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A network approach was adopted in the foregoing investigation into individual social capital and its relation to the mental wellbeing of older persons living in a residential facility for the elderly. The investigation showed the older persons and their context to be rich, on the whole, in environmental, structural and human potential which, converted into bonding and bridging capital, can operate, in a self-reinforcing manner, to build individual social capital stocks. The mode of operation is not, however, a matter of single elements working in linear succession, but rather the coordinated, synergetic action of a number of core elements (such as self-efficacy [involvement in decisions], primary network contact, trust, social support, having people to confide in) working together to build mental wellbeing as a shield against negative outcomes such as loneliness and psychological distress. Technologically assisted communication, adapted with forethought and sensitivity to the special requirements of the elderly, is a tool with the potential to expand and enrich their social networks and, in consequence, enhance their mental health.

This study, while addressing the specific needs of residents in a particular facility,

settings - that could, indeed, guide debate at a national level and that ought to feed into nursing curricula.


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