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Temporal Information Access

9.5 Conclusion

We have introduced two tasks related to temporal information access in the NTCIR workshop. GeoTime was the first attempt to place more emphasis on temporal search, and Temporalia provided a framework to examine the performance of time-aware search application using a test collection. The review of the literature suggests that these resources have been useful for researchers to advance temporal information access technologies and to better understanding temporal information-seeking behav- ior.

Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Prof. Fred Gey, Prof. Ray Larson, Dr. Jorge Machado, Dr. Roi Blanco, Dr. Adam Jatowt, Dr. Haitao Yu, Dr. Shuhei Yamamoto, and Mr. Hajime Naka for their efforts to organize the NTCIR GeoTime and NTCIR Temporalia Tasks. The authors also thank all participants in the tasks for their interest and contributions to the technological advance in temporal information access. LivingKnowledge project, Internet Memory Foundation, and Sogou have provided valuable document collections that enabled us to build the test collections. Finally, the authors would like to thank Doug Oard, Tetsuya Sakai, and Noriko Kando for their editorial work on this manuscript.

9 Temporal Information Access 139


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Chapter 10

SogouQ: The First Large-Scale Test

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