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1・ はじめに


Academic year: 2023

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+ ῌ ῏῍ῐ῎

Kamio +313

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ῌ,*῍ TRU: Oh, high-school crush gone awry. But, you can ask him yourself. There he is. ῌShe points him out. He waves nerv- ously.῍

LUC: I tell you what, I thinkI think I’m gonna go get you a refill in- stead.

TRU: Oh... ῌLuc moves away, leaving her no choice but to move over and talk to him.῍ ῌ+ῌ+*῍

I think=]lNI’m gonna go get you a refill instead.

!LMLucmn'<';o+,'+1 jpqrI think



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ῌ,+῍ CANDACE: We’ll give you a chance to catch up with Mr. Con- nor. Couldn’t deny you that. ῌto Luc῍ Come on, I’ll buy you a drink.

LUC: I thinkI think they’re free. ῌThey walk away.῍ ῌ+ῌ+*῍

A3?@I think9 LM*+,3&'>


> <e9fg]B+&' I thinkI

Candace^[_Bhb&'id<& jkl&

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ῌ,,῍ LINDSAY: Hmm? Oh, no, it’s just that poor guy, all alone on Valentine’s Day.

ῌThey all look over at an old man/*ῌ//eating alone.῍ HARRISON: Maybe he wants to be alone. Who cares?

st#$cuvw ῌῌ῍


LINDSAY: I care. I thinkI think it’s sad.

HARRISON ῌmockingly῍ Aww. ῌ+῍+,῍

ῌI think

! It’s sad."#$%&'()*+,-


ῌ,*῍ 8& 9:;<&<=>/!I think


ῌ,-῍ TRU: Huh. Do you still talk to her?

DAVIS: Look, I thinkI think I can take care of the rest of this... if you guys wanna take off.

ῌHe snatches the photograph out of Jack’s hands. Jack and Tru look at each other, confused῍ ῌ+῍+0῍

ῌ,.῍ LINDSAY: That doesn’t sound like Tru.

HARRISON: That’s what I’m saying, she’s not being herself.

So, I thinkI think I should spend some time alone with her so I can figure out what’s what because... ῌ+῍+,῍

ῌ,/῍ GEOFFREY: So, er, I guess I’m never gonna know who the hell you are.

TRU: Guess not.

GEOFFREY: Well, I thinkI think I’m gonna go surprise my wife with an early return from Hong Kong. Thank you. ῌ+῍+0῍



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ῌ,0῍ MELISSA: Did you follow me here?

HARRISON: Um, how could I follow you if I was here first?

You know, now that you mention it, I thinkI think you should leave. Like, now.

Cut to:Geoffrey and Tru at the bar.

GEOFFREY: Who the hell are you? ῌ+ῌ+0῍

ῌ,1῍ GEOFFREY: It’s a giveaway. You looked away when you lied, and you pushed your hair back.

Cut to:Harrison and Melissa

HARRISON: No, seriously, I thinkI think you should get out of here.

MELISSA: What is it with you? Why are you obsessed with

me leaving? ῌ+ῌ+0῍

, 78 I think=>you should leave.;you

should get out of here."?@ABCDEFG$ H

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ῌ,2῍ LINDSAY: What’s the matter? You seemseem so tense. Got the pre-reunion jitters?

TRU: I just keep thinking about Candace Aimes. Can you think of anyone who would still be holding a grudge aga-

inst her? ῌ+ῌ+*῍

ῌ,3῍ TRU: Hey, did you see where Candace went?

GIRL: I thinkI think I saw her heading to the pool.

TRU: Thanks. ῌ+ῌ+*῍

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ῌ-*῍ LUC: I talked to Lindsay. ῌTru slowly realises.῍ We know you guys lied to us.

TRU: Luc, you don’t understand.you don’t understand.

LUC: No, I think I do. I mean, this is the part where you tell me your life’s really complicated, right? That you take off sometimes without explanation, and I just have to deal with it?

TRU: No, I just... ῌ+ῌ+,῍

Truyou don’t understand.

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ῌ-+῍ TRU: I was just wondering, after the ordeal you went thr- ough...

CANDACE: Tru, I don’t need your pity.

TRU: It’s not pity, Candace. It’s friendship.



CANDACE: To be honest, I don’t need that either.

TRU: Candace, we used to be best friends. I knowI know things cha- nge, we’re not friends now. But maybe that could change too. I knowI know I’d really like that. What do you say?

ῌThey smile at each other.῍

CANDACE: Sorry, Tru. Some things change. Some things

never will. ῌ+ῌ+*῍

I know ,

ῌCandace῍ ῌTru῍ !"

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4I know56-.789$7:3

ῌ-,῍ DAVIS: Are you all right?

TRU: I’m fine. I just don’t get why you wanna hire someone like that.

DAVIS: Tru, look, I knowI know you have a lot on your mind but are you sure it’s Jack that’s bothering you? ῌ+ῌ+.῍

;< 6=>?@ABCDA:1E 1>FG HI7:>7 you seem to have a lot on your mind J KL89$MN7:OFP QRST UVW $%&'(+%$XY>ZPOFP3



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Kamio, Akio.+313“On the notion Speaker’s territory of information : A functional analy- sis of certain sentence-final forms in Japanese.” In G. D. Bedell, E. Kobayashi, M. Mu- raki eds.,Explorations in Linguistics : Papers in Honor of Kazuko Inoue. Tokyo : Kenkyu- sha.

῍῍῍. +321Proximal and Distal Information : A Theory of Territory of Information in Eng- lish and Japanese.º»3y ” ¼½s

῍῍῍. +33. “The theory of territory of information : The case of Japanese,”Journal of ῌ῍῍



ῌῌῌ. +33/“Territory of information in English and Japanese and psychological utter- ances,”Journal of Pragmatics,.:,-/,0..

ῌῌῌ. +331a“Evidentiality and some discourse characteristics in Japanese.” In Akio Ka- mio ed.,Directions in Functional Linguistics. Amsterdam : John Benjamins,+./1+.

ῌῌῌ. +331b Territory of Information. Philadelphia : John Benjamin.

ῌῌῌ. ,**+“English generic we, you, and they : An analysis in terms of territory of in- formation,”Journal of Pragmatics--:++++++,..

Muraki, Masatake and Masatoshi Koizumi +323“Territorial relations and Japanese fi- nal particle ne.” In Kazuko Inoue ed.,Report on Theoretical and Empirical Studies of the Properties of Japanese in terms of Linguistic Universals. A Grant-in-aid for Scien- tific Research, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, No.0**0**+,+,-+-*.



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