• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Summary of Chapter

This chapter has summarised the background, gap, aim, objectives and findings of this research. Besides, the contributions of this study were identified and discussed. Furthermore, the limitations in this research were addressed, followed by the provision of recommendations to improve the future studies.


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Appendix A: Questionnaire Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Tan Xian Yi, a final year undergraduate student who is pursuing Bachelor of Science (Honours) Quantity Surveying in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR). I am currently conducting a survey for my final year project entitled

“The Potential of Integrating Blockchain Technology into Smart Sustainable City Development” as a partial fulfilment of the programme structure. The purpose of this research is to identify the potential of integrating blockchain technology into the development of smart sustainable city in Malaysia.

This questionnaire consists of THREE (3) sections and it would take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete. I would like to express my appreciation for your participation in this survey and I believe that your professionalism and experiences will significantly contribute to the success of this research. Your responses given for this survey will be kept confidential and remained anonymous. The responses will be solely used for academic purposes.

If you have any questions regarding to this survey, please do not hesitate to contact me for further information and clarification.

Student name: Tan Xian Yi Contact number: 018-6673132 E-mail: celinetxy@1utar.my

Thank you for your participation and precious time.

Blockchain technology is a digital, decentralised and distributed ledger which records all the transactions carried out across a peer-to-peer network. In general, blockchain is a technology which keeps all the information and transaction records carried out between individuals or organisations without involving any central authority, intermediaries or trusted third party. For instance, the trading of stock has always involved numerous intermediaries such as brokers. This leads to lengthy trading process as a number of stages and bureaucracy are involved. By applying blockchain technology, the trading of stock can be carried out without any intermediaries and the stock exchange process can be sped up significantly.

Smart sustainable city is a city which incorporates both ‘smart’ and ‘sustainable’

elements to improve quality of life, enhance efficiency and competitiveness of its operating systems and infrastructures as well as fulfilling the economic, social, environmental and cultural needs of the future generations. The integration of blockchain technology in political, economic, social and environmental aspects is expected to compliment the formation of smart sustainable city.

Section A: Demographic Section Please tick (√) in the relevant box.

What is your gender?

o Male o Female

What is your age group?

o 21 years old and below o 22-44 years old

o 45-59 years old

o 60 years old and above

What is your profession in construction industry?