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Bagi sebuah organisasi atau perusahaan, citra yang positif merupakan suatu atribut sangat penting yang mampu memberi dampak baik bagi perusahaan di mata publik dan melanggengkan jalannya perusahaan ke depan. Sebagai sebuah perusahaan penyedia jasa kebandarudaraan (airport services) dan pelayanan lalu lintas penerbangan (air traffic services), PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) memiliki kepentingan untuk menjaga citra positif dari sisi kualitas layanan dan keselamatan penerbangan.

Perusahaan sebagai pengelola bandar udara dan pelayanan lalu lintas penerbangan berpegang pada prinsip 3S + 1C (Safety, Security, Services and Compliance).

Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan lalu lintas penerbangan, untuk tetap menjamin keselamatan dan keteraturan berbagai upaya telah dilakukan baik dari aspek kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia serta fasilitas dan prosedur.

Unit Air Traffic Services (ATS) merupakan unit kerja yang bertanggung jawab atas aspek pelayanan lalu lintas penerbangan di bandara dan wilayah udara yang berada di bawah tanggung jawab Perusahaan, yang mencakup hampir separuh dari wilayah udara Indonesia. Dalam melaksanakan fungsi pelayanan lalu lintas penerbangan tersebut, Perusahaan terikat pada berbagai peraturan maupun standar yang relevan baik yang berlaku secara internasional (International Civil Aviation Organization/ ICAO) maupun nasional (Kementerian Perhubungan-Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara).

Dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas pelayanan dan kapasitas runway di bandara Soekarno-Hatta telah dilakukan pemasangan double cabin control desk tower yang semula hanya dapat digunakan satu sisi runway selatan saja, saat ini dengan telah diaktifkannya 2 (dua) posisi kerja (work station) dengan 2 (dua) active aerodrome controller maka dapat mengawasi traffic dari dua sisi runway yang dimiliki yaitu runway selatan 25L dan runway utara 25R dengan demikian dapat meningkatkan kapasitas runway (saat ini peak hours adalah 72 pergerakan per jam) dan meningkatkan keselamatan penerbangan.


For an organization or a company, a positive image is a very important attribute that gives a positive impact on the company in the public’s eyes and makes the way forward much easier. As a company that provides airport services and air traffic services, it is in the interest of PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) to maintain the quality of its services and ensure the safety of flights.

As the manager of airports and flight traffic services, the Company must always base their actions on the 3S + 1C principle (Safety, Security, Services and Compliance).

In line with the increasing air traffic, to always ensure safety and order, a number of measures have been in place from the quality and quantity aspects of human resources as well as facilities and procedures.

The Air Traffic Services (ATS) Unit is a work unit responsible for aspects of air traffic services at airports and air space under the management of the Company, which covers almost all the air space in Indonesia. In execution of those air traffic service functions, the Company is bound by a number of regulations as well as relevant standards that apply on a global scale (International Civil Aviation Organization/ICAO) and nationally (The Ministry of Transportation-Directorate of Air Transportation).

To improve the quality of services and increase runway capacity at the airport of Soekarno-Hatta, a double cabin control desk tower that previously could only be used on one side of the runway has been installed, so there are now 2 positions of work stations with 2 (two) active aerodrome controllers that are able to monitor air traffic from the two sides the runway which are south runway 25L and north runway 25R and thus runway capacity is increased (currently during peak hours, there are 72 movements per hour) and improves flight safety.

Peningkatan pelayanan lalu lintas penerbangan juga dilaksanakan di Bandara Supadio Pontianak dimana sebelumnya pesawat yang berangkat atau menuju ke bandara Supadio Pontianak atau terbang lintas (over flying flight) dilayani dengan metoda procedural control atau non radar service maka sejak tanggal 15 Desember 2011 sesuai dengan Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) Supplement Number: 05/11 28 July 2011 maka seluruh pesawat yang terbang di wilayah Terminal Control Area (TMA) Pontianak dilayani dengan metode Radar Service. Keuntungan dan kelebihan dari metode Radar Service ini adalah ketepatan dan keselamatan penerbangan serta efektif dan efisien lebih terjamin.

Untuk mengakomodir peningkatan jumlah penerbangan lintas (over flying) dari Singapura, Malaysia dan Thailand serta penerbangan dari Eropa yang melewati EMARSH (Europe Middle East Asia Route via South Himalaya) yang menuju ke Australia dan sebaliknya atau penerbangan yang menuju ke bandara-bandara dilingkup PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) telah dilakukan Special Coordination Meeting (SCM) dengan Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) telah disepakati bersama peningkatan dan penyesuaian prosedur pelayanan antar negara dalam bentuk Amendment Letter of Operational Coordination Agreement (LOCA).

Amandemen LOCA tersebut sejalan dengan peningkatan layanan yang dikenal dengan Mach Number Technic (MNT) yaitu pemisahan jarak antar pesawat (separation) yaitu 80 nautical miles menjadi Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP 10) dengan jarak pisah antar pesawat pada ketinggian yang sama (separation) 50 nautical miles.

Kegiatan ini diawali dengan kesepakatan antara pihak Singapura (CAAS) dan Perusahaan untuk meningkatkan status route Mach Number Technic (MNT) pada 2 (dua) route penerbangan eksisting A576 dan A464 menjadi route Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP 10) yaitu M635 dan M774.

Improved air traffic services are also provided in the Supadio Airport of Pontianak where previously, planes that depart from or are flying towards Supadio Airport of Pontianak (over flying flights) are served using the procedural control method or non-radar service, and now, since December 15, 2011 and in accordance with the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) Supplement Number: 05/11 28 July 2011, all aircrafts flying within the Terminal Control Area (TMA) of Pontianak area are served using the Radar Service method. The benefit and advantage of the Radar Service method ensures timely and safe flights, as well as effective and efficient.

In order to accommodate the increased number of over flying flights from Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand as well as from Europe that pass over the (Europe Middle East Asia Route via South Himalaya) heading towards Australia and vice-versa or flights heading towards airports within PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) control, a Special Coordination Meeting (SCM) with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) has jointly agreed to increase and adjust international service procedures which was set out in an Amendment Letter of Operational Coordination Agreement (LOCA).

The LOCA Amendment is in line with improvement of services which is known as Mach Number Technic (MNT) which separates the distance between aircrafts from 80 nautical miles to the Required Navigation Performance of 10 (RNP 10) with a separating distance between aircrafts at the same altitude of 50 nautical miles.

This event was preceded by an agreement between Singapore (CAAS) and the Company to upgrade the status of route Mach Number Technic (MNT) for 2 (two) existing flight routes which are the A576 and A464 to become the Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP 10) routes which are M635 and M774.

Pengembangan Usaha, Bandara dan Lingkungan

Business Development, Airport and the Environment




Peningkatan pelayanan oleh Perusahaan terkait dengan Implementasi Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP 10) ini menyikapi adanya:

• Kemajuan Teknologi Pesawat Terbang • Kemajuan Teknologi Navigasi Penerbangan

• Tindak lanjut dari pertumbuhan kegiatan penerbangan

• Adanya peningkatan kebutuhan ruang udara • Optimalisasi penggunaan ruang udara

• Efisiensi operasional tentang penggunaan direct routing dan menjaga ketepatan track.

Dari sisi kuantitas SDM saat ini masih terjadi kekurangan di beberapa cabang, secara bertahap akan ditambah mengingat sumber lulusan pendidikan ATC dari Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia (STPI) dan Akademi Teknik Keselamatan Penerbangan (ATKP) sangat terbatas, sampai dengan akhir tahun 2011 telah ditambah 31 personil Air Traffic Controller (ATC) serta telah diadakan kontrak Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) untuk tahun 2012 akan di tambah 57 orang dari STPI, 25 orang ATKP Surabaya, 28 orang dari ATKP Medan, hal ini untuk memenuhi jumlah kebutuhan ideal.

Dari sisi kualitas seluruh personil ATC dilengkapi dengan sertifikat kecakapan (License & Rating) yang berjenjang dari Junior dan Senior License yang dilengkapi dengan Rating Aerodrome Control Tower, Approach Control (APP), Secondary Approach Radar (SAR), Area Control (ACC) dan Secondary Area Radar (SarR) yang secara periodik dilakukan perpanjangan sertifikasi melalui ujian substantif tertulis dan praktik yang disahkan pemerintah dalam hal ini Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan.

Peningkatan kualitas SDM juga dilakukan Perusahaan dengan mengadakan training baik skala nasional maupun internasional, Perusahaan juga sudah tergabung dalam organisasi Internasional Pelayanan Navigasi Udara yaitu Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) dalam mewujudkan Air Traffic Services World Class dan Open Sky Liberalization serta Globalisasi.

Improved services by the relevant Company related to the implementation of the Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP 10) addresses the matters of: • Advances in Aircraft Technology

• Advances in Flight Navigation Technology • Following up on increased flight activities • The increasing need for air space

• Optimizing use of air space

• Operational efficiency on the use of direct routing and maintaining track accuracy.

On the matter of the number of human resources available, there is still some deficiency in some of the branches, which can only be filled in gradually in view of the fact that ATC graduates from the Indonesian College of Aviation (STPI) and the Technical Academy of Flight Safety (ATKP) are very limited in numbers, where up to the end of 2011 there has been an addition of 31 Air Traffic Controller (ATC) personnel and a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) for 2012 have been signed for an additional 57 graduates from the STPI, 25 from the ATKP of Surabaya, 28 from the ATKP of Medan, this would then render the number of personnel to be ideal.

As to quality, all the ATC personnel are equipped with certificates of aptitude (License & Rating) ranging from Junior to Senior Licenses completed with Ratings for Aerodrome Control Tower, Approach Control (APP), Secondary Approach Radar (SAR), Area Control (ACC) and Secondary Area Radar (SarR) that are periodically renewed for certification through written and practical substantive tests legalized by the government, in this case the Directorate General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation.

Improving the quality of the human resources has also been addressed by the Company by conducting trainings both at the national as well as international level. The Company has also joined the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) in its efforts to attain World Class Air Traffic Services and Open Sky Liberalization and Globalization.

Peningkatan pelayanan juga tidak terlepas dari update prosedur-prosuder untuk penetapan standar performance air traffic services di Perusahaan dengan telah disahkannya SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) ATS di seluruh cabang yang dikelola Perusahaan yang di tanda tangani oleh Direktur Navigasi Penerbangan-Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara dan Direktur Operasi dan Teknik Perusahaan.

Dalam penyusunan SOP juga sudah mengakomodir dan disesuaikan dengan aturan internasioanal seperti ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), SOP yang berlaku di Perusahaan. Hal ini merupakan panduan kerja bagi personil Air Traffic Services (ATS) untuk dipatuhi dan dilaksanakan oleh seluruh personil terkait dalam memberikan pelayanan.

Dalam penyusunan prosedur untuk mengantisipasi perkembangan teknologi penerbangan kedepan personil ATC dibekali dengan pengetahuan dan wawasan dengan mengikuti workshop,seminar atau kegiatan lain berskala nasional maupun internasional seperti berikut:

1. ICAO Meeting Asia/Pacific Meteorology/Air Traffic Management di Fukuoka Jepang.

2. Meeting Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Implementation Coordination (ATNIC) Working Group 9 Bangkok.

3. Fifth Meeting of the Bay of Bengal Reduced Horizontal Separation Implementation Task Force (BOBRHS/ TF/5) Bangkok.

4. The Sixth Meeting of The AIS/AIM Task Force Bangkok; The Twenty-First Meeting of the Bengal ATS Coordination Group Bangkok.

5. Performance Based Navigation Procedure Design Course Beijing-Cina.

6. Meteorological Warning Task Force of Communication Navigation Surveillance Bangkok.

7. Safety Audits Of ATS Training Singapura.

8. IFATCA Annual World Conference 50th Amman-Jordania.

9. The 11th Meeting Of The FANS Implementation Team Bangkok.

Improvement of services has also been due to updating of procedures to determine performance standards of air traffic services in the Company with the approval of the ATS SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) in all the branches managed by the Company signed by the Director of Flight Navigation-the Directorate General of air Transportation and the Company’s Director of Operations and Technicalities.

Formulation of the SOP also took into account and was adjusted to international regulations such as the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), the SOP applicable in the Company. This was a work guidance for Air Traffic Services (ATS) personnel to be complied with and carried out by the relevant personnel in providing services.

In formulating the procedures in anticipation of aviation technological advances in the future, ATC personnel will be equipped with knowledge and perspectives through workshops, seminars, or other activities on a national as well as international scale, as follows:

1. ICAO Meeting Asia/Pacific Meteorology/Air Traffic Management in Fukuoka, Japan.

2. Meeting of the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Implementation Coordination (ATNIC) Working Group 9 Bangkok.

3. Fifth Meeting of the Bay of Bengal Reduced Horizontal Separation Implementation Task Force (BOBRHS/ TF/5) Bangkok.

4. The Sixth Meeting of The AIS/AIM Task Force Bangkok; The Twenty-First Meeting of the Bengal ATS Coordination Group Bangkok.

5. Performance Based Navigation Procedure Design Course Beijing-China.

6. Meteorological Warning Task Force of Communication Navigation Surveillance Bangkok.

7. Safety Audits Of ATS Training Singapore.

8. IFATCA Annual World Conference 50th Amman-Jordan.

9. The 11th Meeting Of The FANS Implementation Team Bangkok.

Pengembangan Usaha, Bandara dan Lingkungan

Business Development, Airport and the Environment




10. Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Implementation Coordination Group Seoul-Korea. 11. Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO)

Meeting Asia Pacific Region Events Bangkok. 12. The Twenty Second Meeting Of The Asia Pacific

Air Navigation Planning & Implementation Regional Group (APANPIRG/22) Bangkok.

Dengan demikian, Perusahaan dalam melaksanakan visi dan misi nya menjamin pelayanan lalu lintas penerbangan dalam arti memberikan pelayanan yang aman dan nyaman dengan ketulus ikhlasan mengantar penumpang sampai ditujuan dengan selamat.

10. Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Implementation Coordination Group Seoul-Korea. 11. Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO)

Meeting Asia Pacific Region Events Bangkok. 12. The Twenty Second Meeting Of The Asia Pacific

Air Navigation Planning & Implementation Regional Group (APANPIRG/22) Bangkok.

As a result, in carrying out its vision and mission, the Company guarantees the quality of air traffic services in the sense that services provided to the passengers will be safe, convenient and based on sincere intentions to transport passengers to their destination safely.

Anak Perusahaan dan Perusahaan Afiliasi

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