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Dalam dokumen MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS Batasan Masalah (1) (Halaman 29-39)


A. Pengantar

Adjective Clause (klausa ajektif) yaitu suatu klausa yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat dalam kalimat majemuk. Klausa ajektif untuk menerangkan orang biasanya daiawali dengan relative clause who, whom, atau whose sedangkan untuk benda dan binatang which, that atau whose.

1. Non-defening Adjective Clause a. Who : menggantikan subjek orang

Cth : Dila’s father plays tennis twice a week. b. Whom : menggantikan objek orang

Cth : Do you know Mr.Hadi? I talked with him yesterday. c. Whose : menggntikan possesive adjective orang.

Cth : We take a pity to Dina’s father. d. Which : menggantikan subjek benda binatang Cth : Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. e. Which : menggantikan objek benda / binatang Cth : Linda told me her address.

f. Whose : menggantikan possesive adjective benda / binatang Cth : The book is mine. It’s cover is torn.

2. Defening adjective clause

a. Who, that : menggantikan subjek orang

Contoh : That boy is a new student; He is speaking English with Santi. b. Whom, that : menggantikan objek orang.

Contoh : That man is a manager; she introduced him to me. That man whom she introduced to me is manager. That man that she introduced to me is manager. That man she introduced to me is a manager. c. Which,that : menggantikan subjek kata benda / binatang. Contoh : Jane showed dewi a book. It belongs to Rina. d. Which/that : menggantikan objek benda / binatang

Contoh : The dictionary belongs to Sita. I showed it to Lina yesterday.

B. Adverb Clause

Adverb Clause adalah klausa terikat yang berfungsi sebagai adverb (keterangan) dalam kalimat majemuk. Jadi dapat menggantikan adverb dalam kalimat tunggal.

Adverb Clause mempunyai banyak ragam seperti halnya adverb yaitu : a. Adverbial clause of time

Adverbial clause of time biasanya diawali dengan konjungsi after,before, when, as, as soon as, until, while.

b. Adverbial clause of place

Adverbial clause of place diawali dengan konjungsi where atau wherever

c. Adverbial clause of reason

Adverbial clause of reason diawali dengan konjungsi because, since, as atau for

d. Adverbial clause of purpose

Adverbial clause of purpose diawali dengan konjungsi so, so that, in order that. e. Adverbial clause of consession

Adverbial of consession diawali dengan konjugsi though, although, eventhough, while atau wherleas.

f. Adverbial clause.of condition

Adverbial clause of condition diawali dengan konjungsi if, unless, as long as, on condition that.

C. Noun Clause

Noun Clause dalam kalimat menduduki fungsi kata benda. Jadi dapat sebagai subjek, objek maupun pelengkap.

a. Sebagai subjek

Contoh : What he decided makes the number happy. b. Sebagai objek

Contoh : The student have to do what their teacher assigned them. c. Sebagai pelengkap

contoh : This is where I work. SOAL – SOAL LATIHAN

1. He asked me ___

A. whether I grew my own vegetables B. you grow your own vegetables C. did I grow my own vegetables? D. I grew my own vegetables E.If I did grow my own vegetables? 2. He is only one of my friend___French.

A. that studies B.that study C. studies D. who study E. study

3. The Businessman___we met at the party yesterday is the general manager of big company. A. whom

B. who C. which D. with whom E. whose

4. The student succeeded in getting a scholarship. The teacher like him.

The above sentences can be joined as follows: The student ___ succeeded in getting a scholarship. A. whom the techers like

B. he is like by the teachers C.the teachers like him D. which the teachers like E. is like by the teacher

5. His supervisor___, is a very genereous person. A. he borrowed a car from him.

C. from whom he borrowed a car D. his car he borrowed

E. the person he borrowed a car

6. It is known ___ solar energy can be used to generate electricity. A. whether

B. that C. in case D. what E. in fact

7. The book ___ is only available in the library. A. From which these two chapter sre taken B. These two chapter are taken

C. Where these two chapter are taken from D. It was from them are two chapter are E. The two chapter are taken

8. This is Mr. Tasroni ___. A. which i told you B. whom I told you about C. I told you

D. that I told you

E. about which I told you 9. The tourist asked me___

A. where the nearest bank is B. the nearest bank

C. where is the nearest bank D. which the nearest bank is E. that is the nearest bank

10. ‘ How could July afford to go about at least twice a year?’ ‘I am also wondering___.

A. that she has earned her living B. what she was earning a living for C. why does she earn her living? D. how she earns her living E. does she earn a living


A. Pengantar

Gerund adalah kata kerja dalam bentuk ing yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda gerund bisa digunakan sebagai subjek, objek, komplemen, dan penjelas kata benda lainnya.

B. Fungsi Gerund 1. Sebagai Subjek

Contoh : Cooking is a good hobby. 2. .Sebagai Objek

Contoh : I don’t like smoking

Beberapa kata yang mengikuti gerund :

Admit (mengakui) fancy (menghayalkan) Appreciate (menghargai) forgive (memnfaatkan) Avoid (menghindari) keep (terus menerus) Anticipate (mengantisipasi) mind (berkeberatan) Consider (mempertimbangkan) neglect (meremehkan) Continue (meneruskan) practise (mempraktekkan) Deny ( menyangkal) postpone (menunda) Delay (menunda) pardon (memaafkan)

Detest (membenci) prevent (mengcegah) Enjoy (menikmati) resist (menahan) Excuse (menolak) risk (mengambil resiko) Finish (menyelesaikan) understand (memahami) b. Objek kata depan (preposisi)

Contoh : He gave up drinking beer

Beberapa preposisi yang perlu diketahui adalah : at, after, before, from, in, on, of, under, up, though, about, without, for, and to.

Preposisi yang paling sulit dikenali adalah : ‘to’ karena di samping ‘infinitive’. Karena itu untuk mempermudah memahaminya, hafalkanlah bentuk ‘to’ yang harus diikuti gerund dalam kelompok kata berikut ini :

To be used to (terbiasa) to take to (menyukai) To be accustomed to (terbiasa) to look forward to (menanti-nanti) To object to (berkeberatan) to be averse to (terbiasa)

Contoh :

1. I am used to drinking coffe. 2.

c. Sebagai Komplemen

Contoh : My hobby is drawing.

Gerund sebagai komplemen selalu diletakkan setelah to be (am, is, are, was, were) d. Sebagai penjelas kata benda noun modifier :

Contoh : the waiting room is very large. e. Sebagai menyatakan larangan

Contoh : No smoking

C. Perbedaan Gerund dan To Infinitive

Beberapa kata kerja yang bisa diikuti gerund dan to infinitive : Advise intend Allow love Attempt prefer Begin regret Continue remember Forget start Hate stop Like try

Diantara kata kerja diatas, ada kata kerja yang memiliki perbedaan yang sangat kontras apabila diikuti oleh gerund dan to-infinitive.

Contoh : I stop to smoke

(Artinya : berhenti dari melakukan perbuatan tertentu baru kemudian merokok). I stop smoking.

(Artinya : berhenti dari perbuatan merokok untuk kemudian melakukan perbuatan yang lain). D. Perbedaan Gerund dan Active Participle :

Gerund dan Active Participle memiliki bentuk yang sama, yaitu kata kerja bentuk –ing Sekalipun bentuknya sama, keduanya memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Dari segi arti, gerund mengandung makna : “peristiwa yng sedang berlangsung”.

Contoh :

1. The running boy is anwar, (active Participle)

(The boy who is running is Anwar= Anak yang sedang berlari itu Anwar) 2. The running shoes are very expensive.(gerund)

(Sepatu yang digunakan untuk berlari itu sangat mahal) 3. The walking man wants to meet you. (Activeparticiple)

4. The old man needs a walking stick. (gerund) (orang tua itu memerlukan tongkt untuk berjalan) E. Gerund setelah Possesive Adjective :

Seperti umumnya kata benda, gerund bisa diletakkan setelah possesive adjective dan pronoun bentuk object.

Contoh :

Her coming late makes her mother angry. SOAL – SOAL LATIHAN

1. Would you mind___your pet snake somewhere else? A. to put

B. to putting C. putting D. put E. puts

2. X : “Do you like swimming?” Y : “NO, I prefer___to swimming. A. play badminton

B. played badminton C. playing badminton D. has played badminton E. had played badminton 3. This knife needs___ it is dull.

A. to be sharpening B. to sharpen C. sharpen D. sharpens E. sharpening

4. We were astonished at ___ a good score for TOEFL in spite of his poor English. A. her could get

B. his being able to get C. to be able to get D. being able to get E. be able to get

5. She was very sad because her father did not approve of___too often. A. I saw her

B. me to see her C. my seeing her D. me seeing her E. that I see her

6. “What don’t you like about Irwan ?” “____.”

A. Why he wears earings B. To wearing earings C. His wearing earings D. For wearing earings E. Waering earings

7. ___ clothes can often be very time consuming. A. They buy

B. To be buying C. In buying

D. Man buys E. Buying

8. Litte children are usually afraid of___ by their mother. A. left

B. to leave C. being left D. leaving E. been left

9. ‘It’s hot here; the air conditioner is not working.’ ‘I think it only needs ___.’

A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. clean E. be cleaned

10.Facing hard times, people with very low income are looking forward to ___ by the well to do in getting the daily necessities.

A. support B. supporting C. being supported D. supported E. be supporting


A. Pengantar

Dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dua macam participle : * Present Participle (Active Paticiple) dan

* Past Participle

Active Participle dan Past Participle memiliki bentuk dan arti berbeda. Active Participle adalah kata kerja dalam bentuk –ing dan artinya menunjuk kepada aktivitas yang bersifat aktif (melakukan pekerjaan), sedang Past Participle adalah kata kerja bentuk ke-3 dan artinya menunjuk kepada aktivitas yang bersifat pasif (dikenai pekerjaan).

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini : 1. Active (Present Participle) :

Running water = air yang sedang mengalir 2. Past Participle :

Poured water = air yang tertumpah / ditumpahkan B. Penggunaan Active (Present) Participle

a. Sebagai Adjective

Contoh : 1. The boiling water is very hot. 2. the waiting man reads a magazine. b. Untuk membentuk Continuous Tense.

Contoh : 1. We are studying English now. 2. You have been dreaming.

c. Setelah kata kerja tertentu (Verb of Perception). Pola kalimat yang digunakan adalah :

S + V + O + Active Participle + …… Contoh :

Kata kerja yang bisa digunakan dalam pola seperti ini adalah : See hear feel notice

Watch leave find catch Smell observe keep

d. Apabila ada dua peristiwa yang terjadi secara simultan (bersamaan) dan dilakukan oleh seorang subyek.

Contoh :

He rode away. He wishtled as he went. =He rode away whistling.

=Whistling, he rode away.

e. Apabila ada dua peristiwa yang dilakukan oleh seorang subyek secara berurutan, maka peristiwa yang terjadi lebih dulu bisa dituliskan dengan menggunakan active participle.

Contoh : He opened the drawer and took out a revolver. =Opening the drawer, he took out a revolver.

f. Apabila peristiwa yang kedua merupakan bagian atau akibat dari peristiwa yang pertama, peristiwa yang kedua bisa dituliskan dengan menggunakan active participle Contoh :

As he knew her address, he sent her a letter. =Knowing her address, he sent her a letter. C. Penggunaan Past Participle

a. Sebagai Adjective

Contoh : The stolen money has been found. b. Untuk membuat kalimat pasif.

Contoh : She was asked to open the meeting.

c. Setelah kata kerja tertentu (Verb of Perception) apabila obyeknya pasif. Pola kalimat yang digunakan adalah :

S + V + O + PAST PARTICIPLE + …… Contoh :

You will see the work finished on time.

d. Untuk menggantikkan subjek + kata kerja pasif apabila subyek tersebut disebutkan secara berulang.

Contoh :

Beny came in. He was followed by his wife. =Beny came in, followed by his wife.

D. Present Participle dan Past Participle Sebagai Adjective Contoh :

They play was boring.(Permainan itu membosankan). SOAL – SOAL LATIHAN

1. They watched the soldiers ___ down the secret. A. marched

B. marching C. to march D. be marching E. are maching

A. is unlocking the door B. unlocked the door C. when unlocking the door D. he unlock the door E. unlock the door

3. “Having finished her work, the maid went home”. The underlined words mean ___.

A. Although she had finished her work B. After she had finished her work C. She had to finish her work D. If she had finishing her work E. She was finishing her work

4. Students ___ to attend a student conference in the United States should be able to speak English fluently. A. choose

B. were chosen C. chosen D. they choose E. have been chosen

5. The window pane ___ by Edi has not been repaired yet. A. was broken

B. broken C. be broken D. breaking E. broke

6. When we came home last night, we saw a man ___ to get on our roof. A. trying

B. to try C. to be trying D. tried E. he tries

7. On my way home, I saw a dog ___ by a boy. A. beating

B. beat C. be beaten D. being beaten E. it was beaten

8. Two of the ___ prisoners were caught by the police. A. escape

B. escaped C. was escaped D. having escaped E. was escaped

9. ___ near a beautiful beach, the town soon become a popular tourist resort. A. Situated

B. Situates C. Situating D. It is situated E. Situation

10. The people ___ during the war were mostly young soldiers. A. killing

C. be killed D. were killing E. were killed


Konjungsi atau kata penghubung ber fungsi menghubungkan kata dengan kelompok kata dalam suatu kalimat. Konjungsi dapat dibedakan menjadi dua macam yaitu co-ordinate conjuction (konjungsi setara) dan subordinate conjuction atau konjungsi bertingkat.

Konjungsi setara (co-ordinate conjuction) seperti misalnya and, but, or dan nor. Jenis konjungsi ini menghubungkan kata benda dengan kata benda, kata kerja dengan kata kerja, kata dengan kelompok kata, klausa dengan klausa dan sebagainya.

Contoh :

I lost my books and my pens.

Konjungsi seperti di atas dapat digabungkan dengan kata-kata lain seperti misalnya : both … and, not only …, but also, either …or, neither….nor ….

Dalam bab ini akan dibahas konjungsi bertingkat (subordinate conjuction) karena hal ini sangat penting dan perlu dikuasai bagi para siswa.

1. Accordingly : karena itu

Contoh : STAN is famous college in indonesia; accordingly many students wants to study there. 2. After all : bagaimanapun juga

Contoh : There are many good school; after all our school is the best. 3. All the same : namun demikian

Contoh : The government has given them a new market places; all the same some of them keep selling their things at dirty place.

4. Consequently : akibatnya

Contoh : His father died five years ago; consequently all the responsiblities to raise the children fell or his mother.

5. For = Since = because = as = Karena

Contoh : Everyone is looking for him, for he is the only person who knows where the keys is. 6. Hence : karena alasan itu, dengan demikian, mulai saat ini.

Contoh : He was born when his parents woerked in Irian, hence he is named Irianto. 7. In order that : supaya

Contoh : We must study hard;in order that we can pass the exam. 8. In case : kalau-kalau

Contoh : You’d better take an umbrella;in case it rains.

9. In the meantime : sementara itu, dalam waktu yang bersamaan.

Contoh : Go to the shop and buy me a magazine;in the mean time I’ll take bath. 10. Moreover = futhermore = lagipula = terlabih lagi

Contoh : Desy is beautiful; moreover she is very bright. 11. Namely : yaitu

Contoh : There is only one student who fails the exam,namely Lena. 12. Nevertheless : however = namun demikian

Contoh : She is poor;nevertheless she is happy. 13. On the contrary = on the other hand = sebaliknya

Contoh : He loves rock music; on the contrary his father hates very much. 14. Otherwise : jika tidak

Contoh : Please study hard;otherwise you’ll fail the exam. 15. Say : taruhlah

Contoh : Can you lend me money;say five thousand rupiahs. SOAL – SOAL LATIHAN

1. I was late because I chugat the wrong bus. It means I chaught the wrong bus: ___ I was late. A. although

C. so that D. since E. when

2. ___ his good performance as a student, he is always nervous when doing exams. A. Unless

B. Although C. Instead of D. Even though E. Despite

3. I told Tommy to take the recruiting test seriously,___ he would not be accepted. A. but

B. and C. so D. for E. or

4. “ His two last musical shows were not professionally conducted.”

“You’re right; ___ , had contacted Kris, a professional in the entertainment business, for his next show.” A. so that B. in addition C. therefore D. in spite of that E. moreover

5. My uncle doesn’t eaern much; ___ he can send his children to college. A. however

B. and C. therefore D. so E. hence

6. The murder suspects wanted to tell the police the truth; ___, they were afraid. A. so

B. nevertheless C. otherwise D. moreover E. therefore

7. “How were you doing in your exam ?” “Not very well ___ I studied hard for it.” A. while

B. since C. whenever D. in spite of E. even though

8. The government is planning to liquidate several banks soon, ___ very few people know which ones are they. A. but B. or C. as D. for E. so

9. Smoking can be the cause of many illnesses and respiratory disorders: ___ , it may harm non smokers. A. consequently

C. in addition D. nevertheless E. otherwise

10. All the members of the Parliament applauded ___ the president was walking to his seat. A. so that

B. although C. even if D. as soon as E. while

Dalam dokumen MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS Batasan Masalah (1) (Halaman 29-39)

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