• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


D. Rekomendasi

Beberapa rekomendasi untuk peneliti-peneliti selanjutnya adalah:

1. Sebaiknya variabel independen corporate governance ditambah cakupannya, seperti struktur kepemilikan ataupun keberadaan

komite-komite lainnya.

2. Variabel kontrol karakteristik perusahaan ukuran perusahaan dengan proksi total aset dapat diganti dengan menggunakan proksi lain, seperti

penjualan atau jumlah karyawan perusahaan.

3. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya bisa juga membandingkan keluasan

environmental disclosure antara industri di Indonesia dengan negara lain (studi komparatif).


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Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

ED 44 .59 11.20 5.3989 2.62110

Valid N (listwise) 44

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

pro_dki 90 .50 100.00 42.3787 15.06395 pro_kai 90 25.00 100.00 55.6136 22.92498 rapat_dk 90 2 77 9.23 12.059 rapat_ka 90 1 104 10.26 13.274 Aset 90 314993000 312533200000000 17257907027079.53 46089452435045.730 Valid N (listwise) 90



HASIL UJI Asumsi Klasik


NPar Tests

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Unstandardized Residual N 44 Mean .0000000 Normal Parametersa Std. Deviation 2.02335219 Absolute .104 Positive .104

Most Extreme Differences

Negative -.067

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .692

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .725

a. Test distribution is Normal.

Dari tabel di atas menunjukkan nilai probabilitas jauh di atas 0.05, yaitu sebesar 0.752, hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa data berdistribusi




Unstandardized Coefficients


Coefficients Collinearity Statistics Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF

(Constant) -8.397 4.618 -1.819 .078 Prop_DKI .060 .029 .328 2.093 .044 .695 1.438 LBC_PK 1.088 .584 .255 1.862 .071 .910 1.099 LBP_PK .026 .790 .005 .033 .974 .735 1.361 Rapat_DK -.003 .034 -.014 -.090 .929 .676 1.479 Prop_KA -.024 .018 -.208 -1.322 .195 .691 1.448 Rapat_KA -.011 .020 -.073 -.540 .592 .935 1.070 TI .546 .545 .158 1.001 .324 .687 1.456 1 LogAset .787 .464 .309 1.695 .099 .511 1.955 a. Dependent Variable: ED

Dari tabel di atas menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada variabel bebas yang

mempunyai nilai tolerance kurang dari 0.10, hal ini berarti tidak ada korelasi antar variabel bebas. Hasil perhitungan nilai VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) juga menunjukkan hal yang sama, dimana tidak satupun variabel bebas yang memiliki nilai VIF lebih besar dari 10, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa

tidak terdapat multikolinearitas antar variabel bebas maka model regresi layak

77 Autokorelasi Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson 1 .636a .404 .268 2.24270 2.031

a. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Rapat_KA, Prop_KA, LBP_PK, Rapat_DK, Prop_DKI, TI

b. Dependent Variable: ED

Berdasarkan hasil uji autokorelasi pada tabel di atas, nilai dhitung (Durbin Watson) sebesar 2.031 berada di antara du dan 4-du atau du<dhitung<4-du. Nilai du sebesar 1.768 diperoleh dari tabel Durbin Watson dengan nilai signifikan 0,01 dan k =8. Setelah nilai du diperoleh, maka dapat ditentukan nilai 4-du sebesar 2.232 (4 − 1.768). Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terjadi

autokorelasi dalam penelitian ini, sehingga model regresi yang dilakukan layak untuk digunakan.


Dari grafik tersebut terlihat titik-titik yang tersebar baik di atas maupun di bawah angka 0 pada sumbu Y, sehingga model regresi layak dipakai.



No Nama Perusahaan

1 Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line (APOL) 2 Astra Graphia (ASGR)

3 Berlian Laju Tanker (BLTA) 4 Fortune Indonesia (FORU)

5 Millenium Pharmacon International (SDPC) 6 PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk

7 PT. Pusako Tarinka 8 PT. Panorama setrawisata 9 PT. Pudjiadi and Sons

10 PT. Pelayaran tempuran emas 11 PT. Tira austenite

12 PT Pelita Sejahtera Abadi Tbk 13 Centrin Online (CENT)

14 PT Hero Supermarket Tbk (HERO) 15 PT Indosiar Karya Media Tbk (IDKM) 16 Bank Artha Graha Internasional (INPC) 17 Bank Pan Indonesia (PNBN)

18 Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI) 19 Bank Bukopin (BBKP)

20 Bank Century (BCIC)

21 Asia Kapitalindo Securities (AKSI) 22 Bank Lippo (LPBN)

23 Bank Niaga (BNGA) 24 Bank Permata (BNLI)

25 Adira Dinamika Multi Finance (ADMF) 26 PT. Pan Pacific International

27 Bank Central Asia Tbk 28 Bank Mandiri

29 Bank Bumiputera Indonesia (BABP) 30 Asuransi Dayin Mitra (ASDM) 31 BFI Finance Indonesia (BFIN) 32 PT. Trust finance Indonesia

33 Bintang Mitra Semetaraya (BMSR) 34 Bhuwanatala Indah Permai(BIPP)

79 35 Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada (CMNP)

36 Darma Henwa (DEWA)

37 PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk (FREN) 38 PT Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk (HEXA) 39 PT Indonesia Paradise Property Tbk (INPP) 40 PT Myoh Technology Tbk 41 PT Lippo Cikarang Tbk (LPCK) 42 PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk (MTDL) 43 PT. Rukun Raharja 44 PT. Sentul city 45 PT. Suryainti permata 46 PT. Telkom Indonesia 47 PT. Tunas ridean 48 PT. United tractors 49 PT. Wijaya karya 50 PT Jasa Marga Tbk

51 PT Jaya Real Property Tbk

52 PT Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Tbk (JSPT) 53 PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk (PJAA) 54 Ciputra Development

55 Indofood sukses makmur

56 PT. Indocement Tunggal Perkasa 57 Indofarma

58 Fajar Surya wisesa 59 Holcim Indonesia 60 PT Energi Mega Persada 61 Gudang Garam

62 Adhi Karya Tbk 63 Aneka Tambang Tbk 64 Apexindo Pratama Duta 65 Bakrie&Brother Tbk 66 Bumi Resources (BUMI) 67 Central Proteina Prima (CPRO) 68 PT Semen Gresik

69 PT Bukit Asam

70 PT Sumalindo Lestari Jaya 71 International Nickel (Inco) 72 AKR Corporindo (AKRA) 73 Astra International (ASII)

80 74 Bakrie Telecom (BTEL)

75 Bakrieland Development (ELTY) 76 Intiland Development (DILD) 77 Lippo Karawaci (LPKR) 78 Elnusa (ELSA)

79 PT Indonesia Prima Property Tbk 80 PT. Modernland Reality

81 PT. Modern Intrnasional

82 PT. Royal oak development asia 83 PT. Radiant utama interinsco 84 PT. Suryamas dutamakmur 85 PT Total Bangun Persada 86 Indosat (ISAT)

87 PT. Nusantara Infrastruktur 88 PT. Pakuwon Jati

89 PT. Panca wiratama sakti



No Nama Perusahaan Bobot ED

1 Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line (APOL) 4.54

2 Astra Graphia (ASGR) 8.69

3 Fortune Indonesia (FORU) 2.27

4 PT. Panorama setrawisata 0.67

5 PT. Pudjiadi and Sons 7.55

6 PT. Tira austenite 0.59

7 PT Pelita Sejahtera Abadi Tbk 0.95

8 Bank Pan Indonesia (PNBN) 4.11

9 Bank Permata (BNLI) 7.03

10 Adira Dinamika Multi Finance (ADMF) 0.59

11 Bank Mandiri 7.36

12 Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada (CMNP) 4.98

13 Darma Henwa (DEWA) 6.62

14 PT Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk (HEXA) 2.27

15 PT Indonesia Paradise Property Tbk (INPP) 4.59

16 PT Lippo Cikarang Tbk (LPCK) 5.24

17 PT. Sentul city 5.22

18 PT. Telkom Indonesia 4.49

19 PT. Wijaya karya 6.1

20 PT Jaya Real Property Tbk 9.48

21 PT Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Tbk (JSPT) 4.79

22 PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk (PJAA) 4.44

23 Ciputra Development 5.92

24 Indofood sukses makmur 5.25

25 PT. Indocement Tunggal Perkasa 8.11

26 Fajar Surya wisesa 4.23

27 Holcim Indonesia 7.49

28 PT Energi Mega Persada 4.65

29 Adhi Karya Tbk 5.92

30 Aneka Tambang Tbk 9.43

31 Apexindo Pratama Duta 4.49

32 Bakrie&Brother Tbk 6.86

33 Bumi Resources (BUMI) 6.28

34 Central Proteina Prima (CPRO) 2.86


36 PT Bukit Asam 7.34

37 PT Sumalindo Lestari Jaya 7.8

38 International Nickel (Inco) 11.21

39 Astra International (ASII) 7.77

40 Bakrie Telecom (BTEL) 4.59

41 Bakrieland Development (ELTY) 1.63

42 Intiland Development (DILD) 5.32

43 Lippo Karawaci (LPKR) 4.18




Variables Entered/Removedb Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method 1 LogAset, LBC_PK, Rapat_KA, Prop_KA, LBP_PK, Rapat_DK, Prop_DKI, TIa . Enter

2 . LBP_PK Backward (criterion: Probability of F-to-remove >= ,100). 3 . Rapat_DK Backward (criterion: Probability of F-to-remove >= ,100). 4 . Rapat_KA Backward (criterion: Probability of F-to-remove >= ,100). 5 . TI Backward (criterion: Probability of F-to-remove >= ,100). 6 . Prop_KA Backward (criterion: Probability of F-to-remove >= ,100). a. All requested variables entered.

84 Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .636a .404 .268 2.24270 2 .636b .404 .288 2.21137 3 .636c .404 .307 2.18156 4 .631d .399 .320 2.16212 5 .618e .382 .318 2.16408 6 .590f .349 .300 2.19346

a. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Rapat_KA, Prop_KA, LBP_PK, Rapat_DK, Prop_DKI, TI

b. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Rapat_KA, Prop_KA, Rapat_DK, Prop_DKI, TI

c. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Rapat_KA, Prop_KA, Prop_DKI, TI

d. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Prop_KA, Prop_DKI, TI e. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Prop_KA, Prop_DKI f. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Prop_DKI


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 119.377 8 14.922 2.967 .012a Residual 176.040 35 5.030 1 Total 295.417 43 Regression 119.371 7 17.053 3.487 .006b Residual 176.046 36 4.890 2 Total 295.417 43 Regression 119.325 6 19.888 4.179 .003c Residual 176.091 37 4.759 3 Total 295.417 43 Regression 117.775 5 23.555 5.039 .001d Residual 177.642 38 4.675 4 Total 295.417 43 Regression 112.770 4 28.193 6.020 .001e Residual 182.646 39 4.683 5 Total 295.417 43 Regression 102.965 3 34.322 7.134 .001f Residual 192.451 40 4.811 6 Total 295.417 43

a. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Rapat_KA, Prop_KA, LBP_PK, Rapat_DK, Prop_DKI, TI b. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Rapat_KA, Prop_KA, Rapat_DK, Prop_DKI, TI

c. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Rapat_KA, Prop_KA, Prop_DKI, TI d. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Prop_KA, Prop_DKI, TI

e. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Prop_KA, Prop_DKI f. Predictors: (Constant), LogAset, LBC_PK, Prop_DKI



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

(Constant) -8.397 4.618 -1.819 .078 Prop_DKI .060 .029 .328 2.093 .044 LBC_PK 1.088 .584 .255 1.862 .071 LBP_PK .026 .790 .005 .033 .974 Rapat_DK -.003 .034 -.014 -.090 .929 Prop_KA -.024 .018 -.208 -1.322 .195 Rapat_KA -.011 .020 -.073 -.540 .592 TI .546 .545 .158 1.001 .324 1 LogAset .787 .464 .309 1.695 .099 (Constant) -8.427 4.466 -1.887 .067 Prop_DKI .060 .028 .326 2.174 .036 LBC_PK 1.091 .569 .255 1.918 .063 Rapat_DK -.003 .033 -.015 -.097 .924 Prop_KA -.024 .017 -.209 -1.429 .162 Rapat_KA -.011 .019 -.073 -.554 .583 TI .543 .534 .157 1.018 .316 2 LogAset .792 .430 .311 1.844 .073 (Constant) -8.316 4.259 -1.953 .058 Prop_DKI .059 .026 .322 2.273 .029 LBC_PK 1.104 .545 .258 2.024 .050 Prop_KA -.023 .015 -.204 -1.506 .141 Rapat_KA -.011 .019 -.074 -.571 .572 TI .556 .510 .161 1.090 .283 3 LogAset .777 .396 .305 1.965 .057 (Constant) -8.414 4.217 -1.995 .053 Prop_DKI .057 .026 .313 2.241 .031 LBC_PK 1.107 .541 .259 2.048 .048 Prop_KA -.022 .015 -.192 -1.445 .157 TI .519 .502 .150 1.035 .307 4 LogAset .781 .392 .307 1.992 .054 (Constant) -9.451 4.100 -2.305 .027 Prop_DKI .055 .026 .300 2.154 .037 LBC_PK 1.120 .541 .262 2.071 .045 Prop_KA -.022 .015 -.192 -1.447 .156 5 LogAset .979 .343 .385 2.857 .007 (Constant) -9.851 4.146 -2.376 .022 Prop_DKI .045 .025 .248 1.818 .077 LBC_PK 1.186 .546 .278 2.171 .036 6 LogAset .934 .346 .367 2.701 .010 a. Dependent Variable: ED



Logistic Regression

Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Casesa N Percent

Included in Analysis 44 48.9 Missing Cases 46 51.1 Selected Cases Total 90 100.0 Unselected Cases 0 .0 Total 90 100.0

a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total number of cases.

Dependent Variable Encoding


Value Internal Value

0 0

1 1

Model Summary

Step -2 Log likelihood

Cox & Snell R Square Nagelkerke R Square 1 51.681a .148 .200 2 51.748a .146 .199 3 51.870a .144 .195 4 52.125a .139 .189 5 52.480a .132 .179 6 53.076a .120 .163 7 53.694a .108 .146 8 54.813a .085 .115

a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 5 because parameter estimates changed by less than ,001. a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 5 because parameter estimates changed by less than ,001.

88 Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

Step Chi-square df Sig.

1 6.397 8 .603 2 3.860 8 .870 3 4.978 8 .760 4 8.961 8 .346 5 13.335 8 .101 6 3.934 8 .863 7 4.523 8 .807 8 4.605 8 .799


Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)

pro_dki -.009 .029 .097 1 .755 .991 lb_lbc_pk -.384 .696 .304 1 .581 .681 lb_lbp_pk -.690 .755 .837 1 .360 .501 rapat_dk -.013 .026 .240 1 .624 .988 pro_ka -.007 .017 .174 1 .676 .993 rapat_ka .021 .028 .556 1 .456 1.021 ti .119 .463 .066 1 .797 1.127 Aset .000 .000 1.481 1 .224 1.000 Step 1a Constant .646 1.836 .124 1 .725 1.907 pro_dki -.010 .029 .117 1 .732 .990 lb_lbc_pk -.366 .692 .279 1 .597 .694 lb_lbp_pk -.635 .722 .774 1 .379 .530 rapat_dk -.012 .026 .232 1 .630 .988 pro_ka -.007 .017 .166 1 .684 .993 rapat_ka .022 .027 .635 1 .425 1.022 Aset .000 .000 1.503 1 .220 1.000 Step 2a Constant .830 1.682 .244 1 .622 2.294 lb_lbc_pk -.347 .695 .249 1 .618 .707 lb_lbp_pk -.697 .702 .987 1 .320 .498 rapat_dk -.015 .024 .413 1 .521 .985 pro_ka -.009 .016 .322 1 .571 .991 rapat_ka .021 .028 .603 1 .438 1.022 Aset .000 .000 1.588 1 .208 1.000 Step 3a Constant .560 1.492 .141 1 .707 1.751 lb_lbp_pk -.734 .700 1.099 1 .294 .480 rapat_dk -.017 .023 .511 1 .475 .983 pro_ka -.009 .016 .349 1 .555 .991 rapat_ka .020 .028 .495 1 .482 1.020 Aset .000 .000 1.637 1 .201 1.000 Step 4a Constant .162 1.250 .017 1 .897 1.176 lb_lbp_pk -.640 .676 .897 1 .344 .527 rapat_dk -.017 .023 .536 1 .464 .983 rapat_ka .022 .029 .599 1 .439 1.023 Aset .000 .000 1.995 1 .158 1.000 Step 5a Constant -.483 .622 .603 1 .437 .617 lb_lbp_pk -.624 .670 .865 1 .352 .536 rapat_ka .017 .024 .509 1 .475 1.017 Aset .000 .000 1.682 1 .195 1.000 Step 6a Constant -.606 .603 1.010 1 .315 .545 lb_lbp_pk -.697 .661 1.111 1 .292 .498 Aset .000 .000 1.777 1 .183 1.000 Step 7a Constant -.396 .532 .553 1 .457 .673 Aset .000 .000 1.793 1 .181 1.000 Step 8a Constant -.803 .381 4.442 1 .035 .448



Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors N 1 31 2 10 LBC_PK 3 3

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa

Dependent Variable:ED

F df1 df2 Sig. .412 2 41 .665 Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. a. Design: Intercept + LBC_PK

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:ED


Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 40.841a 2 20.421 3.289 .047 Intercept 805.073 1 805.073 129.659 .000 LBC_PK 40.841 2 20.421 3.289 .047 Error 254.576 41 6.209 Total 1577.917 44 Corrected Total 295.417 43 a. R Squared = .138 (Adjusted R Squared = .096)


Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable:ED 95% Confidence Interval (I) LBC_P K (J) LBC_P K Mean Difference

(I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 2 -.2867 .90621 .946 -2.4903 1.9169 1 3 -3.8630* 1.50666 .037 -7.5267 -.1993 1 .2867 .90621 .946 -1.9169 2.4903 2 3 -3.5763 1.64032 .087 -7.5650 .4123 1 3.8630* 1.50666 .037 .1993 7.5267 Tukey HSD 3 2 3.5763 1.64032 .087 -.4123 7.5650 2 -.2867 .90621 1.000 -2.5487 1.9754 1 3 -3.8630* 1.50666 .042 -7.6239 -.1021 1 .2867 .90621 1.000 -1.9754 2.5487 2 3 -3.5763 1.64032 .105 -7.6709 .5182 1 3.8630* 1.50666 .042 .1021 7.6239 Bonferroni 3 2 3.5763 1.64032 .105 -.5182 7.6709 Based on observed means.

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 6.209. *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.




Group Statistics

Aset N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 1 27 5.9211 2.45746 .47294 ED

0 17 4.5712 2.73544 .66344

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality

of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence Interval of the Difference F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error

Difference Lower Upper Equal variances

assumed .214 .646 1.699 42 .097 1.34993 .79475 -.25394 2.95381 ED

Equal variances not

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