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Бюллетени и Вестники - Библиотека аль-Фараби | Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби


Academic year: 2023

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В статье рассматривается технико-тактическая подготовка бадминтонистов, обучающихся на первом курсе университета по азиатской программе «Shuttle Time». Обосновать эффективность использования программы «Время волана» в тренировочном процессе для улучшения технико-тактической подготовки спортсменов, специализирующихся в бадминтоне. Это показывает эффективность использования азиатской программы «Челночное время», которая находится в порядке ее использования в тренировочном процессе – от простого к сложному, от. представления творческого процесса перед его практической деятельностью, что позволяет тренеру лучше увидеть качества спортсмена, а также совершенствоваться и переходить от начального этапа освоения игры в бадминтон к профессиональному.

По результатам исследования можно сказать, что программа «Шаттл Тайм». улучшить показатели технико-тактической подготовки бадминтонистов и дальнейшее ее использование сыграет положительную роль в соревновательной деятельности. На наш взгляд, использование тактических возможностей при использовании программы «Время шаттла». способствовать завоеванию призов на соревнованиях по бадминтону.




Первый этап был направлен на первоначальный отбор отечественной и зарубежной литературы по развитию ФГ с использованием метода библиографического синтеза, аналогично обзорному исследованию Хопфенбека и др., основное внимание которого было уделено изучению: структуры, подходов и методов программа PISA, исследование политики и практики развития функциональных групп, влияние PISA на изменение образовательной программы. В странах по всему миру южноамериканские исследователи Таут и Паласиос предположили, что причины оценки PISA могут привести к развитию так называемой «культуры вины», когда учителей и руководителей школ можно несправедливо обвинять в неудовлетворительных результатах PISA.

Однако сама PISA утверждает, что, предоставляя международные сравнения, PISA открывает множество возможностей для разработки более стратегической политики на национальном уровне (Хоган). И, наконец, половина 15-летних казахстанцев, участвующих в PISA, имеют низкий уровень развития математической грамотности. .




Жұмыста бұл үдерістер білім беру бағдарламаларын жобалау мен құру тәсілдерін қайта қарауды, цифрлық кеңістікте оқытуға сәйкес мазмұн мен оқыту әдістерін жаңартуды талап ететінін атап өтеміз. Сонымен қатар, аралас оқыту процесінде онлайн құралдарын жүйелі енгізу үшін білім беру бағдарламаларының мазмұны мен құрылымын түрлендіруді қамтамасыз ететін оқу дизайнын әзірлеу мүмкіндігі бар. Студенттерге Padlet тақтасын жасау және студенттер мен оқытушының өздік жұмысының тапсырмасы үшін QR кодтар галереясын жасау тапсырылды.

Osnovnye idei didakticheskoi kontseptsii tsifrovogo professional'nogo obrazovaniyai obucheniya [The main ideas of the didactic concept of digital vocational education training.], Moscow, Pero, 24 p. 2002). K.(2012) Bilim beru zhuiyesine aqparattyq - kommunikatsiyalıq technologiyalardı engizuding teoriyalıq - prak- tikalyq negizderi [Theoretical and practical basis for the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational system].Gylymi-pedagogikalyq basylym [Scientific and pedagogical publication “Lectures of the Nation].vol.




Transformation of positive experiences with the teacher certification system in Singapore and Finland to Kazakhstan. The article focuses on the transfer of positive experiences of the teaching staff certification system in Singapore and Finland to our country. The rules, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, determine the conditions of teacher certification in accordance with the legislation.

According to the certification results in accordance with these times and rules, teachers are divided into different categories and ranks. The article discusses the features of the teacher certification procedure, its perception by teachers, the impact on the status of teachers in the teaching staff. The purpose of the survey is to determine what difficulties exist in the certification process at the present time.

Training of modern teachers: experience of Finland in the field of teacher education / I.A. Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan-2050 strategy" the new political path of the established state"]. The purpose of the research is to study and analyze the experience of professional competence development in the training of social pedagogues in Kazakhstan and Lithuania.

The analysis of the normative documents of the Republic of Lithuania showed that the training of future social pedagogues, the development of their competences is in a specialized direction and includes the preparation of social pedagogues for work in inclusive education. This is facilitated by teaching the following disciplines: "Children's health education", "Work of a social pedagogue", "Protection of children's rights", etc. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan State mandatory standard of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.




The program of psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior in young school children was proposed, edited and tested by the authors of the article. The reduction of aggressiveness of young students with hearing impairments who participated in the experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the program, which allows its use by modern psychologists and pedagogues in inclusive education. One of the most important issues of our time is the high level of aggressiveness of hearing impaired children.

Aggressiveness is one of the manifestations of emotional instability, which is studied both as a per-. Diagnostics of the level of aggressive behavior in Primary School students was estimated, the results were summarized. As a result of the diagnosis, a corrective program was established for children with a high degree of aggressiveness; correctional education was held.

During the work, art therapy and sand therapy were used as one of the correction tools. The psychologist-teacher is allowed to participate in the child's emotional life and share the child's difficulties. According to the results of the obtained data, there is a high frequency of the appearance of aggressive behavior in real conditions in 3 primary school students.

As the table shows, the results of the study showed that 3 children out of 7 had higher indicators in the category of aggression compared to other children. According to the results of the study, the level of aggression in 2 people was emphasized. Aggressiveness is one of the most common psychological problems in children with hearing loss in inclusive education.

Table 1 – A program for organizing correctional classes in order to reduce the aggressiveness of children with hearing impairments
Table 1 – A program for organizing correctional classes in order to reduce the aggressiveness of children with hearing impairments




Conditions affecting the preservation of students' ethno-cultural competence in the polyethnic environment of the university. The purpose of the study is to identify, define and justify the pedagogical possibilities for ethno-cultural education of students in a multi-ethnic educational environment. The peculiarity of the tested course is that the conditions are not only considered localization, as the preservation of an ethno, but also the geographical environment from which the formation of an ethno began, as a direct condition for the emergence of an ethno and ethno. culture.

Language plays an important role in the formation of any culture, a common language supports the cohesion of an ethnicity. And so, the specificity and diversity of students' ethnic cultures is determined by a number of factors. A curriculum for the development of students' ethno-cultural competence was developed, which was tested at Gumilyov Eurasian National University and Toraighyrov University.

Сонымен бірге, ең алдымен этномәдени ерекшеліктерді жағымды нәрсе ретінде қабылдауға дайын болу керек, ол ең алдымен этносаралық түсіністік пен диалог құру қабілетіне айналуы керек (Нестеренко, 2001); (Федоров, 2006); (Коновалова. 2009) Jetnokul'turnaja kompetentnost' kak komponent professional'noj gotovnosti pedagoga [Этномәдени құзыреттілік мұғалімнің кәсіби дайындығының құрамдас бөлігі ретінде] Известия ДПУ. 2006) Formirovanie jetnokul'turnoj kompetentnosti budushhih pedagogov: Avtoreferat doktor pedagogicheskih nauk [Болашақ мұғалімдердің этномәдени құзыреттілігін қалыптастыру: Педагогика ғылымдарының докторы авторефераты], Мәскеу.

Воспитание поликультурной личности студента как педагогическая реальность: диссертация кандидата педагогических наук. Тараз. Ф. (2000) Формирование толерантности в межличностных отношениях студентов вуза: Автореферат диссертации кандидата психологических наук. Курган. Ключевые компетенции – новая парадигма результата современного образования.





Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 year №604. This article presents the results of a study aimed at the formation of geoecological competences of students of educational programs "tourism" in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Geoecological environmental assessment of the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a factor of tourism activity perspective.

Geoecological environmental assessment of the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a factor of prospects for tourism activity. Academic speech gives students a clear understanding of the structure of what they want to say. In the initial phase of the research there were difficulties in obtaining information from the podcasts used.

Academic-level words appeared in dictionaries and were used in speech. In the latter stages of the study, as students developed academic speaking skills, their interest in watching podcasts increased. The final phase of the study was an interview at the end of the semester.

As a result of the interview, it was noticed that the experimental group students formed the skills of academic speech. The results of the study found that 47% of respondents faced challenges related to searching for literature in the Kazakh language. The Student-the Center of Training Education as the Method of Formation of Design Activity in the Conditions of University Education // The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Academic entrepreneurship as a mechanism shaping the commercialization of scientific research in the higher school of Kazakhstan // The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The aim of the research is to provide a theoretical foundation for the formation of future masters.'

Figure 1 – Feature of academic speech
Figure 1 – Feature of academic speech


Table 1 – A program for organizing correctional classes in order to reduce the aggressiveness of children with hearing impairments
Table 2 – Quantitative indicators of the survey of teachers before and after correctional work – N=7)
Figure 1 – Percentage indicators of the frequency of aggressive behavior in children  Table 3 – Average indicators of the studied subjects according to of E
Table 4 – Average indicators of the study using the” Self-Portrait “ method (N=7)


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Іскендір1* 1Казахский национальный университет имени аль- Фараби, г.Алматы, Казахстан ∗e-mail: iskendirkzh@gmail.com МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ ПЕРЕНОСА НЕФТИ И НЕФТЕПРОДУКТОВ