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Значения периода потери 50% воды хвоей ели обыкновенной полученные в вычислениях по разным уравнениям регрессии

№ п/п Уравнения регрессии R2 Период (Т) потери 50%, час.

1. y = 0,2452x + 70,186 0,7365 82,446

2. y = -0,0041x2 + 0,8349x + 53,675 0,9021 85,165

3. y = 39,096x0,1941 0,8480 83,542

4. y = 15,937ln(x) + 21,936 0,8723 84,282

Вычисление периода до наступления критического состояния (критического периода) по уравнениям регрессии (в частности, по уравнению прямой линии) дает некоторое отклонение значений от результатов, полученных по итогам пропорционального вычисления (табл.3). Это может быть объяснено тем, что уравнения прямой линии строили по всем точкам, начиная с первого срока учета. При этом темпы потери воды при высыхании на протяжении всего периода высушивания неодинаковы. Набольшие величины (Т=85,165 часа) достигнуты в расчетах по формуле параболы второго порядка; наименьшие (Т=82,446 часа) – в случае применения уравнения прямой линии. Наивысшая величина оценок достоверности аппроксимации (R2 = 0,9021) достигнута в случае применения уравнения параболы второго порядка, а наименьшая (R2 = 0,7365) – в варианте с уравнением прямой линии.

Обсуждение результатов

Основной причиной дифференциации растений по темпам снижения влажности при свободном высушивании хвои является неодинаковое соотношение в их тканях связанной воды. Тестирующим параметром выступало время потери половины содержащейся в листовом аппарате воды: такое обезвоживание тканей соответствует критическому уровню их физиологического состояния. Быстрая потеря воды хвоей однолетних сеянцев свидетельствует об их значительной зависимости от внешних условий и подтверждает то, что при наступлении атмосферной засухи они способны потерять тургор и даже погибнуть за весьма непродолжительный период времени. Ситуация вызвана слабым развитием собственно хвои и её покровных тканей. Масса хвоинок ювенильных растений существенно меньше тех же показателей у деревьев более старшего возраста. Это может явиться одной из причин снижения результативности создания лесных культур ели однолетними сеянцами с закрытой корневой системой.


Быстрая потеря значительной части воды хвоей однолетних сеянцев ели европейской свидетельствует о высокой степени их зависимости от внешних факторов и может выступать причиной существенного снижения результативности создания лесных культур контейнеризированным посадочным материалом, полученным в теплицах

Список литературы

1. Макаров Ю.И. Особенности роста и развития ели обыкновенной под влиянием внутривидового полиморфизма // Известия высших учебных заведений. Лесной журнал.

2016. №3 (351). С. 87-97.

2. Юрьева А.Л. Оценка влияния условий местопроизрастания на рост лесных культур ели обыкновенной //.Актуальные направления научных исследований XXI века: теория и практика. 2015. Т. 3. № 2-2 (13-2). С. 101-104.

3. Мартынова М.В., Султанова Р.Р., Габделхаков А.К. Динамика культур ели обыкновенной на липовых вырубках Республики Башкортостан // Вестник Башкирского государственного аграрного университета. 2016. №2 (38). С. 111-115.

4. Гиниятуллин Р.Х. Водоудерживающая способность листьев древесных растений в различных экологических условиях // Известия Уфимского научного центра Российской академии наук. 2014. №3. С. 113-118.

5. Лобашева А.А. Ель обыкновенная как экосистема // Молодые исследователи агропромышленного и лесного комплексов – регионам. Вологда-Молочное, 26 апреля 2018 г.

Матер. III междунар. молодеж. науч.-практ. конф. – 2018 С. 305-310.

6. Жигунов А.В. Приоритетные направления лесного селекционного семеноводства и плантационного лесовыращивания на Северо-Западе России //Лесохозяйственная информация. Сборник научно-технической информации по лесному хозяйству. – 2008. – №3 – 4. – С. 11 – 15.

7. Котов М.М. Отбор сеянцев сосны для лесосеменных плантаций // Лесное хозяйство. – 1995. –№1. – С.44 – 46.

8. Лугинина Л.И., Бессчетнов В.П. Особенности выращивания сеянцев лиственницы сибирской (Larix sibirica L.) в закрытом грунте. // Актуальные проблемы лесного комплекса.

БГИТА. – 2017 №49 С. 111-117.

9. Лугинина Л.И., Бессчетнов В.П. Эффективность применения посадочного материала с закрытой корневой системой при создании лесных культур сосны обыкновенной (Pinus sylvestris L.) в Республике Татарстан // Лесные экосистемы в условиях изменения климата: биологическая продуктивность и дистанционный мониторинг. Междунар. сб. науч.

статей. 2017 / Йошкар-Ола, 17-19 мая 2017 г. - С. 46-54.

10. Лугинина Л.И., Бессчетнов В.П. Лесные культуры сосны обыкновенной (Pinus sylvestris L.) в Республике Татарстан созданные посадочным материалом с закрытой корневой системой // Леса России: политика, промышленность, наука, образование Матер.

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43, No. 4. – Pp. 609 – 623.

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13. Бессчетнова Н.Н., Бессчетнов В.П. Сосна обыкновенная (Pinus sylvestris L.).

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14. Бессчетнова Н.Н. Водоудерживающая способность хвои плюсовых деревьев сосны обыкновенной // Актуальные проблемы лесного комплекса: сборник науч. тр. по итогам междунар. науч.-тех. конф. – Вып. 17. – Брянск: БГИТА, 2007. – С. 13–16.



Лугинина Л.И., Бессчетнов В.П. , Газизов Р.А.


Жоғары сапалы көшет материалдарын өндіру үдерісін интенсификациялау қорғалған топырақта және жабық тамыр жүйелі технологияларды пайдалану нәтижесінде мүмкін болады. Мақалада Татарстан Республикасы аумағында жабық тамырлы контейнерлік технология пайдаланып өсірілген европа шыршасының 1-жылдық сеппелерінің суды ұстау қабілеттілігі қарастырылған. Еркін кептірудегі жапырақтық аппараттың су жоғалтуының сын кезеңі бекітілді.

Кілт сөздер: кәдімгі шырша, сеппелер, жабық тамыр жүйесі, қылқан, су ұстау қабілеті.



Luginina L.I., Besschetnov V.P., Gazizov R.A.


Intensification of production processes of high-quality planting material for tree species is possible through the involvement of protected ground technologies and a closed root system. The article considers the water-retaining capacity of the needles of 1-year-old seedlings of European spruce grown on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan in protected ground using container technologies. The period of critical water loss of the leaf apparatus with free drying is established.

Key words: common spruce, seedlings, closed root system, needles, water holding capacity.

УДК 631.671.1


Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Tashkent


The article provides a comparative analysis of the establishment of cotton irrigation regimes on irrigated meadow alluvial soils of the Khorezm region from a groundwater level of 2,0 - 3,0 m according to the methods of the Research Institute for Breeding, Seed and Agricultural Technology of Cotton Cultivation and FAO. Experiments on the irrigation regime of cotton were carried out according to the following variants of irrigated soil moisture 70-70-60%, 70-80-60% and 70-80- 60% (increased irrigation rates by 30%) HB. To establish the irrigation regime for cotton according to the FAO method, the program CROPWAT 8.0 is used. Comparison of the results showed that, according to the FAO method, the number of irrigations by 4 - 6 more than by the method of the Research Institute for Breeding, Seed Growing and Agricultural Technologies for Cotton Cultivation and irrigation rates was 350 - 450 m3/ha, which should be supplied by drip or sprinkling irrigation.

Key words: irrigation, soil, cotton, marginal field moisture capacity (soil penetration), furrow, water, flow, technology.


Nowadays, increasing the yield of irrigated areas through effective and rational use of water resources in the country, introducing water-saving technologies, rising food production, and improving the quality and standard of living of the population by filling the domestic market are relevant. In many parts of the world, including in our region and in our country, together with the growing demand for water resources, water scarcity also increases every year.

In order to prevent the shortage of water and effectively use the existing water resources, our country has been extensively working in recent years. In particular, it is planned to increase the water use ratio as a result of keeping existing irrigation systems in working condition, to use the method of water saving in the farmer's field by performing water distribution at the required level, and to carry out the volume of water supplied to the farmer depending on the demand for crops and etc. In order to effectively use water in the Republic and to improve the reclamation status of

irrigated areas, more than 5,000 km of irrigation, 12,000 km of collector drainage, 50,000 km of irrigation canals are cleaned every year, while more than 200 km canals, 30 km of trays and 500 km collector networks more than 40 hydraulic structures and many other objects are being reconstructed and constructed.

Materials and methods

Due to the need for water resources management in the field conditions, it is important to provide water and humidification of the soil layer, which is necessary during the development phase of cotton. As a result of many years of experiments, it is important to emphasize the right choice of irrigation technologies to apply scientifically-based irrigation procedures in the field with the purpose of getting high harvest of agricultural crops. Taking this into account, in the Khorezm oasis meadow alluvial soils of various mechanical components of the environment are developed based on scientific irrigation of cotton in order to determine the optimal irrigation technology field experiments held in the years 2013-2014 (Table 1).

Table 1. An experimental system for the study of irrigation technology

Options Furrow irrigation technologies

Pre-irrigation soil moisture,

compared to marginal field moisture capacity (MFMC), %

1 Production Control

70 - 80 - 60 2 Furrow irrigation with varying water consumption

3 Opposite furrow irrigation 4 Selective furrow irrigation

Note: in option 2, the water flow in the furrow will be reduced by 2 times at the end of the furrow.

Elements of irrigation techniques were adopted on the recommendation of V.E.Eremenko depending on the state of the soil and the slope of the irrigated land. (Table 2).

Table 2 Elements of irrigation technique

Soil composition Light

(1 experiment)

Average (2 experiment)

Heavy (3 experiment)

Furrow length, m 80 100 120

Distance between the furrows, m 0,6 0,9 0,9

Flow of water supplied to the furrow, l/s 0,6 0,4 0,2

The element of irrigation technology is adopted considering the mechanical composition of the soil, the irrigated area, the type of cultivated crop.

In the experimental field, the distance between the furrows is 0.6 m and the furrow length is 80 m in the light loam soils with an accuracy of 0,00020, based on the conditions used in the production of watering techniques and 0.6 l/s water consumption per year, and 0.68 m to 0,00016- 0,00018, the distance between the furrows is 0.9 m, flood length is 100 m. and the amount of water supplied to the owner is 0.4 l/s, in the heavy mechanical soils, 0.00019, 0.9 m, 120 m. and 0.2 l/s.

Agrotechnical measures have been undertaken on the recommendation of the Khorezm branch of the Khorezm Province Research Institute of Cotton Selection, Seed Breeding and Agricultural technologies.

For equal distribution of soil moisture along the length of the furrow, it is possible to create favorable conditions for the whole area and to reduce the flow of water to its initial filtration on the fibrous length compared to the simple method, and to ensure proper moistening of the soil is characterized by the correct selection of elements of irrigation technique. The irrigation water will

be provided by equalizing the soil along the length of the furrow. The water was required to level off the irrigated area on both sides of the flood, in irrigation by contrasting water.

Results and discussion

All experiments and variants were compared to production control and were found to be the third variant of 70-80-60% relative to soil moisture content of marginal field moisture capacity (MFMC), irrigated by the most favorable vinegar cultivation yield. In this variant, the phases of growth and development of cotton were high, irrigated by the opposite side, as a result of the furrow length, the moisture content of the soil was achieved, and 15-20% of water was saved. Figure 1 illustrates the effect of economical irrigation technologies on irrigation water productivity in the field of cotton.

As a result of the use of irrigation technologies in field conditions, all experiments and variants were identified as the best possible option for irrigation by third variant, and the moisture content required for cotton was supplied equally throughout the entire lengh.

The dependence of irrigation technologies on water productivity is given in Figure 1, and the analysis of water consumption per 1 centner of cotton yield compared with the optimally available option has resulted in the identification of water use.

Figure 1. Effects of economical technology used on cotton fields on productivity of irrigation water

According to the results of scientific research 3 optimistic variant, namely, in the first variant of 4 experimental fields 74 m3, 21 m3 in variant 2, 13 m3 in 4 versions, in the first variant of 5 experimental fields 88 m3, in 2 versions 20 m3, in 4 versions 8 m3; in experimental field 1 variant 85 m3, in 2 versions 18 m3, in 4 versions 8 m3; many irrigation water has been spent.

An average of 74-88 m3 of water was saved over the years, when experimenting with the production option for the production of 1 centner of cotton from experimental fields as a result of irrigation method.

During the years of water scarcity, it has been proven that an average yield of 38.8-43.8 m3 for the years under experiments on production option has been proven to produce 1 centner of cotton in the experimental fields due to irrigated irrigation.

Economically, the average yield for conventional net income per hectare of crops received in cotton fields during production was 612-668 thousand soums and the profitability rate was 24.1 - 26.0 percent, but the best viewers were in the third variant of the irrigated water, the conditional net profit amounted to 1194-1264 thousand soums, the profitability rate was 36.8-38.9%. It was found out that in comparison with the accepted sowing, irrigation increased by 581 - 596 thousand soums and the profitability rate increased by 12,7-14,8 percent.

In the 2-variant water supply with changing water, the net profit was 1094.1-1133.5 thousand soums, the profitability rate was 34.4-37.0%. Compared to the accepted irrigation methods, the production gained 367.8-368.6 thousand soums and the profitability rate increased by 3.7-7.5 percent.

In contrast, in the 3d variant the contingent net profit of 1% was 1248.8-1290.9 thousand soums, the profitability rate was 37.9-41.0%. It was found that in comparison with the accepted irrigation system, the additional profit of 522.5 - 526 thousand soums and profitability rate increased by 7.7-11.0 percent.

In the 4th variant, the conditional net profit was 935.1-1018 thousand soums, the profitability rate was 29.7-33.2%, compared to the production option 208.8 - 253.1 thousand soums more profitability and profitability rate up to 2.8 percent.


The most effective water-saving technology is irrigation, as a counter furrow irrigation, which is effective, where pre-irrigated soil moisture was held at 70-80-60% of MFMC (Marginal field moisture capacity) for growth, development and high yield of cotton in the experimental plots, which gives the following indicators:

- on the basis of light mechanical composition, the yield was 41.9 c/ha and the irrigation rate was 3,594 m3/ha;

- on the basis of average mechanical composition, the yield was 42.7 c/ha and the irrigation rate was 3073 m3/ha;

- on the basis of heavy mechanical composition, the yield was 41.6 c/ha and the irrigation rate was 2,702 m3/ha. This irrigation technology, compared with production control, the irrigation rate was saved by river water at 1304, 1934 and 1964 m3.

The use of irrigation furrows with variable jet, for growth, development and obtaining a high yield of cotton in the experimental plots, which gives the following indicators:

- on the basis of light mechanical composition, the yield was 40.3 c/ha and the irrigation rate was 3,611 m3/ha;

- on the basis of average mechanical composition, the yield was 41.3 c/ha and the irrigation rate was 3,083 m3/ha;

- on the basis of heavy mechanical composition, the yield was 40.8 c/ha and the irrigation rate was 2,738 m3/ha. This irrigation technology, compared with production control, the irrigation rate was saved by river water at 1287, 1925 and 1914 m3.


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Матяқубов Б.Ш., Комилов У.Н.

Ташкент ирригация және ауыл шаруашылығын механикаландыру инженерлері институты, Ташкент


Мақалада Хорезм облысының суармалы шалғынды аллювиалды топырақтарында мақтаны суландыру режимдерінің 2,0 - 3,0 м жер асты суларының деңгейімен салыстырмалы талдауы келтіріледі. Далалық жағдайда мақтаның суару нормаларын анықтау бойынша

тәжірибелік жұмыстар өндірістік бақылаумен, топырақтың далалық ылғал сыйымдылығы 70- 70-60%, 70-80-60% және 70-80-60% (нормадан 30% артық) кезінде жүргізілді.

Кілт сөздер: Хорезм, оазис, суару, топырақ, мақта, шекті дала ылғалдылығы (ППВ), борозда, су, технология.


Матяқубов Б.Ш., Комилов У.Н.

Ташкентский институт инженеров ирригации и механизации сельского хозяйства, Ташкент


В статье приводится сравнительный анализ режимов орошения хлопчатника на орошаемых луговых аллювиальных почвах Хорезмской области с уровнем грунтовых вод 2,0 - 3,0 м. по методикам НИИССАВХ и ФАО. Опытные работы в полевых условиях по определению поливной нормы хлопчатника проводились с производственным контролем, при полевой влагоемкости почвы 70-70-60%, 70-80-60% и 70-80-60% (30% больше нормы).

Ключевые слова: Хорезм, оазис, орошение, почва, хлопчатник, предельная полевая влагоёмкость (ППВ), борозда, вода, технология.

UDC 551.524.2 (476)


Meshyk A., Barushka M., Marozava V., Meshyk K.

Brest State Technical University, Brest, Belarus Annotation

The article presents some results of the research of the extreme temperature regime in the Republic of Belarus. Transformations in maximum and minimum air temperatures correspond to the general theory of climate warming. The authors specify regional differences in temperature extremes.

Keywords: maximum temperature; minimum temperature; transformations; Belarus; forecast.


Recently there has been a worldwide discussion about the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors into changes in climate regime. Here, air temperature plays a leading part for describing and modeling global meteorological processes [1]. In the Northern Hemisphere mean year temperature of surface air has grown by 0.6С over the past century. By the middle XXI century it is expected to increase by over 2.5С [2, 3, 4 et al.]. Global climate warming is primarily explained by man-made emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

When describing Belarus climate, it is necessary to bear in mind various processes that are taking place on the whole planet and use measurement data about a great number of parameters which characterize both the climate itself (temperature, humidity, cloudiness, etc.) and the factors that predetermine the climate (solar and terrestrial radiation, chemical composition of the atmosphere, soil moisture and its temperature, etc.) In our opinion, it seems rewarding to describe space-time fluctuations of climate in terms of its circulation structure [5, 6, 7 et al.]. In a generalized case, fluctuations of air-circulation structures and their statistic parameters in a long-term perspective