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To ensure that the municipality is a more responsive, efficient, effective and accountable local government, we outline, precisely how we intend to translate our Long Term 2030 Municipality Vision into an effective plan that aligns the municipal budgets, monitoring and evaluating mechanisms as well as timeframes for delivery. The municipality has taken the strategic direction to achieve closer alignment between the Long Term Development objectives and the IDP (in context of International, National, Provincial and Local development policies). The development of the strategic approach for the Municipality is guided by, but not limited to, the following;

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)

The intention of the SDG’s is to be a universally shared common, globally accepted vision to progress to a just, safe and sustainable space for all inhabitants. It is based on the moral principle of the Millennium Development Goals that no one or country should be left behind and that each country has a common responsibility in delivering on the global vision. In the development of the SDG’s each of the goals are conceived as both ambitions and challenges to countries and more so cities. It is further noted that each of the SDG targets and goals are applicable to both developed and developing countries alike. The universality of the targets and goals represent differing degrees of challenges and ambitions for different countries depending on their current developmental trajectory and circumstances. The goals are also flexible enough to allow for differentiated approach through all levels of government.

One of the departure points in developing the SDG’s was that countries would need to ensure that there is a balance between the economic, political, social and environmental effort required to ensure that these goals are achieved. The municipality is currently one of the leading cities globally that is actively aligning the SDG’s to programs and projects. Progress on SDSG alignment and localization was presented to the United Nation in July 2018. The SDG’s allow for a whole holistic development of cities with a wider range of development programs.

The municipality would continue to address these issues in a holistic and integrated manner.

The new Urban Agenda was officially adopted in 2016 and provides a 20 year “roadmap” to guide sustainable urban development globally. The 2030 agenda is built around a series of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Most relevant to the New Urban Agenda is SDG 11, which aims to “make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. Unlike their predecessors, the Millennium Development Goals, the SDGs apply to all UN members states equally. Much of the New Urban Agenda focused on the application of new technologies and the harvesting of big data, particularly in established urban centres and cities. Under the umbrella of Smart Cities, using open data networks for better urban planning provides an optimistic, technology-based future for cities. Also included in the New Urban Agenda are renewed efforts to help developing countries urbanise.

National Development Plan (Vision 2030)

The intention of this plan is to improve service delivery for citizens of South Africa, whilst integrating national, provincial and local policies and programmes into a single, target orientated and long term based plan. In this plan a collective approach of improving the lives of the citizens is applied, and communities themselves have a role to play in this regard. The Spatial component of the NDP which is the Integrated Urban Development Framework provides a macro spatial context for urban development at a national level. These will also include the SIP projects. Projects identified as catalytic restructuring projects that would change spatial form of the cities have been budgeted for in the MTREF, such projects include the freight route, IRTPN networks, etc.

89 Delivery Agreement Outcome 9

The aim of Delivery Agreement: Outcome 9 is to ensure a responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system so as to restore the confidence of citizens in the local government sphere. As such municipalities need to ensure that the basic needs of communities are met; build clean, effective, efficient, responsive and accountable local government; improve performance and professionalism and strengthen partnerships between local government, communities and civil society. Whilst primarily there is a reporting line to Outcome 9, the municipality also reports on Outcome 8 which concentrates on human settlements.

National Priorities: State of the Nations Address 2019 (SONA)


1. Economic Development and Job Creation Accelerating inclusive economic growth and ensuring sustainable job creation.

2. Education and Training Improving the quality and status of the education system and focusing on skills development.

3. Social Wellbeing Improving the quality of life of the poor and the most vulnerable citizens.

4. State Intelligence Combatting the plight against state capture and corruption in the country

5. State Administration Increasing the capacity of the state in order to bring forth the relevant service delivery in order to address the needs of the people


1. Land and Agriculture -State owned land parcels will be redistributed as part of accelerating land reform.

-Strategically located land will be released for the purpose of addressing the housing backlog and provision of

sustainable human settlements for peri-urban and urban areas.

-Prioritisation of skills development and capacity building programmes of black farmers.

2. Economic Growth and Job Creation -Establishing special economic zones that are sector specific.

-Improving competitiveness of exports

-expanding small business incubation programmes.

-Through an accelerated programme of land reform, the expansion of agricultural output and promotion of economic inclusion will take place.

-The requirement for work experience at entry-level in state institutions will be done away with.

3. Infrastructure Development -A new infrastructure fund is to be developed and

government will contribute R100 Billion to the fund in order to leverage financing from the private sector.

- A comprehensive integrated nation plan that addresses water shortages, ageing infrastructure and poor project implementation will be developed.

4. Early Childhood Development and Safety of School Children

- The responsibility of ECD centres will migrate from Social Development to Basic Education and proceed with the process towards two years of compulsory ECD for all children before they enter grade 1.

-The state is determined to resolve and eradicate unsafe and inappropriate sanitation facilities in schools within the next three years.


5. State Governance -Whilst Eskom challenges are being addressed, the

appropriate consultation and dialogue with all stakeholders will be undertaken.

- The state is committed to supporting Eskom’s nine-point turnaround plan and balance sheet.

- The state is committed in assisting Eskom establish 3 separate entities which include Generation, Transmission and Distribution – under Eskom Holdings.

6. Community Safety -The State launched the Community Policing Strategy towards creating a safe and secure country with a focus on building partnerships between the police and communities and building public safety.

-The state is committed to implementing the decisions of the National Summit on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide in collaboration with civil society.

7. Corruption and State Capture -Establishment of an investigating directorate within the NDPP dealing with serious corruption and associated offences that will focus on evidence submitted during the Zondo Commission of Inquiry into State Capture and other Commissions

Towards an Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF)

A key objective of government is to facilitate economic growth, job creation and reduce poverty and income inequality. The framework for integrated urban development is a key governmental initiative to realise this objective because it leverages the potential of our cities and towns, which are South Africa’s engines of growth and job creation. Urban areas offer the advantages of economic concentration, connectivity to global markets, the availability of new technologies and the reality of knowledge economies. Given the challenges that urban areas face, there is a need to forge a sustainable growth vision for our urban and rural spaces that will guide our development priorities and choices. As such the framework begins to identify key levers, such as the City Support Programme, which can provide lessons of shaping fiscal incentives and capacity-building for spatial integration in metropolitan municipalities as well as raising awareness of green city practices for protecting the environment and managing the impact of climate change. The National Department of Co-Operative Governance is currently aligning the IUDF to the New Urban Agenda and implementation thereof.


The overarching theme of the 2019 State of the Province Address was announced as “We are ready to hand over, towards even better and faster growth and development of our Province and its’ people”.

The Premier tabled the provincial address and highlighted the various successes that the province had achieved over the duration of the electoral term whilst also highlighting some of the challenges experienced by the province. The Premier also indicated that the 2019 State Of The Province Address will solely be focused on the eight provincial priorities adopted in 2014 and the associated achievements during this term. Towards the quest of achieving the Provincial 2035 Vision, the following achievements and priorities were highlighted:

91 Build an Inclusive Economy that Create Decent Jobs

· Focusing on key sectors such as agriculture; manufacturing; tourism; freight and logistics sectors for the purpose of growing the economy and creating decent jobs.

· Promoting entrepreneurship through SMME and Cooperative Development Programmes towards achieving Radical Economic Transformation. Entrepreneurs will be assisted through a new initiative identified as the Kwa Zulu Natal Bulk Buying and Warehousing Programme.

· Promoting Black Industrialists through the Black Industrialist Programme.

· Promoting the ‘Blue’ and ‘Green’ Economy through commercialising the aquaculture sector and encouraging renewable energy initiatives within the province.

Transform Rural Areas

· Actively developing and driving the Radical Agrarian Socio-Economic Transformation (RASET) programme in order to improve the performance and transformation of the agricultural sector.

· Improving the functionality and potential of rural service nodes through the Small Town Rehabilitation Programme; the Community Services Centre Programme and the Formalisation of Rural Service Nodes Programme.

· Improving and rehabilitating the functionality of the Traditional Administrative Centres.

· Establishing the Umhlabuyalingana Macadamia Programme which has the potential of being the largest Macadamia operation in the country.

Ensure Decent Living Conditions and Sustainable Human Settlements

· Catalytic and Mega Human Settlements Projects has been pursued with the objective of delivering 125 000 houses over the next few years.

· 14 000 serviced sites will be released for the purpose of delivering GAP housing to the market for the next financial year.

· Provision of Disaster Management Centres in specific municipalities in order to ensure decent living conditions.

Improve and Expand Education and Training

· Prioritising Early Childhood Development (ECD) in the education system.

· Promoting skills development as means for the province to meet its’ skills demand and undertaking skills audit to determine skills shortages in the province.

· Providing support for vulnerable learners through providing Learner Support Agents for students who are at risk or likely to drop- out of school.

· Providing health care services through the National School Health Programme and the Domestos Sanitation Programme with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle for students, significantly reducing illness and dropout rates in schools.

Ensure Quality Health Care For All.

· Life expectancy increased between 2014-2018 from 56.9 years to 60.7 years.

· The fight against HIV/AIDS and TB has led to a significant reduction of HIV /AIDS and TB new infections and subsequent death rates.

· The construction of the Dr Pixley Ka Seme Memorial Hospital is almost completed and is a major milestone as the first regional hospital to be constructed post 1994.

· Oncology services for cancer patients has been stabilised and the ‘Phila Ma’ campaign for the screening of cervical cancer is in full swing.

92 Expand Comprehensive Social Security

· Provision of food to the poor through the Poverty Eradication Programme and through establishing 44 Community Nutrition Development Centres in the Province.

· The province is committed towards eradicating poverty whilst ensuring that all welfare services are delivered timeously.

· Provision of support to vulnerable groups such as the elderly; people with disabilities; orphans and vulnerable children.

Fight Corruption and Crime

· The establishment of 560 Community Police Forums; 42 Community Safety Forums and 298 Ward Safety Committees was achieved and are a platform for civil society and business to discuss matters related to crime prevention.

· The Communities in Dialogue Programme was established to resolve community conflict amongst taxi owners and hostel conflicts in various hostel locations in the province.

· The province has launched the Advance Social Justice in Farming Communities Programme to address conflict within the farming communities.

Build a United Nation and Promote Social Cohesion

· The province held a Social Cohesion and Moral Regeneration Summit which resulted in the establishment of a Social Cohesion and Moral Regeneration Council. The councils’ primary objective moving forwards is to build social cohesion and to ultimately oversee the development of a Provincial Social Cohesion and Moral Regeneration Strategy and Plan.