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Registered as a Sectional Titles Practitioner in terms of Section 5(2) of the S==ectional Titles Act of 1986


Academic year: 2023

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POST : CHIEF SURVEYOR-GENERAL (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/014)

SALARY : R1 521 591 per annum (Level 15) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).


REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). An NQF Level 8 Degree recognised by the South African Geomatics Council as satisfying Section 8(1)(d)(iii), (v), (v) of the Geomatics Professions Act of 2013, specifically a four (4) year B Degree in Geomatics / Land Surveying. Registered as a Professional Land Surveyor with the South African Geomatics Council (SAGC). Registered as a Sectional Titles Practitioner in terms of Section 5(2) of the S==ectional Titles Act of 1986. 8 – 10 years’ of experience at senior managerial level within the Surveying Field. Job Related Knowledge: Cadastral Survey. Technical System. Cadastral Spatial Information. Knowledge of Land Information Systems, Land Administration Systems and Geographical Information Management. Knowledge of advances in technology useful to the Cadastral, Geodetic, Topographic and Cartographic Survey Systems. Performance management and monitoring. Government systems and structures. Government decision making processes. Programme settings processes. Understanding of the Management Information and Formal Reporting System. Dealing with misconduct. Internal control and risk management. Project management principles and tools. The political landscape of South Africa. Job Related Skills: Project management. Team management.

Interpersonal relations. Budget forecasting. Computer literacy. Resource planning. Problem solving and decision making. Time management. Business skills. Communication skills. The ability to work efficiently and effectively at all times.

DUTIES : Promote and control all matters connected with Cadastral, Geodetic and Topographic Surveys, Geospatial and Land Information Services. Oversee the evolution and development of legislation, regulations and policies that relate to Cadastral Surveys, Geospatial and Land Information Systems. Provide guidance to the Chief Directorate: National Geospatial Information in the provision of Geodetic, Topographic and Cartographic services an imagery production. Oversee the compliance with the Land Survey Act, the Sectional Titles Act and the Spatial Data Infrastructure Act in so far as these acts are


applicable to geo-spatial information. Provide cadastral advisory and research services. Manage the registration of sectional titles practitioners. Administer international boundaries. Manage special cadastral services for state and land reform. Provide internal and external professional advice and support. Undertake cadastral research and development. Prepare technical procedures and standards. Provide geospatial information services and maintain a complete dataset of all cadastral information. Provide survey services. Collect and maintain cadastral and related geospatial data. Provide geospatial information services. Provide cadastral spatial information and professional support services.

Manage the development and maintenance of cadastral information system software modules. Provide technological support for cadastral information system infrastructure. Provide web application support. Manage the National Cadastral Spatial Information database as part of the National Land Information System.

Provide geospatial training and development services. Formulate and maintain training policy and standards. Determine training requirements. Prepare and update training manuals and lectures. Provide training to internal and external clients including internship. Maintain training records. Provide administrative support services. Coordinate human resource matters.

Coordination of financial management services. Coordination of supply chain management services. Provide office support services. Maintain training records.

Regulate the procedure in each Surveyor-General’s office and determine the manner in which the Land Survey Act shall be carried out through the development of policies, procedures and framework. Provide guidance to the Surveyors-General in the performance of their functions of examination, information supply, maintenance of cadastral documents and records, creation of Cadastral Spatial Information, Cadastral survey research and support for state and land reform survey services. Ensure the functioning of Survey Regulations Board. Establish and chair a Technical Committee for the establishment of standards applicable to Cadastral, Geodetic, Topographical and Cartographic Surveys. Determine policy and standards for the National Cadastral Survey System.

ENQUIRIES : Ms K Kgang Tel: (012) 319 7333

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: post014@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

POST : REGISTRAR OF DEEDS (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/048)


SALARY : R1 251 183 per annum (Level 14) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).


REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). B Proc (NQF L7) / LLB (NQF L7) / B Uris (NQF L7)/ Advance Diploma: Estate Planning and Administration (NQF 7) with Diploma in Deeds Registration Law. 5 years’ experience as Deputy Registrar of Deeds or Senior Management level in property conveyance. Job Related Knowledge: Registration of deeds. Interpretation of Statutes. Examination of Deeds. Research and information analysis. Human Resources prescripts. Project Management Principles and Tools. Court procedures. Supply chain management prescript and financial management. Job Related Skills: Computer Skills.

Communication Skills. Organising Skills. Problem Solving Skills. Interpersonal Skills. Report Writing Skills. Presentation skills. Policy Analyses and Development. Good Judgement and Assertive Skills. Time management.

Analytical skills. Financial Management Skills. Project Management.

Management of Resources. Negotiation. Influencing skills. Appropriate Courses in Management Practices. Drivers License.

DUTIES : Manage registration of Deeds in accordance with relevant legislation. Manage examination and register deeds in compliance with Deeds Registries Act of 1973 and Sectional Title Act of 1986 as well common, statutory and case law and recognized practices and procedures and Chief Registrar of Deeds directives.

Ensure Deeds are made available from lodgement for execution. Expedite examination of deeds for rural development, land reform and RDP housing in compliance with Deeds Registries Act of 1937 and Sectional Title Act of 1986 as well common, statutory and case law and recognized practices and procedures.

Draft the Registrars circular and notice. Comment of Chief Registrars circulars.

Comment on bills and draft directives regarding land registration and related matters. Manage the Deeds Trading Account, Human Resource and Supply Chain Management. Ensure that creditors are paid within prescribed timeframe.

Manage collection of revenue. Manage the recruitment and selection. Manage the performance management system of the office. Draft and implement management action plan on audit findings. Manage Supply Chain Processes.

Monitor usage of ICT systems. Manage labour relations matters. Manage registration, capturing, archiving and delivery of deeds. Update the land register.

Archive deeds and documents. Deliver registered deeds and documents.

Manage provision of registration of information to clients. Provide deeds related information and copies to clients. Provide deeds related information and copies to account holder clients. Approve reports to court and advise the high court, law


society and other local institutions accordingly. Adjudicate on the registration cases where no precedence exist and advice clients where difficulties are experienced with the drafting and registration of deeds. Increase the office visibility through outreach programms.

ENQUIRIES : Ms NN Mncwango Tel: (012) 338 7362 or Mr VM Makhubela Tel: (012) 338 7211

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: deedsvacancy1@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

POST : REGISTRAR OF DEEDS (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/029)

SALARY : R1 251 183 per annum (Level 14) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).


REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). B Proc (NQF L7) / LLB (NQF L7) / B Uris (NQF L7)/ Advance Diploma: Estate Planning and Administration (NQF 7) with Diploma in Deeds Registration Law. 5 years’ experience as Deputy Registrar of Deeds or Senior Management level in property conveyance. Job Related Knowledge: Registration of deeds. Interpretation of Statutes. Examination of Deeds. Research and information analysis. Human Resources prescripts. Project Management Principles and Tools. Court procedures. Supply chain management prescript and financial management. Job Related Skills: Computer Skills.

Communication Skills. Organising Skills. Problem Solving Skills. Interpersonal Skills. Report Writing Skills. Presentation skills. Policy Analyses and Development. Good Judgement and Assertive Skills. Time management.

Analytical skills. Financial Management Skills. Project Management.

Management of Resources. Negotiation. Influencing skills. Appropriate Courses in Management Practices. Drivers License.

DUTIES : Manage registration of Deeds in accordance with relevant legislation. Manage examination and register deeds in compliance with Deeds Registries Act of 1973 and Sectional Title Act of 1986 as well common, statutory and case law and recognized practices and procedures and Chief Registrar of Deeds directives.

Ensure Deeds are made available from lodgement for execution. Expedite examination of deeds for rural development, land reform and RDP housing in


compliance with Deeds Registries Act of 1937 and Sectional Title Act of 1986 as well common, statutory and case law and recognized practices and procedures.

Draft the Registrars circular and notice. Comment of Chief Registrars circulars.

Comment on bills and draft directives regarding land registration and related matters. Manage the Deeds Trading Account, Human Resource and Supply Chain Management. Ensure that creditors are paid within prescribed timeframe.

Manage collection of revenue. Manage the recruitment and selection. Manage the performance management system of the office. Draft and implement management action plan on audit findings. Manage Supply Chain Processes.

Monitor usage of ICT systems. Manage labour relations matters. Manage registration, capturing, archiving and delivery of deeds. Update the land register.

Archive deeds and documents. Deliver registered deeds and documents.

Manage provision of registration of information to clients. Provide deeds related information and copies to clients. Provide deeds related information and copies to account holder clients. Approve reports to court and advise the high court, law society and other local institutions accordingly. Adjudicate on the registration cases where no precedence exist and advice clients where difficulties are experienced with the drafting and registration of deeds. Increase the office visibility through outreach programms.

ENQUIRIES : Ms NN Mncwango Tel: (012) 338 7362 or Mr VM Makhubela Tel: (012) 338 7211

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: deedsvacancy2@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.


SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).



REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management / Advanced Diploma in Business Management and Administration / Economics / Agricultural Economics (NQF Level 7). Five (5) years’ experience at a middle / senior management level. Job related knowledge: Knowledge of Small


Business and Enterprise Management and Development. Knowledge of market and trade development. Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation. Knowledge of strategic planning. Knowledge of human resource management. Knowledge of financial management. Knowledge of supply chain management. Knowledge of rural development techniques. Understanding of key priorities of government as well as Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP). Strong leadership and managerial qualities, a good track record of working with opportunities. Sound knowledge of current rural industry and sector operating parameters. Job related skills: Communications skills. Negotiation and conflict resolution skills. Strategic management and leadership skills. Project management skills. Networking skills. Team management skill. A valid driver’s licence.

DUTIES : Promotes rural business development and facilitate rural development financing. Facilitate engagement with rural financing agents / organisations.

Ensure credit finance and investment facilities. Facilitate the establishment and support of cooperatives. Provide support / facilitate the establishment and organisation primary, secondary and tertiary cooperatives. Facilitate and provide skills development / facilitate training opportunities to primary cooperatives.

Facilitate and support business ventures of primary, secondary and tertiary cooperatives. Facilitate the development of rural development and industries. Identify enterprises within priority value chains. Conduct feasibility analysis. Facilitate business planning. Implement approved business process.

Ensure facilitation for access and linkages into village Rural and Urban markets.

Develop off-take agreements implementation and monitor. Ensure the facilitation for Agro Industries forums (AgriParks). Facilitate engagements with regional and national economic growth agencies (provincial focus growth opportunities).

Provide strategic management in the coordination of financial and non- financial service delivery. Develop, maintain and manage performance and performance information and monitoring. Manage budgeting and monitor expenditure. Facilitate the development of small and medium scales Agro- processing Programmes. Ensure that the appropriate support and funding is channelled for capacity building, processing technologies and access to markets.

Identify the relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries. Develop interventions strategies.

ENQUIRIES : Mr RG Keothaile Tel: (018) 388 7041

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: post015@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.


POST : DIRECTOR: NARYSEC (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/016)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).



REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma in Project Management (NQF Level 7). Five (5) years’ experience at a middle / senior managerial level in the Project environment. Job related knowledge:

Knowledge of both theoretical and practical aspects of project management.

Knowledge of project management techniques and tools. Job related skills:

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Planning and organising. Decision making skills. Communications skills. Influencing and leading skills. Delegation skills. Teamwork skills. Negotiation skills. Conflict management skills. A valid driver’s licence.

DUTIES : Provide NARYSEC support services. Manage NARYSEC policies and practices. Provide financial services to the NARYSEC programme at Provincial level. Conduct payroll and records management. Provide NARYSEC supply chain services at Provincial level. Provide information service to NARYSEC participants. Provide a call centre service. Facilitate the establishment and support of participatory community development institutions. Facilitate consultation with community stakeholders. Facilitate the information of community organisations. Facilitate the formation of community organisations with public and private sector organisations. Facilitate skills development for rural communities in support of the implementation of the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP). Facilitate and coordinate NARYSEC project implementation. Plan project activities. Coordinate project implementation. Liaise with project stakeholders. Compile project status reports.

Facilitate youth and skills development at Provincial level. Facilitate and manage youth programme up to District level. Coordinate the implementation of programmes up to District level. Plan skills development programme. Facilitate implementation of skills development programmes. Identify exit opportunities.

Oversee delivery of skills development institutions. Reduce household poverty in accordance with CRDP. Provide household poverty research and analysis.

Facilitate household profiling in CRDP sites and land reform projects. Facilitate household progress tracking and graduation out of poverty on the CRDP sites.

Manage household poverty database and information pertaining to CRDP.


ENQUIRIES : Mr Z Pityi Tel: (043) 700 7003

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: post016@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

POST : DIRECTOR: NARYSEC (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/017)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).



REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma in Project Management (NQF Level 7). Five (5) years’ experience at a middle / senior managerial level in the Project environment. Job related knowledge:

Knowledge of both theoretical and practical aspects of project management.

Knowledge of project management techniques and tools. Job related skills:

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Planning and organising. Decision making skills. Communications skills. Influencing and leading skills. Delegation skills. Teamwork skills. Negotiation skills. Conflict management skills. A valid driver’s licence.

DUTIES : Provide NARYSEC support services. Manage NARYSEC policies and practices. Provide financial services to the NARYSEC programme at Provincial level. Conduct payroll and records management. Provide NARYSEC supply chain services at Provincial level. Provide information service to NARYSEC participants. Provide a call centre service. Facilitate the establishment and support of participatory community development institutions. Facilitate consultation with community stakeholders. Facilitate the information of community organisations. Facilitate the formation of community organisations with public and private sector organisations. Facilitate skills development for rural communities in support of the implementation of the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP). Facilitate and coordinate NARYSEC project implementation. Plan project activities. Coordinate project implementation. Liaise with project stakeholders. Compile project status reports.

Facilitate youth and skills development at Provincial level. Facilitate and


manage youth programme up to District level. Coordinate the implementation of programmes up to District level. Plan skills development programme. Facilitate implementation of skills development programmes. Identify exit opportunities.

Oversee delivery of skills development institutions. Reduce household poverty in accordance with CRDP. Provide household poverty research and analysis.

Facilitate household profiling in CRDP sites and land reform projects. Facilitate household progress tracking and graduation out of poverty on the CRDP sites.

Manage household poverty database and information pertaining to CRDP.

ENQUIRIES : Mr KA Moeketsi (053) 830 4001

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: post017@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

POST : DISTRICT DIRECTOR (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/019)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).


REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). A Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma in Business Administration / Public Management / Public Administration (NQF Level 7) with project management as a major or separate qualification. 5 years of experience at a middle management level within a project management environment. Job related knowledge: A thorough understanding of project management. Experience in the implementation and management of projects.

Understanding of corporate governance principles. Ability to implement performance management and monitoring systems. Knowledge of government systems. Ability to think conceptually when analysing data and designing concepts to modify corporate policies, procedures and processes. Job related skills: Project management skills. Analytical skills. Facilitation and coordination skills. Decision making skills. Financial management skills. Presentation skills.

Computer literacy. Communication skills. A valid driver’s licence. Willingness to travel extensively. Ability to work under pressure and long hours. Willingness to work after hours.


DUTIES : Provide capacity building and National Rural Youth Services Corps (NARYSEC) services. Provide NARYSEC support services. Facilitate the establishment and support of participatory community development institutions. Facilitate and coordinate NARYSEC project implementation. Facilitate youth programmes and skills development at Provincial and District level. Reduce household poverty in accordance with the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP). Provide strategic land acquisition services.

Implement strategic land acquisition projects including MegaParks and Animal and Veld Management Programme (AVMP). Procure service providers for development and project proposals. Coordinate the implementation process of land acquisition and allocation with CRDP Virtuous Cycle. Provide strategic land acquisition support services in the District including District Land Committees. Facilitate poverty reduction, and the development of cooperatives rural enterprises. and industries. Promote rural business development and facilitates rural development financing. Facilitates the establishment and support of primary cooperatives. Facilitatates the organisation of primary cooperatives in secondary and tertiary coorporatives and provide support. Facilitates the development of rural enterprises and industries. Provide land development support services. Manage the development of business plans for the development of agrarian development projects.

Promote the participation of farmers through ownership and control across commodities value chains. Facilitates strategic partnerships between farmers. Facilitates capacity building of agricultural graduates and farmers on agrarian development projects. Monitor the implementation of land development support projects and development business plans.

Provide property management services. Administer and provide property leases administration support. Administer and provide property holdings and disposals.

Implement land rights and tenure reform programmes. Provide communal land tenure programmes. Provide land rights programmes. Establish, maintain and support communal property institutions. Facilitate land dispute resolutions. Render corporate and financial support services. Provide legal advice. Provide telecommunication services. Provide administration and financial support services. Provide client relations services. Provide office services.

ENQUIRIES : Mr M Tshililo Tel: (015) 230 5027

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: post019@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

POST : DISTRICT DIRECTOR (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/020)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).



REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). A Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma in Business Administration / Public Management / Public Administration (NQF Level 7) with project management as a major or separate qualification. 5 years of experience at a middle management level within a project management environment. Job related knowledge: A thorough understanding of project management. Experience in the implementation and management of projects.

Understanding of corporate governance principles. Ability to implement performance management and monitoring systems. Knowledge of government systems. Ability to think conceptually when analysing data and designing concepts to modify corporate policies, procedures and processes. Job related skills: Project management skills. Analytical skills. Facilitation and coordination skills. Decision making skills. Financial management skills. Presentation skills.

Computer literacy. Communication skills. A valid driver’s licence. Willingness to travel extensively. Ability to work under pressure and long hours. Willingness to work after hours.

DUTIES : Provide capacity building and National Rural Youth Services Corps (NARYSEC) services. Provide NARYSEC support services. Facilitate the establishment and support of participatory community development institutions. Facilitate and coordinate NARYSEC project implementation. Facilitate youth programmes and skills development at Provincial and District level. Reduce household poverty in accordance with the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP). Provide strategic land acquisition services.

Implement strategic land acquisition projects including MegaParks and Animal and Veld Management Programme (AVMP). Procure service providers for development and project proposals. Coordinate the implementation process of land acquisition and allocation with CRDP Virtuous Cycle. Provide strategic land acquisition support services in the District including District Land Committees. Facilitate poverty reduction, and the development of cooperatives rural enterprises. and industries. Promote rural business development and facilitates rural development financing. Facilitates the establishment and support of primary cooperatives. Facilitatates the organisation of primary cooperatives in secondary and tertiary coorporatives and provide support. Facilitates the development of rural enterprises and industries. Provide land development support services. Manage the development of business plans for the development of agrarian development projects.

Promote the participation of farmers through ownership and control across commodities value chains. Facilitates strategic partnerships between farmers. Facilitates capacity building of agricultural graduates and farmers on agrarian development projects. Monitor the implementation of land development support projects and development business plans.

Provide property management services. Administer and provide property leases administration support. Administer and provide property holdings and disposals.

Implement land rights and tenure reform programmes. Provide communal land tenure programmes. Provide land rights programmes. Establish, maintain and support communal property institutions. Facilitate land dispute resolutions. Render corporate and financial support services. Provide legal advice. Provide telecommunication services. Provide administration and financial support services. Provide client relations services. Provide office services.


ENQUIRIES : Mr M Tshililo Tel: (015) 230 5027

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: post020@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

POST : DISTRICT DIRECTOR (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/021)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).


REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). A Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma in Business Administration / Public Management / Public Administration (NQF Level 7) with project management as a major or separate qualification. 5 years of experience at a middle management level within a project management environment. Job related knowledge: A thorough understanding of project management. Experience in the implementation and management of projects.

Understanding of corporate governance principles. Ability to implement performance management and monitoring systems. Knowledge of government systems. Ability to think conceptually when analysing data and designing concepts to modify corporate policies, procedures and processes. Job related skills: Project management skills. Analytical skills. Facilitation and coordination skills. Decision making skills. Financial management skills. Presentation skills.

Computer literacy. Communication skills. A valid driver’s licence. Willingness to travel extensively. Ability to work under pressure and long hours. Willingness to work after hours.

DUTIES : Provide capacity building and National Rural Youth Services Corps (NARYSEC) services. Provide NARYSEC support services. Facilitate the establishment and support of participatory community development institutions. Facilitate and coordinate NARYSEC project implementation. Facilitate youth programmes and skills development at Provincial and District level. Reduce household poverty in accordance with the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP). Provide strategic land acquisition services.

Implement strategic land acquisition projects including MegaParks and Animal and Veld Management Programme (AVMP). Procure service providers for development and project proposals. Coordinate the implementation process of land acquisition and allocation with CRDP Virtuous Cycle. Provide strategic land acquisition support services in the District


including District Land Committees. Facilitate poverty reduction, and the development of cooperatives rural enterprises. and industries. Promote rural business development and facilitates rural development financing. Facilitates the establishment and support of primary cooperatives. Facilitatates the organisation of primary cooperatives in secondary and tertiary coorporatives and provide support. Facilitates the development of rural enterprises and industries. Provide land development support services. Manage the development of business plans for the development of agrarian development projects.

Promote the participation of farmers through ownership and control across commodities value chains. Facilitates strategic partnerships between farmers. Facilitates capacity building of agricultural graduates and farmers on agrarian development projects. Monitor the implementation of land development support projects and development business plans.

Provide property management services. Administer and provide property leases administration support. Administer and provide property holdings and disposals.

Implement land rights and tenure reform programmes. Provide communal land tenure programmes. Provide land rights programmes. Establish, maintain and support communal property institutions. Facilitate land dispute resolutions. Render corporate and financial support services. Provide legal advice. Provide telecommunication services. Provide administration and financial support services. Provide client relations services. Provide office services.

ENQUIRIES : Mr M Tshililo Tel: (015) 230 5027

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: post021@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

POST : DISTRICT DIRECTOR (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/022)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).


REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). A Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma in Business Administration / Public Management / Public Administration (NQF Level 7) with project management as a major or separate qualification. 5 years of experience at a middle management level within a project management environment. Job related knowledge: A thorough understanding of project management. Experience in the implementation and management of projects.

Understanding of corporate governance principles. Ability to implement performance management and monitoring systems. Knowledge of government


systems. Ability to think conceptually when analysing data and designing concepts to modify corporate policies, procedures and processes. Job related skills: Project management skills. Analytical skills. Facilitation and coordination skills. Decision making skills. Financial management skills. Presentation skills.

Computer literacy. Communication skills. A valid driver’s licence. Willingness to travel extensively. Ability to work under pressure and long hours. Willingness to work after hours.

DUTIES : Provide capacity building and National Rural Youth Services Corps (NARYSEC) services. Provide NARYSEC support services. Facilitate the establishment and support of participatory community development institutions. Facilitate and coordinate NARYSEC project implementation. Facilitate youth programmes and skills development at Provincial and District level. Reduce household poverty in accordance with the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP). Provide strategic land acquisition services.

Implement strategic land acquisition projects including MegaParks and Animal and Veld Management Programme (AVMP). Procure service providers for development and project proposals. Coordinate the implementation process of land acquisition and allocation with CRDP Virtuous Cycle. Provide strategic land acquisition support services in the District including District Land Committees. Facilitate poverty reduction, and the development of cooperatives rural enterprises. and industries. Promote rural business development and facilitates rural development financing. Facilitates the establishment and support of primary cooperatives. Facilitatates the organisation of primary cooperatives in secondary and tertiary coorporatives and provide support. Facilitates the development of rural enterprises and industries. Provide land development support services. Manage the development of business plans for the development of agrarian development projects.

Promote the participation of farmers through ownership and control across commodities value chains. Facilitates strategic partnerships between farmers. Facilitates capacity building of agricultural graduates and farmers on agrarian development projects. Monitor the implementation of land development support projects and development business plans.

Provide property management services. Administer and provide property leases administration support. Administer and provide property holdings and disposals.

Implement land rights and tenure reform programmes. Provide communal land tenure programmes. Provide land rights programmes. Establish, maintain and support communal property institutions. Facilitate land dispute resolutions. Render corporate and financial support services. Provide legal advice. Provide telecommunication services. Provide administration and financial support services. Provide client relations services. Provide office services.

ENQUIRIES : Ms Z Sihlangu Tel: (013) 755 3499

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: post022@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.


POST : DEPUTY REGISTRAR OF DEEDS (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/030)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).


REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). B Proc (NQF L7) / LLB (NQF L7) / B Uris (NQF L7)/ Advance Diploma: Estate Planning and Administration (NQF 7) with Diploma in Deeds Registration Law. 5 years’ experience as Assistant Registrar of Deeds/Deeds Law Lecturer/Deputy Registrar of Deeds or Middle/Senior Management level in property conveyance. Job Related Knowledge: Registration of deeds. Interpretation of Statutes. Examination of Deeds. Research and information analysis. Human Resources prescripts. Project Management Principles and Tools. Court procedures. Supply chain management prescript and financial management Job Related Skills: Computer Skills. Communication Skills.

Organising Skills. Problem Solving Skills. Interpersonal Skills. Report Writing Skills. Presentation skills. Policy Analyses and Development. Good Judgement and Assertive Skills. Time management. Analytical skills. Financial Management Skills. Project Management. Management of Resources. Negotiation. Influencing skills. Appropriate Courses in Management Practices. Drivers License.

DUTIES : Oversee the registration section. Oversee the workload, workflow, processes and standards and implement corrective measures. Provide guidance on noting and withdrawal of interdicts. Oversee correspondence and give guidance to clients.

Oversee the information section and DOTS services. Manage the turnaround times for the provision of information to clients. Manage the deeds tracking system. Manage the turnaround times on DOTS enquiries. Manage presidential/departmental inquiries and compile a report. Approve complaints register action plan. Monitor the completion of client satisfaction surveys report.

Approve the Service Delivery Improvement plan. Oversee the archiving of deeds/documents. Archive deeds and documents. Deliver registered deeds and documents. Maintain the updating of the deeds registration database. Update the land register. Manage the turnaround times and standards for capturing of deeds information on Deeds Registration System (DRS). Manage support services in deeds registration systems. Provide support for deeds registration systems.

Liaise with the office of the Chief Registrar on system issues. Oversee systems related helpdesk support. Provide deeds rural development and land reform support services. Provide support to rural development and land reform components. Participate in the provincial planning committees. Advise on


registration related matters. Advise on the application of provincial legislation regarding registration matters.

ENQUIRIES : Ms NN Mncwango Tel: (012) 338 7362 or Mr VM Makhubela Tel: (012) 338 7211

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: deedsvacancy3@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

POST : DEPUTY REGISTRAR OF DEEDS (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/031)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).


REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). B Proc (NQF L7) / LLB (NQF L7) / B Uris (NQF L7)/ Advance Diploma: Estate Planning and Administration (NQF 7) with Diploma in Deeds Registration Law. 5 years’ experience as Assistant Registrar of Deeds/Deeds Law Lecturer/Deputy Registrar of Deeds or Middle/Senior Management level in property conveyance. Job Related Knowledge: Registration of deeds. Interpretation of Statutes. Examination of Deeds. Research and information analysis. Human Resources prescripts. Project Management Principles and Tools. Court procedures. Supply chain management prescript and financial management Job Related Skills: Computer Skills. Communication Skills.

Organising Skills. Problem Solving Skills. Interpersonal Skills. Report Writing Skills. Presentation skills. Policy Analyses and Development. Good Judgement and Assertive Skills. Time management. Analytical skills. Financial Management Skills. Project Management. Management of Resources. Negotiation. Influencing skills. Appropriate Courses in Management Practices. Drivers License.

DUTIES : Manage the process of examination and the registration of deeds and documents. Manage examination and register deeds in compliance with Deeds Registries Act of 1937 and Titles Act of 1986 as well as common-, statutory- and case law and recognized practices and procedures and Chief Registrar of Deeds directives. Analyse standards of examination and draft report to Registrar. Grant hearings to Conveyancers with regard to examination matters and make rulings.

Provide Rural Development Support pertaining to the registration matters. Advise the Courts on request regarding the feasibility of the applications. Comment on


Draft Bills and Chief Registrars Circulars regarding land registration and related matters. Oversee the execution process. Approve requests for late and expedited executions and for final black-booking. Oversee conveyancing problems encountered on deeds and give guidance. Oversee execution register of Conveyancers. Oversee the sorting and distribution of deeds. Oversee the workload, workflow, processes and standards and implement corrective measures to prevent and address backlogs/challenges. Manage the turnaround times for deeds to be made available from lodgement to execution. Oversee statistics, exception reports and implement corrective measures. Approve request for withdrawal of deeds. Oversee the update of procedure manual.

Manage deeds training and development and library services. Manage the Practice Committee/Examiner Forum and issue circulars. Manage implementation of deeds training and examination development plan. Oversee library services.

ENQUIRIES : Ms NN Mncwango Tel: (012) 338 7362 or Mr VM Makhubela Tel: (012) 338 7211

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: deedsvacancy4@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

POST : DEPUTY REGISTRAR OF DEEDS (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/032)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).


REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). B Proc (NQF L7) / LLB (NQF L7) / B Uris (NQF L7)/ Advance Diploma: Estate Planning and Administration (NQF 7) with Diploma in Deeds Registration Law. 5 years’ experience as Assistant Registrar of Deeds/Deeds Law Lecturer/Deputy Registrar of Deeds or Middle/Senior Management level in property conveyance. Job Related Knowledge: Registration of deeds. Interpretation of Statutes. Examination of Deeds. Research and information analysis. Human Resources prescripts. Project Management Principles and Tools. Court procedures. Supply chain management prescript and financial management Job Related Skills: Computer Skills. Communication Skills.

Organising Skills. Problem Solving Skills. Interpersonal Skills. Report Writing Skills. Presentation skills. Policy Analyses and Development. Good Judgement


and Assertive Skills. Time management. Analytical skills. Financial Management Skills. Project Management. Management of Resources. Negotiation. Influencing skills. Appropriate Courses in Management Practices. Drivers License.

DUTIES : Manage the process of examination and the registration of deeds and documents. Manage examination and register deeds in compliance with Deeds Registries Act of 1937 and Titles Act of 1986 as well as common-, statutory- and case law and recognized practices and procedures and Chief Registrar of Deeds directives. Analyse standards of examination and draft report to Registrar. Grant hearings to Conveyancers with regard to examination matters and make rulings.

Provide Rural Development Support pertaining to the registration matters. Advise the Courts on request regarding the feasibility of the applications. Comment on Draft Bills and Chief Registrars Circulars regarding land registration and related matters. Oversee the execution process. Approve requests for late and expedited executions and for final black-booking. Oversee conveyancing problems encountered on deeds and give guidance. Oversee execution register of Conveyancers. Oversee the sorting and distribution of deeds. Oversee the workload, workflow, processes and standards and implement corrective measures to prevent and address backlogs/challenges. Manage the turnaround times for deeds to be made available from lodgement to execution. Oversee statistics, exception reports and implement corrective measures. Approve request for withdrawal of deeds. Oversee the update of procedure manual.

Manage deeds training and development and library services. Manage the Practice Committee/Examiner Forum and issue circulars. Manage implementation of deeds training and examination development plan. Oversee library services.

ENQUIRIES : Ms NN Mncwango Tel: (012) 338 7362 or Mr VM Makhubela Tel: (012) 338 7211

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: deedsvacancy5@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

POST : DEPUTY REGISTRAR OF DEEDS (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/033)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).



REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). B Proc (NQF L7) / LLB (NQF L7) / B Uris (NQF L7)/ Advance Diploma: Estate Planning and Administration (NQF 7) with Diploma in Deeds Registration Law. 5 years’ experience as Assistant Registrar of Deeds/Deeds Law Lecturer/Deputy Registrar of Deeds or Middle/Senior Management level in property conveyance. Job Related Knowledge: Registration of deeds. Interpretation of Statutes. Examination of Deeds. Research and information analysis. Human Resources prescripts. Project Management Principles and Tools. Court procedures. Supply chain management prescript and financial management. Job Related Skills: Computer Skills. Communication Skills. Organising Skills. Problem Solving Skills. Interpersonal Skills. Report Writing Skills. Presentation skills. Policy Analyses and Development. Good Judgement and Assertive Skills. Time management. Analytical skills. Financial Management Skills. Project Management. Management of Resources.

Negotiation. Influencing skills. Appropriate Courses in Management Practices.

Drivers License.

DUTIES : Manage the process of examination and the registration of deeds and documents. Manage examination and register deeds in compliance with Deeds Registries Act of 1937 and Titles Act of 1986 as well as common-, statutory- and case law and recognized practices and procedures and Chief Registrar of Deeds directives. Analyse standards of examination and draft report to Registrar. Grant hearings to Conveyancers with regard to examination matters and make rulings.

Provide Rural Development Support pertaining to the registration matters. Advise the Courts on request regarding the feasibility of the applications. Comment on Draft Bills and Chief Registrars Circulars regarding land registration and related matters. Oversee the execution process. Approve requests for late and expedited executions and for final black-booking. Oversee conveyancing problems encountered on deeds and give guidance. Oversee execution register of Conveyancers. Oversee the sorting and distribution of deeds. Oversee the workload, workflow, processes and standards and implement corrective measures to prevent and address backlogs/challenges. Manage the turnaround times for deeds to be made available from lodgement to execution. Oversee statistics, exception reports and implement corrective measures. Approve request for withdrawal of deeds. Oversee the update of procedure manual.

Manage deeds training and development and library services. Manage the Practice Committee/Examiner Forum and issue circulars. Manage implementation of deeds training and examination development plan. Oversee library services.

ENQUIRIES : Ms NN Mncwango Tel: (012) 338 7362 or Mr VM Makhubela Tel: (012) 338 7211


APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: deedsvacancy6@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

POST : DIRECTOR: QUALITY ASSURANCE (Reference: 3/2/1/2021/034)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All-inclusive package) The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services (SMS).


REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). Bachelor’s Degree/Advanced Diploma in Accounting/ Auditing/ Managerial Accounting and Finance (NQF7). 5 years’

experience at middle/senior management level in External Audit, Internal Control, Financial Management and Financial Reporting environment. Job Related Knowledge: Knowledge of Accounting and Financial Reporting Framework (GRAP) and relating developments by the ASB. Knowledge of Auditing specifically, including but not limited to International Standards on Auditing.

Knowledge of Internal Controls (Financial and IT (Application and General controls)). Knowledge of Financial Management processes and procedures.

Knowledge of Supply Chain Management processes and procedures.

Knowledge of Human Resources Management processes and procedures.

Knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act and relating regulations including public sector governance. Knowledge of risk management and risk assessment and monitoring techniques. Job Related Skills: Proven managerial and project management skills. Good planning, organising and problem-solving skills. Good communication (verbal and written) skills. Computer skills. A valid Driver’s License. A professional affiliation with a professional body to ensure continuous professional development with an institution like SAICA or equivalent.

DUTIES : Ensure quality assurance with regard to completeness, accuracy, cut off, classification and accuracy of classes of transactions in the Financial Statements, Valuation, completeness, existence and rights and obligation of account balances in the financial statements and ensure that presentation and disclosure in the financial statements is in line with financial reporting framework, (GRAP) by interpreting and implementing accounting standards as well as reviewing files, reports and all implementation guidance form National Treasury, the Accounting Standards Board and SAICA. Ensure requisite knowledge of Financial Reporting Framework through Knowledge of Accounting Standards and


interpretations (including implementation guides) and consultations. Review interim and annual financial statements to ensure that they comply with the relevant financial reporting framework (standards of GRAP and interpretations) and are prepared in line with the relevant financial reporting framework. Review all presentation and disclosure to ensure that it is accurate and complete in accordance with GRAP requirements. Review reports supporting financial statements and other supporting schedules. Review accounts transactions and account balances for compliance with internal financial controls (Completeness, occurrence, cut off, classification, accuracy, valuation, existence and rights and obligations). Ensure that other officials preparing and reviewing financial statements and reports have the requisite knowledge that is in line with the relevant financial reporting framework. Coordinate the formulation of creative and innovative solutions to enhance financial system effectiveness. Ensure of the keeping abreast with the financial prescripts amendments via consultations with the ASB, SAICA and National Treasury. Assist in the development and implementation of branch entity risk (operational, strategic, fraud and project risk) and manage a monitoring and accountable system for branch entity risk (operational, strategic and fraud risk). Ensure that risk assessments for strategic, operational and fraud risk are performed timeously and accurately to contribute to planning process of the entity. Ensure timeous review of strategic, operational and fraud risk within the entity. Ensure monitoring of implementation of risk action plans (designed into effective internal controls). Ensure to keep abreast with risk knowledge and principles as and when changes occur. Ensure an effective and efficient control environment by ensuring that there is compliance and adherence to prescripts, laws and regulations through guidance and development of internal policies and standard operating procedures that are compliant with laws and regulations applicable to the entity. Develop policies and procedures that promote compliance and adherence to prescripts, law and regulations for SCM, Finance and HRM where applicable. Develop a compliance monitoring mechanism in within the branch entity with regards to policies and procedures.

Monitor compliance with financial, SCM and HRM laws and regulations in within the branch entity. Ensure that policies are reviewed annually in line with the PFMA and other legislation and that all legislative changes are incorporated in either revised policies or circulars within the branch entity in Finance, HRM and SCM. Ensure compliance with laws and regulations relating to Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful and Unauthorized Expenditure by designing internal controls that will reduce and eventually eliminate irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure and unauthorized expenditure. Develop and maintain compliance checklist for Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful expenditure. Design controls to identify, detect and report on Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful expenditure (Financial Compliance Committee). Ensure that the controls above are well integrated into the control environment of the entity. Ensure officials are adequately trained on matters of irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure. Review AFS and ensure


adequate and complete disclosure for irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure and unauthorized expenditure. Design, review and monitor implementation of internal controls (Financial Controls, IT Controls i.e. system – general and application controls, HRM controls and Business-Related Controls to an extent). Design internal control framework that will be built into a control environment that is functioning. Ensure that control environment for Financial, HRM, SCM and IT controls are sound. Implement and review sound internal controls in areas of Finance SCM, HRM and IT. Ensure effective and efficient support for other Departmental entities in the area of development and implementation of financial controls (Governance, Audit and Risk) as and when the need arise. Ensure continuous knowledge of audit requirements including but not limited to ISA (International Standards on Auditing) Develop an efficient system of ensuring that audits are run smoothly within the branch entity and this includes but limited to: Internal Audits (Finance, SCM, HRM, IT and Audit of Projects) - External Audits (e.g. Auditor General Audits). Facilitate and manage the audit reporting process internally by ensuring the following: Ensure information is provided to Auditors timeously, review management responses to audit findings and management action plans and ensure that these are in-line with prescripts and law and regulations and ensure that these actions are built into the internal control environment for the entire branch entity. Be the nodal point between auditors and branch entity management. Strive to continuously reduce the number and materiality of audit findings and ensure that administration is improved.

ENQUIRIES : Ms NN Mncwango Tel: (012) 338 7362 or Mr VM Makhubela Tel: (012) 338 7211

CLOSING DATE : 27 August 2021 at 16:00

APPLICATION : Please ensure that you email your application to: deedsvacancy7@dalrrd.gov.za before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. Applications and supporting documents sent to email addresses that are not specified in the advertisement for the post that you are applying for will not be accepted. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified.

NOTE : The requirements for appointment at Senior Management Service level include the successful completion of Senior Management Pre-entry Programme as endorsed by the National School of Government. Applicants should therefore attach proof that they have registered for the Pre-entry Certificate, which can be accessed using the following link: https://www.thensg.gov.za/training- course/sms-pre-entry-programme/. Failure to do this will result in the application being disqualified. Shortlisted candidates must provide proof of successful completion of the course. No appointment will take place without the successful completion of the pre-entry certificate and submission of proof thereof. All


shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the Department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment in compliance with the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Directive on the Implementation of Competency Based Assessments. The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.

Shortlisted candidates will be required to be available for assessments and interviews at a date and time as determined by the department. All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to personnel suitability checks and the successful candidate will have to undergo full security vetting. DALRRD may conduct reference checks which will include social media profiles of the shortlisted candidates.

The successful candidate will be appointed subject to positive results of the security clearance process. The successful candidate will be required to enter into an employment contract, sign an annual performance agreement and annually disclose her or his financial interests. All applicants are required to declare any conflict or perceived conflict of interest, to disclose memberships of Boards and directorships that they may be associated with.

APPLICATIONS : The reference number should be featured in the subject line in the application e- mail sent to the Department. DALRRD requests applicants to apply by submitting applications on the new Z83 form obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the DPSA web site link: http://www.dpsa.gov.za/dpsa2g/vacancies.asp that should be accompanied by comprehensive CVs (previous experience must be expansively detailed) and copies of qualifications, service certificates to support senior management experience, driver’s licence and proof of registration with professional bodies were applicable, identification document and permanent residency/work permit. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from Human Resource. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation. As from 1 January 2021, applications received on the incorrect application form (Z83) will not be considered. All required information on Form Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all required information will automatically disqualify the applicant. Attachments to emailed applications must be limited to 10 megabytes and be as a PDF


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