• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Data collection of qualitative descriptive studies focuses on discovering the nature of the specific events under study. Thus, data collection involves minimal to moderate, structured, open-ended, individual or focus group interviews. However, data collection also may include observations, and examination of records, reports, photographs, and documents.6

In this research, multiple techniques were used by the researcher in collecting the data, such as follows:

1. Observation

A qualitative observation is when the researcher takes field notes on the behavior and activities of individuals at the research site. In these field notes, the researcher records, in an unstructured or semi-structured way (using some prior questions that the inquirer wants to know), activities at the research site. Qualitative

5 Creswell and Creswell.

6 Lambert and Lambert, “Qualitative Descriptive Research: An Acceptable Design.”

observers may also engage in roles varying from nonparticipant to complete participants. Typically, these observations are open-ended in that the researchers ask general questions of the participants allowing the participants to freely provide their views.7

In this study, the researcher observed the implementation of Problem Based Learning model in teaching English at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo directly in the class during the teaching and learning process. The researcher also observed the students' cognitive, affective, and conative responses toward the implementation of Problem-Based Learning model that carried out by the teacher.

Table 3. 1 Preliminary observation

Observation’s number : 01/O/20/10/2022

Date : Monday, October 17th 2022

Time : 08.00-09.00

Place : Teacher’s office of SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo Described at : 10.00


Preliminary observation at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo - SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo is adiwiyata school

- The teacher used scientific approach in teaching

- The teacher used Problem Based Learning model in teaching English - The teacher made a teaching plan before teaching

- The teacher used book “When English Rings a Bell” revised 2017 and other sources Reflection

2. Interview

In qualitative interviews, the researcher conducts face-to-face interviews with participants, telephone interviews, or engages in focus group interviews with six to eight interviewees in each group. These interviews involve unstructured and

7 Creswell and Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches.

generally open-ended questions that are few in number and intended to elicit views and opinions from the participants.8

In this study, the researcher interviewed the teachers at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo to get clear information and valid data dealing with the implementation of Problem Based Learning model in teaching English using open-ended questions.

Then the researcher also interviewed some students at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo to deepen the understanding of the students’ responses (cognitive, affective, conative) toward the implementation of Problem Based Learning model in teaching English using open-ended questions also.

The interview instrument for the teachers and the students is presented in the table below:

Table 3. 2 Interview instrument for the teacher and results

8 Creswell and Creswell.

Number of interviews : 01/I/24/10/2022

Interviewee name’s : Mrs. Isminatun, S.Pd.

Interviewee identity : English teacher

Date : Monday, October 24th 2022

Time : 08.00-09.00

Place : teacher’s office at SMPN 2 Balong Ponorogo Described at : 10.00

No. Question Answer

1 How long have you been teaching in this school/institution?

It's been a long time, I've been teaching here since 1999, I've been a teacher since 1991, now I'm about to retire, I'm 56 years old. (Sudah lama, saya mengajar disini sejak 1999, jadi guru sejak 1991 sekarang sudah mau pensiun umur saya sudah 56 tahun.)

2 What do you know about Problem Based Learning?

PBL is learning based on problems. With problems the child must be able to formulate how to solve a problem, the child must also be able to present it, the child does not only work alone but also in groups. (PBL merupakan pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Dengan masalah anak harus bisa merumuskan bagaimana memecahkan suatu masalah, anak juga harus bisa mempresentasikannya, si anak tidak hanya bekerja sendiri tetapi juga secara kelompok.)

3 How long have you been teaching using Problem Based Learning?

Since Curriculum 13, triple p and a jigsaw were often used. Jigsaw is fun, the children are motivated to compete. (Sejak kurikulum 13, dulu yang sering digunakan triple p, dan jigsaw. Jigsaw sangat menyenangkan, anak termotivasi untuk berkompetisi.)

4 Why did you use Problem Based Learning?

I used the PBL because the demands of curriculum 13, the teacher should use a scientific approach (observing, asking, collecting, information, presenting, communicating), which PBL is one of the models could implement it. (saya menggunakan PBL karena tuntutan k13 yaitu menggunakan saintifik approach 5m, mengamatai, menanya, mengumpulkan, informasi, mepresentasi, mengomunisasi, yang mana pbl mnjadi salah satu untuk menerapkan 5m.)

5 How is the implementation of Problem Based Learning in your class?

“Implementing the PBL at language class is different from the other classes, in language class is simpler. First, the students are organized into some groups. Then, the students were given a lot of dialogue to observe. Previously, explained the basic competences (KI-KD). Then, the children were asked to ask some questions about the material, I gave a several examples and also helped the students to collect information such as grammar and vocabulary. Then, each group presented their findings which were immediately responded to by the other groups. Last, my students and I made a conclusion at the end of the activity. (Dikelas bahasa itu berbeda dari kelas yang lain, dikelas bahasa lebih simpel. pertama dibntuk klompok, diberi beberapa dialog yang banyak, tidak hanya 1 untuk diamati, sebelumnya dijelaskan KI KD, selanjutnya anak disuruh menanya, saya juga memberikan beberapa contoh dan membantu anak untuk mengumpulkan informasi seperti tata kebahasaan dan kosa kata, selanjutnya masing masing kelompok mempresentasikan temuan yang langsung ditanggapi oleh kelompok yang lain.

Serta saya dan anak memberikan kesimpulan diakhir kegiatan.)

6 How are the students’ responses toward the implementation of Problem Based Learning?

The students’ response is good, the students understand the intent and purpose of learning, students also become more active. (Respon anak baik, anak paham dengan maksud dan tujuan pembelajaran, anak anak juga menjadi lebih aktif.) 7 Is there any challenge during the

implementation of Problem Based Learning?

Some children have difficulty choosing vocabulary, language elements are also sometimes forgotten, time allocation is also lacking, because applying PBL requires a lot of time especially dealing with speaking. (Beberapa anak kesulitan dalam

The following is one of the examples of interview instrument and results with the students.

Table 3. 3 Interview instrument for the students and results

memilihkosa kata, unsur kebahasaan juga kadang anak lupa, alokasi waktu juga kurang, karena untuk penerapan pbl membutuhkan waktu banyak apalagi berhubungn dengan speaking.)

8 How to overcome those challenge?

instruct students to diligently read, interpret, and often remind children. if there is not enough time, plus it is not possible outside of class hours, it will repeat learning at the next meeting that is still related. (menuntut anak untuk rajin membaca, memaknai, serta sering mengingatkan anak. kalau untuk waktu yang kurang, ditambah diluar jam pelajaran tidak memungkinkan, jadinya mengulang pembelajaran di pertemuan selanjutnya yang masih berkaitan.)

9 Is there any teaching media that you use during the

implementation of Problem Based Learning?

Usually, I used images that are relevant to the theme. (Biasanya saya menggunakan gambar gambar yang relevan dengan tema.)

10 What is the advantage in the implementation of Problem Based Learning?

students become more active, more courageous to speak, and communicative with one another berbicara, komunikasi antar teman juga terbangun,)


Number of interviews : 02/I/25/10/2022

Interviewee name’s : Wahyu Sakti Angga Pratama Interviewee identity : Student

Date : Tuesday, October 25th 2022

Time : 09.25

Place : Classroom

Described at : 10.00

No. Question Answer

1 What do you think about the implementation of Problem Based Learning in your class?

The learning process in PBL is so fun, I can understand the material pretty easy. In my opinion PBL is a good learning model. (Proses pembelajaran sangat menyenangkan sehingga saya dapat memahami materi. Jadi menurut saya PBL adalah model pembelajaran yang bagus.)

2 Did you understand the material easily during the implementation of Problem Based Learning?

I think it's pretty easy. (Menurut saya lumayan gampang.)

3. Documentation

During the process of research, the investigator may collect qualitative documents. These may be public documents (e.g., newspapers, minutes of meetings, official reports) or private documents (e.g., personal journals and diaries, letters, and e-mails).9

In this study, the researcher took documentation such as the students’ score, photos of the teaching and learning process, the teacher’s teaching plan, also the student's source book.

9 Creswell and Creswell.

3 Did the teacher assist you during the implementation of Problem Based Learning?

Yes, she always helps me when I have trouble understanding the material. (Iya, beliau selalu membantu saya saat saya kesulitan memahami materi.)

4 How important is the English course?

I don't know what the benefits of learning English are like. (saya kurang tau manfaat pelajaran bahasa inggris itu seperti apa.)

5 Is there any problem during the implementation of Problem Based Learning?

So far, I think there are no problems during the learning process. (Sejauh ini menurut saya tidak ada masalah saat proses belajar.)

6 Is there any media that you can use during the implementation Problem Based Learning?

Yes, she often uses pictures. (Ada, beliau sering menggunakan gambar gambar.)

7 Are you become active in the class during the implementation of Problem Based Learning?

yes, sometimes I active to ask some questions. (iya terkadang saya aktif bertanya.)

8 Can you express your idea during the implementation of Problem Based Learning?

I can't express my opinion, because I'm shy. (saya kurang bisa mengekspresikan opini saya, karena saya malu.)

9 Is your English improved after the implementation of Problem Based Learning?

Yes, my English was better than before. (Iya, bahasa inggris saya lebih baik dari sebelumnya.) 10 How is the activity in Problem

Based Learning class? Is it fun?

Sometimes it's fun, depending on my mood and friends. (Terkadang menyenangkan, tergantung teman”dan mood saya.)


Table 3. 4 Students' score documentation

Document Number : 01/D/3/11/2022

Document Types : Photo documentation Document Tittle : Students’ score

Document found Date : Thursday, November 3rd 2022 Document found Time : 08.00

Document found Place : Teacher’s office


4. Questionnaire

A questionnaire is an instrument in which the respondents provide written responses to questions or mark items that indicate their responses.10 In this research,

10 Donald Ary et al., Introduction to Research in Education (Cengage Learning, 2018).

the researcher used a closed-ended questionnaire. The researcher used a scaled questionnaire (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree) to know the student’s responses toward the implementation of Problem Based Learning in teaching speaking.

The questionnaire instrument for the students dealing with the implementation of Problem Based Learning model in teaching speaking is presented in the table below:

Table 3. 5 Questionnaire instrument for the students and results

No. Questions Strongly

agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree 1 I like learning through Problem Based

Learning. 14% 83% 3% -

2 Problem Based Learning helped me in

learning English. 28% 72% - -

3 Problem Based Learning is a great

method. 14% 83% 3% -

4 Problem Based Learning can improve

my English. 14% 72% 14% -

5 English language is important. 48% 45% 7% - 6 Learning through Problem Based

Learning is boring. 3% 3% 73% 21%

7 The activity in Problem Based

Learning is fun. 24% 52% 24% -


My English improved after the implementation of Problem Based Learning.

14% 62% 24% -

9 Learning English through Problem

Based Learning is hard. - 34% 66% -

10 I can express my idea orally through

Problem Based Learning. 14% 45% 41% -


The teacher helped me during the implementation of Problem Based Learning.

31% 55% 7% 7%

12 I can understand the material easily

through Problem Based Learning. 7% 62% 31% - 13 Problem Based Learning makes me

more active in class. 10% 66% 24% -

14 Problem Based Learning motivates me

in learning English. 31% 59% 7% 3%

15 Problem Based Learning improves my

confidence in English speaking. - 76% 24% - 16

The teacher guided me in the class during the implementation of Problem Based Learning.

45% 48% 7% -


The teacher gives me the orientation of the problem in the beginning during the implementation of Problem Based Learning.

45% 55% - -


The teacher assists me independently and also in a group during the

implementation of Problem Based Learning.

17% 69% 14% -


The teacher facilitates me in the class during the implementation of Problem Based Learning.

7% 48% 35% 10%


The teacher analyses and evaluates me at the end of the class during the implementation of Problem Based Learning.

24% 69% 7% -

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