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Table 1. Disinfection byproducts (ppm) produced during electrolysis set at 6 ppm for total residual oxidants concentration with and without CO2 injection into water prior to electro- chlorination

Compounds 6 ppm 6 ppm + CO2

Trihalomethanes (THMs)

Trichloromethane N.D. N.D.

Dichlorobromomethane N.D. N.D.

Dibromochloromethane 0.73 0.83

Tribromomethane 4.38 8.29

1,2,3-Trichloropropane N.D. N.D.

Total THMs 5.11 9.12

Haloacetonitriles (HANs)

Monochloroacetonitrile 0.14 0.14

Monobromoacetonitrile 0.43 0.36

Trichloroacetonitrile N.D. N.D.

Dichloroacetonitrile 0.83 0.76

Bromochloroacetonitrile 0.7 0.57

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Dibromoacetonitrile 3.78 1.54

Tribromoacetonitrile 1.94 1.19

Bromodichloroacetonitrile N.D. N.D.

Dibromochloroacetonitrile N.D. N.D.

Total HANs 7.81 4.57

Miscellaneous DBPs

Chloropicrin 0.35 0.35

Haloacetic acids (HAAs)

Monochloroacetic acid N.D. N.D.

Monobromoacetic acid N.D. N.D.

Dichloroacetic acid 3.74 5.23

Dalapon N.D. N.D.

Trichloroacetic acid 0.73 2.43

Bromochloroacetic acid N.D. N.D.

Dibromoacetic acid 1.34 4.6

Bromodichloroacetic acid N.D. N.D.

Chlorodibromoacetic acid N.D. N.D.

Tribromoacetic acid 7.81 24

Total HAAs 13.62 36.2

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Table 2. Heterotrophic bacterial colonies (CFUs/0.1 ml) on Marine Agar for seawater and brackish waters treated differently. Note that bacterial CFUs at 6 ppm of total residual

oxidants (TRO) and CO2 were more consistent than those treated with 6 ppm of TRO only. sd:

standard deviation (n=3), TNTC: too numerous to count



Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 [22]

CFU/0.1ml sd CFU/0.1ml sd CFU/0.1ml sd CFU/0.1ml sd



4ppm TRO+CO2

82 36 TNTC 12 2 62 3

6ppm TRO 55 12 TNTC 68 25 28 9

6ppm TRO +CO2

56 13 45 22 37 16 19 8

brackish water


Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

CFU/0.1ml sd CFU/0.1ml sd CFU/0.1ml sd



4ppm TRO +CO2


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6ppm TRO 20 11 205 99 TNTC 6ppm


24 8 369 157 30 23

Figure Legends

Figure 1. Daily change of pH and total residual oxidants (TRO) concentration in seawater (left panel) and brackish water (right panel). Note that TRO concentration drops less in the water treated with electrolysis and CO2 than at the water treated with electrolysis only.

Figure 2. pH and total residual oxidants (TRO, ppm) concentration measured at day 5 for brackish water tests (n=4). Note that pH is little different among treatments, but significantly more TRO remains from the 6ppm TRO+CO2 treatment.

Figure 3. The abundance of zooplankton, Artemia franciscana, alive at the end of experiments (day 5) for seawater (a, n=5) and brackish water tests (b, n=4). Note that the numbers alive at 4ppm TRO +CO2 are similar to those in the 6 ppm TRO treatment, and that many fewer survived at 6ppm TRO with CO2.

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Figure 1. Daily change of pH and TRO concentration in seawater (left panel) and brackish water (right panel). Note that TRO concentration drops less in the water treated with electrolysis and CO2 than in the water treated with electrolysis only.

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Figure 2. pH and total residual oxidants (TRO, ppm) concentration measured at day 5 for brackish water tests (n=4). Note that pH is little different among treatments, but significantly greater TRO remained from treatment to 6ppm with CO2.

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Figure 3. The abundance of zooplankton, Artemia franciscana, alive at the end of experiments (day 5) for seawater (a, n=5) and brackish water tests (b, n=4). Note that the numbers alive at 4ppm+CO2 are similar to those survived at 6 ppm, with many fewer having survived at 6ppm and CO2.

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