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Community Empowerment Responsive to Law- Law-Abiding Culture in Era 5.0

Farhana, Raihan Jakarta Islamic University

frh961@gmail.com, raihan17@gmail.com


The nonop mal socializa on of statutory regula ons to communi es in all provinces of Indonesia and community prepara on in a law-abiding culture in the era of society 5.0 with the characteris cs of a human-centered and technology-based society needs to design and make educa onal programs / technology-based training. The research is a literature study and it is necessary to change the pa ern of non-formal educa on. In the era of digitaliza on 4.0 towards 5.0, several changes are needed in providing legal educa on to public so that people can follow changes, especially in the fi eld of law through informa on technology. Community empowerment requires commitment from various elements and u lizes technology by preparing various things, including facili es and infrastructure, training programs, counseling and assistance with digitaliza on pa erns, socializa on of laws and regula ons with a model developed in informa on technology.

Keywords: Empowerment, Community, Responsiveness, Legal Culture


The 2005-2025 Long-Term National Development Plan states that legal development is directed at the realization of a society that has a high legal awareness and culture in the context of realizing a rule of law and creating a just and democratic community life.

The development of science and technology will affect the culture of society. In the industrial era 4.0, there are so many changes that have occurred as a result of information technology that forces people in both real and virtual worlds to carry out their activities. Likewise in the development of legal culture in the community, so it is necessary to adjust activities or programs in socializing the law in order to achieve legal compliance in the community. Continuous socialization with the dissemination of information and legal understanding of the prevailing

laws and regulations requires a model (pattern) to create a law-abiding culture in society.

There is legal fi ction (rechtsfi ctie) which says that everyone knows the law or legislation after it is promulgated. Therefore, socialization and non-formal education through training, counseling or legal assistance is needed. There should be regular information and legal counseling on the basis of careful and good planning because the main objective is for the public to understand certain laws according to legal problems that are being faced at one time or another [1].

In the era of Society 5.0, people are required to be able to solve various social challenges and problems by utilizing various innovations in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 such as the Internet (internet for activities), Artifi cial Intelligence, Big Data (large amounts of data), and robots to improve the quality of human life. Education, especially legal education for society as a whole in Indonesia, needs to revisit existing infrastructure, develop human resources, reform education and industry. Then, it is also the use of technology as a tool for learning activities and absorbing information, especially the development of science in the fi eld of law for the wider community. It is necessary to develop formal and non-formal education to accelerate information in the fi eld of legal education.

Sustainable community participation is needed in development in order to achieve development goals. Community participations needed in this case are: 1) increasing independence, community empowerment, 2) developing community pioneering, 3) fostering community responsiveness to participate in social supervision, 4) providing input / suggestions and delivering accurate information.

Community participation is a process to facilitate and encourage people to be able to position themselves proportionally and become actors in utilizing their environment, in order to achieve sustainability in utilizing environmental resources in accordance with applicable laws.

Community participation is very closely related to sustainable development.

This is a prerequisite as a driving force that can lead society towards sustainability in relation to dynamic economic, social and environmental welfare. To increase community participation in development, especially in the regions (in villages), it is necessary to make efforts with a continuous and gradual program with all the existing potential.

Society 5.0 Fostering Spirituality and Humanity

In this case, community empowerment and community development are needed to increase community participation. Bartle (2003) defi nes community development as a tool to make society more complex and strong. This is a social change in which society becomes dynamic, institutionalized, grows, its collective power increases and there are qualitative changes in the organization [2]. It is different from Giarci (2001) which states that community development is a matter that has the center of attention in helping people of all ages to grow and develop through various facilities and supports. This is so that they are able to decide, plan, and take action to manage and develop their physical environment and social welfare [3]. This opinion means that the community must be able to survive with the support of community collective action and the network or access as an instrument to a potential and strong community.

In the end, it is hoped that there will be social and economic changes in achieving prosperity including instilling a law-abiding culture. A program is needed related to strengthening community participation in empowering communities, especially people in rural areas, so that laws and regulations reach the community and are understood by the community.

Obedience of law is closely related, either directly or indirectly, to legal awareness which is manifested in behavior. Obedience to law is a qualitative psychological process. HC Kelmen divides adherence into 1) compliance (willingness), identifi cation (introduction), interanlization (internalization) [4]. Satjipto Rahardjo stated that legal compliance is not only explained by the presence of the law but also from the willingness of humans to obey it [5].

Thus community empowerment, especially with regard to community response to law and law-abiding culture, requires changes in legal education, one of which is non-formal education for the community. So the problem issue is strengthening the law-abiding culture in some areas because there are still many laws and regulations that have not been disseminated regarding obligations, citizens' rights, laws and regulations relating to public law and private law.

Research methods

The research method used is literature study with descriptive analysis using secondary data. The data collection technique is using document study.

Result and Discussion

In the era of digitalization 4.0 towards era 5.0, several changes are needed in providing legal education to the public so that people can respond to changes especially in the fi eld of law and participate in legal development through information technology. Community empowerment requires commitment from various elements and utilizes technology by preparing various things, including facilities and infrastructure, extension programs, and socialization of laws and regulations with a developed model. In reality, people obeying the law can be caused by several factors, including fear of sanctions if they violate the law, maintaining good relations with parties, the existence of interests and so on. In order for legal norms to be obeyed by members of the community, people need to know and understand all the laws and regulations they need so that they can obey them based on the awareness that these laws are benefi cial for the life of the community, nation and state.

Regarding legal problems in society that touch society, we should know our rights and obligations as citizens who can contribute.

In addition, as a citizen, it is necessary to disseminate the laws and regulations regarding a society that is responsive to legal development, including in carrying out activities/work/profession based on existing regulations. Therefore existing regulations issued by local/regional governments or the central government need to be socialized on an ongoing basis with programs that involve all related elements. In this case the programs proposed as an alternative to increase community participation with a sustainable responsive legal culture are as follows:

1) Providing information and dissemination carried out by experts, local offi cials, related agencies regarding matters that need to be known by the public. 2) Information gathering which can be done through education, training, and counseling through online (digital) media which is updated and can be accessed 24 hours by the public. 3) Consultation is carried out through meetings and two-way communication on the implementation of laws, government regulations, regional regulations that are tailored to the needs. 4) Conciliation at this level, the community participates in decision-making which is usually not decided in advance by the authorities. This is because the community is motivated to be responsive to the legal knowledge that has been given.

Society 5.0 Fostering Spirituality and Humanity

For this reason, the model or pattern in providing legal education to the community in the 4.0 era towards the 5.0 era is as seen in the scheme below:

From the scheme above, it is stated that counseling as a means of disseminating regulations and legislation is not only provided for a certain period but is continuously programmed and digitally documented. A series of outreach programs according to community needs presented in the form of videos, slides, interesting pictures, etc., can be accessed at any time if the community needs it. It is necessary to have facilities in the area from the kelurahan level (necessary from the RT and RW) within 24 hours. The forms of consultation can be held at any time if needed to see the impact. This program requires coordination from related agencies and academics on a continuous

Academics, Government, etc.



Participants: (group) Community

Legal education / training/counseling programs according to community needs

Sources of Information: Videos, PPT slides, PDF slides,


Society is responsive to Legal culture

Responsive society (society

5.0), adapts to digitalization

basis and to anticipate any developments in laws and regulations that experience developments or changes (always updated). The outreach model that is carried out prioritizes the use of digital information technology. Moreover, habituation to the community from the training/

extension pattern takes a long time. It is necessary to make efforts to society, including the use of information technology facilities.


With updated information, non-formal education is responsive to the implementation of law in society so that people are accustomed to it, encouraged, motivated to obey the rules in their daily activities, without coercion or pressure.

With the existence of community participation that is responsive to laws and regulations, the government is expected to get positive inspiration from the community as a basic reference in making future laws and regulations.


[1] Z. Ali, Sosiologi Hukum, Jakarta: Sinar Grafi ka, 2007.

[2] P. Bartle, "Key Words C of Community Development, Empowerment Participation," 2003. [Online]. Available: http://

www.scn.org/ip/cds/cmp/key-c.htm. [Accessed November 2020].

[3] G. Giarcy, "Caught in Nets: A Critical Examination of The Use of The Concept of “Network” in Community Development Studies," Community Development Journal, vol. 36, no. January, 2001.

[4] A. Ali, Menguak Teori Hukum dan Teori Peradilan Termasuk Interpretasi Undang-Undang, Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2009, p. 510.

[5] S. Raharjo, "Sosiologi Hukum: Perkembangan, Metode, dan Pilihan Masalah," Surakarta, Muhammadiyah University Press, 2002, p. 186.

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