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Хабаршысы Bulletin Вестник


Academic year: 2023

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Gumilyov ENU, Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) Moshe Sagi PhD, Prof., Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva (Israel). However, due to its high toxicity (LD 8-10 mg/kg), it was abandoned in the 1960s. The resulting list can be sorted in descending or ascending order of the Pa – Pi deviation [18].

The "drug score" index, which takes into account all characteristics, makes it possible to estimate the potential of the investigated chemical as a drug (from 0 to 1). A major bottleneck remaining in the drug discovery procedure, especially in the later stages of lead discovery, is the analysis of drug candidate ADME and overt toxicity properties [ 30 ]. The PASS software was used to predict antitumor activity of the studied compounds (Table 2).

From the table it is clear that all the investigated compounds show a kinase inhibitory activity. Early studies of the quantitative relationship between the structure and the biological activity of organic compounds], in book: Istorija himii: oblast'. Prognoz spektrov biologicheskoj activitie organiceskih soedinenij, Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal [Prediction of biological activity spectra of organic compounds, Russian Chemical Journal.

Table 1 Investigated compounds
Table 1 Investigated compounds

Опыт применения кисломолочных продуктов на основе козьего молока в детском питании

The need to include goat's milk and products based on it in the diet of children of all age groups is justified by its high nutritional and biological value, low allergenicity and nutritional value. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of fermented milk products based on goat's milk on children's health. A study of the effect of goat milk-based fermented milk products on skin condition, fecal microbiology, blood biochemical parameters, transaminase activity ALT, AST, total bilirubin, urea, total protein, total iron-binding capacity of blood serum, level of albumin, glucose, indicators of cellular and humoral immunity, as well as the level of immunoglobulin E with a two-month consumption of products from 30 children of the specialized orphanage in Nur-Sultan, from the age of 8 months to 4 years old. .

The analysis of the obtained results shows that after 60 days of consumption of fermented milk products in the children of a specialized orphanage in Nur-Sultan, there was a positive trend of changes in the condition of the skin, functional disorders of the digestive system were balanced, and dysbiotic intestinal disorders were reduced. The level of immunoglobulin E in the blood decreased, which indicates a decrease in the body's allergic load, indicators of the cellular connection of immunity normalized. 1 [Food safety is a priority for the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex and the creation of a healthy type of food among the population, Food Independence of Russia.

Эффективность использования адаптированной смеси на основе кофейного молока в питании здоровых детей первого полигодия жизни: результаты многоцентрового проспективного сравнительного с Эффективность использования модифицированной смеси на козьем молоке в питании здоровых детей в первом полугодии жизни: результаты. многоцентрового проспективного сравнительного исследования // Вопросы современной педиатрии. Современные векторы развития молочной промышленности России, Молочная промышленность Современные векторы развития молочной промышленности России, Молочная промышленность. Жировые шарики как детерминанты пищевой и биологической ценности козьего молока // Вопр.

Baýmana [Effect of α- and β-casein content in goat's milk on its allergenic, thermostable and cheese-making properties, Ýchenye zapıskı Kazanskoı gosýdarstvennoı akademıı veterınarnoı medıtsıny ım. Effektıvnost ıspolzovanııa spetsıalızırovannyh prodýktov na baszego molok v pıtanıı deteı: metodıcheskıe rekomendatsıı [Effectiveness of using specialized products based on goat milk in children's nutrition: guidelines] (Moscow: OOO Medisinskoe informationnoe agentstvo, 2015, 67 p.). Implications of goat milk functional ingredients for the development of functional foods, Journal of Animal Feed Science and Technology.

Proizvodstvo syrov iz kozego moloka v yslovіyah fermy "Matveevyh", Westnyk Altayskogo gosydarstvennogo agrarnogo yniversiteta Ispolzovanie kozego moloka ı novyh formyl na ego osnove v pitanıi detyyi rannego vozyrasty dorove [Brugen af ​​gedemælk og nye formler baseret på det i Geçiniň süýdüne esaslanmak tejribesi.

Түркістан қаласының орнитофаунасының қазіргі жағдайы және оның құрамының маусымдық өзгеруі

4 түрі (Pica pica, Ала қарға-Corvus cornix, Ақ тұмсық қарға-Corvus frugilegus және Corvus monedula), нағыз торғайлардың 2 түрі (Passeridae) (Үй торғайы-Passer domesticus және үй торғайы-Passer montanus), қара торғай ( Біреуі) Түрділер тұқымдасынан (Acridotheres tristis), бір түр Turdidae (Turdidae) және бір түр Paridae (Parus bokharensis) Олар: Corvidae тұқымдасынан Pica pica, Қара қарға Corvus corone, Үй торғайы Passeridae тұқымдасынан Passer domesticus. Алматыдағы жасыл алқаптардағы Ортақ Минаның функциялары // Құс шаруашылығы ғылымының халықаралық журналы.

Это: сорока-Pica pica из семейства врановых (Corvidae), черная ворона-Corvus corone, домашний воробей-Passer domesticus из семейства воробьиных (Passeridae). В статье представлены наблюдения, проведенные в период 2019-2021 гг., и содержатся материалы исследований по распространению и сезонным изменениям орнитофауны г. Туркестана. В результате исследования установлено, что 70 видов птиц, относящихся к 11 отрядам, обитают в разных ландшафтных зонах города Туркестан.

Among them are 5 species of Columbiformes, 45 species of Passeriformes, 6 species of Falconiformes, 2 species of Ciconiiformes, 2 species of Caprimulgiformes, 2 species of Strigiformes, 2 species of Piciformes, 1 species of Cuculiformes, 2 species of Apodiformes and 2 species of Galliformes. Insectivorous (51.0%) and granivorous (43.0%) birds occupy leading positions in the main component of food composition. While establishing the number of birds in the city, several dominant species were identified.

Петербург: олами хайвонот, манзил, хифз, материалхои Институти зоологияи Академияи Фанхои СССР. Птици города Ульяновск: видовой состав, распространение, лимитрующие фактори и меры охраны. Ekspress-vypusk 1392 [Ташкили таваққуфгоҳҳои муштараки як ҷӯйбор ва шафақ дар шаҳри Харков, маҷаллаи орнитологии Русия.

Kenmerke van die Common Myna in groen freas van Almaty, International Journal of Poultry Science. Zoogeografiya Kazahstana [Zoogeography of Kazakhstan] (Alma-Ata: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR p.).

Геном человека раскрывает эволюцию Homo sapiens

Schwartz 1 , M. Sorokin 2

The evolution of modern humans began two and a half million years ago as Homo erectus. Several hundred thousand years ago, Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern men Homo sapiens separated from the Homo erectus branch. The complex history of Homo is revealed through genetic research and comparison of the modern human genome with genes from Neanderthals and Denisovans.

Svante Pääbo, a professor at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, contributed significantly to these studies and decoded the genomes of Neanderthals and Denisovans. Comparing the genome of modern man with the genes of Neanderthals and Denisovans made it possible to reveal the size of the population, the route and time of migration, the interaction of different groups of ancient people and their biological interbreeding. According to anthropological research, the survival of Homo sapiens was driven by a cognitive revolution that took place about seventy thousand years ago and involved the development of language, communication and association in large groups.

2 Филиал РГП при ПХВ «Национальный центр биотехнологии» КН МОН РК, г. Степногорск, Казахстан (E-mail: puntusira@mail.ru, vgavm2003@mail.ru).

МРНТИ 68.41.53

Нодулярный дерматит (обзор)

Вирусы группы Neethling вызывают цитопатические изменения в культуре клеток ПТ (почка теленка), эмбриона овцы и ткани семенников ягнят и телят не ранее чем через 14 дней после заражения. Вспышка нодулярного дерматита в молочном стаде голштинской породы в Омане: клинический отчет // Азиатско-научный комитет Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан, Степногорск, Казахстан.

The paper discusses the topic of the spread of an emerging highly contagious transboundary viral disease of cattle, nodular dermatitis; describes its etiology, epizootological data, pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathological changes, course features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment; the high growth rate of the countries where the disease has been registered is noted. Noduljarnyj dermatita krupnogo rogatogo skota v respublike Severnaya Ossetija – Alanija [Nodular dermatitis of cattle in the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania, Veterinarija. Noduljarnyj dermatitis (bugorchatka), klinicheskie priznaki pri jeksperimental'nom zarazhenii krupnogo rogatogo skota, Trudy FGU «VNIIZZh» [Nodular dermatitis (tuberculosis), clinical signs in experimental infection of cattle, Proceedings Federal State Health Institution Federal for An Federal State.

О мероприятиях по организации борьбы с нодулярным дерматитом КРС, оспой овец и бруцеллезом животных в Республике Дагестан // Проблемы развития АПК. агропромышленный комплекс области. Проблема нодулярного дерматита крупного рогатого скота // Ветеринария Кубани. медицина на русском] .

Вспышка нодулярного дерматита в молочных стадах голштинской породы в Омане: финансовый отчет, Asian J. План мероприятий по предупреждению распространения инфекционного нодулярного дерматита крупного рогатого скота на территории Республики Беларусь в 2016-2020 гг. [Действие план по предотвращению заноса и распространения инфекционного нодулярного дерматита крупного рогатого скота на территории Республики Беларусь v. Об утверждении Ветеринарных правил осуществления мероприятий по предупреждению и ликвидации заразных болезней животных (Приказ Министра сельского хозяйства РК от 28 декабря 2004 г.

О распространении нодулярного дерматита крупного рогатого скота в Европе и Средиземноморье // Россельхознадзор - Новости [Россельхознадзор - Новости], (2016) [Электронный ресурс]. Лечение и неспецифическая профилактика узелкового дерматита крупного рогатого скота (рекомендации). Ведущий автор, заведующий отделом вирусологии ТОО «BIOTRON GROUP», г. Степногорск, Акмолинская область, Республика Казахстан.

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Viral Medicines, Branch of the Republican State Enterprise with the Right of Economic Management "National Center of Biotechnologies" of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Stepnogorsk, Akmola Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.


Table 1 Investigated compounds
Table 2 Results of PASS antitumor activity forecasting
Table 3  Parameters of studied compounds computed with Molinspiration
Table 4 shows that all derivatives pass through the filters and are potentially appropriate structures  for drug production


Dokumen terkait

– Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Breeding, National Center for Biotechnology, 13/5, Kurgalzhynskoye road,