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In this study an increase in folic acid level in all fermented maize meal brands was expected because increase of vitamin B12, folic acid and the synthesis also of a few antibiotics, are reported to have been noted in fermented food (Van Veen and Steinkraus, 1970). Gregory et aL., (1990) reported incomplete extraction of folic acid from some food, which they attributed to interaction of folate with insoluble residues or retention by physical entrapment. The purpose of this study was 2-fold: first, to detect and analyze folic acid and folinic acid content in maize meal as it is the stable food item for the majority of South African population, and second, to optimise HPLC method for analysis of folic acid in maize meal. At this stage only the determination of folic acid was possible using method described here, the use of HPLC method for analysis of maize meal is satisfactory and can always be improved to excellence.


Nutrition is the keystone for prevention of numerous diseases. The view expressed in the editorial by Kretchmer, (1994) that the public should be thoroughly informed of the role of nutrition in disease prevention and health maintenance, whether through the media, various avenues of medical services, or other means is excellent. Thus, we have a real responsibility as Researchers to ensure nutrition in food we eat is kept at it maximum in whatever forms the food is consumed (e.g. fermented maize meal) and also that the presence of nutrition (vitamin folic acid) in our body is sufficient. That can only be ensured by quantifying and being able to detect the specific nutrition (in our study vitamin folic acid) using reliable methods. The chromatographic procedure described in this study can be helpful in obtaining some information concerning the folic acid and folinic acid stability in maize meal as well as in human serum, can also lead to the good evaluation of analysis method. In turn results could be use for improvement and promoting the consumption of good quality nutritional food by the community.

However, during this study it was possible to achieve a chromatographic specific to identification of folic acid and determination of the folic acid content both in maize meal and human serum.

During optimization it was noted that retention of the compounds studied was very sensitive to even small changes in pressure reading which is why the standard solution was run every day prior to sample analysis which assisted in peak identification.

It was well established that reported folic acid values obtained in human serum using HPLC in this study still has poor agreement with biological assay in our case immunoassay: chemiluminescence. However, the disadvantage of chemiluminescence method is that it is mostly use in hospital laboratories for the determination of folate in

human serum and cannot be use for food analysis, whereas HPLCIDV described here was used for both food and human fluid material. The HPLC method described here may also serve as the basic for a collaborative study, which, upon it success may provide an official method applicable to the analysis of folic acid in both maize meal and human serum products analysis.

In general analysis of folic acid and its derivatives in food is still tedious especially sample treatment, maybe due to the lack of validated methods to characterize and quantify more than one forms of folic acid simultaneously. The assessment of folic acid and its derivatives losses during sample preparation is still incomplete. This should be the central aspect for further investigation.


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