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Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal ISSN NO. 2456-1037 IMPACT FACTOR: 2.104 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL) Vol. 02, Issue 09,September 2017 Available Online: www.ajeee.co.in/index.php/AJEEE



Sudhanshu Shekhar

Research Scholar, Department of Jurnalism and Mass Communications, Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai, Tamilnadu

Pooja Kumari

Research Scholar, Jai Prakash University, Chapra, Bihar

Abstract - Ladies' portrayal in newsrooms in numerous nations has been gradually working on throughout the long term. Notwithstanding, media in the district keep on being male- ruled, particularly towards the highest point of hierarchical chains of command, both article and the board. Ladies are even pretty much underestimated in the news media, as far as the substance of their positions and in the chances they will foster their abilities and advance in their professions. They additionally will in general be sidelined in the expert associations that should address them. In India, ladies who were limited by friendly oblige and family obligations are currently regarding to developing open doors in media. It is possible that we talk about Barkha Dutt for 90s Kargil War or Mandira Bedi on Cricket, ladies has reasonably affected each alcove and corner of media industry. Female working columnists are confronting many difficulties throughout their announcing in the field, from different quarters of the general public. We attempted to make a ladies well disposed newsroom that investigated ladies with care and obligation. For this, we had ladies associated with publication dynamic, in the improvement of content for ladies perusers and in for all intents and purposes supporting more youthful ladies columnists. The goal of this paper is illuminate the depiction of ladies columnist those are confronting various issues in the background of media industry.

Keywords: Women, Media, Journalist, Newsroom.


“There is no chance of the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on one wing.” - Swami Vivekananda

In the period of Information and Technology Journalism is an occupation where the two guys and females in our general public should be similarly addressed. Be that as it may, sometime in the past Journalism was viewed as completely a male calling. Presently the situation has totally changed; the informed young ladies have burst into male stronghold.

An exemplary model is that of the late Prabha Dutt who moved on from the Chandigarh School of Journalism with distinction and did her preparation with Hindustan Time, Delhi in 1964. At the point when she requested a task toward the finish of the preparation, the editorial manager, Mr. Mulgaonkar said the paper didn't utilize ladies. Prabha left solely after a composed affirmation from the proofreader that on the off chance that he at any point utilized a lady, she would be

thought of. A couple of months some other time when he utilized a young lady on the work area, she burst into his office and found herself a line of work.

The way that ladies are dependent upon social gravity and defenseless against lewd behavior and actual security can't be disregarded. Maybe, sexual orientation sharpening meetings and center human qualities should be exercise to defeat the glass obstructions abridging the ladies in media. The functioning conditions have never been empowering for ladies to accomplish some different option from doing family occupations.

The greatest issues that female columnists face because of transportation and correspondence in their workplaces, in field detailing. Most female columnists all throughout the planet consistently experience some type of terrorizing, dangers, or maltreatment according to their work, going in seriousness from verbally abusing to death dangers.

Shivani Bhatnagar, head reporter of The Indian Express, killed in her East Delhi level, when she was with her baby child. Shivani Bhatnagar, whon kicked the bucket on 23rd January, 1999 was a writer. Her homicide turned into an



Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal ISSN NO. 2456-1037 IMPACT FACTOR: 2.104 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL) Vol. 02, Issue 09,September 2017 Available Online: www.ajeee.co.in/index.php/AJEEE

2 embarrassment that ventured into the high degrees of Indian legislative issues.

Administration official Ravi Kant Sharma was accused of the homicide by Delhi Police on September 27, 2002, subsequent to having been secluded from everything since the capture warrant was given on August 2 of that year. Sharma purportedly killed Bhatnagar in light of the fact that he dreaded she would uncover their "close" relations.

A 22-year-old photojournalist working in Mumbai was assaulted by five people at the Shakti Mills compound, where she had gone on task with a male associate on 22 August 2013. The men purportedly attacked the partner and tied him up in belts prior to alternating to assault the young lady, holding a messed up lager jug to her head.


In the book of Women and Journalism:

Suzanne Franks. I.B. Tauris, August 2013. In this new book, Suzanne Franks adds gendered, verifiable setting to the discussions on the condition of news- casting today. Across five available sections, Franks considers the central points of contention confronting female writers: "from on-screen sexism and ageism to the risks confronting female unfamiliar journalists revealing from disaster areas". It is telling that Franks – a previous news and current undertakings maker for the BBC who has chipped away at programs including News night and Panorama – parlayed this work into the scholarly community, instead of a ceaseless vocation with one of the world's most eminent media brands. This book rapidly uncovers why. Shunning scholastic language, her discoveries make

Women and Journalism an

unquestionable requirement read for all considering this Ryan Air ride of a profession.

Franks initially outlines how the conventional scene for ladies in news has developed – or not – all through this previous century. Perplexingly, she talks about the remarkable spaces that lady at present lead in news, passing on the per user to consider the amount of this

"progress" stays dug in standards of sympathy that "no one but ladies can possess". Franks' solidarity as a creator

lies in the chronicled setting that upholds her contemporary cases. What is generally striking with regards to her utilization of evaluation from 1901 and private BBC reports from 1973 is the way that, in 2013, very little has changed for ladies in news. The media offered a greater number of chances for taught ladies in 1931 than medication or law – 31% of working ladies that year were functioning as writers, contrasted with 7% as specialists and under 1% as attorneys.

In the book of Fearless Female Journalists (Women's Hall of Fame Series) by: Joy Crysdale. Brave Female Journalists is an entrancing record of the existences of 10 stunning ladies who had an incredible effect in our reality through their intrepid quest for reality, regardless the expense. Regardless of whether it be battling bondage, uncovering shameful acts in unfamiliar nations, or battling for the fairness for ladies, every one of the 10 female columnists portrayed in this book have done phenomenal things while confronting overpowering difficulties - frequently taking a chance with their own wellbeing simultaneously. In general, the assortment tells the historical backdrop of ladies and reporting. Independently, every story depicts critical activities and occasions that have molded our lives tremendously. I didn't know what's in store going into this one, as I here and there struggle overcoming true to life books, however Fearless Female Journalists is elegantly composed, rousing and now and again, exceptionally passionate. Alongside the spellbinding stories of the 10 ladies highlighted in the book, Fearless Female Journalists likewise incorporates sidebars and passages with significantly additional intriguing realities on ladies with regards to reporting.


For investigating the information about the gathering of working female columnist in electronic media channels, review technique is proper for this review. We chose India News Channel arbitrarily as a universe so we can pull out a decent example for the equivalent. For all the exploration procedures under the overview strategy, survey method is a great idea to investigate and discover the appropriate responses of various questions identified with research issue.



Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal ISSN NO. 2456-1037 IMPACT FACTOR: 2.104 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL) Vol. 02, Issue 09,September 2017 Available Online: www.ajeee.co.in/index.php/AJEEE

3 We can likewise take talk with procedure to discover the various attributes of a specific gathering however because of the absence of time and a bustling timetable of columnist, we can't embrace the meeting strategy. That is the reason poll is a potential and great method for this examination. We took the example of 30 female writers with the assistance of Non- Random Sampling Method. We took the comfort examining methods for assortment of information through poll.

• Research Approach – Quantitative Approach

• Research Method – Survey Method

• Research Technique – Questionnaire

• Universe – Indian News Channel

• Sample Size - 30

• Sampling Method – Non-Random Sampling/Non-Probability Sampling

• Sampling Technique – Convenience Sampling


Subsequent to gathering information and their examination and translation of the poll we assess the situation with ladies columnists. The greatest issues that female working writers face because of transportation and correspondence in their workplaces, in field detailing, and furthermore to find the elements because of which females are hesitant to join this calling. As the destinations of this exploration, various inquiries were kept in the poll of this examination to get greatest data about the issues of female columnists. The issues that showed up after understanding plainly shows that a large portion of the issues they are confronting while at the same time playing out their obligations in the field work and detailing, and furthermore the low enlistment of Experience as writer

After Nirbhaya case in Delhi, the Delhi was proclaimed, 'The capital of wrongdoing against ladies' by the media.

Such episodes has antagonistically influenced on prospect of ladies joining the news coverage. The vast majority of the respondent acknowledged that they are frightened of driving alone in the evening. Presently, numerous families are thinking news-casting isn't qualified for ladies. At the working environment, it is a day by day battle for the ladies particularly when they are fledglings. A young lady sub supervisor in a Hindi

every day said her male partners would in general fault her for any missteps in the duplicate. They attempt to stifle the young ladies expertly continually discovering issue or censuring her presentation. She quit following three years. On the off chance that the young ladies get sincerely associated with their male partners they face embarrassment day by day.

The opportunity has arrived, nothing to prevent able and propelled ladies from accomplishing their objectives. This is demonstrated by their very accomplishment in reporting, a requesting calling since quite a while ago thought to be a common male stronghold.

Their achievement in arriving at the top rungs of news-casting and their developing number in the media labor force propose that the obstructions limiting ladies' entrance into the calling have begun to disintegrate. However maybe not pioneers in this field, ladies columnists on paper and electronic media are consistently extending and rethinking the extent of reporting in India.


1. Carolyn M. Byerly (2006): “Women and Media: A Critical Introduction”, Blackwell Publishing, UK, First Edition

2. Sue Thornham (2007): “Women, Feminism and Media”, Edinburg University Press Ltd, Edinburg, 2007.

3. Suzanne Franks (2013): “Women and Journalism”, I. B. Tauris, & Co Ltd Publishing, Reuters Challenges.

4. R. Akhileshwari. “Women Journalists in India” Swimming Against the Tide, The Women Press, 425, Nimri Colony, Ashok Vihar, Delhi

5. Baehr Helen (1980). “Women and Media Pergamon Press”

6. Creedon, Pamela J. (1989). “Women in Mass Communication Challenging Gender Values”, Sage Publications.

7. Gallagher Margaret (1979). “The Portrayal and Participation of Women in the Media, UNESCO.

8. Jha Rama (1992). “Women and the Indian Print Media: Portrayal & Performance, Chanakya Publication.

9. Joshep Ammu (2000). “Women in Journalism Making News”, Konark Publication Pvt. Ltd.

10. Prasad Kiran (2005). “Women and Media:

Challenging Feminist Discourse”, The Women Press

11. https://rsf.org/en/news/women-journalists- commitment-and-challenges/



Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal ISSN NO. 2456-1037 IMPACT FACTOR: 2.104 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL) Vol. 02, Issue 09,September 2017 Available Online: www.ajeee.co.in/index.php/AJEEE


12. https://indiatogether.org

13. https://www.google.co.in/webhp?sourceid=c hrome.instant&rlz=1C1CHWA

14. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=books+re view+on+female+journalists&rlz

15. http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lsereviewofbooks/201 3/10/29/book-review-women-and-


16. http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=su mmary&url=/journals/legacy/v025/25.2.zin k.pdf

17. http://www.amazon.in/Fearless-Female- Journalists-Womens-Series/dp/1897187718 18. http://www.ifj.org/uploads/media/Inside_th

e_News_FINAL_040615_UNESDOC.pdf 19. http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/



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