• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

1 ‘Measure’ and ‘meter’ are issued from the same indo-european root.

2 The theories of positive accounting and of legitimation give complementary explanations for this situation: see for instance Watts and Zimmmerman (1986) for the first perspective and Tinker et al. (1991) for the second.

3 Procustes, in Greek mythology, ‘was a host who adjusted his guests to their bed . . . He kept a house by the side of the road where he offered hospitality to passing strangers, who were invited in for a pleasant meal and a night’s rest in his very special bed. Procustes described it having the unique property that its length exactly matched whomsoever lay down upon it. What Procustes didn’t volunteer was the method by which this “one-size-fits-all” was achieved, namely as soon as the guest lay down Procustes went to work upon him, stretching him on the rack if he was too short for the bed and chopping off his legs if he was too long. Theseus turned the tables on Procustes, fatally adjusting him to fit his own bed’. http://www.mythweb.com/teachers/why/


4 ‘The objective of this Standard [IAS 1] is to prescribe the basis for presentation of general purpose financial statements in order to ensure comparability (our emphasis) both with the enterprise’s own financial statements of previous periods and with the financial statements of other enterprises’.

5 A bench has replaced Procustes’ bed but the objective remains the same.

6 In the broad sense, performance includes relevance, coherence and perform- ance in the narrow sense).

7 Recognizing the existence of a subjective dimension and the impossibility of dissociating it from the objective and rational dimensions constitutes in itself a material progress.

8 Joseph (2004) definitively agrees on this perspective: ‘without inter-subjectivity, humanity would not have appeared’ (our free translation).

9 This document is produced for the Autorité des marchés financiers which in France plays a role similar to the SEC in the USA.


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Social Rating: Performance

Measurement or Social Mediation?

Françoise Quairel


Social rating aims at providing fund managers with objective measures on extra-financial performances. It summarizes the social and environ- mental companies’ profiles and gives a synthetic evaluation. Social rating is often deemed as a transposition of financial rating; as this rating provides financial actors and asset managers who have neither the time nor the expertise to appraise corporate social performances (CSP) with decision-making tools. It could be defined as an independent and objective opinion on environmental and social performances of the organization.

Whether financial or social, the rating can be analysed as a ‘management tool’ according to Berry (1983), that is, ‘material or conceptual means aiming at reducing complexity and at simplifying reality’.

More than 40 social agencies in the world carry out social ratings, but as their assessment methodologies as well as their screening criteria are quite different they may provide different even contradictory ratings for the same company. On one hand, this results in a large scepticism on the feasibility of the process, but on the other hand, by providing a measurement frame, social rating enacts and makes sense of corporate social responsibility (CSR), allows media communication1 and draws managers’ attention by highlighting new performance areas. For the large listed companies, to be selected in an ethical index or sustainability index is interpreted as good social responsibility, a key factor of their reputation.

This chapter analyses the social rating from both functional and social perspectives as proposed by Berry (1983), Moisdon (1997) and Gilbert (1998). First, we adopt an operational approach to analyse the characteris- tics of this tool and its functions in order to emphasize the values and

174 Performance Measurement or Social Mediation?

limits of the rating as a representation of social performance. We intend to highlight, in a second section, the political and social function of this device: it plays a central role in influencing corporate managers’

behaviour and its stakeholder relationships but this role is above all a symbolic one.

Dalam dokumen Stakeholder Theory: A European Perspective (Halaman 184-189)