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The Students’ Responses toward the Implementation of Problem Based Learning model in Teaching English at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo

C. Discussion

2. The Students’ Responses toward the Implementation of Problem Based Learning model in Teaching English at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo

2. The Students’ Responses toward the Implementation of Problem Based

Based Learning model in teaching English to know the students’ cognitive response. Statement number 1, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 about the students’ feeling during the implementation of Problem Based Learning to know the students’

affective response. Statement number 10, 12, 13 about the students’ behavior during the implementation of Problem Based Learning to know the students’

conative response.

First, cognitive response is a response related to someone's knowledge, skills, and information about something.69 Dealing with the cognitive response, in the interview section some of the students stated that the learning process in Problem Based Learning model is fun, everyone required to become active in the learning process. Besides, they can understand the material through this learning model. Here is some of the students’ statements;

Student 1

“The learning process in PBL is so fun, I can understand the material pretty easy. In my opinion PBL is a good learning model”.70

Student 2

“The activity in PBL really fun because I can learn English actively with my friends”.71

Based from the questionnaire 21 students (28%) who strongly agree and 8 students (28%) who agree that Problem Based learning helped them in learning English. It means all of the student agree that Problem Based learning helped them in learning English.

Next, in the 3rd statement on the questionnaire, that “Problem Based learning is a great learning model”, 4 students (14%) who strongly agree, 24

69 Dian Nurvita Sari and Abdul Basit, “Media Sosial Instagram Sebagai Media Informasi Edukasi,”

PERSEPSI: Communication Journal 3, no. 1 (2020): 23–36.

70 Interview about Problem Based Learning model.

71 Ibid.

students (83%) who agree, and only one student (3%) who disagree. It means almost all of the student agree that Problem Based Learning is a great learning model.

According to the students’ statement in the interview and the questionnaire above, it clarified that the students gave positive sign on cognitive responses.

Second, affective response is a response related to emotions, attitudes and judging someone against something. This response arises when there is a change that the audience likes about something.72 Dealing with the affective responses, the researcher asked the students about their feeling in learning through PBL model in the interview section. Then, some students stated that they feel enjoy during the implementation of Problem Based learning because the teacher is always standby to assist them when they face some problems in learning.

Here is some of their statements;

Student 1

“I think there are no problems during learning with PBL model. When we faced some problems the teacher always standby to help us”.73

Student 2

“Sometimes, I have difficulty in choosing the correct vocabulary, but the teacher always helps me when I faced some problems like that”.74

Then, based on the questionnaire in the 1st statement “I like learning through Problem Based Learning”. There are 4 students (14%) who strongly agree, 24 students (83%) who agree, and 1 student disagree. It means almost all of the student agree that they like learning through Problem Based Learning Model, only one student that doesn’t agree.

72 Diah Pradiatiningtyas, “Peran Instagram Dalam Menarik Minat Wisatawan Berkunjung Ke Objek Wisata Yogyakarta,” Jurnal Khatulistiwa Informatika 7, no. 2 (2016): 489929.

73 Op. cit.

74 Op. cit.

Next, in the 11th statement that “the teacher helped me during the implementation of Problem Based Learning”. There are 9 students (31%) who strongly agree, 16 students (55%) who agree, 2 students (7%) who disagree, and 2 students (7%) who strongly disagree. The students who don’t agree to this statement is only 4 students, it means almost all of the student agree to this statement that the teacher helped them at the learning process in Problem Based Learning model.

Based on the students’ statements and also the questionnaire, it clarified that the students gave a positive sign on affective responses.

Last, conative response is responses related to behavior which include actions or habits.75 Dealing with the students’ conative responses the researcher asked the students in the interview section about their behavior in the learning process with PBL. Some of the students stated that they become active in the learning process, they also could express their own idea. Here are some of the students’ statement;

Students 1

“Sometimes, I become active asking and answering question, but it depends on my mood. I’m also could express my own idea in the learning process”.76

Student 2

“I'm rarely active in the class, but I could express my idea in learning though”.77

Then, on the questionnaire in the 10th statement that “I can express my idea orally through Problem Based Learning”. There are 4 students (14%) who strongly agree, 13 students (45%) who agree, and 12 students (41%) who doesn’t agree.

75 Pradiatiningtyas, “Peran Instagram Dalam Menarik Minat Wisatawan Berkunjung Ke Objek Wisata Yogyakarta.”

76 Interview about Problem Based Learning model.

77 Ibid.

More than a half of the students agree that they can express their idea orally through Problem Based Learning. It means, the students can express their own ideas orally in Problem Based learning model.

Next, in the 12th statement that “I can understand the material easily through Problem Based Learning”. There are 2 students (7%) who strongly agree, 18 students (62%) who agree, and 9 students (31%) who disagree. Most of the student can understand the material easily through Problem Based Learning. It means the use of PBL gave positive effect on the student to understand the material easily.

The students’ statements also the questionnaire above clarified that the students gave positive sign on conative response.

In addition, based on the researcher direct observation in the learning process, most of the students become active in learning process and confident to speak in English. They also seen to enjoy the learning process. They thought that the learning process in Problem Based Learning model is fun, the teacher and all of the students are engaged in the learning process.

Overall. The researcher concluded that the students’ cognitive, affective, and conative responses toward the implementation of Problem Based Learning model for teaching English at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo were positive.



In this chapter the researcher summarized the result of the study found in the previous chapter.

The researcher also noted on the recommendation for the English teacher, the students, the institutions, the readers, also for the future researcher.

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