as a transaction refers to a situation where the emphasis is on the message of what is said or done in order to make it transparent and accurate for people to understand.

c. Teaching Speaking

1) The Principle of Teaching to Speak

We all already know that English is a foreign language, so there are certain concepts that teachers need to know and appreciate in order to make learners learn English more easily.

There are several rules of language teaching through listening to students, according to Finocchiaro (1974: 18), as follows:

a) In contexts that clarify their meaning, language elements must be taught to students. The tone, structure, phrases, and their arrangement in the proper and simple speech of the language, so that it is easy to understand, are the essential characteristics that must be understood.

b) Good pronunciation must be properly and clearly demonstrated to each student, so that when they generate language in their voice, students can discern each word and its meaning well.

c) In addition to the sound system, the structure of the language system must also be taught to students. It can be used by providing several examples of practice, then an understanding of word order, inflection, derivation, and other meaningful


features in English must be given to students. The instructor, for example, will provide examples such as multiple sentences that use the same root but use different patterns, and then students are supposed to know about the significance that can be found by studying, asking questions, and eventually receiving their own understanding and answers.

d) Training students to always ask what is not understood, then answer questions from the instructor, make comments and respond appropriately is the essence of language learning by speaking. Talking is different from writing, so there would also be a different way of reacting to questions. Finocchiaro (1974:

20) notes that when writing using full sequence sentences, how to respond to questions in speaking is generally very easy, clearly right in answering questions.

3. Concept of Make a match method a) Definition of make a match method

Afifah and kusumarasdyanti (2013 : 5) define make a match as one of the co-operative learning techniques that is used with pairs. The students are put into 2 groups, group A and B . the number in each group depends on the number of cards prepared. Each studenrs gets a card group A gets question topic cards; while group B gets the aswer cards. When they have already found their matches, they can report it to the teacher.


b) The steps of Applying Make a Match

Aqib (2013:23) procedures of make-a match technique. The steps are:

1) The teacher prepares some cards that contain some concepts or a suitable topic for review session, a part is contains questions and the other is the answer.

2) Every student gets a card.

3) Every student thinks the answer or the question from the card that they hold.

4) Every student finds their partner that has a matching card with his card.

5) Every student who finds their suitable card before the time up will get a point.

6) After the first session, the card is shuffled, so the students will get the different card in the next session. It is continued until this activity is ended.

7) Teacher together with the students make a conclusion from the material that have been given by teacher.

c) The advantages of the Make A Match

1) Can increase cognitive and physical learning experiences for students,as there are elements of the game, this technique is pleasant;


2) Increase the comprehension of the content being learned by students and may increase student motivation;

d) The shortcomings of the mediain Make A Match include:

1) A great deal of time would belost if this procedure is not well prepared.

2) If the instructor does not guide the learnerswell, when presenting pairs, several students will pay less attention.

C. Conceptual Frameworks:

The conceptual framework of this research can be sen as follow

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework


Teaching vocabulary


Use the make a match method


Improving students speaking skill


In the diagram above input, process and output classified briefly in the following input is explanation about teaching vocabulary, in this case teaching vocabulary while process refers to students activity in teaching and learning process use the make a match method, and Output it refers to the students speaking skill as their result in learning English speaking by using card.

D. Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis (H0): The use of make a match method has notimprove students’

speaking ability at MTS Negeri 1 Kolaka Utara.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The use of make a method will improve students’

speaking ability at MTS Negeri 1 Ko


15 A. Research Design

The research design in this research was used a pre-experimental method. The design was presented as following table :

Pre-test Treatment Post-Test

O1 X O2

Table. 3.1 pattern of one group pre-test post-test

(Gay in Goestina, 2016)

Pre-Test = O1

Treatment = X

Post-Test = O 2

B. Research Variable

Variable is one of the forms of objects determined by researchers in order to obtain an outcome that can be concluded.

The variable of the research are independent variable and dependent variable :

1. The independent variable of this research of cards in teaching vocabulary.

It is very important process to which allow the students to share and develop ideas/opinion to improve their speaking skill.

2. The dependent variable of this research is the students’ vocabulary.


C. Population and sample 1. Population

The population of this research is all of students in eighth grade junior High School in Kolaka Utara. One of that has been occupied by researcher is MTS Negeri 1 Kolaka utara. The total number of whole populations were 127students. They were VIII A, VIII B, VIIIC, VIII D, VIII E, VIII F.

2. Sample

The sample selected by using purposive sampling technique. The sample in this research chosen VIII F. It consist of 20 students.

D. Instrument of the Research

The research instrument was a speaking test with an oral test.

Researchers applied the speaking test in pre-tets and post-tets.The pre-test is used to determine students' initial knowledge in speaking.It was done at the first meeting. Meanwhile, the post-test is designed to determine whether the treatment is effective using the make a match method and the last meeting is held in the class after the treatment.

E. Procedure of Collecting Data

The procedure in collecting data presented in as follows:

1. Pre-Test

Researcher gave before doing the treatment at the first meeting in class. The test was speaking test with oral test.


2. Treatment

Make a Match Method

Researcher provide treatment to improve students' speaking skills by using the make a match method, the procedure is:

1) Prepare the objects and media that will be used to apply them using the make a match method.

2) Give instructions to students on how to apply the make a match method.

3) Explain to students that they will find their respective partners using the make match method.

4) After finding their respective pairs, students show the cards then mention and give examples of sentences according to the

vocabulary on the card 3. Post test

Researcher gave after doing the treatment at fourth meeting in the class. The test was speaking test with oral test.

F. Techniques of Data Analysis

The data collecting in this research analyze trough quantitate.

meanwhile, to get speaking score, the researcher will use scoring scale, which include accuracy pronunciation of the students' speaking.

1. To classifying the students’ score, the were classification which used as follows:


Table 3.2 :

Classification of pronunciation No. Classification Score Criteria 1. Excellent 9.6 – 10

They speak effectively and excellent of using pronunciation

2. Very good 8.6 – 9.5

They speak effectively and very good of using pronunciation

3. Good 7.6 – 8.5

They speak effectively and good of using pronunciation

4. Fairly good 6.6 – 7.5

They speak sometimes hasty but fairly good of using pronunciation

5. Fair 5.6 – 6.5

Theyspeak sometimes hasty, fair of pronunciation

6. Poor 3.6 – 5.5

They speak hasty, and more sentence are not appropriate pronunciation 7. Very poor 0.0 – 3.5

They speak very hasty, and more sentence are not appropriate in pronunciation and title or no


(Layman,in Asmi, 2013 : 30 )

2. Scoring the students’ answer by using the following formula:

( Layman,in Asmi, 2013 : 32 )

3. Calculating the mean scoreby using the following formula :


X = the mean score

∑X = the students total score.

N = the number of the students

(Gay , 1981:293)


4. Calculating the t-test Value of Pronunciation


T = Test of significant

D = The difference between the method pairs x2- x1 𝐷 = The mean of D square

∑𝐷2 = The square of the sum score os difference (∑𝐷2 ) = The square of ∑D

N = The number of students

(Gay 1981:331) 5. To know how development of the speaking skill, the researcher , used

the percentage technique as follows : P =𝑋2−𝑋1 𝑥100%


Where: P = Percentage

X2= Average score of Post-test X1= Average score of Pre-test

(Gay, 2006 :336)



This chapter consists of two parts, namely findings and discussion. The findings are focused on data analysis which includes the results of testing and hypothesis testing. Then the discussion contains an explanation of the findings that reflect the results of the data.

A. Research Finding

1. The students’ Speaking test in terms of pronunciation.

a. The classification of the students’ score in pre-test

The findings of this study were taken from the data using the make a match method to improve students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation, taking scores before and after doing the treatment. This researcher aims to determine the increase in student speaking after using the make a match method. So, researchers determine the quality of students' scores on the test student of class VIIIF Mts Negeri 1 Kolaka Utara.

The rate percentages of speaking skill score for the students on pre- test are as follow:


Table 4.1 Students score classification in pre-test

No. Classification Score Pre-Test

Frequensi Percentage

1. Excellent 9.6 – 10 0 0%

2. Very good 8.6 – 9.5 0 0%

3. Good 7.6 – 8.5 0 0%

4. Fairly good 6.6 – 7.5 2 13%

5. Fair 5.6 – 6.5 9 60%

6. Poor 3.6 – 5.5 4 27%

7. Very poor 0.0 – 3.5 0 0%

Total 15 100

Table 4.1 Show that the classification of students’ speaking ability scores in term of pronunciation in the pre-test, there are 2 (13%) students who get fair good and 9 (60%) students’ get fair and 4 (27%) students’ get poor. None of them scored good, very good, excellent and very poor. students who get fair good and 9 (60%) students get fair and 4 (27%).

2. The students’ Speaking test in terms of pronunciation.

a. The classification of the students’ score in post-test

The rate of students’ score obtain through the test. to determine the increase in student speaking after receiving treatment.in this case, the researcher was to determine the quality of the grade VIIIF students of Mts Negeri 1 Kolaka utara in improving speaking in the percentage and score classification as follows.


Table 4.2 Students score classification in post-test

No. Classification Score Post-Test

Frequensi Percentage

1. Excellent 9.6 – 10 0 0

2. Very good 8.6 – 9.5 0 0

3. Good 7.6 – 8.5 3 20%

4. Fairly good 6.6 – 7.5 11 74%

5. Fair 5.6 – 6.5 1 6%

6. Poor 3.6 – 5.5 0 0

7. Very poor 0.0 – 3.5 0 0

Total 15 100

Table 4.2 Shows that from the classification of students' speaking ability scores in terms of pronunciation in the post-test, there are 3 (20%) students who got good and 11 (74%) students got fairly good and 1 (6%) students got fair. None of them got an excellent score, very good and very poor.

3. The Improvement of students’ speaking test in terms of pronunciation.

Table 4.3 The Improvement of students’ speaking test in terms of pronunciation.

Accuracy The Student’s Score Improvement (%) Pre-test Post-test

Pronunciation 5.88 7.4 25.88%

Table 4.3 shows that the pronunciation score increased (25.88%) from the main score of 5.88 in the pre-test to 7.4 in post-test. In the make a match method using card media in the classroom, data were


collected through tests and it showed that the students' speaking accuracy experienced a significant increase. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the use of the make a match method is effective to improving the students' speaking accuracy. The accuracy of the students in speaking above is explained as:

The mean Score and Improvement of the Students’ Speaking in terms of Pronunciation.

Figur 4.1 Graphic of the Accuracy

Graph 4.1 suggests that there is an improvement in the ability of students to speak with an overall score of 25.88% in terms of pronunciation. It shows that the speech of the students in terms of pronunciation using a match approach is greatly improved.

Series 1











Pretest Postest Improvement


Table 4.4: The T-Test Analysis of students

Variable Mean score of


Mean score of post-test

T-test T-Table Comparison Classification

Pronunciat ion

5.9 7.4 12.46 2.145 T-test >T- table 12.46>2.145


If the t-test value is higher than t-table at the level of significance 0,05 and degree freedom

(df) 14 (N-I = 15-1 ), where N is= Number of students, thus the alternative hypothesis (HI) is accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. In contrary, if the value is lower than t-table at the level of significance 0.05 and the degree freedom (df) 14 (N-1 = 15-1) thus the alternative hypothesis is rejected and null hypothesis is accepted.

B. Discussion

This section which was explained in the previous section shows that the students' speaking accuracy in terms pronunciation This is supported by the average score and percentage of the students' pre-test and post-test results.

1. Speaking Ability in terms of pronunciation

The results showed that the students 'speaking ability using the make a match method and using card media showed an increase in students' speaking ability in terms of accuracy pronunciation From this increase, it can be seen that the process in the pre-test and post-test. The pre-test results of students' speaking were low, especially in finding accuracy Pronunciation.


This shows that students cannot pronounce That was before using the make a match method in teaching speaking.

Based on the above problems, the researcher gave the treatment with the make a match method and cards as student media so that students could show an increase in the post-test. In the pre-test, only speaking test was given to find out their knowledge before using the make a match method.At first his speaking skills were very poor. They don't know how to pronounce words properly and they know very little vocabulary. The author provides treatment using the make a match method and using the media card. As a result, students become active and like to talk, they can pronounce words well after using card media. In using the make a match method in speaking, the researcher found that the average post-test score of students was greater than the pre-test, it is supported by the different score between pre-test and post- test.

In the pre-test there 2 students (13%) out of 15 got ‘fairly good’ score;

9 (60%) out of them got ‘fair’ score; 4 (27%) out of them got poor score and neither of them were got ‘very good score’.

In post-test there 3 students (20%) out of 15 got ‘Good’ score 11 (74%) out of them got ‘fairly good’ score; 1 (6%) out of them got ‘Fair’score, and neither of them got ‘excellen, very good, good and very poor’.

The analysis above tell us the mean score of the students’ test result on the pretest is the total row score on pretest (88.3) devide 15 students = 5.88 and the mean score of the students’ tetsresult on posttest is the total row


on posttest (111) devided 15 students’ = 7.4. it show that the mean score of posttest is grater than pretest. The gain of means score of the pretest and posttest group is 24.3.

The result of the data indicates that there is a significant difference between the result of pretest and posttest, at the level of significance ( a ) = 0.05 and (df-N) = 15-1, the value of the T-table = 2.145, T-test value =12,46.



This chapter described conclusion and suggestion of this researched.

A. Conclusion

After conducting experimental research on the application of the make a match method and using card media in teaching speaking and based on the researcher's findings in the previous chapter, the researcher concluded that:

1. The use of the make a match method is effective in improving students' speaking skills, especially in accuracy (pronunciation) as evidenced by the mean score of accuracy before and after treatment, the pronunciation score increases (28.88%) using the make a match method with card media in class, data is collected through test and show that the students' speaking accuracy has increased significantly. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the use of the make a match method with card media is effective in improving the students' speaking accuracy.

B. Suggestions

Based on the above conclusions, the researchers made the following suggestions:

1. English Teacher for Eighth Grade Junior High School Students

a. It is recommended to the teacher, to use the make a match method in order to make students more enthusiastic in the learning process and increase the vocabulary of students.



b. Teachers must manage time and class properly so that the implementation of the learning process goes well and is successful.

2. Next researchers

This method is effective for improving students' speaking skills.

However, there are several obstacles faced in conducting this research, such as taking a longer time due to unfavorable conditions. Other researchers who will undertake a similar research study must prepare a research plan prior to conducting the research.




Afriani. 2014. English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University, teaching vocabulary through make a match method at junior high school.

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Anita, Lie. 2008. Cooperative Learning. Jakarta: PT Grasindo.

Computing the Frequency and Data Percentage of The Students Score by Using the following Formula.

Direktorat Pendidikan in Syamzani, 2014:19The Rate Scale Scoring System Harmer, in Syamzani, 2014;17. Techniques of Data Analysis

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Ratna,Zawil. educational jurnal (EEJ), July 2016. Using make a Retrieved from Los Angeles: University of California.

Ria,Dhatun,Nikmah. 2018 The Effectiveness of Make a Match Technique in Teaching Vocabulary.Universitas Negeri Medan Medan,


Rusman.2011.Model-model PembelajaranMengembangkanProfesionalisme Guru.

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Annisa fatimatul Zahra. 2018. The use of story sequence as an alternative medium to enchance students’ speaking skill











No Sample Code

1 Aida azzahra S-1

2 Aisya sri S-2

3 Siti nur Zahra S-3

4 Andretazahara S-4

5 Atikapauzia S-5

6 Chesyazalsabila S-6

7 Dara S-7

8 Erin S-8

9 Fakhira S-9

10 Keysainara S-10

11 Muh.prajab S-11

12 Mustaqima S-12

13 Nahla agista S-13

14 Nurul annisa S-14

15 Rahmahidayah S-15


Satuan Pendidikan: MTSN 1 Kolaka Utara Subjek: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / semester: VIII / Genap Alokasi Waktu: 45Menit.

A. Kompetensi Inti :

KI 1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati perila kujujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(toleransi, gotong royong), santun,

percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

KI 3: Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunnya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4: Mengolah, menyaji, dan menala rdalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranaha bstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


B. Kompetensi dasar dan indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.2 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan

menanyakan tentang kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Mengenal fungsi sosial teks untuk menanyakan dan menyatakan kemampuan serta kemauan untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Mengetahui ungkapan menanyakan kemampuan

Mengunakan modal : can, will yang terkait dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang kemampuan dan


4.2 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, strukturteks, dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

4.2.1 membuat teks lisan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa dapat mengenal kosakata kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan

2. Siswa dapat Mengucapkan kosakata dengan jelas.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Vocabulary about ability


1. Singing (My sister like singing) 2. Footbal

3. Play guitar 4. Badminton 5. Swimming 6. Boxing 7. Chess 8. Dance 9. Drawing 10. Taekwondo

11. Write novel ( I Can write novel) 12. Foreign language

13. Public speaking 14. Design

15. Debate 16. Pashion show 17. Taylor

18. Acting 19. Hike 20. Poetry

E. Metode Pembelajaran

Metode Pembelajaran : The make a match method


F. Media pembelajaran Media

- Card

- Lembar penilaian - Buku vocabulary


Kegiatan Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran Alokasi

waktu Pendah


1. Guru memperingatkan cara duduk yang baik, rapi dan teratur ketika akan dimulai pelajaran.

2. Guru Memberikan apresiasi dengan bertanya tentang materi pemb elajaran yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.

3. Guru mengkaitkan pertanyaan yang

dibacakandenganmateri yang akandipelajari.

4. Guru mengkaitkanpertanyaan yang

dibacakandenganmateri yang akandipelajari.

5. Siswamendengarkanpenjelasan guru denganpenuhperhatian.

6. Guru menjelaskanlangkah-langkahkegiatanyang

akandilakukansiswayaitudenganbekerjasecaraberpasang anuntukmenyelesaikantantangandari guru

15 Menit

Kegiata Eksplorasi 15


n Inti 1. Guru

menggaliinformasidenganbertanyajawabdengansiswab erkaitandenganmenyatakan dan

menanyakankemampuan dan kemauanmelakukansuatutindakan.

2. Siswamenjawabpertanyaan guru dan menyebutkanbeberapacontohmenyatakan dan menanyakansebuahkemampuanmelakukantindakan.

1) Guru memberikanpenjelasan dan


2) Guru dan siswaterlibatdalam Tanya jawabmengenaimateritersebut.

3) Guru menegaskanbahwa yang akandibahas pada pembelajaranhariiniadalahkemampuan.


Pada tahapelaborasi guru

melaksanakankegiatanmenggunakanmetode the make a match denganlangkah-langkahsebagaiberikut:

1. Guru menyiapkanbeberapakartu yang berisikosakatauntuksesipeninjauan, sebagianberisipertanyaan dan yang lainnyaadalahjawabannya.

2. Setiapsiswamendapatkartu dan


Setiapsiswamemikirkanjawabanataupertanyaandarikartu yang merekapegang

3. Setiapsiswamenemukanpasangannya yang memilikikartu yang cocokdengankartunya 4. Setiapsiswa yang menemukankartu yang


5. Setelah menemukanpasangan masing-masing siswamenyebutkan dan

memberikancontohkalimatsesuaidengankosakata yang terdapatdikartu.

6. Setelah sesipertama, kartudikocok,

sehinggasiswaakanmendapatkankartu yang berbeda di sesiberikutnya.

Berlanjutsampaikegiataniniberakhirkemudian guru bersamasiswamembuatkesimpulandarimateri yang telahdiberikan oleh guru.

Penutup 1. Guru mengingatkan pada

siswauntukmembacacatatantentangmateriinilagidirumah 2. Guru member motivasiuntukbelajarlebihgiat dan

membacamateri yang akandibahas pada

pertemuanberikutnya dan kemudian guru dibahas pada pertemuanberikutnya dan kemudian guru




Rubric of Practical Assessment (Main Competence 4) Pronunciation

No. Classification Score Criteria

1. Excellent 9.6 – 10

They speak effectively and excellent of using pronunciation

2. Very good 8.6 – 9.5

They speak effectively and very good of using pronunciation

3. Good 7.6 – 8.5

They speak effectively and good of using pronunciation

4. Fairly good 6.6 – 7.5

They speak sometimes hasty but fairly good of using pronunciation

5. Fair 5.6 – 6.5

Theyspeak sometimes hasty, fair of pronunciation

6. Poor 3.6 – 5.5

They speak hasty, and more sentence are not appropriate pronunciation

7. Very poor 0.0 – 3.5

They speak very hasty, and more sentence are not appropriate in pronunciation and title or no


Makassar, Oktober 2020 Teacher The Researcher

Rahmawati Ahmad

NIP. NIM. 105351136116


Satuan Pendidikan: MTSN 1 Kolaka Utara Subjek: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / semester: VIII / Genap Alokasi Waktu: 45 Menit


G. Kompetensi Inti :

KI 1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(toleransi, gotong royong), santun,

percayadiri,dalamberinteraksisecaraefektifdenganlingkungansosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

KI 3: Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunnya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4: Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranahabstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


B. Kompetensidasar dan indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.2 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan, sesuai dengan konteks


Mengenal fungsi sosial teks untuk menanyakan dan menyatakan

kemampuan serta kemauan untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Mengetahuiungka pan menanyakan


Mengunakan modal : can, will yang terkait dengan

menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang

kemampuan dan kemauan.

4.2 Menyusun tekslisan dan tulisuntukmenyatakan dan

menanyakantentangkemampuandankemauan melakukansuatutindakan,

denganmemperhatikanfungsisosial, strukturteks, dan unsurkebahasaan yang benar dan sesuaikonteks

4.2.1 membuat tekslisan

untukmenyatakan dan

menanyakantentang kemampuan dan kemauanmelakukan suatutindakan


C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat mengenal kosa kata kemampuan dan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan

Siswa dapat Mengucapkan kosa kata dengan jelas.

D. Materi pembelajaran Pertemuan ke-1

Vocabulary about willingness to do something 1. Railway station(I Will go railway station)

2. Mosque 3. Library 4. Sport hall 5. Bookstore 6. Church 7. Hospital 8. Bording school 9. Birthday party 10. Minimarket

E. Metode Pembelajaran

MetodePembelajaran : The make a match method

F. Media pembelajaran



- Card

- Lembar penilaian - Buku vocabulary



Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran Alokasi waktu Pendah


1. Guru memperingatkancara duduk yang baik, rapi dan teraturketikaakandimulaipelajaran.

2. . Guru

memberikanapresiasidenganbertanyatentangmateripemb elajaran yang berkaitandenganlingkungansekitar.

3. Guru mengkaitkanpertanyaan yang

dibacakandenganmateri yang akandipelajari.

4. Guru mengkaitkanpertanyaan yang

dibacakandenganmateri yang akandipelajari.

5. Siswamendengarkanpenjelasan guru denganpenuhperhatian.

6. Guru menjelaskanlangkah-langkahkegiatan yang akandilakukansiswayaitudenganbekerjasecaraberpasang anuntukmenyelesaikantantangandari guru

15 Menit

Kegiata n Inti

Eksplorasi Guru



menggaliinformasidenganbertanyajawabdengansiswab erkaitandenganmenyatakan dan

menanyakankemampuan dan kemauanmelakukansuatutindakan.

3. Siswamenjawabpertanyaan guru dan menyebutkanbeberapacontohmenyatakan dan menanyakansebuahkemampuanmelakukantindakan.

1) Guru memberikanpenjelasan dan


2) Guru dan siswaterlibatdalam Tanya jawabmengenaimateritersebut.

3) Guru menegaskanbahwa yang akandibahas pada pembelajaranhariiniadalahkemampuan.


Pada tahapelaborasi guru

melaksanakankegiatanmenggunakanmetode the make a match denganlangkah-langkahsebagaiberikut:

7. Guru menyiapkanbeberapakartu yang

berisikosakatasesipeninjauan, sebagianberisipertanyaan dan yang lainnyaadalahjawabannya.

8. Setiapsiswamendapatkartu dan

Setiapsiswamemikirkanjawabanataupertanyaandarikartu yang merekapegang


9. Setiapsiswamenemukanpasangannya yang memilikikartu yang cocokdengankartunya 10. Setiapsiswa yang menemukankartu yang


11. Setelah menemukanpasangan masing-masing siswamenyebutkan dan

memberikancontohkalimatsesuaidengankosakata yang terdapatdikartu.

12. Setelah sesipertama, kartudikocok,

sehinggasiswaakanmendapatkankartu yang berbeda di sesiberikutnya.

Berlanjutsampaikegiataniniberakhirkemudian guru bersamasiswamembuatkesimpulandarimateri yang telahdiberikan oleh guru.

Penutup 4. Guru mengingatkan pada

siswauntukmembacacatatantentangmateriinilagidirumah 5. Guru member motivasiuntukbelajarlebihgiat dan

membacamateri yang akandibahas pada

pertemuanberikutnya dan kemudian guru dibahas pada pertemuanberikutnya dan kemudian guru




Rubric of Practical Assessment (Main Competence 4) Pronunciation

No. Classification Score Criteria 1. Excellent 9.6 – 10

They speak effectively and excellent of using pronunciation

2. Very good 8.6 – 9.5

They speak effectively and very good of using pronunciation

3. Good 7.6 – 8.5

They speak effectively and good of using pronunciation

4. Fairly good 6.6 – 7.5

They speak sometimes hasty but fairly good of using pronunciation

5. Fair 5.6 – 6.5

Theyspeak sometimes hasty, fair of pronunciation

6. Poor 3.6 – 5.5

They speak hasty, and more sentence are not appropriate pronunciation 7. Very poor 0.0 – 3.5

They speak very hasty, and more sentence are not appropriate in pronunciation and title or no


Makassar, Desember 2020

Teacher The Researcher

Rahmawati Ahmad

NIP. NIM. 105351136116




Teaching material about ability to do something.


1. Chess 15. Yoga 2. Boxing 16. Poetry

3. Dance 17. Acting

4. Singing 18. Foreign language 5. Taekwondo 19. Public speaking

6. Climb 20. Design

7. Guitar 21. Taylor 8. Swimming 22. Marketing 9. Football

10. Badminton 11. Cooking 12. Write novel 13. Drawing 14. Archery



Teaching material about willingness to do action



3. Library 4. Sport hall 5. Bookstore 6. Church 7. Hospital 8. Bording school



Mention vocabulary about the ability and willingness to do something, then give example sentences.


Mention vocabulary about the ability and willingness to do something, then give example sentences.


The row score of students’ Speaking Accuracy of Pre-test

No Respon

den ts



1 S-1 5.0 Poor

2 S- 2 7.0 Fairly Good

3 S-3 5.0 Poor

4 S-4 5.5 Poor

5 S-5 6.6 Fairly Good

6 S-6 6.0 Fair

7 S-7 6.5 Fair

8 S-8 6.0 Fair

9 S-9 6.0 Fair

10 S-10 6.0 Fair

11 S-11 6.5 Fair

12 S-12 5.6 Fair

13 S-13 6.0 Fair

14 S-14 5.6 Fair

15 S-15 5.O Poor


∑ 𝒙 = 88.3

Mean Sco

re (X)



No Respondents



1 S- 1 7.0 Fairly good

2 S- 2 8.5 Good

3 S-3 7.5 Fairly good

4 S-4 6.0 Fair

5 S-5 7.5 Fairly good

6 S-6 7.5 Fairly good

7 S-7 7.0 Fairly good

8 S-8 7.5 Fairly good

9 S-9 8.0 Good

10 S-10 8.0 Good

11 S-11 7.0 Fairly good

12 S-12 7.5 Fairly good

13 S-13 7.5 Fairly good

14 S-14 7.0 Fairly good

15 S-15 7.5 Fairly good

Total ∑ 𝒙 = 111

Mean Score (X) 7.4


between the method pairs (D) and square of the gain (D2)

No Respondents


Pre-test Post-test D(X2-X1) D2

1 S- 1 5.0 7.0 2 4

2 S- 2 7.0 8.5 1.5 2.25

3 S-3 5.0 7.5 2.5 6.25

4 S-4 5.5 6.0 1 1

5 S-5 6.6 7.5 1 1

6 S-6 6.0 7.5 1.5 2.25

7 S-7 6.5 7.0 1 1

8 S-8 6.0 7.5 1.5 2.25

9 S-9 6.0 8.0 2 4

10 S-10 6.0 8.0 2 4

11 S-11 6.5 7.0 1 1

12 S-12 5.6 7.5 1.9 3.61

13 S-13 6.0 7.5 1.5 2.25

14 S-14 5.6 7.0 1.4 1.96

15 S-15 5.O 7.5 2.5 6.25

Total ∑ 𝒙 = 88.3 ∑ 𝒙 =111 𝒙 = 24,3 ∑ 𝒙 = 43.07

Mean Score (X) 5.88 7.4 1.62 2.87


Mean score of the pre-test and post-test and gain (D)

a. The students’ mean score of pre test and post-test in speaking test in term ofidentify Pronunciation

1. Pre-test 2. Post-test

1 2

= 88.3 =111

15 15

= 5.88 (Fair)= 7.4(Fairly good)

b. To know how development of the speaking skill, the researcher , used the percentage technique as follows :

P =𝑥2−𝑥1𝑥100%


P=7.4−5.88 𝑥100%


= 25.85


c. Calculating the t-test Value of Pronunciation


𝑥 =



N ( N − 1) D =𝑥𝑥

D=𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒙, D=1.62



𝑥 = √43.07 − 15




𝑥 = √43.07 − 15



𝑥 = √43.07 − 39.366


1.62 𝑥 = √3.704


T= 1.62


T =12.46


𝑥 = √0.0176380952









Rahmawati Ahmad was born on November 26𝑇ℎ, 1999 in Lasusua, She is the only child. Her father is Ahmad syahid and her mother is Siti Rajab.

In 2005 she started her elementary scool at SDN 1 Kolaka Utara and graduated in 2010. Then, she continued her study at MTSN 1 Kolaka utara and graduated in 2013. After

that, she continued her study at SMAN 1 Kolaka utara and graduated in 2016. At the next year, she was accepted as English Department students in Faculty of Teacher Training And Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah University.

At the end of her study, she could finish her thesis in 2021 entitle Improving students speaking skill trough Vocabulary Mastery using The make a match method (Study at the eight grade of MTSN 1 Kolaka utara).

(A Pre-Experimental)


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