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(1)Project Title: The Mediating Role of Self-esteem in the Relationship between Parenting Style and Academic Dishonesty among Undergraduates in Malaysia

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Academic year: 2023

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A mediating effect of self-esteem on parenting styles and academic dishonesty was also not found. 4 Mediation model showing the mediating effect of self-esteem on parenting styles and academic dishonesty.

1.1 Background of the Study

Problem Statement

Moreover, in a study conducted by Moghaddam et al. 2017), parenting style was indicated to be an important predictor of self-esteem in children. Since parenting style is an important predictor of self-esteem and also one of the factors influencing academic dishonesty, the current study aims to determine whether self-esteem is able to mediate the relationship between parenting styles and academic dishonesty.

Research Objectives

We can see that parenting styles with high warmth and demandingness lead to children having a high level.

Research Questions


Definition of Terms Conceptual definition

He also added that individuals with high self-esteem respect themselves and consider themselves worthy (Abdel-Khalek et al., 2016). On the other hand, individuals with lower self-esteem may have greater feelings of worthlessness and insecurity (Abdel-Khalek et al., 2016).

Significance of study

The results of the current study are expected to be able to help society in reducing. In addition, this allows society to recognize the importance of maintaining students' self-esteem and the importance of practicing appropriate or appropriate parenting styles.

Conclusion of the Chapter

They can have an idea about the relationship between parenting style, self-esteem and academic dishonesty in the context of Malaysia. Conceptual framework and theoretical framework will also be discussed to illustrate the relationship between the independent and dependent variables moderated by a moderator variable.

Parenting style

They are usually withdrawn from the social world and appear weak when it comes to. For example, Milevsky et al. 2017) divided parenting styles into maternal and paternal parenting styles by examining father's authoritarianism, father's authoritarianism, father's permissiveness, mother's authoritativeness, mother's authoritarianism, and mother's permissiveness.

Academic Dishonesty

In a research conducted in a science and technology university, students mentioned that the content of exams did not relate to what they learned in class (Elsalem et al., 2021). In addition, Robinson-Zañartu et al. 2005) and Walker (2010) also suggested that the convenience of current digital technologies has made it easier for students to engage in academic dishonesty.


Another crucial finding is that permissive parenting styles and adolescent self-esteem are positively correlated. In addition, previous research was also conducted to find the negative consequences of low self-esteem.

Parenting Styles and Academic Dishonesty

However, the results are less supported because a study has been conducted showing that there is no difference in self-esteem between men and women (Chiu et al., 2016). In other words, students whose parents adopt a permissive parenting style show a greater tendency to cheat during exams. The interview shows that both mothers admitted that authoritarian parenting styles show a strong tendency of children to delinquent behavior.

Parenting Style and Self-esteem

In short, this study shows that parenting styles facilitate self-esteem, with students with authoritative parents having the highest levels of self-esteem, while students with neglectful parents having the lowest levels of self-esteem. Results show that students who have parents who are highly responsive show higher self-esteem.

Academic dishonesty and Self-esteem

Students with low self-esteem tend to be unfair to their academics, believing they can perform better (Husain, 2020). In addition, researchers discovered the reason that students with high self-esteem are less likely to cheat. Students with high self-esteem were believed to spend more time on their learning and study materials and also behaved positively at school.

Parenting Styles, Self-esteem and Academic Dishonesty

According to a study conducted by Moghaddam et al. 2017), only authoritarian parenting style shows a significant relationship with self-esteem in children and in general. Sommer and Baumeister (2002) suggested that individuals who attain higher levels of self-esteem are more likely to perform difficult and challenging tasks compared to those who have lower self-esteem. In other words, individuals who have high self-esteem tend to be very aware of the consequences of their actions, so they are less likely to engage in cheating behavior.

Conceptual framework

However, children raised by parents who practice permissive parenting tend to have low self-esteem and this leads to maladjustment problems in later life. In addition, the parenting styles adopted by parents to nurture their children can show the direction of values ​​and the belief of the best method in training their children. For example, parents who practice permissive parenting styles may encourage their children to engage in academic dishonesty in order to achieve academic success.

Theoretical framework .1 Parenting Style Theory

All this is necessary to build the child's self-esteem and thus help children achieve self-realization. Researchers believe that students with low self-esteem tend to cheat on exams (Farias & Pilati, 2021). Furthermore, in the same study, Anierobi et al. 2020) states that low self-esteem tends to cause confusion and lead to a false perception of oneself.

Research Design

In snowball sampling, research participants were asked to help researchers recruit samples by providing referrals (Bhat, 2018). Researchers asked participants to share the online survey to their social networks to help the researchers collect data.

Research Sample


The RSES has been translated into many languages ​​and was widely used by many researchers to study self-esteem. The sum of scores from all 10 items (after reverse-scored necessary items) indicates the level of self-esteem. Scores between 10-24 are considered low self-esteem, while scores between 25-35 are considered normal self-esteem.


This scale shows that Cronbach's alpha value ranges from α=.72 to α=.87 as it was used for several independent studies.

Pilot Study

Second, it is important to test the instruments used for measurements in the study to validate the feasibility of the research. The procedures used to conduct the pilot study will be discussed in the next section. Convenience sampling in the pilot study involves selecting participants because it is convenient and they are readily available.

Data Analysis

All instruments were considered reliable as Cronbach's alpha values ​​were all higher than α= .80. H3: There is a mediating effect of self-esteem between parenting styles and academic dishonesty among undergraduate students in. Among the students who graduated from

Descriptive Statistic Table

Furthermore, more than half of our participants attended and experienced online and physical classes during their undergraduate studies of the participants (29%) studied only online classes and 5 of them (1.5%) experienced only physical classes.

Inferential Statistics

A Pearson Product-Moment Correlation (PPMC) was conducted to examine the relationship between parenting styles and self-esteem among undergraduate students in Malaysia. It was hypothesized that there is a significant prediction of parenting styles and self-esteem towards academic dishonesty among undergraduate students in Malaysia. An independent samples t-test was conducted to test the gender difference in self-esteem among undergraduate students in Malaysia.


The present study found that there is no significant relationship between parenting styles and self-esteem. Moreover, future researchers can study the relationship between self-esteem and academic dishonesty among students in Malaysia, which is not mentioned in this study. On the flip side, this study found no gender difference in the level of self-esteem among undergraduates in Malaysia.


The theoretical construct of the current study provides a better perspective for both parents and students to recognize the importance of construction. The current study could provide an overview of the importance of maintaining self-esteem and implementing an appropriate parenting style to help society recognize and understand the consequences of cheating, especially academic dishonesty. Thus, the current study could be helpful in providing additional information for future researchers who wish to conduct similar studies in a local context.


It is possible that the participants only give socially desirable answers to our questionnaire as the subject of the study, which means that academic dishonesty is considered somewhat sensitive in society. Although we only have 1 outlier among the 284 responses, there is still doubt about the honesty of the participants about the answers. This allows them to guess or randomly choose to respond to the questionnaire.


This allows the researchers to explain the details of the research in detail to the participants. This will ensure that participants understand that their answers will be confidential and that their identity will remain anonymous. In this case, if participants have doubts about the English version, they can refer to other languages ​​for better understanding.


A study on the impact of parenting styles and self-esteem on academic performance of postgraduate students. The Smith University Journal of Education. Age and gender differences in self-esteem: A cross-cultural window. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Low family satisfaction and depression in adolescence: The role of self-esteem. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 5(2).

Self-esteem as a mediating factor between parenting styles and creativity. International Journal of Cognition and Behavior, 2 (1). The mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship between parenting style and academic dishonesty among undergraduate students in Malaysia.

RESULTS (20%) Max Score Score a. Descriptive statistics

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