• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Possible Economic impact of the research in Global terms


6.5. Possible Economic impact of the research in Global terms

• The methodology of design of Transitional shelter is context specific. This can be used in different geographical locations of the globe considering local resources where bamboo is not available and can deliver appropriate Transitional shelters relevant to the location.

• The shelter is made of components which are easily available in the market and just need assembly into a kit as per specifications. Thus, from the beginning, SMEs could be involved and can serve to provide employment and entrepreneurial assistance.

• This shelter kit can be used not only during disasters but can be used in any conditions requiring temporary transitional shelters like campsites for soldiers, trekkers,

professionals at drill or research sites etc. and thus can be developed into a successful business model. Though readymade camps are commercially available, they are not structurally strong and do not support long-term habitats. This void may be filled with this DIY shelter kit which can house a greater number of residents and is more resilient.

• India slowly climbing the ladders of development and the world looking towards her for solutions at times of need like during the COVID pandemic, large-scale ‘Make in India’ solution of these kits may provide answers to the shelter need of the world during emergency.


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Book Chapters

1. Dev, K. N. Das, A. K. (2021). Transitional Shelters . Third World Congress on Disaster Management. Macmillan. ISBN-10 9354552811, New Delhi.

2. Dev, K. N. Das, A. K. (2021). Role of Bamboo in Post Disaster Reconstruction:

Potentiality and challenges. Forth World Congress on Disaster Management.

Macmillan. ISBN-10 9354552889, New Delhi.

3. Dev, K. N. Das, A.K (2022) Evolution of Humanitarian Shelter Aid Design and Quarantine Housing in COVID 19 pandemic.Fifth World Congress on Disaster Management: Vol V .Taylor andFrancis. ISBN 9781032355528, New Delhi.


1. Dev, K. N. Das, A. K. (2018). Co-Design: A Process of Community Participation in Post-disaster Reconstruction. Book of Abstracts of the “International Conference on Engaging Canada and India: Perspectives on Sustainability 2018”, (pp. 26-27). New Delhi.

2. Dev, K. N. Das, A. K. (2018). Need for Buoyant Disaster Response Shelters in Indian Coastal Areas . SOLENT RESEARCH INNOVATION and ENTERPRISE Conference.

Southhampton, UK.

3. Dev, K. N. Das, A. K. (2018). Design of Bamboo Transitional Shelter Kit, SOLENT RESEARCH INNOVATION and ENTERPRISE Conference. SOLENT UNIVERSITY Press. Southampton.

4. Dev, K. N. Das, A.K. (2020 August 11-14) SHELTERING EMERGENCIES: Design development process of temporary housing in post-disaster settlement by community participation. Published at NORDESIGN 2020 Proceedings with the DOI https://doi.org/10.35199/NORDDESIGN2020

5. Dev, K. N. Das, A.K. (2021 January 7-10) Design of Bamboo Shelter Kit For Post- disaster Temporary Shelter Response Published at iCORD 2021 Proceedings with the DOI http://www.idc.iitb.ac.in/icord2021/proceedings.php#ctop