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The issue of rural women and access to technology needs special attention because many studies have shown that women face several barriers, some of which are the results of traditional and socially constructed beliefs. The discussions indicate that without strong measures adopted to face the obstacles, inequalities and poor access to and control of technologies would remain. The inability of rural women to own or gain access to resources such as land and credit that are vital for meeting life challenges is another dilemma. They need to have access in all technologies so as carry out their cumbersome tasks effectively. Land is the most basic resource of agricultural production. Understanding historical and current gender relations are crucial in fomlUlating policies that are aimed at enhancing African women's capabilities as technology users and food producers.

The status of rural women is about to change due to their great potential and innovative ideas. Hindering them access in technologies would mean poverty is here forever because their strategies for producing more is negatively affected.


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