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Academic year: 2023

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Sacred Meanings and Images of Man in the Conceptual Installations of Almaty Curator Elena Grigoryan. It started in the 9th century and continued until the end of the 19th century.





Neoarheica in the mirror of modern culture: religious syncretism as a manifestation of the unity of sensual and rational knowledge”. It is shown that the curator's main strategy in constructing the concept and.





Between the State and the Artist: Representations of Femininity and Masculinity in the Formation of Ideas of the Nation in Central Asia. The question of the postcolonial influence on the dance culture and the performing arts of the Kazakh people has been raised in the discourse of the works of contemporary choreographers.


Central Asian countries are lagging behind the global process, which has brought an imbalance in the digital presentation of the world's artistic heritage. On the other hand, the hypertext system has something in common with the philosophical concept of "rhizome" - one of the main concepts of the philosophy of post-structuralism and post-modernism, introduced by J. During this research, contemporary art materials from Central Asia was collected from artists' studios and an archiving system was developed in accordance with international standards.

These processes are not only technical innovations here, but an indicator of whether the country's cultural policy is in line with the new humanitarian challenges of the time. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that despite lagging behind global trends in archiving, the processes of digitization of archives and art collections are gradually building up in the region. The study proposes a model of the Astral Nomads resource as a pilot project for the preservation of the artistic heritage from the 20th-21st centuries. century.


Currently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, cultural actors are confronted with the urgent problem of preserving humanitarian values ​​using digital tools. The aim of this study and project is to organize an online art history of post-Soviet Asia in the complex context of human fate, stories and facts, through the creation of an interactive book and website. During the research process, the author followed the cross-methodologies of critical analysis and digital archiving.

That is, analytical constructions were founded and documented by archival materials and scientific sources through a hypertext system. In 2013, the online resource astralnomads.net was developed and launched, which took its name from the unfinished novel by the artist Sergei Maslov Astral Nomads. The study asks questions about the relevance and necessity of digital archiving of art collections.


The main purpose of the author's activity and this research in particular is to collect images. First and foremost, I am a member of the Central Asian art community, and the lack of art history in the region is my detriment. In June 2016, the project has been in operation at the site of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Moving Museum took part in the touring regional exhibition “The Stories of the Great Steppe” in March-August 2019, in three cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Shymkent, Taraz and Taldy-Korgan. The criticism of the perception of Central Asia, proposed by Alexander Humboldt in the 19th century, as an amorphous transit zone between great civilizations; Third, far from the cultural centers of the region, art becomes available on a global level.

Fig. 1.   The screen-shot of the resource    http://astralnomads.net/
Fig. 1. The screen-shot of the resource http://astralnomads.net/




The role of outstanding personalities in Kazakh society: a comparative analysis of Kazakh traditional social culture. Vliyanie khudozhestvennoi literatury na formirovanie idealov sovremennoi rossiiskoi molodezhi” [“The influence of fiction on the formation of ideals of modern Russian youth”]. THE INFLUENCE OF ART ON THE ADAPTATION OF THE ELDERLY TO THE PHENOMENON OF AGE.

A respectful attitude of the younger generation to wisdom, knowledge and spiritual culture is the basis of the state's prosperity. The influence of art on the adaptation of the elderly to the phenomenon of old age". The basis of this article is the consideration of the subject of apocalyptic and post-.


This article is extremely relevant for the consideration of apocalyptic topics that take place in the context of local environmental and man-made problems. Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic cinema is directly related to environmental problems, and environmental and man-made disasters – causing the collapse of an entire ecosystem, the human race or a large part of it – are one of the most common scenarios in such films. movies. This research is based on the material of national cinematographic art of the Republic of Kazakhstan, America, the USSR and European and Asian countries, including early cinema and modern periods of development.

Classic cinema plots with the theme of the end of the world include the destruction of the planet's ecology and worldwide and local man-made and natural disasters, all of which belong to the elements of the apocalypse genre. In Kazakh film studies, the apocalypse or the end of the world remains an unexplored topic. In the article we consider Kazakh films with elements of the apocalyptic genre; But in comparison with global cinema, the theme is narrowly reflected with elements of degraded ecology.


The most serious threat to all humanity and the modern world is the reality of global environmental problems. Kazakhstan, like other countries, is experiencing a serious environmental crisis, and the problems of its solution are embedded in the global situation.


Currently, the ecosystem situation can be considered critically vulnerable, the planet is in ecological decline. More than 1.5 million people, roughly a quarter of the republic's population at the time, died in the crisis. One of the first documentary works dedicated to hunger (or Jut in the Kazakh language) is the film by V.

Again, more than half of the remaining deaths occurred within one year, namely 4.8 million in 1959. The Layers of the Apocalypse: An Integrative Approach to the Macrostructure of Revelation. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, vol. Climate Change and the Production of the Ethical Subject.” The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol.




Screenlife (термин, придуманный и запатентованный Тимуром Бекмамбетовым, основателем кинокомпании Bazelevs) — особый формат кино: экран в экране. Авторы статьи выражают благодарность редакторам и рецензентам журнала CAJAS. Мухтаров – автор диссертационного материала о Терренсе Малике (тема диссертации связана с творчеством Т. Малика).

The text of a cinematographic work is considered as a multifunctional means of expression of the cinematographic language. The study of these directions reveals the main trends in the author's and commercial cinema and shows the paths and perspectives of the development of the film text. Bekmambetov's film narration is analyzed from the point of view of the semantic, symbolic and aesthetic features of the language of modern cinema.




Оның ықпалымен қазақ әйелдері мінез-құлқында ұят пен ізгілікті, мейірімділік пен адамгершілікті, ізеттілік пен батылдықты бойына сіңірді. Айтыс ақыны, сазгер, әнші, кернейші, жонглёр-сайқымазақ («гу», «сайқымазақ» т.б.) халық ойындарын асқан шеберлікпен орындаған. Бұл мақалада би өнерінің қазақ халқының нақты өмір салтындағы рөлі қарастырылады.

From this point of view, traditional dance art (based on simple movements and an integral part of the people's culture) is constantly evolving and evolving. The development of the traditional dance art of the Kazakh people." Central Asian Journal of Art Studies, vol. Izim - Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR, Candidate of Art History, Professor, Department of Director, Kazakh National Academy of Choreography.





Krivye zerkala avangarda: utopian projections of Soviet civilization" ["Curved mirrors of the avant-garde: utopian projections of Soviet civilization"]. This article is devoted to the study of the painting of the Uzbek avant-garde, with taking into account the role of the historical and cultural context of the early twentieth century Various stylistic vectors and trends of this process interacting with the role of the historical and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan led to specific stylistic forms and characteristic features in the images of that era.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the actualization of the issue of the typological specificity of the Uzbek phenomenon compared to the Russian avant-garde and European modernism. The article raises questions about updating the methodological aspects of the study of Soviet modernization and its results in art. The article considers the application of the terms avant-garde and modernism in relation to regional phenomena, the relevance.


Целью круглого стола было обсуждение вопросов, определяющих методологические и теоретические вопросы для новых номеров «Центральноазиатского журнала искусствоведения».




Орталық Азиялық өнертану журналы «Гуманитарлық ғылымдар контекстіндегі заманауи өнердегі адам» тақырыбындағы дөңгелек үстел. Орталық Азия өнертану журналының «Гуманитарлық ғылымдар контекстіндегі заманауи өнердегі адам» тақырыбындағы дөңгелек үстелі. Гуманитарлық зерттеулер контекстіндегі қазіргі өнердегі АДАМДАР» – CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF ART STUDIES.

The purpose of the roundtable was to discuss issues that identified methodological and theoretical aspects for upcoming issues of the Central Asian Journal of Art Studies. The real actuality of the world discussed at the round table is in many respects within the theoretical field of art anthropology. The Human Being in Contemporary Art in the Context of Humanitarian Studies' – A Round Table of the Central Asian Journal of Art Studies.” Central Asian Journal of Art Studies, vol.


Fig. 1.   The screen-shot of the resource    http://astralnomads.net/
Fig. 2. Sergei Maslov, «Baikonyr 2», 1990s,  multimedia project
Fig. 3. Mobile Virtual Museum in the workflow   of the Exhibition Hall of the Artists' Union
Fig. 4. Mobile Virtual Museum, the exhibition


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Dulambayeva, Doctor of Sciences Economics, Professor, Professor, Institute of Management, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Abaya St,