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Appropriate Development Planning

Dalam dokumen DRAFT MUNICIPAL IDP Kgatelopele Local (Halaman 60-63)



(a) Geotechnical investigation

For each new development, a site-specific geotechnical investigation, involving both a dolomite stability and soils assessment, should be carried out on a site to ensure appropriate planning and design of the development. Such an investigation must meet the minimum statutory requirements as outlined by SANS-1936 and other development regulatory tools.

(b) Conditions relating to land use management

The preparation and consideration of land use and development applications should consider the dolomitic status of the area. Therefore, a developer/land owner must submit a site-

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specific geotechnical report with all the specifications and conditions of developing on that particular site. However, this is subject to the type of land use and development application.

(c) Conditions relating to the transfer of properties

In case of an agreement to purchase or transfer a property, the seller should be authentic enough to the purchaser with regard to the dolomitic condition of the area and the challenges that comes with developing on such an area.

(d) Design of additions to existing infrastructure and planning of new infrastructure

Developing on dolomite land requires specific types of foundations, buildings, and nature of service infrastructure. As a result, the geotechnical and dolomite studies outline this information which will ensure that foundations, buildings, and the nature of service infrastructure that are designed for that specific area are according to the requirements of SANS-1936 and other related regulatory tools.

Ongoing dolomite risk management

(a) Limitation of concentrated ingress of water

The ingress of water and percolating ground water are the worst “enemies” of dolomite.

Therefore, the main precautionary or mitigating measure is limiting the ingress of water into the ground. In a human settlement environment or a township, this would involve paving of streets and yards, and having a proper and well-functioning drainage system. Furthermore, it would mean the limitation of water usage through irrigation as an example.

(b) Swift reporting and fixing of blockages or leakages

A swift reporting of leakage/blockage/ponding of wet-services by community members and the timeous response by the competent authority is of utmost importance in mitigating the formation of sinkholes or dolines. This would help curb the concentrated ingress of water as a result of such leakages or blockages.

(c) Routine maintenance of wet-service infrastructure

A routine and proactive maintenance strategy for water-bearing infrastructure is also a paramount mitigation measure. This would help to quickly identify the need to repair, upgrade or replace the infrastructure before they block or start leaking.

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(d) Limitation of illegal land usage

It is of paramount importance for the community to understand the risks associated with illegal land use. This includes occupying land that is not surveyed or demarcated which constitutes informal settlement. Township establishment process involves a number of specialists studies to determine the suitability of a proposed development on a specific piece of land. This is mainly done to preserve the lives of the residents and the provision of sustainable services. Therefore, settling in areas that were not subject to this process is a huge risk. Furthermore, illegal land use can be in a form of using a surveyed stand or property for uses that are not permitted in terms of the zoning scheme or land use scheme. This would then put more pressure on the wet-services infrastructure which would result on blockages or leakages. Future Considerations

The Municipality is in the process of sourcing funding from the Provincial or National government departments, government agencies and private sector in order to conduct a geotechnical and dolomite study that would cover the built-up areas of Tlhakalatlou, Landbou-Erwe, Danielskuil town and Kuilsville as well as the greenfield areas around these settlement areas. This would help in the process of developing an effective disaster management plan. The funds would also be used to develop a dolomite risk management strategy which is a statutory requirement.


In terms of Section 11 of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, (No. 59 of 2008), all government spheres must develop an Integrated Waste Management Plan (IWMP).

Therefore, Kgatelopele Local Municipality is required to develop its own IWMP to be incorporated into the Integrated Development Plan. An IWMP provides a framework within which local municipalities can deliver a waste management service to all residents and businesses. Thus, the main aim of this plan must be for the Municipality to properly plan and manage waste generated in its area of jurisdiction.

As stipulated under the Environmental Threats section, the Municipality is faced with numerous challenges regarding environmental management in general. It is evident that most

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of these challenges are related to waste management which should be addressed by the IWMP. Subsequently, the Municipality is in the process of drafting an IWMP which includes situational analysis such as the demographics, development profile, assessment of the quantities of waste generated, the types of waste generated, collection of waste and methods of disposing of the waste and any other related matter. The purpose of this chapter is to give a summary of the current status and the waste management initiatives in the Municipality as outlined in the draft IWMP.

Dalam dokumen DRAFT MUNICIPAL IDP Kgatelopele Local (Halaman 60-63)

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