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Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Academic year: 2023

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Introduction 2

The framework will help to provide appropriate benchmarks in academic standards for institutions in their planning and self-evaluation processes, for external assessors involved in program accreditation processes and institutional reviews, and for employers in understanding the skills and abilities of graduates they may employ . . Programs developed within this framework should not only lead to the knowledge, generic skills and professional expertise normally associated with studies leading to comparable awards worldwide, but should also include specific knowledge and skills necessary for professional practice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and reflect the educational policies and cultural norms of that country. Candidates should have the ability and commitment to engage in lifelong learning, the capacity for effective communication, including the appropriate and competent use of information technology, and the ability to take initiative in individual and group activities.

The framework describes the expected increasing levels of knowledge and skills in these areas for each qualification. Developing these attributes will require the use of teaching methods that take students well beyond the acquisition of knowledge and skills and emphasize their ongoing application in practical situations.

Principal Elements in the Qualifications Framework 3

  • Levels 3
  • Credit Hours 4
  • Domains of Learning Outcomes 4
  • Use of the Domains in Program Planning and Student Assessment 5
  • Conditions of Learning for Different Domains 6

The number of credits or credit hours allocated to a course or program is an indication of the expected amount of learning. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it is common practice to relate this expectation to the number of contact hours in different types of learning activities (e.g. lectures, tutorials, labs). Learning outcomes that fall under the first two domains, knowledge and cognitive skills, are directly related to the occupation, field of study or occupation for which students are being prepared.

This means that if we want to achieve learning outcomes in different areas of learning, different teaching strategies should be used that are suitable for these types of learning. Regular reviews of new information and its connections to the main organizational ideas presented in the advanced organizer should be carried out. Skills should be used in a variety of settings, including those that are similar to situations we hope to use in the future, to facilitate transfer of learning and application to different situations where appropriate.

An important part of the internal quality assurance of educational institutions is to ensure that professors understand the necessary conditions for the development of different types of learning outcomes, that they are used in courses and programs, and that the effectiveness of these strategies is evaluated. An important part of the internal quality assurance of educational institutions is to ensure that professors understand the necessary conditions for the development of different types of learning outcomes, that they are used in courses and programs, and that the effectiveness of these strategies is evaluated.

Issues and Relationships 6

  • Relationships Between Higher Education and Technical and Vocational
  • Expectations on Entry to Higher Education 7
  • Recognition of Prior Learning 7
  • Relationship Between Academic and Professional Requirements 8
  • Programs and Awards Offered by Professional Associations 8
  • Intermediate Exit Points in a Longer Program 9
  • International Equivalence of Awards 9
  • Application of the Framework to International Higher Education Institutions
  • Verification of Standards of Learning Outcomes 10
  • Verifying Consistency with the Qualifications Framework 10

It is also important to recognize that programs in the same areas in the two sectors can contain a lot of similar material. Students who clearly meet these requirements at the expected level can proceed directly to the higher education programs as described in the Framework. Where basic studies are required, these precede and are not part of the post-secondary education programme.

In other cases, students may have completed advanced studies beyond the twelfth grade level, and institutions of higher learning may be willing to accept as equivalent part of their academic program. In many cases, students will begin higher education studies immediately upon completion of secondary education and complete programs in higher education institutions that are consistent with the levels and credits outlined in the framework. They should be given a higher status if they can demonstrate knowledge and skills that are relevant to their specific field and substantially equivalent to the learning outcomes described in the framework, and be allowed to continue in a flexible way. to study.

For the purposes of assessing the equivalence of completed study undertaken elsewhere, the qualifications framework will be taken as a guide, but the position of the award in question and the extent to which it is accepted as a professional qualification in another jurisdiction will also be taken into account. However, the acceptance of such an award as a qualification does not affect what is required in Saudi Arabia for programs conducted in that country. Assistance provided by international institutions to students and institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is welcome.

These are explained in part 2 of the handbook for quality assurance and accreditation of higher education institutions, which deals with internal quality assurance arrangements (section 2.7). Appropriately specified learning outcomes within each of the learning domains. knowledge, cognitive skills, interpersonal skills and responsibility, communication, IT and numerical skills and where relevant to the training, psychomotor skills). The number of credit hours required for the qualification must be as indicated in the framework.

The credit hour formula is used as a proxy for estimates of the amount of learning achieved. Program objectives should develop learning outcomes in all required learning areas. Program and course specifications should include teaching methods and student activities that are appropriate for the learning outcomes in each of the areas.

Tests, exams and other required assessment tasks should include appropriate forms of assessment of learning in each of the domains. The standards achieved in each of the domains should be consistent with the descriptions of graduate characteristics and the descriptions of learning outcomes for each qualification level.

Qualification Titles 12

Field Descriptors in Higher Education 12

Doctoral Qualifications 13

Characteristics of programs and expected learning outcomes at each level of the framework Descriptions of learning outcomes at each of the levels of the framework are provided below.

Characteristics of Programs and Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Level 1—Associate Diploma 15
  • Level 2—Diploma 16
  • Level 3—Bachelor 17
  • Level 4—Higher Diploma 19
  • Level 5—Master 20
  • Level 6—Doctor 22

They use their knowledge and skills constructively in responding to questions and problems and seek additional advice and help when necessary. Has a general knowledge of basic information about the facts, concepts and principles of the field of study, including theoretical and practical information relevant to employment in the relevant professional field. Is aware of the most important recent developments in the field and how to use available sources of information on further developments and their possible impact on existing practice.

Can examine practical and routine problems in the field of study or employment and develop practical solutions using techniques developed in completed studies. The ability to successfully assume responsibility for employment in the field of activity for which they are prepared;. Is aware of the preliminary nature of knowledge in the field and is able to take this into account when analyzing problems and proposing solutions.

In the case of vocational training, the full range of knowledge and skills required for effective practice of the relevant profession; In the case of academic training not aligned with professional practice, in-depth knowledge and understanding of research literature in a field, and the ability to interpret, analyze and evaluate the significance of that research for the expansion of knowledge in the field. Is aware of related knowledge and theory in other disciplines and, in the case of vocational training, other subject areas.

Is able to apply theoretical knowledge and practical experience in investigating complex issues and problems, identifying additional sources of information or analytical techniques as necessary. Thorough understanding of theory, research and recent developments at the forefront of a scientific discipline or professional practice and of the implications of those developments for the knowledge store in the field. Understands how new knowledge is developed and applied and what the effects of recent research are on the knowledge store in the field and the associated professional practice.

Can apply general and specialized research techniques in the creative analysis of complex issues and the development of conclusions and propositions relevant to an academic or professional field. Takes initiative to identify and respond creatively to complex issues and problems in an academic or professional context. Thorough understanding of a significant amount of advanced knowledge and research in an academic or professional field.

Know about the latest developments in the field, including new issues and research techniques and potential challenges in developments for generally accepted conclusions. Is able to apply advanced theoretical knowledge and research techniques to the creative analysis of key issues and problems and the development of innovative solutions.


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