• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Post-Test 2


B. Kompetensi Dasar

12.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitardan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative.

C. Indikator

1. Mengetahui perbedaan antara kata kerja beraturan (regular) dan kata kerja tidak beraturan (irregular)

2. Menyebutkan contoh irregular dan regular verb

3. Menentukan V2 yang tepat dalam teks esei pendek berbentuk recount 4. Menyusun kalimat-kalimat acak teks monolog recount menjadi

paragraph yang padu

5. Membuat kalimat sederhana menjadi teks yang bermakna dalam bentuk recount text

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D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa mampu mengetahui perbedaan antara kata kerja beraturan (regular) dan kata kerja tidak beraturan (irregular)

2. Siswa mampu menyebutkan contoh irregular dan regular verb

3. Siswa mampu menentukan verb 2 yang tepat dalam teks esei pendek berbentuk recount

4. Siswa mampu menyusun kalimat-kalimat acak teks monolog recount menjadi paragraph yang padu

5. Siswa mampu membuat kalimat sederhana menjadi teks yang bermakna dalam bentuk recount text

Karakte r siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya (Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian (Respect)

Tekun (Diligence) E. Materi Pembelajaran

Pengertian Regular Verb

Suatu bentuk kata kerja yang berubah- ubah sesuai dengan waktu digunakannya kata kerja tersebut (sesuai bentuk tense) dan perubahan itu secara teratur, hanya menambahkan huruf akhiran –d atau –ed pada kata kerja dasar (infinitive).


V1 (Infinitive) V2 (Past Tense) V3 (Past Participle) Meaning

study studied studied belajar

Try tried tried mencoba

open opened opened membuka

visit visited visited mengunjungi

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Pengertian Irregular Verb

Kata kerja yang perubahan kata dasar (infinitive) atau bentuk pertama ke bentuk kedua (past tense) dan bentuk ketiga (past participle) tidak sesuai dengan aturan yang hanya menambahkan –d atau –ed.


V1 (Infinitive) V2 (Past Tense) V3 (Past Participle) Meaning

Go went gone pergi

Buy bought bought membeli

come came come datang

See saw seen melihat

Run run run berlari

Contoh recount text: TEXT 1

My Holiday Was Fantastic

Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great places. I went to an airport and was going to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days. I liked to see some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball matches. Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It had become world-famous as the center of the film industry. Four major film companies – Paramount, Warner Bros, RKO and Columbia – had studios in Holiday. I did not want to leave but I had to. After that, I went to New York City. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of Manhattan to the top of the crown. That was very amazing. The places made me feel at home but I have to go home. Next time I would return to them.

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My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja

Last month, my family and I went to Toraja to attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was my first time to go to such a ceremony. We gathered there with our kin in the ceremony. O verall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. It took about a week. Several days before the ceremony was done, grandpa’s body was kept in a series of houses arranged in a circular row around an open field called Tongkonan. His corpse was dressed in fine wearing.

The funeral was performed in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes, and then moved the corpse to face north. In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffin. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared the wooden puppet and a funeral tower called lakian. The next phase of the ceremony was held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and placed in the lakian.

During the day, there were also buffalo matches. They were great matches. In the night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing. On the last day, the grandpa’s coffin was lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the mountain side family graveyard. It was followed by great shouting and excitement from the relatives and the guests. Finally, we installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony where other puppets representing the members of a whole family were already there. The funeral ceremonies made my family and I tired. However, we were grateful because it ran smoothly.

List Regular and Irregular verb

Regular Verb Irregular Verb

Present Past Past


M eaning Present Past Past


M eaning

visit visited visited Berkunjung go went Gone Pergi

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M enyukai identitas orang

start started started memulai have had Had M empunyai

decide decided decided memutuskan become became become M enjadi

cook cooked cooked M emasak do did Done M elakukan

accept accepted accepted M enerima make made M ade M embuat

call called called M emanggil ride rode Ridden M engendarai

carry carried carried M embawa begin began Begun M emulai

climb climbed climbed M endaki take took Taken M engambil

ask asked asked M eminta get got Gotten M endapatkan

plan planned planned Berencana lose lost Lost Tersesat

gather gathered gathered berkumpul keep kept kept M enjaga

Arrange arranged arranged M enyusun wear wore worn M emakai

dress dressed dressed M engenakan hold held held diadakan

perform performed performed melakukan

move moved moved tergerak

place placed placed M enempatkan

prepare prepared prepared menyiapkan

follow followed followed diikuti

F. Metode Pembelajaran

Three-phase technique, word claps game G. Tahapan Pembelajaran

Meeting 2 (30 Januari 2016)

Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Kegiatan Awal

 Guru mengucapkan salam dan menanyakan kabar siswa

 Guru bertanya tentang kehadiran siswa dan memperkenalkan diri kepada siswa dikelas

 Guru menyampaikan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari berikut kompetensi yang harus dikuasai siswa.


Kegiatan Inti


Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:

 Melibatkan peserta didik mencari informasi yang luas dan dalam tentang topik materi yang akan di pelajari dari

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berbagai sumber

 Menjelaskan regular dan irregular verb

 Membahas dan mengembangkan kosakata dan tata bahasa yang berkaitan dengan teks recount yang akan dibaca


Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru:

 Memfasilitasi peserta didik melalui pemberian tugas, diskusi, dan lain-lain untuk memunculkan gagasan baru baik secara lisan maupun tulisan

 Memberikan handout tentang irregular dan regular verb beserta exercise yang harus di jawab oleh siswa.

 Memberi kesempatan siswa untuk berpikir, menganalisis, menyelesaikan masalah dan bertindak tanpa rasa takut

 Meminta siswa untuk memeriksa hasil exercise bersama-sama.


Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru:

 Meminta siswa untuk memainkan word claps game dengan tema irregular dan regular verb

 Memberikan umpan balik dan reinforcement dalam bentuk lisan, tulisan, maupun rewards terhadap keberhasilan siswa

 Mempersilahkan siswa untuk bertanya terhadap hasil eksplorasi dan elaborasi siswa

Kegiatan Penutup

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:

 Menyimpulkan pelajaran yang sudah dipelajari hari ini bersama dengan siswa

 Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang belum bisa berpartisipasi aktif dikelas

 Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran untuk pertemuan selanjutnya

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Meeting 3 (1 Februari 2016)

Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Kegiatan Awal

 Guru mengucapkan salam dan menanyakan kabar siswa

 Pengelolaan kelas

 Guru menyampaikan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari berikut kompetensi yang harus dikuasai siswa.


Kegiatan Inti


Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:

 Mereview materi sebelumnya

 Melibatkan peserta didik mencari informasi yang luas dan dalam tentang topik materi yang akan di pelajari dari berbagai sumber

 Menulis contoh recount text di papan tulis

 Membahas dan mengembangkan kosakata dan tata bahasa yang berkaitan dengan teks recount yang akan dibaca


Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru:

 Memfasilitasi peserta didik melalui pemberian tugas, diskusi, dan lain- lain untuk memunculkan gagasan baru baik secara lisan maupun tulisan

 Membentuk sebuah kelompok disksusi yang beranggotakan 5 siswa/kelompok

 Meminta siswa untu menyusun kalimat-kalimat acak menjadi sebuah paragraf yang padu.

 Meminta setiap kelompok untuk membuat satu buah cerita monolog recount text yang sederhana sesuai dengan topik diberikan (masing- masing siswa membuat minimal 2 buah kalimat)

 Memberi kesempatan siswa untuk berpikir, menganalisis, menyelesaikan masalah dan bertindak tanpa rasa takut

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Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru:

 Meminta siswa untuk memainkan word claps game dengan tema irregular dan regular verb

 Memberikan umpan balik dan reinforcement dalam bentuk lisan, tulisan, maupun rewards terhadap keberhasilan siswa

 Mempersilahkan siswa untuk bertanya terhadap hasil eksplorasi dan elaborasi siswa

Kegiatan Penutup

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:

 Menyimpulkan pelajaran yang sudah dipelajari hari ini bersama dengan siswa

 Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran untuk pertemuan selanjutnya


H. Media/Sumber Belajar

Internet, Kamus Bahasa Inggris dan Buku paket kelas VIII English in Focus

I. Bentuk Penilaian

 Tes Lisan : menyebutkan irregular dan regular verb dalam word claps game

 Tes Tulisan : completion (melengkapi teks recount dengan bentuk V2 yang tepat), membuat cerita sederhana dalam bentuk recount text, menyusun kalimat-kalimat yang acak menjadi sebuah paragraph yang padu.

Karawang, 30 Januari 2016 Guru Kelas Peneliti

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Exercise meeting 1

Identify the generic structures, language features and the communicative purpose from this text!

My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja

Last month, my family and I went to Toraja to attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was my first time to go to such a ceremony. We gathered there with our kin in the ceremony. Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. It took about a week. Several days before the ceremony was done, grandpa’s body was kept in a series of houses arranged in a circular row around an open field called Tongkonan. His corpse was dressed in fine wearing.

The funeral was performed in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes, and then moved the corpse to face north. In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffin. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared the wooden puppet and a funeral tower called lakian. The next phase of the ceremony was held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and placed in the lakian.

During the day, there were also buffalo matches. They were great matches. In the night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing. On the last day, the grandpa’s coffin was lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the mountain side family graveyard. It was followed by great shouting and excitement from the relatives and the guests. Finally, we installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony where other puppets representing the members of a whole family were already there. The funeral ceremonies made my family and I tired. However, we were grateful because it ran smoothly

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Identify the generic structures, language features and the communicative purpose from this text!

Pangandaran Beach

The tour to Pangandaran Beach started on holiday last semester. We decided to go to Pangandaran Beach by our motorbike. That was very interesting tour. Riding a motorbike from my hometown, Cirebon, to Pangandaran Beach with my best friends made me feel excited. The tour to Pangandaran Beach began at 09.00 a.m. in the morning and it took 5 hours riding to Pangandaran Beach. There were so many story that my friends and I got when we were in the tour such as there was my friend who got lost, ran out of fuel in the middle of jungle, and so forth. But it was interesting, because it was the first moment that I ever had in touring.

We arrived at Pangandaran Beach at 02.00 p.m. and we straight to move to the beach. At beach we just lied down there to stretch our muscle because of 5 hours riding. We also had a lunch there by eating some foods that we brought from Cirebon. That was very nice moment when we shared our own food to others. After we had enough rest, we began to explore Pangandaran Beach. We started to explore the beach, and the sea using rented boat. Then we went to dive by renting some diving equipment. We could see many corals there. We just had 2 hours to enjoy Pangandaran Beach because we had to come back to Cirebon. We came back to Cirebon at 04.00 p.m. It was impossible to ride in the night, so we just decided to stay over in our friend house in Ciamis and we started to come back in the morning. That was very nice experience that I and my friends ever had. We would never forget that moment.

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Exercise meeting 2

A. Lengkapilah kolom yang kosong dibawah ini dengan verb yang sudah

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