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The Development of Biology Learning Material based on Metacognitive Strategy to Empower Student in


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proudly presents "The 2015 Internasional Conference on Educational Research and Development". The conference is conduction to bring together diversed ideas of researchers, educators, lecturers, teach- ers, students, and those who have interests in research on education and its development as well as on science and technology.

We are very honored to have Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nuh, DEA (former Republic of Indonesia Minister of Education and Culture, 2009 – 2014), Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani (Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indone- sia), Prof. Dr. Fou-Lai Lin (National Taiwan Normal University), Prof. Dr. Bill Atweh (Adjunct Professor of Curtin University, Australia, and visiting Professor at Philippines Normal Univesity), and Prof. Dato’

Abdul Rahman B. Abdul Aziz, Ph.D (Universiti Utara Malaysia), and Dr. Zeny Reyes (Philippines Normal University) as keynote and plenary speakers.

To all our sponsors for this conference, Bank Tabungan Negara (Universitas Negeri Surabaya branch) and Telkom Divre 5 Surabaya, our thanks are also for you.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and Steering Committee, I wish you all a blessed and pro- ductive time in our ICERD conference. God bless you all.

December 1, 2015 Surabaya

Arie Wardhono


Shofan Fiangga The State University of Surabaya

Luqman Hakim The State University of Surabaya

Rita Ismawati The State University of Surabaya

Muhammad Jacky The State University of Surabaya

Ibnu Febry Kurniawan The State University of Surabaya

Dimas Maulana The State University of Surabaya

Ali Mustofa The State University of Surabaya

Arinto Nugroho The State University of Surabaya

Didik Nurhadi The State University of Surabaya

Agus Ridwan The State University of Surabaya

Arie Wardhono The State University of Surabaya


Abadiyah, Rifda 696

Abdjul, Tirtawaty 58

Adhitya Wulanata, Imanuel 740

Afriana, Jaka 621

Agustin, Atalya 815

Ahmadi, Anas 404

Andita, Sukma Nur 361

Anistyasari, Yeni 123

Apriyanto, Bejo 79

Arifah, Diyah Fatwati 704

Asningtias, Silfia 390

As’ari, Abdur Rahman 130

Beauty Kartikasari, Prima 258

Buditjahjanto, Igp Asto 140

Cahyono, Hendry 464

Canda Sakti, Norida 421

Canggih, Clarashinta 420

Cantona, Garry 244

Chakim, Nur 643, 663

Chandra, Tjang D. 353

Ciptomulyono, Udi Subakti 696

Dayana, Yuliana Fatima 174

Dewi, Retno Mustika 361

Dibdyaningsih, Haris 337

Dudy Satyawan, Made 186

Dwi Hastuti, Intan 46

Dwijayanti, Renny 522

Dwikristanto, Yanuard 799

Ediati, Ratna 537, 552, 559

Fadeli, Muhammad 11

Fadilla, Raisa 341

Fazet, Friske 792

Gitama, Nahindi Putra 792

Hadi Pratiwi, Poerwanti 244

Hakim, Luqman 361, 464

Haqiqi, Embun Rachma 552

Hardini, Han Tantri 783

Hendrastomo, Grendi 244

Hidayah, Siti Nurul 422

Hidayatillah, Yetti 592

Hikmawati, Dwi Ima 537


Indarwati, Tias Andarini 420

Ismail, 621

Ismawati, Rita 723

Jahja, Mohamad 58

Juniati, Dwi 106

Karyaningrum, Anneke 655

Khasanah, Uswatun 713

Kristiastuti, Dwi 318

Kudrat, Masri 58

Kuntariati, Utik 311

Kurnianto, Fahmi Arif 230

Kurniawan, Riza Yonisa 361

Kusumawardhani, Rahardian 510

Kusumawati, Yuly 280

Lailiyah, Malikhatul 346

Laily, Nur 156

Latifah, Lyna 402

Listiadi, Agung 295

Maf’ulah, Syarifatul 106

Mangil, Muhaji 732

Marlena, Novi 522

Martikasari, Kurnia 369

Martoprawiro, Muhamad Abdulkadir 280

Megasari, Dindy 336

Miftah, M. Zaini 574

Mujibur, Akhmad 808

Muksar, Makbul 130

Munandar, Kukuh 486

Murniasih, 174

Mustajab, Quwwatun Azimah 704

Musthofiyah, Uning 346

Mustofa, Ali 433

Musyarofah, Lailatul 11

Nugroho, Arif 264

Nugroho, Him’Mawan Adi 643

Nur Rokhmah, Sakinah 586

Nurlaela, Luthfiyah 140

Nurul Iffah, Jauhara Dian 147

Nusantara, Toto 32, 46, 353

Padmanabhan, Meeta Chatterjee 422

Paramita, Sista 420

Patrikha, Finisica 445

Pauportè, Thierry 280


Prijanto, Jossapat 753

Purwani, Anik 115

Puspa, Areta 168

Puspasari, Durinda 459

Puspasari, Durinta 459

Qomariyah, Oemi Noer 678

Qoyyimah, Uswatun 391

Radiman, Cynthia Linaya 280

Rahayu, Imami 655

Rahman, Abdul Aziz 621

Rahman, Misran 764

Rahmaniyah, Nisa 808

Rahmi, Elfi 311

Retnoningsih, Wiwik 409

Rochmawati, 471

Rofiki, Imam 353

Rohayati, Suci 464

Rohmah, Miftachul 272

Rois, Ainur 808

Romadhoni, I. F. 336

Romadhoni, Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni 318

S, Agustan 438

Sa’Dijah, Cholis 147

Sabat, Yuliyanto 27

Sandu, Asihlya 815

Sari, Kartika 219

Satria, Erwinsyah 771

Selirowangi, Nisaul Barokati 403

Setiawan, Slamet 626

Sidhi Cahyana, Atikha 696

Siswono, Tatag Yuli Eko 106

Sisworo, 32

Subandiyah, Heny 379

Subanji, 32, 46, 147, 353

Subroto, Waspodo Tjipto 492

Sudarso, Hendra 337

Sueb, 545

Sulistiyowati, Wiwik 696

Sulistyaningsih, 19

Sulistyowati, Raya 503

Sumardiono, 210

Suryono, Hassan 450

Susanti, Susanti 783

Susanto, Hery 46

Susilowati, Nurdian 402, 403


Tamela, Ellis 174

Tatik, 61

Taufikurohmah, Titik 686

Taufiq, Mohammad 783, 808

Tjahjani, Siti 686

Tri Wedawati, Mamik 617

Tristanti, Lia Budi 130

Ulinuha, Atik 288

Umiasih, Suciatma 586

Urip Wahyuni, Dewi 156

Wahdiyah, Roisatul 565

Wahjudi, Eko 186

Wahyudia, Miftah 704

Weatherby-Fell, Noelene 422

Wicaksono, Dian Eko 704

Widayati, Irin 471

Widodo, Rahmanu 370

Widodo, Wahono 1

Wijayanti, Rosmala 341

Wilujeng, Biyan 655

Wiyanto, Muhammad Saibani 326

Wulandari, Sitisri 503

Yasin, Achmad 464

Yasir, Mochammad 1

Yonata, Bertha 686

Yuliana, Siti 318, 336

Yuliantika, Luh Ami 559


ability to cooperate 459

ability to make equation 106

actualization 764

ADDIE models 403

agriculture 464

Al-UiO-66-NH2 552

alternative assessment 621

analysis 106, 723

animated multimedia 186

animation clips 288

approach 311

Asian Economic Community (AEC) 592, 740, 753

Asian literature 433

Asian trends 433

attention 1

authentic assessment 210

authenticity 11

basic teaching skill 815

be someone else 326

benefits 174

Biology learning material 1

biology teacher 486


blended learning 174, 403

board game 510

business model canvas 420

business plan 420, 663

business presentation 503

buying behavior 445

catalyst of H2SO4 732

character education 391

characterization 537

characters 58, 337

citizenship curriculum 450

Classroom Action Research 510

classroom activity 272

classroom discussions 545

CLIL 311, 390

cognitive learning outcomes 771

collaborative learning 545

communication 264

communication skill 704

communication strategies 643

company strategy 420

competence-based 168

competitiveness 464


craft 686

creative 492

creative reasoning 353

creativity 808

critical review 346

critical thinking 545

crude oil 409

cultural studies 433

curriculum policy 391

deductive warrant 130

developing 115

developing instructional design 379

development of pattern learning system 753

development strategy 450

digital 565

direct learning 336

doping 559

doping Sn 537

Dormitory Teachers Education System (DTES) Students Teacher 740

drama 11

dye sensitized solar-cell 280

e-Learning 123, 369

e-Money 445

early formal stage 438

economic 492

economic literacy 445

ecopsychology 404

ecospiritual 404

educational spheres 433

EFL writing class 574

elementary school teacher 147

ELT 311

empirical research 346

English 663

English language 713

English language teaching 341

English writing 258

enhancing 341

entrepreneurial technology 370

entrepreneurs 592

entrepreneurship 686

entrepreneurship education 492

enviromental education 346

environmental approach 771

environmental education 605

environmental literacy 605

exelsa moodle 369


financial feasibility 420

financial literacy 471

financial records 471

fraction 106

game 326

games 115

generation Z 445

Geography 230

Geography learning 79

group investigation learning 230

group work 27

high order thinking skills (HOTS) 713

higher order thinking 318

ICT 799

ICT media 140

IELTS curriculum 219

implementation of curriculum 2013 402

improvement softskill 403

indegenous language 626

individual practice 27

Indonesia 341

Indonesian bread cake 336

Indonesian snack beverage management 318

industrial area 421

information and communication technology 341

inquiry-based 605

inquiry-based-instruction 318

instructional 565

instructional design 379

instructional program 369

intrinsic mathematical properties 353

introduction of administration and management 522

introductory accounting courses 471

jatropha curcas lin 732

job satisfaction 156

kelor beverage 723

language learning 11

language survival 626

language testing 219

learning 19, 58, 186, 783

learning equipment 792

learning Mathematics 147


learning video 370

lesson plan 686

lesson study 422

lingua franca 626

listening ability 288

literacy 617, 626

literary appreciation learning 379

literature 404

local content 605

local wisdom 592

Mahad 337

man shirt pattern 655

material comprehension 450

mathematical argumentation 130

media 565

mentor and mentee 422

mentoring program 422

metacognition 140

metacognitive 1

metacognitive activity 46

method 311

methyl ester 732

microteaching 815

mind map 19

mobile networks 123

modulator 552

MOF 559

moral education 391

motivation 258

multicultural 58

multimedia elements 799

MYOB attitude 295

national identity 391

negative impact 421

neuroplasticity 61

non-formal education 764

nutritional 723

obstacle factors 421

obstacles on the implementation 450

online language learning 174

overlay 464

parenting education 764

partnership model 696

pattern generalization problem 353

patterns generalization 32


positive impact 421

postmodernism 617

power installations 808

PowerPoint 799

practice in a pair 27

presentation 663, 799

problem based learning model 79, 91

problem solving 32, 46

problem-based learning 655

problems 174

project-based learning 503, 808

proposed syllabus 168

prosocial 586

psychomotor skills 336

public economic 369

quadrilateral 438

quality 723

R&D 210, 219

reader response theory 379

REFORM English magazine 258

regional language 626

result 79

risk taking 586

rong-chang website 27

round robin 123

ruthenium dye 280

science and technology 686

science kit Seqip 771

science-learning motivation 318

scientific literacy 621

scientific process skills 771

scoring questionnaire 337

second language acquisition 476

self efficacy 295, 402

self perception 486

senior high school students 91

short movie 244

short story 19

SIBI 704

small and medium Enterprises 696

small and medium scale business 592

SMK Negeri 4 Malang 288

social competence 740

social media 272

social media-based teaching 272


solvothermal 537, 552, 559

speaking 210, 510, 643

speaking skill 264

statistical problems 678

stories 565

strategic competence 643

stress work and organizational commitment 156

structural-intuitive warrant 130

student ability 492

student learning style 361

student result 655

student-centered learning 783

students 403

students activity 459

students’ attitude 545

students’ English achievement 476

student’s perception 361

supplementary material 115

supporting factors 421

supporting field of study 402

synthesis 537, 559

talking stick learning 459

taxation 186

teacher’s teaching style 361

teachers performance 156

teaching 61

teaching intentions 586

teaching materials 522

teaching of English 390

teaching speaking 326

teaching strategy 288

teaching writing 272

team teaching 815

technology 713

TG6 280

the module 686

the output of Geography learning 91

the readiness of individuals 402

thinking of statistics 678

thinking process 678

third world countries 433

to write 19

traditional mining 409

transectification 732

triple helix 696

UiO-66 537

understanding 438


video streaming 123

virtual test 621

visual arts 370

vocational learning 140

voxopop 264

world literature 433

writing ability 574

written feedback 574

young learners 61

Z907 280

ZIF-8 559

ZnO 280

ZPA 147


Imanuel Adhitya Wulanata

The Analysis of English Language Education Students’ Basic Teaching Skills during Listening and Speaking Microteaching in Groups . . . 14

Atalya Agustin and Asihlya Sandu

Literature Research in Indonesia, Ecopsychology Perspective . . . 23 Anas Ahmadi

Modiste: A Novel Method for Enhancing Video Streaming in E-learning . . . 28 Yeni Anistyasari

The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model for High School Student Geography Learning

Outcomes . . . 35 Bejo Apriyanto

SIBI and BISINDO Which One is Better For Deaf and Mute People Education? . . . 47 Diyah Fatwati Arifah, Dian Eko Wicaksono, Quwwatun Azimah Mustajab and Miftah Wahyudia CLIL and Its Feasibility to be implemented in Indonesia towards ASEAN Economic Community . . . 56

Silfia Asningtias

â ˘AŸReform’ Magazine: A Medium in Reforming Student-Author’s Motivation In Writing English . . . 57 Prima Beauty Kartikasari

Surabaya Hinterland Area Development In Asean Economic Community . . . 63 Hendry Cahyono, Suci Rohayati, Achmad Yasin and Luqman Hakim

Industrial Area Development in East Java . . . 70 Norida Canda Sakti

Utilizing Business Model Canvas (BMC) to Develop Innovative Analysis in Culinary Business . . . 71 Clarashinta Canggih, Sista Paramita and Tias Andarini Indarwati

The English Presentation on Business Plan Delivered by Economics Student of Unesa (A Case

Study) . . . 72 Nur Chakim

The Role of "Ma’had Aly" in Building Students’ Characters . . . 87 Haris Dibdyaningsih and Hendra Sudarso

Metacognitive Activity in Conjecturing Process in Problem Solving of pattern Generalization . . . 91 Intan Dwi Hastuti, Sutarto, Subanji, Toto Nusantara and Hery Susanto

The Analysis of Multimedia Elements in PowerPoint Presentation (A Study towards Student

Teachers of Economics Education) . . . 103 Yanuard Dwikristanto

Develop Learning Equipment Using CTL (Contextual Teaching And Learning) Model Assisted By

PhET Software. . . 112 Friske Fazet and Nahindi Putra Gitama

Synthesis Al-UiO-66-NH2 with Acetic Acid Modulator by Solvothermal Method . . . 119 Embun Rachma Haqiqi and Ratna Ediati

Improving Soft Skills by Applying Model Centered Learning the Students For Students to SMK

Kartika 1 Surabaya Program Accounting Expertise . . . 126


Siti Nurul Hidayah, Noelene Weatherby-Fell and Meeta Chatterjee Padmanabhan

Optimizing the Existence of Micro, Small, Medium Business Entrepreneurs as the Central of Industry in Facing ASEAN Economic Community Based on Local Wisdom (Optimizing Micro,

Small, Medium Business of Madura’s Snacks Business) . . . 160 Yetti Hidayatillah

Synthesis and Characterization UiO-66 and Sn-UiO-66 by Solvothermal Method . . . 173 Dwi Ima Hikmawati and Ratna Ediati

Some Contributing Factors to the Students’ English Achievemenent . . . 181 Tanzil Huda

The Influence of Problem Based Learning Model to Geography Learning Output of Senior High

School Students . . . 191 Fahrudi Ikhsan

Nutritional and Quality Analysis of Kelor (Moringa oliefera) Beverage . . . 206 Rita Ismawati

21st Century English Education: High Order Thinking Skills and Technology Support . . . 215 Uswatun Khasanah

Multicultural Learning Model . . . 225 Masri Kudrat, Mohamad Jahja and Tirtawaty Abdjul

The Intercultural Sensitivity of Vocational High School English Teachers . . . 228 Dian Maya Kurnia and Nine Febrie Novitasari

The Influence of Group Investigation Learning Model towards the Learning Motivation of

Geography Students in Senior High School . . . 229 Fahmi Arif Kurnianto

The Effect students’ perceptions of teachers teaching style and student learning styles of student learning outcomes on economic subjects . . . 243

Riza Yonisa Kurniawan, Sukma Nur Andita, Luqman Hakim and Retno Mustika Dewi

The Study of Ruthenium Dyes Endowed with Alkyl Chain for DSSC Sensitizer . . . 251 Yuly Kusumawati, Thierry Pauportè, Muhamad Abdulkadir Martoprawiro, Bambang

Prijamboedi and Cynthia Linaya Radiman

Teacher Performance Based on Stress and Organizational Commitment . . . 259 Nur Laily and Dewi Urip Wahyuni

Influence Perceived of Usefulness of Self-Efficacy With Attitude to Mediation Aplicom . . . 271 Agung Listiadi

Analysis on the Abality of Elementary School Student Who Had High Mathematics Ability in

Making The Equation of Fractions . . . 287 Syarifatul Maf ’ulah, Dwi Juniati and Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono

The Quality of the Production of Methyl Ester from Jatropha Curcas lin Using Catalyst of H2SO4 . . . . 296 Muhaji Mangil

Development Material Teaching Subject of Introduction of Administration and Management in

University . . . 304


Use of Project Based Learning Model to Improve Creativity Class XI Subject to the Installation of

Electricity 5 SMKN in Surabaya . . . 332 Akhmad Mujibur, Mohammad Taufiq, Ainur Rois and Nisa Rahmaniyah

Biology Teachers’ Self Perception on Pedagogical Competence . . . 339 Kukuh Munandar and Tanzil Huda

A Critical Review of Empirical Research in Enviromental Education . . . 345 Uning Musthofiyah and Malikhatul Lailiyah

Toward a Bright Future of Socio-Political Trends in Literary and Cultural Studies in Asia: Its

Development and Impacts In Asian Educational Backgrounds . . . 352 Ali Mustofa

Facilitating Authentic Language Learning Through Theatrical Activities . . . 357 Lailatul Musyarofah and Muhammad Fadeli

"Let’s Speak!": Utilizing Voxopop to Enhance Speaking Skill . . . 365 Arif Nugroho

Exploring Students’ Use of Communication Strategies . . . 373 Him’Mawan Adi Nugroho and Nur Chakim

Prosocial and Risk-Taking Level on Teaching Intentions in Remote Areas (A Study on Students of

Elemantary School Teacher in East Java) . . . 385 Sakinah Nur Rokhmah, Suciatma Umiasih and Ummu Imaroh

The Implementation of Metacognition-Based Information and Communication Technology (ICT) In Vocational Education . . . 391

Luthfiyah Nurlaela and Igp Asto Buditjahjanto

Zone of Promoted Action (ZPA) of Elementary School Teacher in Mathematics Learning . . . 398 Jauhara Dian Nurul Iffah, Akbar Sutawidjaja, Cholis Sa’Dijah and Subanji

The Urgency of Gen Z Economic Education . . . 407 Finisica Patrikha

Board Game as a Media to Increase Students’ Speaking Skill . . . 412 Fitra Pinandhita and Rahardian Kusumawardhani

Developing Taxation Learning Model by Using Animated Media to Enhance Students’

Comprehension . . . 424 Dewi Prastiwi, Made Dudy Satyawan and Eko Wahjudi

"Let’s Write a Caption!": Utilizing Instagram to Teach Generation Y . . . 448 Dian Pratiwi and Miftachul Rohmah

Social Studies Teacher Role in the Development of Pattern Learning System Facing AEC 2015. . . 456 Jossapat Prijanto

Developing Language Games for Teaching English to the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1

Tulungagung . . . 467 Anik Purwani

A Proposed Syllabus for Computer and Networking Technology Students of Vocational High

School at Jember . . . 475


Oemi Noer Qomariyah

Theories of Moral Education And Implementation In Indonesia: Re-Energizing Cultural Identity

and Addressing Future Challenges . . . 494 Uswatun Qoyyimah

Enhance The Student’s Result Through The Implementation of Problem Based Learning In

Making Man’s Shirts Pattern Subject in Fashion Science Student at Surabaya State University . . . 505 Imami Rahayu, Anneke Karyaningrum and Biyan Wilujeng

Developing Virtual Test as Alternative Assessment for Measure Student’ Science Literacy . . . 513 Abdul Aziz Rahman, Jaka Afriana and Ismail

Actualization of Parenting Education Program to Encourage the Optimization of Non Formal

Education . . . 518 Misran Rahman

What Have the Teachers Learnt from CLIL? . . . 525 Elfi Rahmi and Utik Kuntariati

Socio-Economic Impact of Traditional Crude oil Mining to Traditional Mining Community in

rural Districts Wonocolo Kedewan – Bojonegoro . . . 532 Wiwik Retnoningsih

Effectiveness Course Introduction to Accounting in the financial records in Accounting Education among Students in 2013 . . . 543

Rochmawati and Irin Widayati

Student’s Creative Reasoning in Solving Pattern Generalization Problem: A Case Study. . . 548 Imam Rofiki, Subanji, Toto Nusantara and Tjang D. Chandra

Implementing Inquiry-Based Instruction In a Indonesian Snack and Beverage Management. . . 556 Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni Romadhoni, Dwi Kristiastuti and Siti Yuliana

Analyzing Student’s Understanding the Relationship Between Quadrilateral at the Early Formal

Stage. . . 557 Agustan S

Teaching Speaking through rong-chang Website . . . 564 Yuliyanto Sabat

Developing IELTS Curriculum for University Students: A Current Trend on Standardized Foreign

Language Testing. . . 569 Kartika Sari

Environmental Approach with Science Kit Seqip to Enhancing Students’ Scientific Process Skills,

Learning Motivation, and Cognitive Learning Outcomes . . . 580 Erwinsyah Satria

Curriculum Based Blended Learning Model to Improve Student Softskill in Higher Education . . . 592 Nisaul Barokati Selirowangi and Nurdian Susilowati

"Enemies" at Our Home: The Threat to Indigenous Languages Seen from Language Use . . . 593 Slamet Setiawan

Developing Instructional Design of Literary Appreciation Based on Reader Response Theory . . . 610



Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Partnership Model Using the Triple Helix to Improve

Competitiveness Towards Asean Economic Community . . . 639 Wiwik Sulistiyowati, Atikha Sidhi Cahyana, Rifda Abadiyah, Udi Subakti Ciptomulyono and

Bambang Syairuddin

Learning to Write Short Story Using Mind Map Technique . . . 647 Sulistyaningsih

Developing Update Portfolio as Authentic Assessment in Teaching Speaking for University

Students: A Challenge to be Trending Lecturers . . . 655 Sumardiono

Material Conception, Development Strategy and Constraint in Implementing Civic Education

Curriculum . . . 664 Hassan Suryono

The Students Teacher Readiness in Implementing Economic Curriculum 2013 (Study of

Self-Efficacy Theory) . . . 673 Nurdian Susilowati and Lyna Latifah

Indicators of Conjecturing Process in Problem Solving of patterns Generalization . . . 674 Sutarto, Toto Nusantara, Subanji and Sisworo

Inquiry-Based Integrated Science Education: The Application of Local Content Soil Washing

Project to Improve Junior High School Students’ Environmental Literacy . . . 688 Syifahayu

Students’ Perception on the Benefits and Problems of Blended Learning . . . 700 Ellis Tamela, Murniasih and Yuliana Fatima Dayana

Neuroplasticity Concept in Teaching Elementary School Students: Preparing the 21st Century

Generation . . . 712 Tatik

Assistance Compilation Module and Lesson Plan of Craft and Entrepreneurship Subject to

Produce Face Cream for Science Teachers High School and Vocational School in Kediri . . . 730 Titik Taufikurohmah, Bertha Yonata and Siti Tjahjani

Brand and Repurchase Intention . . . 740 Tegowati

Fan Fiction in the Class . . . 759 Mamik Tri Wedawati

Modelling Student Mathematical Argumentation With Structural-Intuitive and Deductive

Warrant to Solve Mathematics Problem . . . 763 Lia Budi Tristanti, Akbar Sutawidjaja, Abdur Rahman As’ari and Makbul Muksar

Using Animation Clips to Improve the Listening Ability of the Tenth Grade Students Majoring in

Animation . . . 773 Atik Ulinuha

The Use of Digital Stories to Improve Students’ Recount Writing Ability . . . 780


Rosmala Wijayanti and Raisa Fadilla

Be Someone Else Game for Teaching Speaking in Junior High School . . . 803 Muhammad Saibani Wiyanto

Application of Project Based Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes on Business Presentation Theme. . . 813

Sitisri Wulandari and Raya Sulistyowati

The Development of Biology Learning Material based on Metacognitive Strategy to Empower

Student in Attention . . . 820 Mochammad Yasir, Muslimin Ibrahim and Wahono Widodo

The Implementation of Direct Learning to Improve Psychomotor Skills Students’ XI Patisserie in

Processing Indonesian Bread Cake . . . 830 Siti Yuliana, I. F. Romadhoni and Dindy Megasari

Synthesis and Characterization of Sn-ZIF-8 by Solvothermal Method . . . 831 Luh Ami Yuliantika and Ratna Ediati


The Development of Biology Learning Material based on Metacognitive Strategy to Empower Student in


Mochammad Yasir1, Muslimin Ibrahim2, Wahono Widodo3


Science Education Program, Postgraduate Program, The State University of Surabaya, Indonesia

1 E-mail: idlmy.354@gmail.com


The aims of this research are to develop and implement biology learning materials based on metacognitive strategy. Metacognitive learning strategy is the process of thinking student activity using the groove itself so that it will learn how to think to learn, correcting himself, and knowing the best learning strategy for learning. The learning material were develop by using 4-D model. This research involved two classes: X-1 and X -2 of SMAN 1 Driyorejo, and students as the subjects of this research. Documentation, validating, observing, and giving questionnaire were implemented to collect variety information during implementation of the learning materials. The findings of this my research showed that the learning material are valid, practical, and effective in empowering students both in attention and learning outcomes. There were several obstacles occurred during the implementation of the learning materials. Students were confused of new task and the strategy, centering attention on short time and smoth on many objects yet. Alternative solution were given by providing guidance and information to students about learning using metacognitive strategy, so that students are expected to be easier to follow the learning, and drilling reflective thinking skill, minimalizing annoyance, using certain signal and media, and connecting learning material with real living student, so that learning is attractive.

Key Words: biology learning material, metacognitive, attention


Undang-Undang Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional No. 20 Tahun 2003 Bab 2 Pasal 3 mandates competent people and character. One of the efforts to realize the functions and objectives of the national education system in the form of education through curriculum renewal in 2013. Happening renewal is that increasingly emphasizes learning to student-centered learning (student centered) and character education. Characteristic of learning curriculum in 2013 provides an opportunity for learners to develop his or her potential in a fun learning environment and in accordance with his ability to have the desired quality of the academic community and nation (Kemendikbud, 2013).

Academic quality is influenced by several factors (Kuh, et al. 2006), one of which is the concentration of focus (attention) students during the learning process takes place (Anasrullah, 2006).

This factor is an indicator of the students' motivation, because with high motivation will encourage students perform a variety of ways to achieve its goals (Uno, 2011). Attention will be maintained when a student learning atmosphere pleasant, well do not get physical and non-physical stress (Anasrullah, 2006). Leisure gives the opportunity for students to develop cognitive function, in terms of the ability of perception, attention, memory, thinking, and solve a problem (Santrock, 2011).


asleep in class and often permits out of the classroom at the time PBM progress.

Focusing attention to learning Biology students in line with the learning undertaken by teachers.

Results of observation (November December 2014) shows that the learning of Biology less encouraging students to develop thinking skills properly. This can be seen by the teacher teaching methods are lectures and memorization, students are not encouraged to think how to obtain a biological concept, and strategizing a plan to solve the problem to achieve a job well done.

Biology is the branch of science that examines knowledge of living beings and the environment, emphasizing mastery involves the collection of knowledge discovery process through scientific method.

Ecosystem is one of the biological material. This material generally has been delivered since high school, but learning to do still rote and less developed the ability to think (Rustaman, 1997).

Results research of Paidi (2009) states that students' ability to think biology is still low and most of the students it is difficult to understand the environmental problems in the ecosystem so requires an understanding of matter, mind reflective, critical, and analytical in solving complex problems. The above reasons is reinforced by the results of preliminary tests that show the reflective thinking skills students are less trained to analyze problems, evaluate, motivate, get deep meaning, using appropriate learning strategies in solving problems.

Not focusing attention of students resulted information in the form of external stimuli received by the register sensing (senses) will quickly disappear. Two important implications of the existence of the register sensing in education: (1) one must pay attention to the information if the information is to be remembered; (2) a person needs time to bring all the information that is sensed in a short time into the consciousness (Miller, 2011). The information note will be perceived and recorded by the register sensing. Perceptions of information makes the brain will be thinking process information and put it into short-term memory (Miller, 2011). Therefore, focusing attention in the process of obtaining concept is very important.

Lack of sufficient attention SMAN 1 Driyorejo require approaches. One of the approaches that can practice attention is the metacognitive approach. This is because the metacognitive approach make students aware of their cognitive abilities so that they can choose a specific cognitive strategies for constructing knowledge with the inclusion of metacognitive activity.

Used metacognitive activity includes planning, monitoring, regulation, and evaluation to student learning activities. Eggen and Kauchak (1996) and Corebima (2006) suggested one of benefit metacognitive skills that it can help students become self-regulated learner in achieving the task.

Learning objectives will be achieved if students are able to think about the thought process that has, identify good learning strategies and their attention to learn consciously (Ho and Kelly, 2010).

Based on the background of the problems that occured, the researchers intend to develop a learning material that is expected to practice attention of students.


The developed learning material include: 1) Lesson Plan (RPP); 2) Understanding Self- Assessment Form (LPPD); 3) Textbook for Student (BAS); 4) Assessment of learning outcomes instrument. The learning materials was develop used 4-D model (Thiagarajan and Semmel, 1974).

Definition and design stage was conducted in September to February in Post Graduate Science Education, Unesa. The development stage through trial was conducted in class X-1 and X-2 SMAN 1 Gresik Driyorejo, semester 2014/2015. Research subjects were 72 students of class X-I and X-2.

The variables associated with this study were: 1) the learning material based on metacognitive; 2) the validity of the learning material; 3) the practicality of learning materials, include: a) implementation of Lesson Plan, b) the activities of the students; and 4) the effectiveness of the learning material, include:


implemented to collect variety information during implementation of the learning materials. Data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative and qualitative.

Result And Discussion

Results of the validation of developed learning material, include: 1) Lesson Plan (RPP) got score 3.61 (the category of very valid); 2) Understanding Self-Assessment Form (LPPD) got score 3.64 (the

category of very valid); 3) Textbook for Student (BAS) got score 3.54 (the category of very valid);

4) Assessment of learning outcomes instrument, such as: the knowledge test instruments got score 3.9 (the category of very valid) and student attitude observation sheet got score 3.86 (the category of very valid). The results showed that the Lesson Plan, Understanding Self-Assessment form, Textbook for student, and learning outcomes assessment instruments were very valid to be used as a guide for students and teachers in the learning process after being revised based on advice of the validators.

The validity of a learning material in its development was based on some analysis, include:

1) analysis of the curriculum, which refered to: a) the core competencies, b) basic competence, c) indicators, and d) the formulation of learning objectives so was adjusted to the content of the

curriculum in 2013; 2) The analysis of students examined the characteristics of students (such as age, level of maturity, ability, background of knowledge, and level of cognitive development of students), which was in accordance with the design and development of teaching materials; 3) analysis of the task and the concept of matter, which was based on the tasks that need to be done in the subject matter that must be understand by students and identify of the main concepts that have been taught and systematically arranged in the form of a concept map; 4) analysis of the objectives that want to be achieved, which refered to: metacognitive strategies for consideration in preparing lesson plans, Understanding Self-Assessmet Form, Textbook student, instrument of learning outcomes so that reflect the characteristics of these learning material metacognitive.

Implementation of learning material was observed by two observers. Observations was conducted in three meetings, which was the implementation of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Lesson Plans. There were three activities in the Lesson Plan, namely preliminary, core, and closure activities. Learning syntax based on STAD type of cooperative learning model with metacognitive strategies. All stages of existing activities in the Lesson Plan on trial were replicated in two classes, class X - 1 and X – 2. The stages was succesfully carried out and the percentage of the overall feasibility of the two classes Lesson Plan is 91.25 % with a very good category (Ratumanan & Laurens, 2011) (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The overall results of implementation of lesson plan on trial in class X-1 and X-2

The high average score with excellent category was caused by all the learning stages implemented and some other things that supported, as follow: First, the teacher asked student into to pray to construct awareness and a sense of gratitude as a form of expression of admiration for the greatness of the God


students so that students feel that it is important to learn (Barakatu, 2007). This is in accordance with the invention of learning theory by Bruner. It suggests that students should learn through active participation in acquiring the experience of learning (Slavin, 2009).

Second, on the core activity, teachers can carry out the phases of metacognitive-based learning, as students work Understanding Self-Assessment Form independently, which serves to determine the level of confidence, then students working on Understanding Self-Assessment Form, cooperatively in order to compare the prior concept to a new concept obtained from the discussions student books, presentivy the results of focus group discussions in class, making inferences, carrying out self-assessment.

Third, the teacher guide to summarize the learning materials. Students posed an opinions about the concept acquired and teachers facilitated and mediate in order to create networks of knowledge appropriating learning objectives. In this way it could help students to put the new acquired concepts into long-term memory. Nur (2005) stated that the way to save the concepts in the long-term memory to using repetition or coding.

Fourth, the teacher could manage time well. This indicats that it occured significant increase of the aspect of the classroom condition aspect during learning in accordance with the used lesson plan. It was confirmed from the results of direct observation during the implementation of learning and student questionnaire responses that students was happy because they fell more actively for obtaining a meaningful concept. Dewey described learning as an active individual process, not something done for someone, but something that was done by someone and considers that the experience and investigations are essential in meaningful learning (In'am, 2012; Martinez, 2006).

The observation result of student activities in the pilot project employing two classes, class X-1 and X-2 (Figure 2) explained that the activity of listening/paying attention to the teacher explanations/other students, working Understanding Self-Assessment Form, reading Understanding Self- Assessment Form or teaching materials, discussing task, making notes, making report the results of the study, presenting the results of the group, conveying ideas or opinions, answering and responding questions, reflection, and summarizes the learning materials consistently increased each meeting. In'am (2012) and Susantini (2009a) state that metacognitive learning strategies is used by teachers are able to force students to be more active during learning activities, students are taught to ask themselves, instilling the basic of scientific thinking on students so that in this learning process students are more active in solving problems and can learn how to think about the thinking processes of their own.

Figure 2. The observation of student activity on trial in class X-1 and X-2 overall Description:

CO 1: Listening/paying attention to the teacher explanation/other students; CO 2: Working in Understanding Self-Assessment Form;

CO 3: Reading Understanding Self-Assessment Form /teaching materials; CO 4: Discussing the task; CO 5: Taking notes ; CO 6: Making a


found the development of life process depends on interaction and social learning and contributing to the cognitive development (Erskine, 2009). The activities of students using metacognitive strategies were increasing in three prominent activities, such as: 1) listening/paying attention about explanations teacher/other students; 2) working Understanding Self-Assessment Form; 3) discussing the task. In discussing task, students performed experiments and observations, link the results of experimental data and observations with concepts/theories from several sources, answering questions on Understanding Self-Assessment Form, and creating chart design of food chain.

Student during discussing task were conditioned to feel challenged and motivated to solve existing problems in Understanding Self-Assessment Form. Biggs et. al (1997) suggest Understanding Self- Assessment Form can trigger the students' prior knowledge, identify misconceptions, give students the opportunity to explore material. This condition can train students to be honest in their work, aware to the error theirself, and express opinions.

Making reports activity, presenting the results of the group discussion, and expressing their opinion increased. This was because the observer saw the dominant activity in learning processes based on metacognitive was discussing in the task to obtain the answer from question. The activities involving creating a research report, presenting the result of the group discussion, and expressing their opinion were timeless than after activities. The three activities were seen by observers in the short time, not too dominant. In accordance with Elsina (2010) and Flavel in Livingstone (1997) metacognitive strategies are sequential processes that are used to control cognitive activities and ensure that the cognitive objectives have been achieved. These processes consist of planning, monitoring, and setting as well as evaluating the results of cognitive activities.

Activity of asking teacher, finishing task; and performing activities that were not relevant from the first until the third meeting decreased significantly. The role of the teacher in this metacognitive learning became the facilitator and guided students who were still getting difficulties in the investigation and the completion of the task. Blakey and Spence (1990a and 1990b); Nelson (1992); Marzano (1988) stated in metacognitive based learning teacher is a facilitator in developing the students metacognition through learning activities, through helping and developing students in terms of implementing learning strategies, good habits, as well as metacognitive behavior.

Activities of working Understanding Self-Assessment Form then discussing the task indicate that metacognitive learning could stimulate students to optimize the minds of students to regulate themselves by doing the plan, directing, and evaluating on the hand book. Looking at the results of tests, students who were less active during the learning process to get a good achievement (B-, B, and B +). These findings indicated that the activity in metacognitive learning was relevant to students learning outcomes.

Pilot project learning material development could consistently improve learning outcomes, especially knowledge aspects of student, with average n-gain of class X-1 and X-2 was 0.87 and 0.88 respectively categorized the high category (Hake, 1999) and the students met learning mastery requirement average scores were 96.94% for class X-1 and 95.56% for class X-2 (Gronlund & Linn, 1995).

The student learning mastery showed that students have mastered concepts that have been taught, including subchapters of definition, component, and the types of ecosystems; food chains and food webs;

as well as the biogeochemical cycle and succession. Test for knowledge aspect contained 13 indicators of learning, which divided into 10 items for multiple choice questions and 15 questions in essay form the new Bloom's taxonomy (revised by Anderson & Krathwoll was used to level the questions objectives (C1 (remember) to C6 (create)). The questions were created based on learning that have been printed on Understanding Self-Assessment Form and discussed during the learning process. Understanding Self- Assessment Sheet contained important concepts learned in each subchapter that will be presented at the meeting.

Increasing n-gain and students learning mastery showed the pilot project of Biology learning material development based on metacognitive was effective to improve the mastery of content


knowledge, but also the attitude of the students attention. Attention students observed attitude is sustained attention and executive. Each indicator attention shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Indicator of attention (Santrock , 2011)

No Attention Type Indikator

1. Continuous attention a) Ability to maintain attention for a long time b) Focus on the activities being undertaken c) Be aware of the existence of other stimuli 2. Executive attention a) Planners good

b) Allocate attention on a goal

c) Pay attention to the progress of his duties d) Glad to challenge

e) Not easily give up

Attitude attention of students , both sustained attention and executive observed during the learning process metacognitive strategies in the overall average in the class X - 1 and X- 2 respectively 84.95 % and 85.88 % during the three meetings with both categories (Kemendikbud , 2013). Results of an observational analysis of students' attitudes attention (Table 2) it can be seen that the attitude of the students had passed at any meeting or can be said to be progressing.

Table 2. Percentage of students' attitudes attention to each meeting of the observations


Percentage of Attention Attitude Student (%) Continous Attention Executive Attention TM 1 TM 2 TM 3 TM 1 TM 2 TM 3 X-1 71,53 84,72 97,92 75 81,25 92,36

X-2 75 87,5 98,61 75 84,72 96,53


TM 1: 1st Meeting; TM 2: 2nd Meeting; TM 3: 3rd Meeting

The first meeting the students have not been able to attention sustainable, with some students indicated that not paying attention to the teacher during the learning process, not focusing on the activities being carried out, sometimes talking to himself, and daydreaming in class. In addition, students have not been able to beratensi executive, the plan indicated several students have not learned well, easy to give up, cannot argue with accompanying data.

Given the circumstances of such students, teachers give students ways to improve attention.

1) Teachers attract students by saying "Claaaass !!! Are You In The Class? Are You Ready ??? ".

Students responded with "Yeeeess !!! Yes, We Are In The Class! Yes, We Are Ready !!! "; 2) repeated with emphasis something, write and emphasize important concepts on board, including five characteristics of a concept (the name, definition, types, examples, applications); 3) help students produce a signal or catch phrase when students need attention, such as practicing a presentation with the provisions of "Class-Yes, Teach-Ok, and Switch" (Maghfiroh, 2014; Teng, 2012) with a certain gesture;

4) to make the learning process interesting, by connecting the material to students' lives through practical, interpret the results obtained and the analogy with the values of life; and 5) students and teachers try to minimize disruption.

At the next meeting after the teacher provides guidance, students are getting used to focus attention (attention) for learning and maintain it. Aspects of attention that can be retained students may occur in addition to the efforts of students and teachers, there are also other supporting factors, namely the integration of metacognitive learning strategies to the attention of students.

Metacognitive strategies have learning steps are strongly associated with problem solving, thinking about the thinking processes of their own (sustained attention and executive) (Nelson, 1992; Marzano, 1988). With such a path, make students aware that incorporate new information into short-term memory required an effort to encourage students to activate prior knowledge and focus students' attention on specific learning materials, called attention (Nur, 2005).


et al, 2006). In the metacognitive approach to engage students actively attentive (Brown, 1987 and Claudia, 2000). This shows that metacognition can be said to be closely associated with the metacognitive, attention and information processing theory.

Completeness attention of students, both sustained continue and executive attention in class X-1 and X-2 in Table 2 are different. This is also supported by the results of questionnaire analysis attention of students. In terms of attention continuing students in class X-1 is only able to sustain attention in less too long and less wary of the presence of other stimuli that are still impaired in focusing the impact on students sometimes find it difficult, not knowing the contents of the information submitted materials and tired of learning. While the views of the executive attention X-1 shows the students can learn with a good plan, can allocate attention to a goal, can monitor the progress of his duties, but students still sometimes easily give up on a task that is challenging and difficult.

Sustained continue and executive attention class X-1 is not optimal learning based on observation and student questionnaire indicating class X-1 is actually able to concentrate. But the students have not been a high degree of concern and attention evenly centered on some object so that the students' attention is less focused. Lack of attention students lead students find it difficult to understand the material presented so that students feel bored and do things that are less relevant in KBM.

On the class X-2 of the continue attention students are able to maintain attention for a long time, able to focus on the activity that is being done, and to minimize disruption in attention deficit so that students can feel attracted to learning for knowing the information content of the material presented and the benefits and no difficulty, as well as bored. Viewed from the side of the executive attention shows students can learn with a good plan, can allocate attention to a goal, can monitor the progress of his duties, as well as students feel curiosity increased to perform challenging and difficult task.

Description continue and executive attention analysis of class X-2 at optimal learning based on student questionnaires indicating class X-2 is able to focus with high and focused. Focusing the attention of students lead students to feel motivated by concern interested in receiving the material presented so that students try to understand the appropriate use of cognitive strategies students' learning styles. This was revealed from the results of the analysis of student activity that increased activity of CO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and reduced student action irrelevant.

From Table 2. it can be a description that states that the percentage of each of attention, both sustained attention and executive attention in class X-1 and X-2 as a whole showed 94.73% and 96.87%.

The difference between the two types of attention is influenced by several factors, both internal and external.

Internal factors affecting attention is student motivation toward learning materials and behavior of students during learning. Student motivation during the learning with students' responses indicated that states biology-based metacognitive learning fun and interesting, more motivated, increase interest, and capable of sustaining attention in the long term. The student's behavior is recorded in the student activity sheet also shows positive activity of students during the learning has increased, while the activity is not relevant to the learning has decreased.

External factors that affect student attention is a disorder of the classroom environment, for example influenced by peers to engage speaking, the number of students in a class, the learning time that will affect the attention of students during learning. This is reinforced by the statement Sari (2013) that the external factors that affect student learning, the time, the frequency of student contact with the material being taught, and the number of students in the class.

Completeness of student attention of X-1 and X-2 class showed implementation of developing Biology learning material based on metacognitive was effective to empower student in attention on ecosystem. This statement also confirmed the results of the analysis of students' responses to learning devices, as well as the implementation of learning with metacognitive strategies (Figure 1).


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