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Appendix 5: Questionnaire

5. Which one of the following BEST describes the type of school where you matriculated?

Rural School Township School Government School

Missionary School Private School

6. Current position (Select ONE option only) Executive



Leadership Academic Staff Professional/

Support Staff

Other (Please specify) _____________

7. Number of years working at UKZN Less than 5

years 5 - <10 10 - <15 15 - <20 20+ years

8. How would you rate your work commitment (feelings of loyalty to an organisation due to believing in the organisation, its goals and purpose, attachment and feeling a sense of allegiance to employer and staying with the organisation because the costs of leaving are too great, engaging in work, desires to work, and commit to a specific career or profession) thus far?

Not at all committed

1 2 3 4

Extremely committed


Discretionary HRP - SCALE

9. Indicate your agreement with the following statements:

Statements Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Neutral Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 9.1. My institution has

provided me with ongoing training, which enables me to do my job better.

9.2. At my institution, extensive training programs are provided for individuals in this job.

9.3. Overall, I am satisfied with my training opportunities.

9.4. There are formal training programs to teach new employees the skills they need in order to perform their jobs.

9.5. There is a link between how well I perform my job and the likelihood of my receiving a raise in pay 9.6. Pay raises for employees in this job are based on job performance

9.7. My pay is tied to my performance 9.8. In my institution, raises and promotions are tied to performance 9.9. I often agree with my manager on my performance evaluation

Statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neutral Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 9.10. During my

performance appraisal session, I am allowed a high degree of influence in the determination of my work objectives.

9.11. I have frequent discussions with my manager about my performance.

9.12. I understand what my performance will be based on.

9.13. I am in a dead-end job.

9.14. I have the opportunity for advancement in my institution.

9.15. I have a good chance to get ahead in my institution.

9.16. My institution places great importance on hiring the right person.

9.17. There is more emphasis on hiring someone quickly than selecting the right person for the job.

9.18. In the positions that I have held with my institution, I have often been given additional challenging


Statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neutral Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 9.19. In the positions

that I have held with my institution, I have often been assigned projects that enabled me to develop and strengthen new skills.

9.20. Besides formal training and


opportunities, I have developed my skills with the challenging job assignments provided to me.

9.21. In my job, I am allowed to make many decisions.

9.22. In my job, I am often asked to

participate in decisions.

9.23. In my job, I am provided the

opportunity to suggest improvements in the way things are done.

9.24. I have participated in the selection of new employees.

9.25. I have participated in the training of new employees.

9.26. I have been involved in

interviewing candidates before they are hired in my institution.

Transactional HRP - SCALE

10. Indicate your agreement with the following statements:

Statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree Slightly Neutral Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 10.1. When I started at

this institution, administration of the benefits I receive as part of my employment package was done accurately

10.2. When I started at this institution,

administration of the benefits I receive as part of my employment package was completed in a timely manner 10.3. When I started at this institution, the execution of the benefits I receive as part of my employment package was handled properly.

10.4. Questions regarding my benefits are answered in a timely manner.

10.5. The Human Resources Department will get back to me within a reasonable amount of time when I have a question.

10.6. The information I receive from the Human Resources Department is clear.

10.7. The information I receive from the Human Resources Department is timely.

Statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neutral Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 10.8. The information I

receive from the Human Resources Department is accurate.

10.9. When required, adjustments to

paychecks are processed accurately.

10.10. When required, adjustments to

paychecks are processed right away.

10.11. Deductions from my paycheck for benefits are always correct.

10.12. My hire paperwork was processed in a timely manner.

10.13. My hire paperwork was processed accurately.

10.14. I received my first paycheck on time.


11. Indicate your agreement with the following statements:

Statement Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Neutral Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 11.1. I am willing to put

in a great deal of effort beyond that normally expected in order to help this institution be


11.2. I recommend this institution to my friends as a great institution to work for.

11.3. I feel very little loyalty to this


11.4. I would accept almost any type of job assignment in order to keep working for this institution.

11.5. I find that my values and the values of this institution are very similar.

11.6. I am proud to tell others that I am part of this institution.

11.7. I would be just as happy working for a different institution as long as the type of work is similar.

11.8. This institution really inspires me to do my job as well as I can.

11.9. It would take very little change in my present circumstances for me to leave this institution.