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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh


Background of The Study

This means that writing can be used when the students make summaries of the material that can be easily memorized. The score of the result on the daily writing test No score Frequency Percentage (%) Category.

Problem Identification

Coop-coop method refers to a method work that is usually written in process, usually in retelling format. Referring to the problems above, the author interacted to find out whether the use of coop-coop method can improve the student's writing of the eighth MTS A-HIKMAH Batanghari.

Problem Limitation

All these problems arose because the teacher was not using an appropriate approach to teaching the material. Therefore, the writer focuses on the problem by using the coop-coop method, the students write text in the eighth MTS AL-HIKMAH Batanghari, because the students have little skill in writing text, so they still have difficulty to write English text.

Problem Formulation

Objective and Benefit of the Study

The Benefit of Study

Using Coop-coop Method in Using Material

In addition to developing writing skills, the coop-coop method can provide positive examples for social life. Therefore, the teacher must choose the stories that suit the social situation and condition. one.

The Procedures of Using Coop-coop Method

Conclude by asking students about the content of the story or asking for their opinion of the story.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Coop-coop Method a. The Advantages are

Therefore, it can be seen that teaching self-created cloze method has more advantages than disadvantages, that is, how the researcher uses self-created cloze method to teach descriptive text writing.

Action Hypothesis

The Variable and Operational Definition of Variable

Independent Variable (X)

Dependent Variable (Y)

Very good to excellent: demonstrable mastery of conventions, few errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphs. Poor to Fair: Frequent errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphs, poor handwriting, confused or unclear meaning.

The Research Setting

Very Poor: Does not master conventions, errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, handwriting predominate, illegible or insufficient to grade1.

The Subject of the Research

Research Procedure

Classroom Action Research

Here is the Classroom Action Research (CAR) design proposed by McNiff Jean and Whitehead Jack:4. 4 McNiff Jean, and Whitehead Jack, Action Research: Principles and Practice Second Edition, (New York: Routledge Falmer Taylor & Francis Group, 2002), p.41.

Action Plan

The collaborator observes the student activities, in this researcher the author acted as a teacher who implemented the Coop-coop Method in treatment. This is to know how far the students who write tell using the coop-coop method. In this step, the writer observes the process of teaching-learning by using observation sheet.

Reflection is an activity of analyzing and drawing conclusions based on test results and observations. In the first step, before performing the action in the next step, the writer will repair the problem found in cycle one. The researcher will review and prepare the lesson plan based on the problem that appears in the previous cycle, including teaching procedure, media and relevant materials to be applied in acting.

The collaborator observes and collects the data when the learning process will proceed. In this step, the researcher observed the technology trend process using format observation and observation outline in this step, such as the student's ability in coop-coop method.

Data Collection Method

  • Tests
  • Observation
  • Documentation
  • Field Note
  • Observation Sheet

The purpose of the observation is to explain the situation being investigated, activities, persons or individuals are involved in data collection strategy where subjects' activities are visually examined. The researcher uses the method to get data about the history of the school, total teachers, official staff and students of MTS AL-HIKMAH Batanghari. To write retelling texts from the eight graders of MTs AL-HIKMAH Batanghari Lampung, the researcher will use some writing tests that consist of pre-test and post-test.

Both tests are in the form of asking the students to write narrative text based on their project related to the topics of writing retelling text. To observe their learning activity and each cycle, the researcher will use observation sheet. Response to particular students, optimal productive pairs and group of the classroom is more vocal, etc.

The researcher's documentation to obtain the data on the condition of the students, the history of MTs AL-HIKMAH Batanghari, the condition of the environment, the condition of the teachers, the staff and the organizational structure and the geographical condition of the school. In this research, the researcher will use field notes to record student activity during the learning process in narrative form.

Data Analysis Method

Indicator of Success

Result of The Research

The Recount of Research Location

The researcher administered a pre-test to the students to see how far the students' writing text .. was given before the treatment. This was the reason why the researcher implemented the Coop-coop method to improve their writing text. Furthermore, the researcher made an observation sheet consisting of a list of students' names and list of the students' activities that will be observed during the teaching learning process.

The researcher then asked about their condition initially before the attendance checklist. The classroom condition was less effective because the collaborator delivered to the class to ensure student effectiveness before the researcher conducted research in the classroom. He indicated that some students gave their full attention to the researcher during the learning process. Then the researcher asked the students to read a text about Borobudur.. after that the researcher asked the student about the text. do you understand the text?".

The researcher offered a paper that contains a fill-in-the-blank form as a method used to inspire students to write a recount text. Here, the researcher was a teacher, and the English teacher was a collaborator who observes the students' activities during the teaching of the learning process.

Action and Learning Activity in Cycle 2

Based on the analysis above, the researcher concluded that this research should continue in cycle II. a. The learning process in cycle 2 was focused on the weakness of cycle 1. The researcher found the students' problems were little vocabulary and confused imagination. This means that the time was up and the researcher ended the lesson and reminded the students to study again about retelling text.

The researcher gave the clue down to the last line. The researcher asked the students if they had any questions about the material. Then the researcher gave posttest cycle 2 with the similar task on posttest cycle 1 before. The observation was made by the researcher who is presented in meeting II in cycle 2. After the treatment and observation is done,. the researcher got the result of the students' learning activities from the collaborator as follows:.

It happened because the teacher and researcher reviewed and improved the teaching and learning process in Cycle I. In cycle II, the students were also more active to complete the assignment and test than before. Because the students already meet the indicators of cycle I and cycle II, the researcher comes.

Table of the Result Score of Students’ Writing Recount Text Cycle II
Table of the Result Score of Students’ Writing Recount Text Cycle II


  • The Result of Pre Test
  • Action and Learning Result at Cycle I
  • Action and Learning Result at Cycle II
  • The Result of the Students’ Activity

From the mean score of pre-test and post-test 1 above, it can be seen that there was an improvement in students' repetitive text writing. The result of the student's score of Pre-test, Pos-test I and Post-test II There is never a Thales, there is an improved score of students after Test-I than Pre-test. The amount of perfect score of the students in the pre-exam cycle I after the exam and the post-exam cycle II.

Based on the table and graph above, it can be concluded that the activities of students during the learning process of cycle I and cycle II have been improved by using the method. This examination related to cycle II, the result score and the result of the activities of the students has been achieved the target set on the indicator of success 70% of the students achieved a minimum score of 75. Based on the result of this study, it was known that more than 70% of students achieved a minimum score of 75.



As a result, the students' score is improved because they are trained with the coop-coop method. Furthermore, it can be deduced from the discussion above that by using the coop-coop method, the students had an improvement in writing retelling text. The students felt better more easily than before, and they were also able to write a good narrative text.


Memahami pentingnya karangan pendek sederhana berbentuk narasi dan narasi untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. Menghargai dan menjunjung tinggi perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleransi gotong royong), santun, percaya diri untuk berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan dan pergaulan serta keberadaannya.

gambar  terkait cerita
gambar terkait cerita

Kompetensi Dasar Siswa mampu

Menguji, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, mengubah, dan mencipta) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain dari titik yang sama. pandangan/ teori. keberadaan orang, benda, binatang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Adanya orang, binatang, benda di kelas, sekolah, rumah dan lingkungan yang dapat mendorong perilaku yang terkandung dalam KI. Tulis teks pendek yang akan menggambarkan setiap rumah dan sekitarnya, menyebutkan keberadaan orang, benda, hewan, dan jumlahnya, dengan ejaan dan tanda baca yang benar.

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran

Teknik Pembelajaran Teknik : Coop-Coop Method

Media, Alat, dan Sumber Belajar


Rubrik Penilaian

Kompetensi Inti

Teks cerita ulang adalah teks yang digunakan untuk menceritakan kembali peristiwa atau pengalaman masa lalu. Memperkenalkan karakter metode kandang-kandang dengan memberi nama nama atau. Kelompokkan acara inti bagian demi bagian, hal ini dapat dilakukan beberapa kali dalam bentuk pertanyaan, tujuannya adalah untuk mengontrol siswa.


Table of the Result Score of Students’ Writing Recount Text Cycle II
gambar  terkait cerita


Dokumen terkait

Data on the results of student assessment of the learning model No Rated aspect Average Score Rating Category 1 Teaching materials 22.5 Very interesting 2 Learning Activities