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5 Conclusion

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Once there are more question feature extractions available these can be used as input for each other leveraging potential interdependencies between then, e.g.

in “Fact” questions certain values for “Quantification” might be more likely.

Following the thought the test structure approaches could potentially be reused to extract some of the remaining question features directly, e.g. Language tone, Language complexity or Focus.

Str * and seq lstm approaches take different/complementary kinds of fea- tures into account. That is, str * leverages solely the grammatical structure of a sentence, seq lstm uses sequences of words. Thus, our intuition is that there is potential for a combination of them e.g. by using the predictions of both types of the classifiers as input into a meta-classifier. A closer analysis on the nature of mispredictions of the str -classifiers will be conducted in this context.

In future work, we plan to annotate and predict more features and fine tune the presented approach. Furthermore, a user study is planned to test for fitness in terms of (a) comprehensiveness of the facet and its values, (b) acceptance of the concept of the Information type and (c) trust in the accuracy of the annotation.

A revision of the question feature design might still be necessary in order to fit user acceptance.

Funding. This work was partly funded by the DFG, grant no. 388815326; the VACOS project at GESIS.


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