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the great - formula


Academic year: 2023

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The Great Formula is a powerful and concise view of the universal laws of marketing that reliably regulate the speed of revenue growth in your business. Spend your last dime to get it if you must, because The Great Formula is a must-have book.”


How to masterfully persuade your new customers to drink from the second glass—even before they've taken the first.


If this formula is so simple and so powerful, why isn't every company using it?

I Get 1,000 Channels of TV

Very little definitive work has been done on the subject, but a generally accepted estimate is that the world's body of information doubles every five years. In it, researchers tried to determine how much information was in the world and estimate the rate at which it was growing.


Just read it once, close your eyes and see if you can recall it correctly. Now, take out a piece of paper and see if you can write those 14 numbers in the exact order they appear on the page.

The Great Chunkula

When you go to a stranger's house, you know how to turn on the lights, even if you've never been there before. If it's your first time going to an Ethiopian restaurant, you know to ask for a menu, even if you've never been there before.

The Great Formula

If you look at the greatest business successes in the history of the world, you will notice that almost every one of them follows this formula to the letter. In fact, we'll look at so many examples and variations of this formula that you'll have mastered it by the time you read the end of this book.

Why The Great Formula Works

In addition, all your logistical and administrative functions should be subordinated to your work with the Grand Formula. They will show you exactly how perfectly they used The Great Formula.

The Great

Create The

Irresistible Offer

Even if you don't have The Irresistible Offer, your business can do well, but you can also run your car on corn oil if you make changes. While The Irresistible Offer (TIO) takes time to build and implement, you can apply Steps 2 and 3 today.

Present It to a Thirsty Crowd

It never ceases to amaze me: if companies spent as much time improving their products as they do covering up mistakes, success would come much more easily. It doesn't matter how great your product is; if you market it to the wrong market, you won't make even a measly dent in your sales goals.

Sell Them a Second Glass

And you'd be crazy not to include this or one of the many second-glass tactics available to your business. It is an inside secret that none of the great fortunes of the world were built on the first glass.

In Search of the Thirsty Crowd

In fact, you're much more likely to hit the most responsive Thirsty Crowds this way than in classic media. In the following chapters, you will discover some rather unexpected ways to use these methods.

Second Glass Tactics

If you are selling someone a car, wouldn't the buyer also be interested in a good sound system? Amazon has outgrown its touchstone of being the "world's largest bookstore" as it now sells quite a few things besides books, but the touchstone has served Amazon long enough to give the company a clearly dominant market position. CHARLES ATLAS: "A BOY WITH SAND IN HIS FACE BECOMES 'WORLD'S MOST COMPLETELY DEVELOPED MAN'".

It wasn't the fastest or prettiest machine on the road, but it was cheap and reliable.

Mad Scientists Using The

Great Formula

The important thing to note here is that each article shows that The Great Formula can be applied to any business, in any industry. 1,000,000 in seed capital or financing your business startup with a credit card—The Great Formula will dramatically increase your profits every time. What are the different ways people can offer a second glass to their customers (after the initial sale - basically the back end).

Some (such as Gary Halbert) have asked me to reprint for you some of their lost writings, which beautifully illustrate their use of The Grand Formula.

Picasso Tile Illusion

I actually showed the cost of making the tiles and the cost of the ad in the Journal, which showed that we didn't make a cent from it. I also explained that we would definitely be oversold and that future tile owners would be selected through a "random selection process". Additionally, we shifted our focus away from the unusual nature of the art form.

It didn't matter if it was a tile or a canvas, because it was the hot nature of the limited availability of a hot collectible that was more important.

Two Excerpts from the Boron Letters

Option #4 - We can mail our promotion to a list of higher income people who are proven mail order buyers. Option #5 - We can mail our promotion to a group of wealthy people who have ordered some other investment book by mail. Option #6 - We can mail our promotion to a list of wealthy people who have purchased (by mail) a product similar to ours - multiple times.

Possibility #7 – We can mail our promotion to a list of wealthy people who have purchased (by mail) a product similar to ours – multiple times, and who paid a lot of money for what they bought.

Thirsty Crowd Selection and Sneaky Second Glasses

For example, if they say, "I like this mp3 player, but I'd also like to be able to download my email into it," then—and it sounds pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people miss that. —they're thirsty for an mp3 player that also downloads e-mail. And at the end of my (or should I say, Dale and my) book, I now mention that an even better way to get your marketing message across with maximum credibility and impact is to publish your own book—like the one in you hold your hands To summarize, I'd like to point out that The Great Formula in its most basic application can mean the difference between profit and loss for a company, or, more typically, between barely making a profit and a big one.

But when you apply creative business thinking to The Great Formula, you can create entirely new businesses with a single idea.

How to Attract a $90,000 New Car

All the people who didn't make the calls would like to hear the audios sooner or later. Knowing that anyone interested in self-improvement would be interested in my book and follow-up audios, I paid for an approved e-mail to go on a self-improvement mailing list. I emailed them and they helped me make tens of thousands of dollars selling audio.

A Personal E-mail from a Former BBDO Senior Vice

Poker Sonder Card is a consciousness thriller that combines natural philosophy with storytelling - the effect is like taking acid, only you never come off.”. Trilogy/TSOG/Prometheus Rising Changing Subjects—In The Irresistible Offer you write: “The magic of marketing has to do with your own enthusiasm, belief, and confidence influencing your results. I hope that my contribution to your book may clear up some of the doubts about the word magic.

If the person creating a magical experience is not the actor presenting the performance, they are the meme creator of the experience.

28,000 Lying on the Table

The Gold Standard in Thirsty Crowds

In fact, I could have come up with this second glass much sooner, but I would have violated one of the underlying principles of The Irresistible Offer – having a high ROI offer. And by making sure I had a good product first, I fulfilled another underlying principle of The Irresistible Offer. You will get repeat business from existing customers, and they will spread the good news about your product as evangelists.

First, I spent time creating the perfect "steak". Then, knowing that all I had to do was get people to try my product and they would be hooked, I offered to send them a free sample.

How to Masterfully Persuade Your New Clients to Swig

Even Before They’ve Sipped the First

If this does not make complete sense now, you will gain clarification in the following examples. You will offer this second product at the same time as the first (literally, on the order form). You're hoping they'll check the box and put the form right into the envelope to mail.

Include the offer in your online ordering system (if you use the web) or have your printer produce some new forms for direct mail and you're good to go.

Secrets from the Blogosphere

How to Get a Lifetime of Loyal Readers, Subscribers,

2. Traffic is driven to your website in other ways (paid sources, search engine optimization, articles and referrals). From there, they are directed to your main website with your sales letter and main information. From there, they can link to your blog, where they can get to know you and read all the articles you've written.

Potential customers can contact you and add ideas, and they can subscribe to your RSS feed (aka the ultimate opt-in list).

How Two Magic Words Can Almost Guarantee

Before the Public Domain Riches call, I had many questions about copyright and public domain works. After reading those questions, I decided that the next thing I would offer in the Public Domain Riches family would be some-. That's why I'm holding an absolutely FREE teleconference call to answer the most pressing questions you still have about finding, using, and profiting from the public domain.

And we've gone on to sell every other Public Domain GoldmineTM package that's been released since that first one.

Find Their Thirst Through Criteria Elicitation

I can really understand that you still want to have a nice smaller place and have a secure retirement. And tell me, just so I really understand where you're coming from, what's important about a nice smaller place and a more secure retirement?”. And they will answer again: "We want to travel and see all the places that we were never able to before."

Ultimately, what is important to you when it comes to traveling and seeing all the places you never had the chance to visit?”.

Hard-Coding the Minds of Your Prospects for the

It's because if you're a frat brother or a sorority sister, you're part of the in-group. You have friends who understand you immediately because you are all part of the same group. That's a subtle way of saying that you're extremely popular and you're not sure if you want to be.

Just like using humor, you have to be careful how you use it. You never want to talk down to your customers and/or prospects when you're trying to illustrate a point. So if bonding is an emotional process, you need to make your communication personal.


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