• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Kekurangan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Hasil Penelitian Meskipun terdapat beberapa kelebihan yang ditemukan pada proses


APPENDIX 3 Signs for Activity 3

C. Kekurangan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Hasil Penelitian Meskipun terdapat beberapa kelebihan yang ditemukan pada proses

guru membimbing siswa melakukan refleksi dan mengevaluasi terhadap penyelidikan dan proses-proses yang mereka gunakan. bila informasi yang dipelajari dan diproses telah sampai pada suatu solusi. Siswa melakukan refleksi dan evaluasi terhadap penyelidikan dan proses pencarian data yang mereka gunakan.

Pada saat kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung, dengan menggunakan model Problem Based Learning. Diperoleh beberapa hasil temuan tambahan pada saat pembelajaran berlangsung diantaranya: a) model Problem Based Learning memberikan antusis siswa untuk belajar aktif; b) siswa mampu mempresentasikan problem-problem autentik; c) siswa dapat memahami masalah kehidupan nyata.

Hasil temuan di atas sesuai dengan keunggulan model Problem Based Learning yang dikemukakan oleh Sanjaya, (2011):

a. Merupakan teknik yang bagus untuk lebih memahami isi pelajaran

b. Menantang kemampuan siswa serta memberi kepuasan untuk menemukan pengetahuan baru bagi siswa

c. Meningkatkan aktivitas siswa

d. Membantu siswa dalam memahami masalah dikehidupan nyata e. Mengembangkan kemampuan siswa untuk berfikir kritis

f. Memberikan kesempatan siswa untuk mengaplikasikan materi terhadap dunia nyata

g. Membantu siswa mengembangkan pengetahuan baru dan bertanggung jawab terhadap pelajaran yang dilaksanakan

h. Memperlihatkan pada siswa bahwa setiap materi pelajaran bukan hanya sekedar didapatkan dari guru dan buku

i. Lebih menyenangkan dan disukai oleh siswa

j. Mengembangkan minat siswa untuk selalu belajar walaupun sudah tidak berada dipendidikan formal.

C. Kekurangan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Hasil Penelitian

Meskipun masih terdapat beberapa kelemahan model Problem Based Learning yang ditemukan pada saat kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung. Akan tetapi telah tercapai dari tujuan penelitian ini berdasarkan dari hasil pengujian PENUTUP


Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis dan pembahasan hasil penelitian, maka diambil kesimpulan bahwa model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning berpengaruh signifikan terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa SMA 1 PGRI Lumajang. Hal-hal yang diduga berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar yaitu: (1) siswa dihadapkan permasalahan nyata yang mendorong siswa untuk dipecahkan;

(2) pembelajaran melibatkan siswa dalam penyelidikan nyata dan kontesktual sehingga siswa lebih tertarik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran; (3) siswa aktif selama pembelajaran; (4) pembelajaran menjadi bermakna karena interaction; (5) adanya kerja sama dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil untuk saling berbagi

pengetahuan dan gagasan.


Berdasarkan kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini, maka dapat disampaikan saran-saran sebagai berikut:

1. Bagi para guru, guru harus bisa menguasai seluruh rangkaian tahapan dari model Problem Based Learning. Guru terus memberikan bimbingan kepada siswa supaya siswa tidak down ketika mereka belum menemukan solusi pada

permasalahan-permasalahan yang diterimanya. Guru harus bisa memberikan permasalahan yang dekat dengan siswa.

2. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya disarankan untuk: a) menguji pengaruh model pembelajaran Probem Based learning terhadap variabel lain serta pada lokasi, jenjang pendidikan, atau materi lain; b) mengintegrasikan atau membandingkan dengan model pembelajaran yang lain.


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Fahrudi Ahwan Ikhsan

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jember University Email: Fahrudii@gmail.com

Abstract: The aim of this study to clarify the effect of Problem Based Learning model on learning outcomes geography high school students on the matter of pollution and environmental damage. Determination of the subjects in the study carried out based on the results of the 1st semester studying geography UAS similar or equal to the average value. Determination of the experimental class to class XI IPS 1 by the number of students 47 had an average of learning outcomes 76. Class 43 controls the number of students had an average of 76 learning outcomes for grade XI IPS 2. experimental research design with pretest-posttest control group design. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16 for Windows. The test results statsistik known value of t-test for Equality of Means obtained t_hitung at 5.224 and t_tabel with (df) 78 and alpha 5% is approximately 2.000. That is Problem Based Learning model a significant effect on the results of high school students learning geography in matter of pollution and environmental damage.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning Model, the Output of Geography Learning, Senior High School Students

Learning strategies needed to achieve the learning objectives effectively and efficiently.

Various learning strategies have always aimed to achieve the learning outcomes appropriate learning objectives. Geography learning problems in school subjects include: contextual material, teaching methods used by teachers and students' lack of interest in geography lesson.

Matter pollution and environmental damage on the subjects of geography need lesson to students contextually. Given the material includes two phenomena: physical and social. Both phenomena have to lesson to students simultaneously and not on any of the physical or social aspects.

Geography learning failure because it does not link the physical and social phenomena.

According to Gunawan (2005) that a failure in the learning of pollution and environmental damage in schools are (1) the material is less focused on the earth's surface real phenomena associated with the region and the needs of children living in the community; and (2) learning approach as well as the material has not been fully understood by teachers, resulting in more material in the form of

geography lesson yet attractively packaged, limited insight and creativity of teachers (especially material pollution and environmental damage that requires skill technical); and (2) the material pollution and environmental damage only served merely to uncover the facts that are rote.

Innovation in learning geography teacher is needed to develop the creativity of students.

Given the geography subjects have differences with other disciplines object of study is based on social and physical phenomena. Learning strategies are needed in linking object of study of geography in accordance with the material of pollution and environmental damage in this study.

Sumarmi (2012) explained that the difficult learning geography covered only theoretical in the classroom but need to connect with environmental conditions.

One of the learning strategies that need to be applied to the matter of pollution and environmental damage that Problem Based Learning model. This learning model is the result of the work of Dewey (1916) who advocated the role of teachers to engage students with the tasks of the intellectual and social problems that come from the environment. The goal is that students are involved in solving the desired projects from the real problems.


Research Design

This research is a quasi-experimental (Quasi Experiment). This study aims to explain the influence of Problem Based Learning model to the results of high school students learning geography. In the first step of research students from the experimental and control classes were given a pretest to determine the initial capability. Class experiments, researchers used a Problem Based Learning model, while the control class according to the method used by teachers of geography in senior high school Hang Tuah 2 Sidoarjo is teaching lectures and discussions. The form of experiment design was pretest and posttest control group design.

Table 3.1 Treatment Design pretest and posttest

Group Pretest Treatment Posttest

Experiment O1 X O2

Control O1 - O2

(Sumber: Campbell&Stanley, 1963; Caporaso&Roos, 1973; dan Tuckman, 1999)


X: Treatment with Problem Based Learning model

-: There is no treatment or method with lectures and discussion


The treatment in this study using Problem Based Learning in the experimental class with the following steps:

1. Students are given a problem. This phase students listened to the problems presented by the teacher in the classroom through the film appearance environmental damage. Problems presented by the teacher in the form of environmental problems of the Lapindo mudflow in Sidoarjo.

2. In small groups, students discuss the problem with the use of information and work that needs to be known. Students are given some time to discuss with the group to find solutions to the problems presented by the teacher in the classroom.

3. Students seeking data about information that has not been there. Students have to collect information either individually or groups to seek solutions the problems faced. Information gathered students obtained from the library, the Internet, or the resources of the communities affected by pollution and environmental damage.

4. Students are reunited with the group to report on what is learned. The investigation of students in the form of the report is the development of information from multiple sources is presented in the form of a written report.

5. Students are repeated several times to discuss, look for information, reported to the group, and further discussions with the group to find a solution. Form discussion results are reported in writing and presented to the class.

6. The final event is the closing discussion to evaluate the information learned and processed has arrived at a solution. At this final stage the students with the help of guidance teachers to analyze and evaluate the process of solving the problems presented by each group.

In the control group there was no special treatment. Grade control using the learning lectures and discussions are commonly used in high school geography teacher Hang Tuah 2 Sidoarjo. Each group was given the task of making an example of material related articles pollution and environmental damage in relation to sustainable development is based on a reference book. The next meeting the students presented the articles that have been made at the previous meeting.

Subject and Location Research

Determination of the subjects in this study with consideration to students' academic abilities are almost the same or equivalent based on the results of final exams (UAS). Determination of the

learning outcomes 76 as a class experiment.

Research Instruments

The research instrument is said to be good if it can be measured. Test instrument used to determine the validity of test instruments, level of difficulty, different power, the validity of the item, and the item reliability. Before the instrument is used to retrieve the data, this instrument needs to be tested prior to high school students Hang Tuah 2 Sidoarjo who have obtained the material contamination and environmental damage that can be minimized error rates matter and to determine whether the problem is made feasible to be used. Form test in the form of essays made researchers with the amount of 5 items.


The validity of these experts are used to test the matter prior to the experiment on a trial class. Testing the validity of a matter by experts carried out to show that the criteria about who made good. Further trials conducted in class testing instruments, then calculated the validity of the item, level of difficulty, different power, and reliability.

Item level of difficulty Problem

Difficulty level of items is used to determine the level of difficulty about the item. To determine the feasibility of the technique used is to involve all students (study population).

According Purwanto (2005), to determine the level of difficulty of the analysis item can be used the following formula:

𝑇𝐾 = βˆ‘ π‘†π‘˜π‘Ž + βˆ‘ π‘†π‘˜π‘

π‘†π‘š (π‘›π‘˜π‘Ž + π‘›π‘˜π‘)𝑋 100%


Ξ£Ska: the number of errors over the group Ξ£Skb: the number of errors bottom group Sm: maximum score given for correct answers NKA: the number of students over the group NKB: the number of students under the group

group) and a group of students are less intelligent (bottom group). How to analyze the required data from the different power groups of the upper and lower groups, each 27% of the entire population.

To determine the upper classes and lower classes is to rank based on total score.

According Purwanto (2005), an essay test different power can be calculated with the following formula:

DB = 1 βˆ‘π‘†π‘˜π‘βˆ’ βˆ‘π‘†π‘˜π‘Ž 2 π‘†π‘š (π‘›π‘˜π‘Ž+π‘›π‘˜π‘)


DB: different power

Ξ£Ska: the number of errors over the group Ξ£Skb: the number of errors bottom group Sm: maximum score for correct answers NKA: the number of students over the group NKB: the number of students under the group

The calculation results compared with the classification criteria of different questions in Table 3.2 below:

Table 3.2 Criteria for Different Power Problem

Criteria Clasification

0,7 – 1,00 Very Well

0,40 – 0,69 Well

0,20 – 0,39 Enough

0,00 – 0,19 Ugly

Negatif Ugly

(Sumber: Purwanto, 2005)


Validity is a measure that indicates the level of validity or authenticity of an item instrument Arikunto (2006). To test the validity of items, be tested empirically. The test result should be sought validity of each item item by item scores correlate with the total score. Analysis of the validity of each item in this study using product moment correlation with SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The results of calculations performed by comparing the degree of validity of the result with R table for every problem can be seen in the corrected item-total correlation, while r table can be seen in Table 3.3 below:

0,400-0,599 Enough valid

0,200-0,399 Less valid

0,000-0,199 Invalid

(Sumber: Purwanto, 2005)


Reliability items express the degree of confidence a problem. Arikunto (2006) explained reliability refers to the terms of an instrument sufficiently reliable to be used as a means of collecting data because the instrument is good. Reliability analysis items in this study using Cronbach's alpha statistic test with SPSS 16.0 for Windows.

Criteria for determining each item that is reliable or not is to compare the results with the count r_table. If r_hitung> r_table with a significant level of 5%, then the matter is deemed reliable item. Or in other ways that the determination of the reliability of items by comparing the value of r count with reliability. Item-level reliability criteria can be seen in table 3.4 as follows:

Table 3.4 Value Reliability Problem

Value Reliability Criteria

0,80 – 1,00 Very High

0,60 – 0,79 High

0,40 – 0,59 Enough

0,20 – 0,39 Low

0,00 – 0,19 Very Low

(Sumber: Purwanto, 2005)

Data Collection

Collecting data in this study is used to obtain the desired data with the hypothesis. The research data obtained from the test are the same shape. Tests were conducted in this study is a pre-test and post-pre-test. Pre-pre-test was used to determine the ability of students before the beginning of untreated and post-test after the treatment was given either the experimental and control class. The calculation results obtained from the difference data from the pre-test and post-test (gain score) is used for hypothesis testing. About the pre-test and post-test were used in the experimental class and control class has the same shape and number of corresponding competence problem-solving skills.

Data Analysis

Analysis of data collected in this study using statistical methods. The analysis includes:

descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the description of the form of tables, graphs, and a histogram of the average value, frequency, and standard deviation in order to know the characteristics of the data obtained by researchers. Inferential statistical
