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Cycle II held by planning learning improvements to improve reading ability through the index card match method. The focus of the research is more emphasized on children whose ability to read hijaiyah letters in Al-Qadar is not optimal through the index card match method.

Planning cycle II, researchers identify problems, compile one cycle design, design learning for 1 cycle (1 meeting), compile a Daily Activity Plan (DAP), improvement scenarios, corrective steps; according to the development activities contained in the Activity Plan Daily (APD), provides teaching aids in accordance with learning activities and compiling observation sheets. After the design was implemented, it turned out toa good progress, there is improvement of students’ ability to read the letters in Surah Al-Qadar through the index card match method.


The cycle II was carried out on Monday, May 12, 2020. The ability to read hijaiyah letters in Al-Qadar letters through the index card match method can be seen in the following table:

Table 5: Children's Ability to Read Hijaiyah Letters in Cycle II

Number Name Indicator Mean %

1 2 3

1 AS 4 4 4 12 4 100%

2 YY 3 4 4 11 3.7 91.7%

3 XX 4 3 4 11 3.7 91.7%

4 CC 3 3 4 10 3.3 83.3%

5 CC 4 3 4 11 3.7 91.7%

6 HH 3 3 4 10 3.3 83.3%

7 KK 3 3 4 10 3.3 83.3%

8 UU 4 3 4 11 3.7 91.7%

9 PP 4 4 4 12 4 100%

10 LK 3 3 4 10 3.3 83.3%

11 PP 4 3 4 11 3.7 91.7%

12 ER 4 3 3 10 3.3 83.3%

13 NT 4 3 4 11 3.7 91.7%

14 WE 4 4 3 11 3.7 91.7%

15 IR 4 3 4 11 3.7 91.7%

Mean 10.8 3.6 90%

Based on the table above, it shows the chldren’s progress in reading hijaiyah letters by reading A;-Qadar in the second cycle. 10 children (66.7%) were at very good scores, and 5 children (33.3%) were in good grades. This result also can be seen in the graph below:

Graph 3: Graph of the Percentage of Value Results for the Ability to Read Hijaiyah Letters in Cycle II

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During the process of improving learning in cycle II, several things can be observed as follows: Learning improvement plan; There is no more learning improvement needed and it is enough until the second cycle only because of the completeness of learning is achieved. the learning improvement process includes; There is no more learning improvement process needed and it is enough until the second cycle because the completeness of learning is achieved. Classroom interaction management; Children's responses when following the learning improvement process are better and more enthusiastic. Children's performance; the evidence of children’s reading skill in hijaiyah letter can be seen in the fi nal results. The fi nal result of each activity during the question and answer time, attitudes, and children behaviour are good.


After the improvement of learning ends, the researcher then provides a refl ection of the learning. The followings are the advantages of the learning process: a) Children are very happy to learn to read hijaiyah letters since index card match method is used. b) Classroom management is good. c) The process of learning to read hijaiyah letters in surah Al-Qadar through the index card match method can increase children's learning concentration.

Discussion Pre Cycle

The initial condition of learning to read hijaiyah letters in surah Al-Qadar through the index card match method in group B in kindergarten. Lab.School FIP-UMJ Indonesia, was not optimal. This is prooved when the teachers ask the children to read hijaiyah letters in surah Al-Qadar in general. They do not have good abilities. The Tajwid in reading hijaiyah letters in the Al-Qadar letter in this pre-cycle is considered incomplete. It can be seen from the learning outcomes of the children, there were only 11 children or 73.3% and 4 other children or 26.7% received poor grades. This causes of the learning process in reading Al-Qur’an has not well organized by the teacher, not used varie and appropriate learning aids, and the learning process feels boring so that the child is not maximized in learning. Therefore, researchers

conducted classroom action research through the index card match method to solve the problem.

Cycle I

Cycle I was held by adding the teaching aids in order to improve the children’s ability in reading hijaiyah letter through Al-Qadar letter.

Children seem to be more enthusiastic to follow the learning process so that children's learning outcomes improve well. The scores obtained were as many as 4 children (26.7%) were in good grades, and 11 children (73.3%) were in good enough grades, with a general increase in ability percentage of 77.1%.

Based on the learning outcomes above, there is an improvement in learning outcomes when compared to the conditions in the Pre-Cycle.

This is because when conducting learning activities, researchers have used the right teaching aidsand the right teaching method. An important activity for children to master is the ability to read hijaiyah letters in surah Al-Qadar, as well as developments in other aspects. Basically, this ability is one of the basic skill in Kindergarten of Lab. School FIP-UMJ Indonesia. It is needed to improve children’s ability and creativity according to their development stages, as follow: language, cognitive, physical-motoric, and art.

Cycle II

In the implementation of cycle II, the ability of children to read hijaiyah letters in surah Al-Qadar through the index card match method has increased satisfactorily. There were 10 children (66.7%) got excellent scores and there were 5 children (33.3%) got good scores. Overall, learning outcomes in improving children's ability to read hijaiyah letters in surah Al-Qadar through the index card match method in group B in kindergarten. Lab. School FIP-UMJ Indonesia, experienced a signifi cant improvement and can be seen in the following table:

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Table 5: Recapitulatiom of Research Results on the Ability to Readletters Hijaiyah Throughtheindex

No Ac ons Children’s respons-es

Score Learning

complete-Excellent Good Fair Poor ness

1 Pre-cycle

Total - - 11 4 58.9%

(%) - - 73.3% 26.7%

2 Cycle I Total - 4 11 - 77.1%

(%) - 26.7% 73.3%

-3 Cycle II Total 10 5 - - 90%

(%) 66.7% 33.3% -

-Ability to read hijaiyah letters by reading Surah Al-Qadar in group B in kindergarten of Lab. School FIP-UMJ through the index card match method completely can be seen in the following graph:

Graph 4. Recapitulation of the Development of Ability to Read Hijaiyah Letters

The improvement of percentage of children’s ability in reading hijaiyah letters in surah Al-Qadar started from pre-cycle stage, cycle I, and cycle II are as follows:

Graph 3: Graph of Increasing Percentage of Ability to Read Hi-jaiyah Letters


Based on the results of previous research and discussion, the researcher can conclude, as follows:

1. Implementation of the Index Card Match method as an effort to improve children's ability to read hijaiyah letters in Surah Al-Qadar is carried out in two cycles of activity. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing, and refl ecting.

2. After implementing class action with the index card match method, the ability to read hijaiyah letters in class B has increased in each cycle. In the fi rst cycle, the percentage of learning completeness in reading hijaiyah letters was 77.1% and the second cycle was 90%.


The researchers propose some suggestion, as follows:

1. It will be better if a kindergarten teacher. Lab. School FIP-UMJ Indonesia, is more professional in carrying out learning. Especially for the learning that rarely applied to children in the school environment. Parents of the students should be able to understand learning problems, especially thosewho concerning the child's ability to master reading the Qur'an so that children are more familiar with learning materials for increase interest in learning.

2. For kindergarten educational institutions. Lab. School FIP-UMJ, Indonesia, hopefully can use this research as a reference in improving students’ skill completely and dynamically.

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