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Вестник Bulletin


Academic year: 2023

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Chief editor Ainur Nogayeva PhD, Prof. Deputy editor-in-chief Yelena Nechayeva, Can. Kazakhstan) Deputy Editor-in-Chief Madina Abisheva, Can. of Historical Sciences, Assoc.Prof. Bekzhan Abduali Doctor of Philology, Prof. Kazakhstan) Bibikhadisha Abzhapparova Doctor of Historical Sciences (Kazakhstan) Aiman ​​​​Azmukhanova Can. Sergey Biryukov Doctor of Political Sciences, Prof. (Russia) Kurmangali Darkenov Candidate of Historical Sciences (Kazakhstan) Tatyana Dronzina Doctor of Political Sciences, Prof. (Bulgaria) Maira Dyussembekova Can.

Kazakhstan) Gregory Glisson PhD, Prof. Shakir Ibrayev Doctor in Philology, Prof. Kazakhstan) Irfan Shahzad PhD (Pakistan). Abai Kairzhanov Doctor of Philology, prof. Tursynkhan Kaiyrken Doctor in Historical Sciences, prof. Svetlana Kozhirova Doctor in Political Sciences, prof. Kazakhstan) Danagul Kopezhanova PhD, Assoc.Prof. Zhaslan Nurbayev Candidate of Historical Sciences (Kazakhstan), Roza Nurtazina Doctor of Political Sciences, Prof. Kazakhstan) Aigerim Ospanova PhD, Assoc.Prof.

Turkey) Punit Gaur PhD, Prof. India) Paulo Botta PhD, Prof. Argentina) Indira Rystina PhD (Kazakhstan) Seyit Ali Avcu PhD (Turkey).

Zhansautova 1 , M. Kazbekova 2

To analyze the situation of water security in the republic, the toolbox of the expert assessment method was used. At the international level, the role of the United Nations in the development and strengthening of water security instruments is given. In 2013, the Association of Water Supply and Sanitation Regulators of the Americas (ADERASA) was created.

Strategy - 2050” considers the shortage of water resources in the context of global threats of the present2. In the concepts of Kazakhstan's transition to a 3 green economy and the concept of Kazakhstan's foreign policy, the current problems of the republic's water security are reflected. Periodically, there are discussions in the expert community about improving the activities of government agencies.

Šibut's view of a narrow understanding of the problem without taking into account current trends in the field of water resources. Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan. Rethinking the concept of ideology in the context of the theory of the French scientist Louis Althusser.




  • Kazakistan-AB Anlaşmaları
  • AB Rekabeti

1999 yılında yürürlüğe giren Ortaklık ve İşbirliği Anlaşması'nda, karşılıklı ticaret ve yatırımın artırılması amacıyla Kazakistan'ın yasal düzenlemelerinin AB'nin yasal norm ve standartlarına uyumlu hale getirilmesi amaçlandı. Söz konusu toplantılarda ortak çıkarları olan konular ele alınırken, AB'nin Kazakistan ile işbirliğini geliştirmek için yapması gereken teknik yardım planları tartışıldı. Kazakistan'ın AB ile imzaladığı Ortaklık ve İşbirliği Anlaşmasının yanı sıra ticaret, enerji vb.

Özellikle 2007 yılından sonra güçlenen ticari ilişkiler ile AB, Kazakistan'ın ticaret ortakları arasında %32,5'lik oranla ilk sıraya yükselmiştir. Kazakistan'ın AB'ye ihracatının çoğu, madencilik ürünleri (esas olarak fosil yakıtlar), demir-çelik dahil ağır sanayi malları ve kimyasal ürünlerden oluşmaktadır. Kazakistan, AB'den ağırlıklı olarak makine ve ulaşım ekipmanları, ilaçlar, elektrikli aletler, tarım veya tarım ürünleri ve tekstil ürünleri ithal etmektedir.

2009 yılından itibaren ithalatın azalması nedeniyle AB'nin Kazakistan ile olan dış ticaret açığında azalma gözlenmiştir [1, 45 s.]. Orta Asya'yı Avrupa'ya bağlayan boru hattı projeleri, bölgenin Batı ile entegrasyonu için faydalı olacaktır. Bu hat aynı zamanda Kazakistan ve Türkmenistan'dan doğalgaz akışını sağlayacak olan Hazar Geçişi Doğal Gaz Boru Hattı Projesi'nin de ilk adımı olarak kabul ediliyor.

Bu boru hattı, Türkmenistan'ın batı kıyısından pompalanan petrolle birlikte Kazakistan'ın Tengiz, Novi ve Uzen (Hazar Havzası) bölgesinden İran'a petrol taşıyor [2, 45 s.]. Bu rakam, Rusya ile Çin ve Kazakistan'ın toplam dış ticaret hacmini aşıyor. AB'nin enerjide giderek artan dışa bağımlılığı sonucunda Ortadoğu, Hazar bölgesi ve Rusya ile yakın ilişkiler kurulmaktadır.

Avrupa ülkeleri bir yandan ABD'nin BTC ve Trans-Hazar projeleriyle bölgenin enerji kaynaklarına hakim olmasından rahatsız olurken, diğer yandan yeni boru hattı yapılmaması Rusya'nın hakimiyetini sürdürüyor. inşa edilmiş. Çünkü AB'nin bölgedeki varlığı, ABD gibi bir süper gücün bölgeyi kontrol etme arzusundan ziyade bir tüketici ve büyük bir pazar olarak görülüyor [5, 81 s.].


Zvonareva, O. Zvonarev

The authors assume that his credo represented a kind of synthesis of Hellenic cultural traditions and Christian ideas, influenced by the moods and spirits that prevailed at the Kiev-Moguilyansk Faculty, from which he graduated. A brief analysis of the heritage of one of the outstanding Christian enlighteners gives the authors the assumption that in his creative activities Simon Polotsky popularized advanced pedagogical theories, as well as book printing experience gained while studying at the above-mentioned faculty. Stikhotvoreniya Simeon Polotskogo na temy vseobtshey istorii [Poetry of Simon Polotsky on Universal Historical Themes] (Pech.izd., Kharkiv, 1914).

О России в империи Алексея Михайловича (Директмедиа, СПб, 1859). Исторические традиции духовной культуры народов СССР и современности. веков. Русская силлабическая поэзия XVII-XVIII веков (Советский писатель, Л., 1970).

Istoricheskiye traditsii doukhovnoy koultoury narodov SSSR y sovremennost [Kiev becomes the all-Slavic center of the development of fine arts in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Summary: There are characteristics of the national character of Japanese people that can affect business and management in Japan. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of these characteristics of the national character on the business environment and business operations.

In order to achieve this purpose, the author studied the historical roots of Japanese governance, the main features of the national character of the Japanese, as well as the factors of their formation. The characteristics of the Japanese national character can be divided into three groups: common ethnic characteristics, characteristics of group behavior, characteristics in everyday life. In addition, the author defined the concept of business culture and described the main characteristics of the Japanese way of doing business, such as the importance of interpersonal relationships, avoiding direct conflicts and disputes, and the importance of contracts.

As a result of the analysis, we can see the connection between the features of the Japanese mentality and the business culture of Japan. Japanese Business Culture: A Study on Foreigner Integration and Social Inclusion, Richmond: Eastern Kentucky University, Fall, 42 (2017).


N. Alashbayeva

Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan The ethno-cultural nature of proverbs and proverbs in the work. The article deals with the socio-cultural aspects of the proverbs and sayings that were quoted in the text of Kaşgarlı Mahmut's famous work «Divanü Lugat'it-Türk». In «Divanü Lugat'it-Türk», the work of a famous thinker in the Turkish world in the XI century Kaşgarlı Mahmut, the culture of communication between people from different social groups is described.

The author, on the basis of using the wealth of oral folklore that embellished the text of the narrative in an educational summary. The position of the scientist starts from verbal art, aphoristic wise speech, brilliant ideas and also truth. Through the use of proverbs and sayings, the author's thought is easily conveyed to the reader and remains in his memory for a long time.

Anahtar Kelimeler: atasözleri ve sözler, Kaşgarlı Mahmut, Divanü Lugat'it-Türk, folklor, milli kültür, halk bilgeliği, kültür.

S. Ussipbayeva

Kyrgyz is one of the Turkic peoples who have lived in the Republic of Kazakhstan since ancient times. Based on the data of the sociological survey, the sociocultural factors in the sphere of family and kinship relations, language ability, development of the ethnic culture of the Kyrgyz diaspora in Kazakhstan are revealed. Submission of articles to the scientific publication office implies the consent of the authors to the right of the Publisher, L.N.

By submitting the text of the work for publication in the magazine, the author guarantees the correctness of all information about himself, the absence of plagiarism and other forms of improper borrowing in the article, the proper formulation of all borrowings from text, tables , diagrams, illustrations and also he/she agrees to check the uniqueness of the article text. Full name of the organization, city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, you must place the same icon next to the name of the author and the corresponding organization) - center alignment, italics. Keywords (6-8 words/word combination. Keywords should reflect the main content of the article, use terms from the article, as well as terms that define the subject area and include other important concepts that make it easier and more convenient to find the article that the information retrieval system use).

The main text of the article should include an introduction, problem statement, objectives, history, research methods, results/discussion, conclusion - line spacing - 1, indentation of the "red line". Information about the financial support for the article is given on the first page in the form of a footnote. The first reference in the text to the literature must have the number [1], the second - [2], etc.

The reference to the book in the main text of the article should be accompanied by an indication of the pages used (for example, [1, 45 p.]). Unreasonable references to non-reviewed publications (examples of the description of the list of references, descriptions of the list of references in English, see on the website of the journal bulpolit.enu.kz). At the end of the article, after the list of references, it is necessary to indicate bibliographic data in Russian and English (if the article is in Kazakh), in Kazakh and English (if the article is in Russian) and in Russian and Kazakh languages ​​(if the article is in English), in Russian and English (if the article is in Turkish or Arabic).

All article comments sent to Publications (editorial) are sent for anonymous review. Articles that have positive reviews are submitted to the journal's editors for discussion and approval for publication.


Figure 1 - Levels and sublevels of water security (compiled by the author)        Water security


Dokumen terkait

Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, Kazakhstan, Almaty 2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty *e-mail: tattimbetovak@gmail.com CONTEMPORARY KAZAKH LITERATURE: