• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


B. Presenting The Literature Review

6. Conceptual Framework

Based on the framework of thought above in this study, the researcher will analyze students' writing skills where writing skills are one of the productive skills that must be mastered in using language. That is because writing skills have an important meaning in increasing communicative competence in language learning.

The researcher will examine the adverb phrase as we know that an adverb phrase is a phrase whose distribution is the same as an adverb. Usually, the core of the adverbial phrase is in the form of an adverb and in a sentence often also has a function as an adverb. As for the types of adverb phrases to be examined, they are adverb phrase of place, and adverb phrase of time, hence researcher can find out students' abilities in writing English text by using writing test as a data collection tool.

Students’ Writing Skill

The Use of Adverb Phrase

Students’ ability

Adverb phrase of place

Adverb phrase of time


This chapter consists of research design, research instrument, Procedure of data collection and Procedure of data analysis.

A. Research Design

This research method was descriptive quantitative research. According to Kasiram (2008), quantitative research described is an activity of gaining knowledge using numerical data, where numerical data is used to analyze something that will later be understood and known. This research aims to find out how is the students' ability to write descriptive phrases in writing English text made by eleventh grade students at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar.

B. Research Subject

The research subject was anything that can be a person, item, or institution (organization) which is primarily related to the research topic. The subjects of this research were the students at eleventh grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar. The number of students consists of 11 students. Meanwhile, according to Arikunto (2006) the research subject was the subject that the researcher aimed to study. Hence, the research subject was a source of information that is extracted to reveal facts in the field.

C. Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher used a writing test. The students asked to write a text in English by used adverb phrases. The researcher provided 2 topics that the students can choose. The students wrote 3 paragraphs with at least 5 sentences for each paragraph. They must made 5 adverb phrase of place and 5 adverb phrases of time in their writing. So, there will be 10 sentences containing adverb phrase of place and adverb of place. Only the correct answer will be considered as the score.

D. Procedure of Data Collection

The data collection technique used in this research is a test. The researchers follow the following procedures to collect the data:

1. The researcher contacted the teacher to discuss about the research that is currently being carried out then contact the students via WhatsAap where the researcher will take samples in his class.

2. The researcher informed the students about the test.

3. The researcher asked the students to write an English using adverb phrases text and choosing a topic the provided.

E. Procedure of Data Analysis

In collecting data, the researcher follows the procedures:

1. Separating the phrases used by the students and only took adverb phrase (adverbs of time, and adverb of place) from the students' writing.


2. Classifing adverbs into true and false categories to see students’ ability in writing.

3. Scoring the students’ correct phrases at writing test by using formula from (depdiknas cited by Hermawa,2016) as follows

Scoring =𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑥100

4. Calculating mean score of result Gay (1981:298) as follows :

X = ∑𝑥



X = average score

∑x = total score

N = total students

5. Calculating the percentage of students from the correct phrase and determines the student’s score and then categorizes the student's level into several classification levels, namely excellent, good, fair, poor, and very poor. The equivalence score of the quantitative scores. The grading criterion can be seen in the table below:

Table 3.1: The Grading Criterion on the Students’ Score

Score Grading Criterion

80-100 Excellent

60-79 Good

50-59 Fair

40-49 Poor

≤ 39 Very poor

(Harris cited by Sari, 2018) In this study, students who got scoreless (50-59) were categorized into fair level students who had difficulty in using adverb phrase in writing complex sentences.

6. Drawing the conclusion, the students' adverb phrase skills in writing English text.




This chapter is divided into two parts, namely findings and discussion. It shows the results or findings of the research and explains more about the findings. The research findings relate to the answers to research questions about students' ability to write adverb phrases in English texts. And further information in the discussion section is also provided by the researcher.

A. Findings

The researcher conducted the research at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar in the first semester in the academic years 2021/2022. The subject of this research was the students in Eleventh grade in XI IPA at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar. The findings of the research based on the results of the writing test.

1. Students’ Ability in Using Adverb Phrase of Place

Based on the results, the researchers found that many students were good at writing adverb phrases of place as shown in the table below:

Table 4.1

Students’ Score in Writing Adverb Phrase of Place

Score Grading Criterion Students’ score in writing adverb phrase of


80-100 Excellent 5

60-79 Good 2

50-59 Fair 0

40-49 Poor 1

≤ 39 Very poor 3

From this it can be seen that more than half of the students were already good because most students were already in the good and excellent category and there were only 4 students who got less than good grades, meanwhile there was none in the mediocre category. So it can be seen that the skills possessed by students in writing adverb phrases of place are quite good.

Based on the table above, it can be seen that in the adverb phrase of place section there were 5 student who got Excellent category with a range score of 80-100 and then there were 2 student who got a good category with an interval value of 60-79, then there was 1 student who enters the poor category with an interval value of 40-49 and finally there were 3 students who fall into the very poor category with an interval value of ≤ 39. Thus, it can be concluded that high school students of XI IPA need to improve their writing skills in adverb phrases of place. To find out more details can be seen in the table below:


Table 4.2

Mean Score of Adverb Phrase of Place

Category Mean Score Category

Adverb phrase of place

63.64 Good

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the average value for the adverb phrase of place obtained an average value of 63.64 which is included in the good category

2. Students’ Ability in Using Adverb Phrase of time

Based on the results, the researchers found that there were still many students who were very lacking in writing adverb phrase of time as shown in the table below:

Table 4.3

Students’ Score in Writing Adverb Phrase of Time

Score Grading Criterion Students’ score in writing adverb phrase of

≤ 39 Very poor 7

From this it can be seen that more than half of the students were very poor because most of the s students are in the very poor and poor category and there were only 2 students who got good grades, while there were none students got the mediocre category. So, it can be seen that the skills possessed by students in writing adverb phrases of time were very poor.

Based on the table above, it can be seen that in the adverb phrase of time section there was 1 student who got Excellent category with an interval score of 80-100 then there was 1 student who got a good category with an interval value of 60-79, then there were 2 students in the poor category with an interval value of 40-49 and finally there were 7 students in the less category which are included in the very poor category with an interval value of ≤ 39. Thus, it can be concluded that concluded that SMA XI IPA students need to improve their writing skills in adverb time phrases. To find out more details can be seen in the table below:


Table 4.4

Mean Score of Adverb Phrase of Time

Category Mean score Category

Adverb phrase of time

23.63 Very Poor

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the average value for the time adverb phrase was found that the average value was 23.63 which was categorized as very poor.

B. Discussion

This research found that in the adverb phrase of place section there were 5 student who got Excellent category with a range score of 80-100 and then there were 2 student who got a good category with an interval value of 60-79, then there was 1 student who enters the poor category with an interval value of 40-49 and finally there were 3 students who fall into the very poor category with an interval value of ≤ 39 while in the adverb phrase of time section there was 1 student who got Excellent category with a interval score of 80-100 then there was 1 student who got a good category with an interval value of 60-79, then there were 2 students in the poor category with an interval value of 40-49 and finally there were 7 students in the less category which are included in the very poor category with an interval value of ≤ 39.

The average value for the adverb phrase of place was 63.64 which is included in the good category, while the average value for the adverb phrase of time was 23.63 which is included in the very poor category.

Based on the research data above, it can be concluded that the ability of students to use adverbs of place in writing English is good because based on the average score of students was 63.64. It is indicated that most of the students are good and very good category. There are only 4 students who got lower category namely poor and very poor, while none of the students is in medium category. Based on the research data above, it can be concluded that the ability of students to use adverbs of time in writing English is very poor because based on the average score of students was 23.63. This is evidenced because most of the students are in the very poor and poor category and there were only 2 students. Who get good grades, while none of the others is in mediocre category? Therefore, it can be seen that the skills possessed by students in writing adverb phrases of time were very poor. The reason why students use the adverb phrase of place more than the adverb phrase of time is because students often encounter adverb of place in textbooks and then students find it easier to use adverb of place so that students are more familiar and this becomes students' initial knowledge in writing adverb phrase of place rather than adverb phrase of time.

Based on the score category from the Sari (2018) thesis, it states that if students get 80-100 then it can be said to be an excellent category, if students


get 60-79 then it can be said to be a good category, if students get 50-59 then it can be said to be a fair category, if students get 40-49, it can be said to be in a poor category and less than 39, a student is said to be in a very poor category. Based on research conducted by researcher, it was found that the use of place adverb phrases was used more often and the average value was also always used instead of time adverb phrases. This in line with Poai (2015) the study where results showed that the sixth semester students of Sintuwu Maroso University's English Education Study program utilized 191 adverbs in their writing text throughout the academic year 2013/2014. Adverbs of manner accounted for 68, adverbs of location for 62, adverbs of time for 5, adverbs of frequency for 25, adverbs of degrees for 29, and adverbs that made a statement for two. Adverbs of manner accounted for 68, adverbs of place for 62, adverbs of time for 5, adverbs of frequency for 25, adverbs of degree for 29, and adverbs that made a statement for 29. There were 27 students who served as data sources. Meanwhile, Budiyono et al (2016) the dominant type of phrase found in news texts is adverb phrase with a total of 64.4% of the 407-phrase text. (2) Profile of the types of phrases produced by fourth semester students, there are several types of adverb phrases in student news items, namely adverb of place, adverb of time, adverb of manner, and adverb of frequency. The most dominant type of adverb phrase in the students' news item text is adverb of place.




In this chapter, the researcher would like to provide some conclusion and suggestions based on the previous chapter.

A. Conclusion

Based on the research problems, the researcher can conclude that the students’ ability on the use of adverb phrase in writing English text in class XI SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar is good . Researcher found several results as follow:

1. The researcher found that the mean score adverb phrase of place was 63.64 which is in the range good category. It means that students’ used more adverb phrase of place than adverb phrase of time in making sentences in writing recount text.

2. The average obtained in the adverb phrase of time was 23.63 and it included in the very poor category. It can be seen that the value of the adverb phrase of place always used instead of the adverb phrase of time in writing sentences in recount text.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusions and implications of the aforementioned research, the researcher would like to give some suggestions to the people who will benefit from the research.


1. Students of class XI IPA SMA 3 MAakassar should improve their mastery in learning English, especially in finding adverbs in writing and students repeating the material after the teacher teaches it in class and students repeat it at home.

2. It is suggested to the English teacher, especially the eighth-grade English teacher, to make sure the students make sure that they

3. understand well about all the adverb phrases. The more students do the exercises, the more they understand about adverb phrases and apply appropriate strategies, methods, methods, or procedures that can improve or assist students in understanding English, especially about adverb phrases in writing English text

4. It is important for other researchers to conduct in-depth research with the same research topic, especially for higher levels with other types of adverb phrases.


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Writing Test Writing Test

1. Petunjuk pengisian:

a. Hasil tes ini tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai saudara (i) dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, karena hasil tes ini hanya semata-mata untuk kepentingan penelitian.

b. Atas partisipasi dan kerja sama peneliti mengucapkan banyak terima kasih.

c. Isitilah identitas anda sesuai dengan petunjuk yang telah disediakan!

d. Kerjakanlah tes ini dengan sebaik-baiknya!

e. Waktu untuk mengerjakan tes ini selama 2 hari di karenakan suasana dan kondisi saat ini.

f. Selamat mengerjakan.

2. Buatlah karangan dengan mengunakan frase kata keterangan tempat 5 dan frase keterangan waktu 5 didalam tulisan paragraf anda serta sesuaikan dengan petunjuk sebagai berikut :

a. Topic: 1. your experiences about covid 19

2. your experiences about study from home b. Jumlah: Minimal 3 Paragraf

Waktu 2 hari.

Adverb phrase of place

No Shadow name Correct Score Category

1 GA  I just stay at home

 Doing daily activities at home

40 Poor

at school

 It was very difficult for me to enter a shopping store

5 ML  I live in Makassar

 Would go to the bathroom

 When I have ingredients at home

 I must went to the mosque

 Students are encouraged to study from home

80 Excellent

10 PM  While I am at home

 I clean the house

60 Good

 I thought I used to study at home

11 FAS  So, I also urge you to stay at home

20 Very poor

Adverb phrase of time

No Shadow name Correct Score Category

1 GA - 0 Very poor

2 MB  Already 15.50 PM 20 Very poor

3 AH  For 2 weeks

 Murojnah my memorization

partiapating in one week

40 Poor

4 MK - 0 Very poor

4 MK - 0 Very poor

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