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Table 436' Off fann activities in % (multiple responses)

Makomoreng Platt Estate Total

Activity (. 40) % (. 40) % (. 80) %

Clothes making 27 68 19 48 46 58

Beer brewing 39 98 37 93 76 95

Brick making 5 13 21 53 26 33

Broom making 26 65 28 70 54 68



39 98 39 49

The table depicts off-fann activities perfonned in both communities. Sixty-eight percent of the respondents in Makomoreng and 48% in Platt Estate are engaged in

clothes making. Respondents stated that they are making clothes for their children but sometimes they make traditional attire when requested by customers. Sometimes they make women's clothes that are sold during pension days in the nearby districts. The material is obtained in town and they managed to make little profits. In both communities hand sewing machines are mostly used whereas those who possess no machines are using hand needles.

in both communities beer brewing is the most practiced activity because the older household members, especially old men, drink it. The above table illustrates that 95%

of the respondents contion that they engage in beer brewing, but they usually brew beer when there are traditional functions. However, very few of the respondents interviewed mentioned that they brew beer in order to sell it. They pointed out that they manage to generate little income in order to sustain their families. They further argued that beer brewing is not an easy task as it involves several stages and customers do not buy the beer if it is sour. It also demands more energy. The most productive period in which the beer is sold out is in summer when the sun is too hot and people buy more during month ends and during December vacations.

In both communities methods used for beer brewing differ as respondents in Makomoreng stated that they use clay pots that are made within the area whereas in Platt Estate respondents pointed out that they use plastic buckets. They further argued that small clay pots are used for drinking beer. They are not made within the community but they buy them from outside people who usually come to the area to sell the pots.

Fifty-three percent of the respondents in Platt Estate and 13% in Makomoreng stated that they make mud bricks. Respondents from both communities pointed out that a small box made with planks is used to make rectangular bricks. The majority of Makomoreng respondents stated that they do not like their houses to be made with mud bricks due to the climate of the area, which sometimes incorporate heavy winds and stonns. Bricks pose a threat of easily falling down when the weather has heavy

rains and wind. Respondents in Platt Estate where the use of mud bricks is common, stated that they sometimes hire other community members to make the bricks. They further mentioned that they used mud from the wetland in order to make strong bricks.

Ninety-eight percent of respondents in Platt Estate are involved in thatching their houses. In both communities women are engaged in more than two activities. This is supported in the second chapter where researchers stated that women in rural areas are engaged in multiple activities. These activities are not solely aimed at caring for the family of the participant alone but to sustain the whole community. For example, in Platt Estate respondents mentioned that they hire other community members to make mud bricks and also request other woman to assist when the other one is unable to build the house alone. Sixty-eight percent of the respondents are making brooms.

They stated that they sell them to other community members and outside the community, especially during pension days.

4.37: Traditional jewellery and sunburn technology in % Makomoreng Platt Estate

Activity (n-40) % (n-40) %

Bead bracelets necklace

- -

33 83

Traditional make-up 33 83 40 100

Eighty-three percent of respondents in Platt Estate indicated that they make traditional jewellery such as bead bracelets and necklaces. These items are sold together with traditional attire as mentioned earlier. The use of traditional make-up is also common in both communities. They mentioned that traditional make-up is made from red soils.

It is mixed with water and smeared on the face when the sun is hot. This protects the skin from sunburn.

Table 4 38· Small businesses preferred by rural women in % Makomoreng Plau Estate Total

(11-40) % (n 40) % (n 80) %

Public phones I 3 3 6 4 5

Tavern 4 10 I 3 5 6

Spaza 5 13 8 20 13 16

Poultry 15 38 14 35 29 36

Piggery 5 12 I 3 6 7

Sewing 3 7 6 15 9 I I

Vegetable garden 3 7 6 15 9 I I

Craft-work 4 10 I 3 5 6

The above table illustrates small businesses rural women of both Makomoreng and Platt Estate may start if they can be provided with resources. The issue of starting businesses raised great discussions between the researcher and the respondents, as they wanted to be given an assurance that they will get resources. Women show that they really need income to start their own businesses as they pointed out that this would eliminate dependency from men. In Makomoreng 12% of the respondents pointed out that they have already started piggery but they do not have food to feed them. This makes the pigs to grow very slowly. Thirty-six percent of the respondents indicate that poultry in both communities is the most preferred fonn of business for generating income. Respondents stated that they prefer fowls because they grow very quickly and are sold out at any time. Sixteen percent of the respondents stated that spaza shops are also preferred for generating income, job opportunities and providing the most demanded goods as mentioned in the previous chapter that both these rural communities lack proper infrastructure, there are no supennarkets within the areas.

Therefore people have to walk long distances. For example, in Makomoreng where the shopping complex is far away from the local community since the only general dealer has insufficient goods as mentioned earlier that tuck-shops provide the community with other small important items.

Respondents revealed that vegetable gardens are very important. They further emphasized that as they are in rural areas children are sometimes affected with diseases such as cracking of the skin due to malnutrition because there are no markets to buy nutritional food. It is better to have small gardens that will provide vegetables rather that buying them with little income.

When the researcher asked the respondents reasons for choosing the businesses they nominated. the majority stated that they do not want mobile businesses as they have more domestic work to do. Therefore. the majority chose poultry, they emphasized that selling poultry does not demand lot of time because customers come on their own when they need fowls.