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Dalam dokumen Extratropics-to-tropics teleconnection and (Halaman 103-125)



Figure 4.10. Schematic that depicts how the high-latitude warming in one hemisphere affects the other hemisphere. The red bulb indicates polar warming in the forced hemisphere whose effect spreads equatorward through the lower troposphere. The ascending branch of the Hadley cell is shifted toward a warmer Northern Hemisphere, accompanied by a stronger southern Hadley cell and an increase in angular momentum transport toward the southern subtropics. Consequently, the subtropical jet is accelerated, pulling the eddy-driven jet equatorward. The resulting anomalous eddy momentum divergence in the southern extratropics induces anomalous upper-tropospheric northerlies, leading to anomalous descent over the high latitudes, thereby adiabatically warming the polar region of the unforced hemisphere. The polar surface warming then propagates into the tropics, modulating the tropical response to a direct forcing.

The near-surface warming signal at the south pole re-propagates toward the equator, forming a mini-global warming pattern. With the aid of a partially prescribed SST experiment, we confirm that the tropical SST response of the unforced hemisphere originates from the polar region of the unforced hemisphere. Note that one of the major signatures of a mini- global warming pattern, the tropical upper-tropospheric warming, emerges when the Hadley circulation shifts, far in advance to the tropical surface warming of the unforced hemisphere.

The schematic diagram summarizes the proposed mechanism (Figure 4.10). In our experiments, the polar SST response of the unforced hemisphere is as large as 31% of that of the forced hemisphere. The internal variability of the polar surface temperature tends to be large, but the pole-to-pole connection is significant at a 95% confidence level in our model.

Since it takes 5.1 years for the surface thermal forcing of one pole to perturb the surface temperature of the other pole, it is likely to be difficult to detect the pole-to-pole signal in observations. Nevertheless, our study reveals that the two polar regions can be tightly connected on decadal timescales via atmospheric dynamics.

A pole-to-pole linkage mediated by atmospheric dynamics alone turns out to be synchronous temperature variations in the two polar regions. Although dynamic ocean feedbacks are absent in our experiment setup, this synchronous behavior is consistent with the climate response to projected Arctic or Antarctic sea-ice loss in a fully coupled model (Deser et al. 2015; England et al. 2020a). This is contrary to the typical bipolar seesaw discussed in the paleoclimate context. We speculate that marine biogeochemistry, not considered in the aforementioned studies, may shift the synchronous to the asynchronous behavior. For example, a weakened SH mid-latitude jet in response to a NH warming (Fig.

4.3c) may reduce wind-driven upwelling over the Southern Ocean. A consequent decrease in oceanic CO2 vented up to the atmosphere would lead to the southern high-latitude and global

cooling (Anderson et al. 2009). As different climate components that are operative on various timescales work differently, future studies are warranted that carefully examine the pole-to- pole signal by systematically adding complexities to a model. A primary goal of this paper, however, is to highlight the existence of a pole-to-pole linkage solely shaped by zonal-mean atmospheric dynamics.


We thank Mark England and an anonymous reviewer for their constructive comments. Y. S.

was funded Global Ph.D. fellowship (2017H1A2A1044044) by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). The dataset supporting the conclusions of this article is available in the PANGEA repository (https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.936786).

Chapter 5 Conclusion

Analyzing a series of idealized experiments and conducting theoretical models, this thesis attempt to outline the mechanism by which extratropical variability propagates from its source, perturbing tropical general circulation and the opposite hemisphere. After reviewing progress in our understanding and motivating further challenges in Chapter 1, we investigate temporal sensitivity (Chapter 2) and sequential mechanisms (Chapter 3) of the extratropics- to-tropics teleconnection, further expanding it to pole-to-pole teleconnection (Chapter 4).

Chapter 2 uses sinusoidally time-varying surface fluxes imposed in an extratropical slab ocean to investigate the sensitivity of tropical climate response to timescales of extratropical fluctuations. The ITCZ migration is profoundly sensitive to the time scale of extratropical forcing. In our model configuration (i.e., aquaplanet and 50-m slab ocean model), the extratropical fluctuations with a 3-yr and longer period induce a meridional ITCZ shift with a clear quasi-sinusoidal temporal evolution, while ITCZ responses are highly muted to a 1-yr period (or shorter) extratropical fluctuations. The unrecognized threshold behavior of tropical climate indicates that the ability of extratropical fluctuations in perturbing the tropical precipitation pattern relies on the time scale. Hence, the mixed layer depth, one of the important time scale determinants in our planet, rules the response time scale of extratropics-to-tropics teleconnection, consistent with a previous study (e.g., Woelfle et al. 2015). The sensitivity is mainly caused by the importance of SST propagation into the tropics, largely consistent with expectations from prior literature; for example, TOA energetic imbalance leads to a fast but very minor tropical response with prescribed SST boundary

(Voigt et al. 2017). Considering the time tendency of the atmospheric energy budget, we utilize an energetic framework: extratropical energy perturbations can alter the tropical precipitation only when accompanied by an equatorward propagation of the SST response before completely damped. Chapter 3 describes sequential mechanisms of extratropics-to- tropics teleconnection. Adapting advantages of periodically time-varying experiments, objectively identifying the sequence of the atmospheric pathway and governing dynamics.

Atmospheric eddies firstly react to energetic imbalance to reduce thermal gradient by transporting surplus energy toward the tropics. We conduct a diffusive one-dimensional energy balance model to support the dynamics. The sensitivity of tropical climate to the extratropical forcing is caused by these eddies that require sufficient time to adjust nearby SSTs. A transition takes place from the eddy-driven to mean circulation-dominated. The impacts of eddies must be weakened as it goes toward the tropics. Hence, as the surplus energy is transported into the boundary of Hadley circulation, the return flow of the cell advects the anomalous heat from subtropics to the deep tropics. We devise a simple thermodynamical-advective model representing coupled atmospheric and oceanic mixed layers to describe an essential role of lower tropospheric MSE advection.

Chapter 2 and 3 together provide an integrated view of extratropics-to-tropics teleconnection. As the SST propagation is a prerequisite of tropical response, low-frequency variabilities in the extratropics (e.g., AMV) that is sufficient to propagate are more appropriate to perturb tropical climate. A recent study suggests 4 years as a time lag between forced AMV and precipitation, whereas a few decades (24 years) as that of natural AMV (Moreno-Chamarro et al., 2019), which is not easily accepting that a distinct time scale is required to perturb tropical climate from same AMV. Based on our results, the atmospheric

extratropical-forced AMV touches tropics via lower tropospheric propagation. The internally driven AMV has a smaller amplitude (about a fourth); thus, it is highly possible that the AMV signal is damped in extratropics before propagating toward the tropics via atmospheric response. Hence, it requires a decadal time scale that should be associated with oceanic dynamics, AMOC. In terms of discrepancies in observing evidence and paleoclimate (or modeling) evidence, Paleoclimate proxies are low-frequency variabilities, tropical climate responses appearing coherently. However, not only the time scale of extratropics-to-tropics teleconnection that is far longer than usual (tropics-to-extratropics teleconnection) but also requiring low-frequency extratropical perturbation would hamper identification of extratropics-to-tropics teleconnection. Also, non-dispersive propagation inside of the Hadley cell boundaries may imply potential predictability of tropics from high-frequency off- equatorial agents (e.g., aerosol), which should be examined in a realistic model and observation.

The remaining chapter focus on expanding extratropics-originated impacts to global climate, pole-to-pole atmospheric teleconnection. Employing periodically time-varying forcing induces responses easily distinguished from internal variability, helping to identify new teleconnection patterns and mechanisms. As the thermal response in one high-latitude perturbs the tropical climate, the following consequent atmospheric response in terms of momentum balance to the Hadley cell shift is shown in the mid-latitude jet stream, secondary circulation, and thermal response in the opposite high-latitude. Although it is an idealized zonal-mean connection between the two poles, several factors are suggesting further analysis in observation and model. One is that the well-known response pattern of polar warming, tropical upper tropospheric and near-surface polar warming, occurs together with the pole- to-pole teleconnection. The other is that the pole-to-pole teleconnection also modifies the

tropical temperature gradient and hence ITCZ migration. The pole-to-pole teleconnection suggests an integrated consideration of the Arctic and Antarctic amplification in future climate.


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