• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

B. Specific Data Description

3) Closing activities

problem-solving process). The conversation between them is presented as follows.

Teacher : Alright students. Now I’ll ask you. How to give a suggestion?

Students : To give suggestion we can say should or should not.

Teacher : Give me some examples please.

Students : We should listen the teacher. We should study every day. We should not sleep during the lesson.

Teacher : That’s right students. Good job.6

Based on the observation, some students complicated in selecting the vocabulary. The researcher found that some of the students could not gave an example when they were asked by the teacher to make a suggestion.

As stated by the teacher;

“The challenges in implementing the Problem Based Learning are some students get difficult in selecting vocabulary, and also they forget about the linguistic elements.”7

assignments, please each of you make 10 suggestions dealing to be a good learner. So, to be a good learner what we should or should not do.

Clear enough guys?

Students : Yes mom.

Teacher : Ok, thanks. Now, what do you think about our learning today? Is it fun?

Students : Yes mom. It was so fun. I really like it.

Teacher : Alright student. We will use same method in the next meeting. In the next meeting, we will learn how to state the rules and obligations. So, make sure you all study the material and don’t forget to collect your material in the next meeting.

Students : Yes mom.

Teacher : Maybe until here our meeting today. Let’s close by reciting al-hamdalah.

Students : Alhamdulillahirabbil-alamin

Teacher : I’m so sorry if there any mistake guys, and the last Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Students : Wa’alaikumsalam wr. wb.8

b. Second Meeting

The second meeting was on Friday, October 28th 2022. In the second meeting the basic competence was about stating rules and obligations.

1) Preliminary

The first step, the teacher gave introduction as in the first meeting with greeting and praying, then the teacher checked the students’ attendance list, as below conversation.

Teacher : Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning students. How are you today?

Students : Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb. Good morning mom.

We are fine. thank you.

Teacher : Alright. Let’s start our class today by reciting Al-basmalah. May Allah bless us, so we can start our class today without any problem.

Students : Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

Teacher : Okay students. Now I’ll check your attendant first. Who called his/her name please raise your hand.

Students : Alright mom.9

8 “Teaching and Learning Observation at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo.”

9 Ibid.

Then, the teacher gave the orientation to the material through questioning the students (Step 1: Orients student the problems). As in the first meeting, the teacher explained the learning objectives, the core competence, the basic competence, indicator, and minimum criteria of mastery learning of the on-going meeting, as in the following conversation.

Teacher : Okay guys. First, who still remember. What is our material yesterday?

Students : Yesterday, we learn how to give suggestions.

Teacher : That’s right, and now, what we are going to learn?

Students : We are going to learn how to stating rules and obligations.

Teacher : Alright, in this chapter we are going to learn how to stating rules and obligations. I hope you all can correctly write and speak about stating rules and obligations, and also know how to state rules and obligations in different situation after this meeting.

Now, collect your assignment from the previous meeting please.10

Based on the observation, some students not collected their assignments.

2) Core activities

In the core activities, the teacher asked the students to read and understand the instructions of the activity in the book “When English Rings a Bell” page 40. The teacher assisted the students by giving an example how to read the rules and obligations with the correct intonation and pronunciation in the book page 40-42 (Step 3: Assist Independent and group investigation). The conversation between them is presented as follows.

10 Ibid.

Teacher : Okay guys. Now, open your book on page 40. I will read sentence by sentence clearly. Please listen me carefully.

Students : Okay mom.

Teacher : (the teacher read the sentence on the page 40-42).11

Figure 4. 4 Students’ book page 40

Figure 4. 5 Students' book page 41

11 Ibid.

Figure 4. 6 Students' book page 42

Then, the teacher provided opportunities for students to identify "as many questions as possible, related to the material/pictures" contained in the book. The teacher assisted the students by answering the students’ question (Step 3: Assist Independent and group investigation). The conversation between them is presented as follows.

Teacher : Okay, now, I’ll give you opportunities to identify as many questions relating to this material. Please ask me if there is any problem.

Students : Okay mom.

Students : Mom, what is “rules and obligations” in bahasa?

Teacher : Rules and obligations n bahasa is “peraturan dan kewajiban”.

Students : Alright mom. Thanks.12

The next, the teacher organized the students in six groups.

Then, the students were asked in groups to practice (role playing) how to speak the rules and obligations based on the students’ book

12 “Teaching and Learning Observation at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo.”

page 40 (Step 2: Organize students for study) and (Step 4: Develop and present artifacts and exhibits). The conversation between them is presented as follows.

Teacher : Okay students, now I’ll divide you into 6 groups.

Then. Please practice (role playing) how to speak the rules and obligations based on your book page 40 in front of the class each group.

Students : Alright mom.

Students : (the students practice (role playing) how to speak the rules and obligations in front of the class group by group). 13

Based on the observations all of the students were actively role-playing in groups. Then, the teacher and students analyzed and concluded the important points that emerged in the new learning activity (Step 5: Analyze and evaluate the results of the problem-solving process). The conversation between them is presented as follows.

Teacher : Alright students. Now I’ll ask you. How to state the rules and obligations?

Students : To state rules and obligations we can say must and must not.

Teacher : Give me some examples please! Starting from the first group.

Students : We must use uniform in school (1st group), We must study every day (2nd group), We must not be late to school (3rd group), our class must be clean (4th group), we must not be lazy (5th group), we must not cheat in test (6th group)’

Teacher : That’s right students. Good job.

Based on the observation, each group is active gave their responses. The researcher got clarification that Problem Based learning made the students become more active.

13 Ibid.

As stated by the teacher;

“The students’ responses toward Problem Based Learning model are positive, they can understand the material and become more active in learning process.”14

3) Closing activities

In the closing activity, the students were asked to reflect on the learning process related to mastery of the material, approaches and learning models used. Then, the teacher reminded the students to study the material that will be discussed at the next meeting. The teacher also delivered the lesson plan for the next meeting, and the last the teacher prayed and gave greetings. Here are their conversation.

Teacher : Now, what do you think about our learning today? Is it fun as yesterday?

Students : Yes mom. It was so fun.

Teacher : Alright students. We will use the same method in the next meeting. In the next meeting, we will make a list of the rules and obligations, as students and as person must do at school and at home. So, make sure you all study the material.

Students : Yes mom.

Teacher : Maybe until here our meeting today. Let’s close by reciting al-hamdalah.

Students : Alhamdulillahirabbil-alamin

Teacher : I’m so sorry if there any mistake guys, and the last Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Students : Wa’alaikumsalam wr. wb.15 c. Third meeting

The third observation was on Tuesday, November 1st 2022. In the third meeting the basic competence was same with the second meeting about stating rules and obligations.

14 Mrs. Isminatun, S.Pd., Interview about the implementation of PBL, October 24, 2022.

15 “Teaching and Learning Observation at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo.”

1) Preliminary

The first step the teacher gave introduction as in the first and the second meeting with greeting and praying, then checked the students’ attendance list, as below conversation.

Teacher : Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning students. How are you today?

Students : Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb. Good morning mom.

We are fine. thank you.

Teacher : Alright. Let’s start our class today by reciting Al-basmalah. May Allah bless us, so we can start our class today without any problem.

Students : Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

Teacher : Okay students. Now I’ll check your attendant first. Who called his/her name please raise your hand.

Students : Alright mom.16

The teacher gave the orientation to the material through questioning the students (Step 1: Orients student the problems).

Here is their conversation.

Teacher : Okay guys. First, who still remember. What is our material yesterday?

Students : Yesterday, we learn how to state rules and obligations.

Teacher : That’s right, and now, what we are going to do?

Students : We are going to make a list of the rules and obligations as students and as person must do at school and at home.

Teacher : Alright, today we are going to make a list of rules and obligations as students and as person must do at school and at home. 17

2) Core activities

16 “Teaching and Learning Observation at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo.”

17 Ibid.

In the core activities, the teacher organized the students in some groups. Then, the students were asked to make a list of the rules and obligations in groups, as students and as person must do at school and at home, based on the existing situation in the student book page 43 (Step 2: Organize students for study). The students also asked to present their work in the form of presentation orally in groups (Step 4: Develop and present artifacts and exhibits). It clarified that Problem based learning is a learning model based on problems and students have to solve it individually or in a group.

As stated by the teacher;

“Problem Based Learning is a learning model based on problems, the students have to formulate and solve it, the students also have to show it in presentation, the students not only work individually but also in a group.”18

The teacher also assisted the students in a group when they faced some problems (Step 2: Assist Independent and group investigation). The conversation between them is presented as follows.

Teacher : Okay students, now I’ll divide you into 6 groups.

Each group please make a list of the rules and obligations, as students and as person must do at school and at home, based on the existing situation in the student book page 43. You can open your dictionary or other sources to support your work.

Then present your work in front of the class each group. If there any problems you can ask me to help you.

Students : Alright mom.

Teacher : If you have finished, share your work in presentation starting from the first group. Please come forward!

Students : (the students share their works in presentation group by group).19

18 Interview about the implementation of PBL.

19 “Teaching and Learning Observation at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo.”

Figure 4. 7 Students' book page 43

Based on the observation, all of the students were more active in learning process, most of the students were involved in presenting their ideas in the presentation, the student also paid attention, gave feedback, and asked about various statements made by his friends. The teacher and students analyzed and draw a conclusion about the important points that emerged in the new learning activity (Step 5: Analyze and evaluate the results of the problem-solving process). The conversation between them is presented as follows.

Teacher : Alright students. Now, we know how to state the rules and obligations by saying….?

Students : Must and must not.

Teacher : Alright. Is there any question dealing with our material?

Students : not yet mom.20

20 Ibid.

3) Closing activities

In the closing activity, the students were asked to reflect on the learning process related to mastery of the material, approaches and learning models used. The students were asked to reflect themselves what they have learned in this chapter, which part were they like the most, also asked to write what kind of problems they faced during learning. Then, the teacher reminded students to study the material that will be discussed in the next meeting. The last the teacher prayed and gave greetings. Here is their conversation.

Teacher : Now, please reflect in your journal our learning process. You can use English or Bahasa. Please write what have you learned in this chapter, which part you like the most, and what kind of problems that you faced during learning.

Students : Yes mom.

Teacher : Alright student. We will use same method in the next meeting. Don’t forget to reflect in your journal our learning process. You can use English or Bahasa.

Students : Yes mom.

Teacher : Maybe until here our meeting today. Let’s close by reciting al-hamdalah.

Students : Alhamdulillahirabbil-alamin

Teacher : I’m so sorry if there any mistake guys, and the last Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Students : Wa’alaikumsalam wr. wb.21

The following is the students’ English score during the implementation of Problem Based Learning.

21 Ibid.

Table 4. 2 Students' score

No. Student’s score Number of students BC 3.3 BC 3.4

1 0-25 5 2

2 26-50 12 -

3 51-75 11 11

4 76-100 3 18

The above table clarified that the implementation of Problem Based Learning model in teaching English gave a positive effect. The students’ English score were increased during the implementation of Problem Based Learning model.

2. The Students’ Responses toward the Implementation of Problem Based

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